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Ao no Hako anime is coming out Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 13:49:15 No. 378
Romcom fans?
I just picked it up today. I'm surprised at how quickly things seem to be moving along. I haven't watched any romcoms except Makeine in the past, must be three or four years, so I don't know if actually things moving along quickly is normal these days, but they're not shouting or slapping each other constantly and they seem to genuinely be interested in creating some kind of relationship? I'm surprised. Is this normal for modern romcoms, am I misinterpreting and jumping to conclusions, or is this just one of those rare series that actually gets somewhere and has a clear beginning, middle, and end?
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>>541 Well Makeine is a LN and this is a Jump manga so there's already that difference. But for Jump romcoms even though this one aims to be grounded, one common point is they tease big events at the start to not get axed and then they start branching out into the friend of a friend's substory and shit gets slow haha. Well, in 2024 I think people wouldn't swallow a new rom-com with that exact same formula though, so some events DO happen relatively early in Blue Box, compared to like, bokuben or nisekoi.
>>576 I'm just thinking that maybe the audience for romcoms has changed. Even Makeine which is just trashy romcom harem # 1451925 is a lot more, how do I say, stable? Features more emotionally mature characters? I dunno, I guess I'll watch/read some other popular romcoms too, it's just a feeling I've gotten.

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