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Anime & Manga recommendations Thread. Anonymous 06/09/2022 (Thu) 19:26:07 No. 863
Just a simple thread for people wanting a certain type of show or manga series being suggested for others to try out or ask question if there are certain series with a bunch of requirements met. I'll Start first, are there any anime or manga series with a MILF protagonist you'd recommend for anyone? Anything where the mother's a protagonist really or at the least an older female.
>>863 which age range would MILF be? does it have to be an actual mother? I can't really think of any that are protags.
>>864 Technically speaking a MILF is a mother of any kind but if I had to put an age it would be 28 at the youngest which is around Christmas cake territory.
>>865 I can't think of anything that isn't porn
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>>863 Wolf Children Maquia When the Promised Flower Blooms (have not watched it myself because I know it'll make me cry like a baby) Millenium Actress (doesn't focus on her as a mother or her married life too much but it is about an old woman looking back on her life through film)
>>867 >Millenium Actress The soundtrack is amazing, and the ending made me cry like a baby. RIP Kon sensei
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Less asking for recommendations and more a general recommendation, but I really recommend The Fable. It's a story about an assassin being ordered to lay low in a small town in japan, and try to live a normal life for at least a year. Naturally he gets mixed up in all sorts of shit, sometimes comedic, sometimes criminal and he autisms his way out of it. It's 22 volumes in total, with currently 20 volumes translated and translation being semi active.
How the hell do I watch Dragon Ball (the franchise) in japanese?! The original japanese footage of Dragon Ball is lost so all there is dubbed footage released over the years. So that leaves Z, GT, & Super. The manga isn't an option because the english releases are censored. Still. I just wanna watch the shows in japanese with good subs.
Anyone checking out Claymore? It's an old manga well over 20 years later but holds up pretty well in-spite of it's age thought currently I'm on chapter 41. I'm wondering how well it's gonna hold as it goes on.
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Historical Manga in no particular order Gomanism (based jap imperialism but hard to find and all translations are probably pozzed) Heureka (Archimedes in Syracuse) Snow Ridge, Sword Dance (can't find this on MAL but I'm pretty sure it's historical chinkino) might be the following Yuki no Touge, Tsurugi no Mai Bokkou (chinkino siege defence) Lone Wolf & Cub (series, samuraikino) Hanzou no Mon (ninjakino) Kubikiri Asa (samuraikino) Thermae Romae (bath autism) The Black Knight Story (can't find on MAL, pretty sure it's about medieval switzerland) Kingdom, Li Mu, Meng Wu & Chu Zi (Kingdom series and offshoots. Chinkino) Vagabond (samuraikino) Ichigeki (boshinkino) Historie (greekoid zoomerkino) Otoyomegatari (churkakino) Ad Astra: Scipio to Hannibal Nobunaga no Chef Genghis Khan (Yokoyama, Mitsuteru) Golden Kamuy Shiki (Yokoyama Mitsuteru, adaptation of Sima Qian's Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian)) Agrippa (Vercingetorix) Arslan Senki (I think it's based on Alp Arslan but the translation and setting is twisted enough that I'm not sure) Biao Ren (Sui Dynasty chinks) Blood and Steel (wuxia chink stuff I think) Jin Plinivs Song of the Long March and Shiyi Lu (chinkino) Sōten Kōro (three kingdoms stuff) The Ravages of Time (ditto) Vinland Saga (vikangs)
How fucked is the Bastard!! anime?
>>869 Update, all 22 volumes, 240 chapters have been translated. This is now a completely readable manga in english from start to finish and I would heavily recommend it.
Soredemo Machi Wa Mawatteiru Fun sol with surprisingly good humor Sorry for out of order images, too lazy to do it right.
Vagabond, great art, great writing. Been on hiatus for a long ass time come on Inoue finish what you fucking started goddaaamn
NG Life, excellent shoujo about a guy with past life memories of Pompeii, his fiance reborn as a boy and best friend reborn as a girl, hijinks ensue. Mizuho Kusanagi is one of the more authentic mangakas I've come across, great art, pretty good writing too. Kotomiya is a shit stain on the story but otherwise solid 8/10.
Akatsuki no Yona, shoujo reverse harem. Kusanagis current work, though it's dragging on with arcs, still pretty good.
Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru By the same author behind Yuru Yuri (which is garbage) Guy inadvertantly crossdresses and winds up getting closer to some girl, very stupid plot but light-hearted and done with proper humor.
