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Bad Localizations/Translations Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 23:30:26 No. 2195 [Reply]
Thread for talking about, laughing at, or cringing at absolutely dogshit translation jobs by diversity hires and (((other people))). Pic related is from the recent anime Inukai where the protagonist turned into a dog and everything is from his perspective. This is the "official" Funimation translation btw.
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Yen Press confirmed shit.
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So it turns out that translators have been raping our asshole for the past century, we just didn't know about it until they came for the anime titties and the manga lolis! I picked up a book several months ago entitled Appreciations of Japanese Culture by Donald Keene, and published in 1971. Anyways, the last three chapters of the book is Keene laying out the exact same arguments we hear localizers make every fucking time for why they should be allowed to butcher Japanese translations. Here's the first of those three chapters. I was originally going to attempt to post the entire thing in text, but figured it was much more expediant to just take photos of the entire chapter and crop the images.
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Winter 2025 Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 03:50:41 No. 4536 [Reply]
What are you watching this season? Do you like it so far? Did you drop anything yet?
I continued The Apothecary Diaries after a long pause, currently I watched up to and including episode 16 of season one. I heard it had mind games and good mysteries so I am continuing it, even though the mysteries in most of the prior episodes did not impress me, though I liked the inheritance mystery. I started watching Chocotto Sister and The Testament Of Sister New Devil for ecchi and the former is quite good, having seen a loli in a naked apron with her bottom focused upon in episode three and the latter's loli is promising with her revealing armour, though I only watched episode one.
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>>4536 SOVL

Meta thread Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 18:13:40 No. 1263 [Reply] [Last]
To discuss meta issues and policies >>>/av/ are some spic bros for the board who allied with us, check 'em out if you want
Edited last time by Director_Miku on 01/05/2023 (Thu) 06:02:08.
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>>3600 (checked) Bleach destroyed my interest in anime for a few years. I regret my time spent with it, and wish I would have dropped it earlier instead of sticking with it until the conclusion. >>3612 >I'm waiting for it to be finished before I watch it That is how I am for most shows.
Acid, your presence is needed on the meta thread listed on >>>/site/
>>4543 Try tweeting at him or something, dunno if he even checks the site anymore

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Ojamajo Doremi Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 04:34:26 No. 1232 [Reply]
It's agreat show, with awesome characters. Too bad the American dub was a total disaster, if 4Kids hadn't ruined it I thinkthe show as a whole would be as popular in America as it was all over the world. Also, the music is aamzing. Check it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CioAYtz4iM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXGORjizD1M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5xY4O1n9sU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ1m_ifmH00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CFlB82DII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIaS5lweNYI It has so many characters, so many great stories. Let's talk about this masterpiece.
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 5 Title: Grand Opening! Maho-dou - 新装開店! MΑHO堂 Original date: Mar 7th, 1999 >When Kotake suddenly shows up to purchase something, Doremi decides to follow him to see why he needed it so much. But when he gets into a dangerous situation, will she be able to help him? Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/1fk1fh.mp4
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 6 Title: A Liar's First Friendship - ウソつきは友情の始まり Original date: Mar 14th, 1999 >Aiko befriends a troublesome girl named Nobuko, who is infamous for her lying nature. But after Nobuko lies about something big, Aiko has trouble forgiving her. Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/rrf9sk.mp4 (This is a very important episode because fan favorite character Nobuko appears. Even though this anime introduces literally hundreds of cute characters through multiple seasons and over 200 episodes and movies and OVAs, Nobuko remains an important character all through the end and has very interesting development).
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Mind Game Anime Anonymous 11/13/2020 (Fri) 14:38:17 No. 275 [Reply] [Last]
I want some anime that have mind games as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
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>>1805 I finished reading Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers and found it very good, with clever schemes impressing me all the way through. My favourite volumes were two and three, which I couldn't put down after I read a little bit of them. >>4164 I watched up to and including episode 35 of World Trigger and find it quite impressive, after a mediocre start. The battles are indeed rather strategic, with Osamu's fight against one of the A-ranks in the training chamber (I think it was around episode 20) staying in my head. >>3903 I finished Summertime Rendering a while ago and found it rather mediocre. I wasn't impressed by most of the mind games and it turned into a fighting anime later on and I didn't notice much strategy in the fights. I think I watched with rather long breaks in between some episodes and this contributed to my bad impression. I might watch it again. I heard the Great Pretender has mind games; is this true and if so are they a major part of the show? Any other recommendations?
Monster but its not mind game exactly. it just is beautiful story, I rewatched it few days ago... we have no mind games until Magical Princess Makina gets anime adaptation, then that'd be it....
>>4499 I already watched Monster. I looked into Magical Princess Akina (I found these links: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-adventures-of-magical-princess-makina/ and https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/txo8ofj/inmon-mahou-hime-makina-no-bicchina-bouken-novel ) and nothing I read about it indicates that it has mind games as a major part of the show.

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yuri in harems Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 05:19:29 No. 4510 [Reply]
Can anyone recommend a harem with good yuri? I don't mean a yuri harem like watamote or otome game villainess, I'm talking about something more like 100-kanojo's Karane and Hakari, or even R+V's Mizore and Kurumu,

Anonymous 03/19/2023 (Sun) 09:48:24 No. 2948 [Reply]
>Yet another male wish fulfillment girlfriend anime When did anime shifted from weak-willed harem self inserts to teasing tsunderes?
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>>3084 >Is he a good character or is he just another guy Does it matter? He's just there for the self insert, but since he's strong and isn't shy that eliminates 90% of the anime watchers. The girls however are top tier, the black haired girl misuzu acts kuudere but melee into a puddle. Tomochan is every tomboys dream.
>>3083 the poster who doesn't press >>3084 the pretentious side kick >>3085 seriously you are so weak-willed if you consider kuudere is top tier
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we grew up, became desperate. this is explanation

Johan Liebert is my waifu. Satan 03/31/2022 (Thu) 21:46:47 No. 746 [Reply]
Johan Liebert is my waifu.
Still my waifu.
I love John Liebert so much. Why is monster such a great series?
irl he'd get fucking railed no seriously, he'd get fucking railed by the first skinhead he interacted with or some shit. I remember watching these tiktok monster edits, one of them really has stood out... it had the slowed version of music similar to memory reboot i think? but it felt so good watching it... I kind of feel bad for wasting time on brainrot videos, including retarded soyteen crap.

