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(29.65 KB 736x736 TeCHCoRE CEOs Art.jpg)

How to make like this Text ? Anounimous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 16:40:06 No. 522
I always see like this text style in anime and manga poster. and i wanna make like it can someone help me with it ?
just paint it bro
>>522 If you're up for the challenge learn calligraphy. This image was made back to front. First that water art was added then on a separate layer they used Latin Calligraphy to get the specific font for "Tekno" then they used a unique rule of 3rds to get the logo and stars while using a backdrop overlaying the previous font
how to get like this water art ? In photshop
>>536 I would study far out ocean images that don't show sediments like dirt or sand under them. Textures are very difficult when learning them but can be easily applied over many practices

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