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Who will come out on top as the best rated loli character of this decade? Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 05:03:12 No. 515
I'm really thinking Anya has a super high chance if nothing else comes out for the next 6 years, but maybe that's too mainstream for you?
Half or more of those aren't even from this decade.
>>516 Sorry
>>515 What is included in this decade? 2015-2024? 2020-2024?
>>515 If it were of all time, I would say Chise from Papa Told Me.
>>518 2020-2024
>>524 Okay, that's a tough one. I have to first remember a single loli from that time frame...
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>>524 Oh yeah, then Char could take it if she gets more screentime.
>>528 nah she's practically disappeared from her own series.
>>529 Really? Aw man. I'm like 20 chapters behind. Let me think about which other loli characters I've seen recently then.
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Define "best rated" here. Best rated by who? Anya's popularity in general is mindboggling, random parents on the street have watched Spy x Family when the only other anime they've ever watched is 2 episodes of Jojo and half of KnY. It probably helps that Spy x lacks a lot of "animeisms" for lack of a better word, very little uniquely Japanese cultural stuff, the environment isn't Japanese suburbia, the school isn't really a Japanese school, and the fanservice, while there, really isn't anything that puts off normalfags. Anya also actually acts like a kid for a shocking proportion of her screentime, unlike most lolis which are basically small adults or teenagers packed into a jewish or child's body. That's a pretty big plus for attracting an older audience who either had kids that grew up, currently have kids around the same age, or wish they could have kids. On the other hand if we mean best rated by sadpanda then the moment Prillya 4 comes out it's not even going to be a competition unless some other series I'm forgetting comes swinging in out of left field.
>>542 >jewish what the heck is this wordfilter? Wait, seriously? jewish gets filtered?
>>543 I can't understand what you're saying anon.
>>542 Rated as to mean by this choices the larger mainstream expressed as a strong opinion toward. From that general compiled selection what would you choose personally as the best rated candidate.
>>562 (These not mean this) (pic up top unrelated to question)
>>562 Probably Anya then, if we're going for mainstream. I can't imagine Illya or anything would get big enough. I also feel as if there's just less lolis in general in recent years because hags and other emotionally mature love interests (which may not actually be cvery old) seem to becoming more and more popular in romcoms. >>558 The age group before teenagers.
2013 and 2017 but these two are strong contenders.
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>>586 I'm a bit disappointed we haven't got more mainstream loli. We need to fundraise a new JP animation studio to bring back the old days of television. But i feel like artists have to cater to the morals of the united nations... You will only find good loli in manga now :( I want another Taiga!!! Countries should be different from each other!! That's why they are separate!!! guh x_x
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Puniru seems to be well liked.

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