Hoshi no Samidare Lighthearted Shounen with one of the best intros ever, manga isn't afraid to make fun of itself. Only dislike is the antagonist is just your typical power drunk nutbag, everything else was pretty fun.
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Also blue period, manga about art, pretty good writing and gets outside the box often enough to stay interesting.
>>869 Looks pretty good, will check out
>>903 >yokoyama mitsuteru Man of culture. His Three Kingdoms adaptation is a must read. I also would recommend Mizuki Shigeru's biography/historical works like Showa: A History of Japan (my current reading). Please check GeGeGe no Kitaro too, got a creative and fun character that never fails to make me smile. Mizuki was probably one of the most wholesome cartoonists ever, he sure didn't feel old even as a 95yo.
>>869 Ey that was pretty good, great art, good story, and good pacing, 8/10. Spoilered for plot
>>863 this art is trash
>>900 The later arcs become a mess
Soloist in a Cage (Ori no Naka no Soloist). Its a short manga (20 chapters) with great art, likable characters, cool setting and good action scenes. The only problem I have with it is that its too short to give time to the characters interact with each other but its a solid story conveyed with great art.
I recommend >Fuan no tane a manga about very short stories (like 1 or 2 pages) of light hearted happy things, recommend to read specially before going to bed.
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>>1308 good recommendation :-)
Been checking "Dungeon Meshi", is pretty solid, is getting an adaptation next year by Trigger. Also "Kuutei Dragons", about people hunting dragons onboard an airship, and the eating them. Recently run into people claiming it is pro-whaling propaganda in disguise.
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Been reading >Tengoku Daimakyou Its very odd sci-fi manga taking place on a post-apocalyptic Japan. Its getting an adaptation next year. Also >Cocktail Knights wich is a short manga about magical girls with a reverse trap as one of the main characters.
>>1304 I was thinking about watching Claymore but I heard the anime has some original ending which is shit compared to the manga Is the manga not that much better with regards to what happens post-anime?
>The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You a god accidently added 2 zeros to the number of soulmates he has and now he and 100 different girls are going to fall in love with him at first sight. I think it is a pretty good comedy and I can appreciate how the author is really trying to make sure none of the members are left behind. Pretty creative with them too. Most of them are pretty unique.
>>863 The last anime/manga I watched/read was Bleach and it made me want to drink bleach so strongly by the end of it that I pretty much gave up on all anime and manga after it. Have I missed anything of particular value since around 2016 or so?
>>1356 depends on what genres and shit you like, do you have any preferences?
>>1334 Tengoku Daimakyou is pretty good, it starts off really confusing but the author is doing a great job tying everything together in the later chapters. It's clear he has the overall plot completed in his head already. When you start realizing who these characters were in the past it starts hitting home hard. Rip best girl :(
>>1358 Is there a story/plot or is it more of an episodic thing
>>1360 There's definitely an overarching plot being developed. It starts rough, constantly switching between two time periods, the present and ~20 years in the past, but after about 20 chapters things start falling into place. So it's episodic in the sense that you're being fed bits and pieces of an overall post-apocalyptic mystery. There haven't been any bullshit filler-arcs like you see in most Shounen, if that's what you're asking. It strikes a good balance between cartoony and realism.
>>863 Guyver. Simply the best art regarding sci-fi focused on mutation and biological horrors mixed with stylish super hero (the good kind, the Japanese/Kamen rider kind) in manga. Paired with THE absolute best gradual power level scaling in all action manga. I can give specific spoilers if anyone is interested, but in short: every new battle adds up a little bit more of power level scaling paired with a new bit of information on the mystery surrounding the Guyver armor and the Zoanoids (the main enemies) without ever becoming boring, dull or repetitive. To the point that decades later, any reader is still kept invested in unfolding the mysteries and seeing what the next power level will be.
>>1354 Not to dismiss this specific manga, but I grew tired of the whole "get a girlfriend and have children" idea pushed on pretty much all Japanese media. I know about their birthrate problem and all ,but it got out of control and infuriating at this point. Every single media from Japan this past year, no matter what the genre or in what context, always have a heavy focus on this subject. It reached a point that it does get in the way of t he plot sometimes, and in all cases, it does get in the way of enjoying some otherwise good stories. I hope their government stops forcing authors to push this propaganda, or else they might risk tanking the market in the long run. If every manga, anime and live action production all end up being about "get a girl, get married, have children", there will be no point in consuming any of it. The stories will all be the same.
