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Decided purely on the merit of the opening Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 02:08:50 No. 566
What anime have you decided to watch mostly based on the song (or/and art) of the anime? I know we do not all share the same taste in music or anime so I'm asking for bravery In trade for an internet user's admiration. Admitting your favorite closest opening to your core that drove you to watching a series whether you are willing to admit if it was good or not. Personally for me Kiznaiver's "Lay your hands on me" By Boom boom satellites Is forever the best opening ever made. Say what you will about the actual anime adaptation, but when i first listen to the song I was awestruck with the absolute magnitude of the music's aura. Boom boom satellites have since moved on after the passing of one of the lead performers and he will always be greatly missed. Thank you if you decide to participate.
>>566 Dandadan would definitely have been one of them but I already know what the manga is like (not my cup of tea). But I might still check out some episodes to check out the direction/animation choices. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM6RhRm2GQM Wow, Kiznaiver's opening is so cool, never seen anything like it. (Honey and Clover's opening is pretty unique too though.) The song reminded me of some of Owl City's more techno songs.
>>587 Dandadan is very fresh in whatever combined genre it gave birth to and using Creepy Nuts, who are well known for making unique openings was a great choice to make something hard to describe. Dandadans opening is like a unique sour food you never had before and each time you try it you find new stuff you enjoy. This is a really great post! (Check out "TVアニメ「マッシュル-MASHLE-」第2期ノンクレジットOPムービー|Creepy Nuts「Bling-Bang-Bang-Born」" as an example of their music if you haven't seen it already. Found out about it because it was a meme on japan's youtube) >>595 Tokyo Ghoul is a classic!! The openings beginning with those impossibly high pitched vocals that cause me voice cracks every time i half drunkenly sing along. This song feels like every noise and every drawing was deliberately thought about and you can feel the exact emotion they wanted you to feel. This song will never get old. Thank you for replying to a random internet user!! I genuinely wish you well.

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