/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump and More

Discuss shonen jump, shonen, all anime and manga, and other Japanese media.

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Make your first post, and let's build a better board together!

Let's make a better Anime and Manga board, together. Anonymous Board owner 09/07/2024 (Sat) 02:03:00 No. 17 [Reply] [Last]
4chan is beyond saving. Make some posts here every once in a while, and I promise we can build a better place together. This is a board to discuss all /a/ topics, with a focus on Shonen. However, you can discuss everything (e.g. a moe CGDCT anime). > Initial motivation Poor moderation on sites like 4chan and MangaHelpers have led me to create this board. Let's allow it to flourish together. Anons are invited to not engage too much in low quality discussion, and instead be authentic with each other. FAQ: > I keep getting something like "error parsing response" Try going to 8chan.moe and clicking accept, and then trying again.
Edited last time by justwannahelp on 10/18/2024 (Fri) 17:56:47.
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>>675 Thank you friend.
Seems dead as all hells, unfortunate

Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine General Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 00:57:41 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to the board. I have seen moderation of several sites (MangaHelpers, 4chan, etc. be absolute garbage and I intended to facilitate a place that can allow for good fun and discussion.)
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>>670 Nah, he seems to have a limitless supply of energy
Oda is dead. Much like this board unfortunately.

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Submit your Banners and Flags for the board Anonymous Board owner 09/11/2024 (Wed) 05:11:40 No. 147 [Reply]
Upload files in this thread and I'll add them. Banners Maximum size: 1.00 MB Flags Maximum size: 32.00 KB Maximum length: 128
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I you want any short videos converted into gifs I can do basic image manipulation to create gifs, add logos to gifs, and depending on the color palette add transparency to some gifs, just post your source material and what you're hoping for. I can trim vids for specific scenes/frames too so just describe what you want if you have a long video and only want a segment. As a rule of thumb gifs longer than 1-2 seconds tend to be too large for banner usage without severely reducing image quality.
>>297 Wow, thank you very much for offering, kind rattoposter.

Dragon Ball Daima Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 23:17:01 No. 647 [Reply]
Currently airing! Are you all caught up?
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GT fucking won.

Tsugumomo Official Manga Lewds 10/08/2024 (Tue) 14:48:52 No. 422 [Reply]
Courtesy of the artist, Hamada Yoshikazu Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2675549 http://yoshikadu.sblo.jp/
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Natsume Yuujinchou Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 04:48:25 No. 418 [Reply]
One of the awesomest anime ever.
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>>663 For example how he doesn't want his dealings with youkai to have any negative impacts on the humans around him, no matter how little. It would weigh on him.
the ED was decent too but OP/EDs 1-6 seem to be far better, I think.
it's a nice show. gotta get around to watching the newest season. also their is a game in the works, which could be neat.

Kimetsu no Yaiba Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 14:28:24 No. 166 [Reply]
News about the trilogy movies on the 22nd of Dec. What are your hopes for the films? Discuss all things Kimetsu here.
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>>389 Yes! Good topics go to die, and shit topics are given tacit approval by a probably already-infected moderation base. Most jannies leave J*'sposts alone for example. I'm here for the long-term, also hoping that gradually, one by one, people will give this place a try.
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2025 release date confirmed for infinity castle arc. It's so close i can taste it!
>>678 Exciting!!!!!

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Gintama Spinoff releases 2025! Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 17:19:03 No. 445 [Reply]
Gintama spinoff confirmed for October 2025
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Sorachi's comments on the character popularity poll Thanks to everyone support, now that we're approaching Gintama's 20th anniversary, we're once again able to hold a public humilitation ritual with Japan's messiest manga manuscript since this torture exhibition is now a thing. Thank you very much. Due to the corona pandemic, everyone had to hurry and switch to remote work, and digitalization of the work process progressed. Even I, the staunch analog mangaka who thought changing would be too bothersome, finally strengthened my resolve, And set up a PC, pen tablet, digital devices, and at the present, with the newest digital environment I am binging porn videos With the newest digital environment, I'm binging through the recently best selling mangas' hate comments. Writing for a new work is not progressing at all. >Writing for a new work is not progressing at all. Writing for a new work is not progressing at all. >Writing for a new work is not progressing at all. <I don't want to be clickbait, I think this can be interpreted as > I'm not working on anything at all <Or

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>>668 He is still alive!
>>671 Yes!!

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Black Clover Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 18:54:31 No. 669 [Reply]
New leaks are out.

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Off-topic thread Anonymous Board owner 09/09/2024 (Mon) 23:57:55 No. 104 [Reply]
I'm allowing one thread to talk about life. This is not a meta thread to talk about the board.
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>>645 4 more years! I wonder what they'll be like.
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>>645 Heres another one
>>666 Ok I like Trump but I don't think he's Valentine tier.

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FKMT Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 02:00:26 No. 643 [Reply]
Why does he love chinese poker checkers so much?
>>643 Wtf is Chinese poker checkers? You mean mahjong?

Azumanga Daioh Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 07:52:04 No. 90 [Reply]
Tsukkurimasho~ Tsukkurimasho~ Sate sate Azumanga Daioh thread ga Dekiru kana

Seasonal Shit: Fall 2024 Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 20:28:23 No. 191 [Reply]
What anime will you guys be watching this season?
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So how's Daima?
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>>631 Hard to say so far. If this is just a 24 episode show then they better pick up the pace. If its a 52 episode show then I guess they're doing alright. Theyre trying to do a bunch of worldbuilding but honestly it feels a bit out of place. The new worldbuilding is mostly about small details but toriyama's old worldbuilding was always big things that are immediately relevant to the plot like oh goku is an alien now, oh vegeta is obsessed with this super saiyan legend thing. That sort of deal. Not talking about the density of the air or what the demon world burgers are made of. But that having been said the animation is pretty decent and its definitely not bad so I'll keep watching and see how it goes. As a side note, there has been a surprisingly low amount of tardku and goku even acted heroically once which is pretty different from how he was characterized in super.
Finally got back home so I'm gonna check out some seasonals!! >>635 NTA but that's very interesting! "Small" world building huh? Like alien planets and stuff?

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Remastered anime Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 19:47:45 No. 554 [Reply]
Is there a list of all remastered anime titles? Which series will never get remasters for 'reasons'?
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>>593 Thanks for the clarification OP.
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>>597 Some Blu-rays just use the old DVD rip, but upscaled. It's a sham.
>>554 Majority of the "modern audience" aren't interested in older anime unfortunately, they want seasonal shit which looks cool, has fast animation. Older remastered are for japanese audience and cultured anime fans, who don't have a problem with older anime quality

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Test thread Anonymous Board owner 09/07/2024 (Sat) 01:05:10 No. 6 [Reply]
The owner will test various things in this thread. You can shitpost freely.
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>>184 spoopy

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Thunderbolt Fantasy Thread Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 16:31:31 No. 375 [Reply]
The new season is imminent bros! 3 days
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>>599 I swear every anime they license these days is getting a dub. What a waste of money.
>>609 Who even watches dubs these days??
>>614 You know who.

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