>>1365 I think that the worst is still to come. The Japanese government passed that law approving the selling of alcohol to minors, just so they can get more tax money. I bet that we will soon see a surge of anime not only pushing this forced "get married and have kids NOW!" stupidity, but also having all characters of child age in anime and manga suddenly talking about drinking alcohol all the time, as if it was the most important thing in life.
>>1392 Source?
Can someone recommend me a list of anime and manga that shows nipples of girls canonically confirmed to be under 18?
>>1398 I know Senran Kagura and probably Valkyrie Drive do But I am suspicious of your intentions.
>>1399 >I know Senran Kagura and probably Valkyrie Drive do I've already seen them. >But I am suspicious of your intentions. How so?
>>1398 >But I am suspicious of your intentions reddit is that way
>>1401 >implying enemies of anime wouldn't use such a list Peak naivete Nobody cares about canon ages of characters except for Twitter freaks, attractive is attractive Fictional character ages literally are just a number
>>1403 I just wanna see teen anime titties. >Nobody cares about canon ages of characters except for Twitter freaks That's not true. >Fictional character ages literally are just a number Yes, but it does something extra for me.
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>>1403 >Nobody cares about canon ages of characters except for Twitter freaks, attractive is attractive Which is why pre-sofurin eroge had characters explicitly stating they were underage like in Atlach-Nacha and after the regulations you still have creators of lolige and the like dropping subtle hints like pic related, am I right? Stop talking about shit you know nothing about.
>>1407 the developers are the ones making the games retard, they can make whatever they want
>>1408 >Nobody cares about canon ages of characters except for Twitter freaks Sofurin is the reason stuff like Tsuushinbo didn't have randoseru either.
For some reason this stirred something up. So, I'll try again. Could someone just post a list of any anime and manga that show nipples? I'll just check the character ages myself.
>>1414 i recall the old Urusey Yatsura and Ranma had nipples. Also some old late 80s mecha shows too.
>>1415 Eh, animation quality didn't start to become great until after the mid-2000s.
>>1407 >Image Sameface.
>>1365 >Every single media from Japan this past year, no matter what the genre or in what context, always have a heavy focus on this subject. Does Made In Abyss's Irumyuui really count to you? She never got married and all her children were malformed creatures doomed to death that were slaughtered before even their short lives could end for food,
>>1414 >Could someone just post a list of any anime and manga that show nipples? Anything by Satoshi Urushihara, Yuji Shiozaki, Shantani Kaoru, Go Nagai, Takahashi Rumiko, Masamune Shirow, Manabe Jouji, Okamoto Lynn, Toshiki Yui, and/or Uno Makoto. <Aim For The top! Gunbuster <Bastard!! <Devil Devil <Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora <Dream Hunter Rem <Elf17 <Franken Fran <Girls Bravo <Horoyoi Switch Kaseihu no Jouzu na Tabekata <Interspecies Reviewers <Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu <Mad Chimera World <Mahou Shoujo Neko X <Sekirei <Spunky Knight <The Domestic Yapoo <The Sacred Blacksmith <Those Who Hunt Elves <Trans Venus <Tsuiteru Kanojo. <Uchi no Musume ni Te o Dasu na! <Urotsukidouji That's the best I can think of.
>>1414 I think the BD version of Monster Musume might have nipples. Really, there's probably an assload of ecchi where there's nipples only in the BD release. Sadly, Made in Abyss is not one of those that had the nipples uncensored for the BD. Convenient hair strands still cover Riko's modest chest.
>>1397 I don't have the news with me, but you can easily find it with any search. It was officially announced by the Japanese government. They went on even to say that: >"We are trying to figure out how to convince minors to buy alcohol."
>>1356 Always avoid mainstream garbage. Bleach was shit from day 1. >>1417 Objectively wrong. Animation peaked at the 90s. >>1419 That is why I said "this year". The most recent manga created this year, and the most recent anime adaptations released this year all have a lot of emphasis on "get married and have children", sometimes forced into the stories out of nowhere.
>>1433 >That is why I said "this year". Made In Abyss Season 2 was this year. Catch up, anon.
>>1365 Mob Psycho season 3 is currently airing and doesn't seem like that. Neither does Chainsaw man, unless you count wanting to get your dick wet as marriage propaganda.
>>1438 I tried to watch Mob Psycho but it wasn’t too funny and the magic guy was too uninteresting. Does it get any better/how long does it take before it gets good?