Gurren Lagann (and general Gainax/Trigger) thread Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 20:15:20 No. 1411 [Reply] [Last]
I just want a thread where I can wax on about my favorite anime is all. Here's downloads to the best fansubs for ep 1-19 (group died at 19), and my edited fansubs for 20-27 for the few people who somehow haven't watched the anime yet. https://www.mediafire.com/file/q02b6vjcvi9ovkz/Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_ORDER.rar/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/fpgmj9mxtsupnm4/TTGL_hardsubs_20-27.rar/file I'm less interested in other Trigger/Gainax stuff (though I still like some of them a lot like Eva and KLK. and intend to watch Gunbuster soon and maybe Cutie Honey), but if people wanna talk about the other works here, that's fine too.
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>watch eva for the second or third time >episode 2, mentions the human instrumentality project for the first time >realize the name makes absolutely no sense for what it is >look up the kanji from the report page <補完 complementation; supplementation; completion <it actually meant mankind completion project the whole time <translators dropped the meaning of the phrase because of some sci-fi reference No wonder eva is hard to get into when information vital to the plot gets dropped in translation.
yuko is a fucking stacy whore fuck yuko bitch. simon is virgin he is eternal
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>>2458 as russian guy who has insane official gurren lagann dub by AniDubs that stands to the test of time, I don't have issues with torrenting it lol. The fun part about third world shitholes like mine is that there are mijllions of torrent sites not blocked by anyone and crazy quite communities, plus superb dub when they want it though.

Tokusatsu General Thread Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 23:48:01 No. 1015 [Reply] [Last]
Since we have no /m/, this is the next best thing. Discuss all things tokusatsu past & present. The latest Kamen Rider entry, Kamen Rider Geats, has just started. Feel free to as how to get into the franchise as well as the best sub options available.
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>>4304 They say that it is tomato to avoid the parents association from filling a complaint to the government. It is clearly alcohol, and the show is trying to sell alcohol to children. Plain and simple. >So what's a good lighthearted show for you anon? 90s shows. Both tokusatsu and anime. You have shows with lighthearted characters like Megaranger, Jetman and Dairanger and still a lot of serious tones to the stories in those shows. Older shows were good, even when aimed at children. Newer shows are all dumb aimed at dumb children and dumb manchildren/"adults".
Here's a little something. For those who don't know who Shirakura is, he's a producer who's been involved on >Super Sentai Jetman, Zyuranger, Dairanger, Zenkaiger and Donbrothers. >Kamen Rider From Kuuga to Decade, Blade being the sole exception and Hibiki being the 2nd half chief producer. >>4448 If we're going by that line of thinking, why not point out every other show with the appearance of drinking prior and single out Boonboomgers? Fucking Donbrothers exists and yet there's no pearl clutching on the show's drinking scenes.

Chainsaw Man Season 1 Anime on the High Seas 03/02/2023 (Thu) 20:26:58 No. 2764 [Reply]
Do you like anime? Do you like Chainsaw Man? Season 1 available now! https://mega.nz/folder/ANMGlJAL#OG3eyAJRmwxQrZmmLrlXZQ Email AnimeOnTheHighSeas@tutanota.com for more high quality uploads like this.
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I just read the whole manga in one night. Reminds me of Dorohedoro. Both things I wish could get good adaptations. Sadly, the world is not so kind.
>>2764 The anime is cancer and clearly /a/ mods are killing 4chan threads with spam and bots. They're the ones clearly enforcing nigger spam filters.
>>2963 You're absolutely right, they would RUIN Fire Punch in the worst way

Anime & Manga recommendations Thread. Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 19:26:07 No. 863 [Reply] [Last]
Just a simple thread for people wanting a certain type of show or manga series being suggested for others to try out or ask question if there are certain series with a bunch of requirements met. I'll Start first, are there any anime or manga series with a MILF protagonist you'd recommend for anyone? Anything where the mother's a protagonist really or at the least an older female.
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>>3601 I'm surprised some autist doesn't have a list of all of them. Then again they probably might, I just don't watch that shit much so I never bothered to look. >>3285 Yeah Ultimate was pretty damn good.
Any creepy or disturbing OVA's you recommend for the upcoming Halloween? I'm looking for something short you can watch for one sitting for the coming week or costumes and candy.
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I highly suggest the manhwa Priest Unfortunately it might never get finished due to ownership issues with Tokyo Pop

Sensou Kyoushitsu Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:38:51 No. 4469 [Reply]
Read it faggots, it's great.
What even is this?
>>4470 MC is a mercenary that want to become a musician to flee his shtity life, end up waking some power that allow him to summon light from his bungle and influence/control people in a similar way you would play a rts, mc gets recruited by the pope to join war.

saber on a banana sage 06/02/2022 (Thu) 11:56:40 No. 835 [Reply]
saber on a banana
>>835 Why did I read this to the tune of hamster on a piano?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 21:16:49 No. 4467 [Reply]
Is there any ghost hunter with a better style?

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