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Ojamajo Doremi Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 17:17:06 No. 510 [Reply]
Dokkiri dokkiri DON DON!! Fushigi na chikara ga waitara dōshiyo? (Dōsuru?)

>>362 Ooh! Good thread. Fairy Tail's OP/EDs are so soulful! I listen to them all the time. Yeah, Bling Bang Bang Born and modern "noisy" music can be nice but I miss the 00s-10s SOUL. To add one, Bleach's OPs/EDs and soundtrack (even though I only really read the manga) go so hard! I remember catching the Ichigo vs Grimmjow episode once, the one with all the punches and the music brought me to tears. Dunno what the OST is called but here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xms-0MwdIao
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>>362 I only consider one anime's OST to be truly peak. The rest of my favorites range from good to great. Vidya was my first love, anime/manga was my second, only TTGL can compete with the best of the best though in my opinion.

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Black Clover Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 05:58:02 No. 309 [Reply]
I heard we're getting 3 chapters in Nov 2024.
>>309 It's gonna be a Yami/Nacht chapter right??
Just 1 month left!!! Maybe less!!
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Who's your favorite character everyone? For me it's Nacht I think. And yuno is underrated.

Hakutaku: New WSJ series Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 18:44:55 No. 277 [Reply]
Dumping chapter 1.
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>>463 Did it get worse??
People seem to hate it but i cant get enough, i love gamedev and the writing us fun so far
>>473 That's nice to hear, gonna jump back into it after a few more weeks.

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Madan no Ichi Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 18:38:07 No. 60 [Reply]
Thread for Madan no Ichi. Also, dumping chapter 1.
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>>181 >I didn't get Rosario vibes at all though? Human goes to demon school, befriends multiple really strong demons, collects a harem (bisexual) >I doubt a "one good chapter out of 10" manga can survive in weekly shonen jump There was a recent arc where make an art exhibition, took two volumes to see how it ends. I realize that sounds like a dumb thing to complain about when One Piece arcs can take two years to resolve, but it really does feel like Nishi does a lot of padding.
>>189 Ah, I see. I was thinking more in terms of the tone and execution since that matters more in the long run for survivability. > There was a recent arc where make an art exhibition, took two volumes to see how it ends. I realize that sounds like a dumb thing to complain about when One Piece arcs can take two years to resolve, but it really does feel like Nishi does a lot of padding. Gotcha...
Why does someone keep spamming the dark girl collage on 4/a/ lol. Is it the guy who's proud his race is finally getting representation so he's doing that as part of his regular WSJ spamming?

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What's something you want to read or watch? Anonymous 09/29/2024 (Sun) 15:36:12 No. 329 [Reply]
I've been busy lately so I haven't actually been reading/watching anything. But when I'm free again I want to finish Elusive Samurai and maybe catch up on some of the Shonen Jump manga. And read some novels.
I recently finished reading Afro Samurai, it was fun but the series is better. I'm going to read Berserk now.
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>>330 Afro samurai has a manga?! Had no idea. I don't even know if it's a real anime still. Enjoy berserk! I think it'll be a visceral rollercoaster.
When I have time, I want to watch the Blue Box anime.

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Dragon Ball Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 01:33:22 No. 11 [Reply]
bejita won.
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>>192 Anon...
Namekians are actually are demons Man what a double retcon to pull after all these years
>>453 I saw the first word of that spoiler and managed to look away in time!! Guess I better watch Daima soon.

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Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi/The Elusive Samurai Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 01:24:41 No. 9 [Reply]
Anime thread. Use spoilers if you're talking about the manga.
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>>210 I bet some anon got a huge hardon from that scene
>>236 Wouldn't most anons be more into tying up Tokiyuki and not vice-versa? It'd take a REALLY masochistic subby anon to want a little shota to take advantage of them like that.
I'm a few episodes behind. I hope the cour ended with a bang!

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Rozen Maiden Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 13:59:08 No. 187 [Reply]
Post desus and maybe even bokus. I will be reading the manga in preparation for https://rentry.org/rozenmaidenrentry which is coming up soon! (I can delete the link if you didn't want it shared so let me know desu.)
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lol why is he so mean to his sister...
Another watchalong on Oct 12! https://rentry.org/rozenmaidenrentry

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Hunter x Hunter Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 04:18:46 No. 376 [Reply]
Leaks for 401 out Fucking kino color page
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>>376 I'm gonna read the chapter tonight and share my thoughts!
>>400 Reporting in Halfway through the chapter and what the fuck this is such a cool reveal. And during the nen teaching session too!! Will continue reading when I get home
>>400 Holy fuck, this is one of the best chapters in so long. Each batch is good ofc but this one probably beats every chapter in the previous batch. He upped the complexity so much in just one chapter!! Now we have even more "landmines". Kill the wrong person and a prince straight up dies, that's insane. And I love how they're building up Beyond like this. If Togashi can deliver even half of what he's setting up this is bound to become the peak of literature.

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Yuru Yuri Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 06:31:02 No. 246 [Reply]
Yuru Yuri is the best anime of all time!
>>246 I have yet to watch it! all I know are the akariiiiiin memes for now.
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>>249 It's definitely worth it. The manga is excellent too. Namori is the absolute best at cute girls art style.
>>303 I didn't realize I was already following her IG. She really has brought the cuteness to perfection. Thanks for recommending the manga.

Kyoto Animation 2025 Anime News Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 12:17:35 No. 274 [Reply]
> Maidragon movie 2025 > CITY adaptation announced Are you looking forward to them?
Never heard of City until now but it's by the Nichijou guy so I'm excited now.
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>>300 It's fun! I think he introduced too many characters at first though, but that was also the intention I suppose.

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Hunter x Hunter Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 01:35:59 No. 12 [Reply]
Let's discuss the upcoming 10 chapters when they're out.
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>>12 Is Kurapika going to die? Will he die recovering the eyes? Or die saving woble? Or will be live? I don't think he'll be able to save everything.
Wait a fucking second can't gon and killua go to greed island again and get accompany and use accompany to "chrollo" (hisoka) to get onto the kakin whale?

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Queen of /a/ - Round 3 Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 03:25:41 No. 22 [Reply]
Might as well share it here too. Hi, I'd like to run a fun Queen of /a/ event. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: 1. Open the links. 2. Vote. TWO NEW LINKS WILL BE POSTED IN THE THREAD ONCE ROUND 4 STARTS! LINKS: A: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/Y4ovGsG756vwd B: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/Xs6mTFM5fnWmy C: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/cnhONRGCZ2KAj D: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/pkL1ybluXyjHB E: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/vhphJoorKvJT9 F: https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/s7al3qWGU3cli

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Congratulations to Suiseiseki for winning Queen of 2024.
>>160 >>208 ez Suiseiseki victory
>>239 She couldn't have done it without (you)!

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Shinobi Undercover / Shinobigoto Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 09:31:33 No. 225 [Reply]
Thoughts on the return of the Candy duo to jump? I have figured out how to get images efficiently, so even though I wasn't planning on dumping, I shall.
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>>232 >41.jpg pretty epic
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>>234 And done. Thoughts? I thought it was better than their last manga, and was pretty cool. The MC was a bit too much of a pussy but at least he was cooler than the Yozakura MC (which has a pretty similar start). The concept seems promising, I wonder if it'll escalate.

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Bo-bo-bo Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 13:54:22 No. 186 [Reply]
> Bo-bo-bo got a stage play < Based

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