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Japanese thread Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 10:06:24 No. 534
日本語で喋ってくださいw English is okay too but please keep in mind the focus of the thread
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>>534 俺のパンツにクソ
>>538 いや、パンツの中にクソ
>>540 ん、適当に作ったスレなんだけど まあ大体そんなものだろう >>559 >>560 それは良くないと思う >>561 とにかく頑張ってほしい
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>>569 なるほど。。。
>>588 ありがとうございます。私はスーパー漢字アホです!グーグル翻訳を使用しています、でもグーグルヤバいとアホ!!!グーグルクソ!!! I don't use google to write, i just use it for context of 漢字 and sometimes when i forget verbs also. I'm too mentally challenged to write these parts in 日本語, even though I watch jp vtubers, and listen to JP radio. Did you know they play spanish and chinese songs on JP1 radio? I was very concerned for my already lacking knowledge in 日本語. I learned 魔王 recently and remembered it easily because It sounds like a 漢人 dictator. 英語ごめん。殺してください
>>605 スーパー漢字アホさん、どもです。 初めまして。 I didn't know they played spanish and chinese songs! I think doing wasabilearn's read aloud stuff and (re?)reading some tae kim stuff could help with writing stuff in JP naturally. kek @ how you remembered maou.
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何ら日本人がここ?学習スレッド又参る: >>>/a/2981 >>>/v/729151 Any Japanese people posting here? Also be sure to visit the learning threads: >>>/a/2981 >>>/v/729151 I need to get back to studying.
>>619 Thanks, I'll check out those threads. I'm not Japanese. 勉強、頑張ってね!俺たち皆応援してるから!
>>619 In addition, there's the /librejp/ board if you guys want to test your skills with actually Japanese people: https://sportschan.org/librejp/
>>620 僕は日本で統合する。子が日本人でだろう!

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