>>1439 >the magic guy The who now? Arataka Reagan? >Does it get any better/how long does it take before it gets good? It gets better, but I'm not sure you'd like it, since I considered it good from the start. It's by ONE, and it feels like something that hasn't been tainted with complete diversion from the original idea like with One Punch Man anime and manga adaptations.
>>1441 I meant mob, Reigan seems cool but didn’t seem cool enough to carry the show. I actually though OPM was much better since the fights were always amazing and comedy was frequent and funny. Mob psycho was a bit funny but the story and Mob himself both seemed uninteresting
>>1442 Mob is uninteresting because he's suppressing his emotions. That's the whole schtick. He gets better and better as the story goes on.
>>1437 I didn't watch this one. I felt the first season to be boring and just child torture porn, so I discarded it. >>1438 I count anything that pushes "get a girl, NOW!" is at least suspicious, these days. There is much more to life than getting girls and making children, and certainly there is more to fiction than that. In the same way that I don't want all manga and anime to be isekai, I don't want all of it to have segments about getting girls and having children either. Many stories have no place for this. And in current releases, it always feels forced when it happens. It has been happening a lot.
>>1309 >Fuan no tane A beautiful relaxing manga, a must read before bedtime 10/10 taste anon
To this day, /fit/'s recommendation chart has the least amount of faggot shit compared to any other rec chart I've seen, and that's just them having a good sense of humor
>>1492 >Boku no Pico is in it Peak faggotry.
>>1493 I can't tell if you're actually this retarded or not.
>>1497 >What if we put sexy little faggot porn in the rec list /fit/bros? >That would so funny, haha
>>1505 no need to be asshurt just because they didn't take your favorite anime seriously anon
>>1506 Any production with faggots is automatically shit, without any redeeming qualities.
>>1509 no need to be tsundere about your homosexuality anon, we all know you love gobbling cocks down with every meal
>>1510 >Bringing faggotry out of nowhere t. soyfreak. Any production with faggots is automatically shit, without any redeeming qualities.
>>1516 Boku no pico is one of the straightest anime a man can watch, faggot. Straight anime is full of losers and bitches. In boku, you literally see the perfect woman.
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Life is not so good right now. I just finished Senko-san. I need something else soft and fluffy to ease the pain. Please rec me before reality wrecks me.
>>1574 what did you like about it I need a reason to watch this next instead of skipping it every year
>>1574 Spice and Wolf is a bit more serious but still fluffy Could also try dragon maid
>>1580 It's comfy. It's about a workaholic who needs more free time to relax. It's about a cute lolibaba fox. It specifically focuses on her fluffiness. It's pure escapism.
>>1518 >retarded soyfreak thinks that being a loser is a good thing. >gets butthurt by being called out on his retardation KEK! Subhuman. All forms of faggotry are automatically shit.
>>1594 You're being a faggot right now so your opinion is shit :^)
<<1594 <<1606 <<1595 you're not fooling anyone you know... but go ahead
Finished "The Devil is a Part-Timer" and it was great. Its basically almost like a reverse isekai where the demon lord gets transported to real life and becomes a part-timer at the local McDonalds. His goal of taking over the world by slowly rising the corporate ladder from McDonalds gets sidelined when he actually starts to enjoy real life. Concept left room for lots of actually funny jokes that did not get old, plus the anime had a likeable cast. There was some great fight scenes as well and they have a track that goes hard whenever the story gets serious. Typically shows that try to balance comedy with serious stuff fail both but Devil is a Part Timer gets both done perfectly.
>>1610 Did you read the LN or just watch the anime
>>1610 I always confused it with There's a Demon Lord On the Floor and another one that was just some guy managing a minimart in demon land.
>>1617 only the anime. Was the LN any good in that case? I've almost never read any LN because it seems much more inferior to manga/anime in general. I checked out season 2 but the new studio sucks ass. I'll still finish it since the comedy should still be on point. >>1639 That sounds promising, was it any good?
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto The Apothecary Diaries >In an imperial court in ancient China, it has been a few months since a 17-year-old girl known as Maomao was kidnapped and forced to work as a low-level servant at the emperor's palace. Still, she manages to retain her curious and pragmatic spirit, planning to work until her years of servitude are over. One day, however, she catches wind of the fact that the emperor's two infants have fallen gravely ill. She decides to secretly take action, drawing on her experience as a pharmacist raised in the poor red-light district. >Despite Maomao's attempts to remain anonymous, she soon catches the eye of Jinshi, an influential eunuch who recognizes her talents. Maomao soon finds herself in the emperor's inner court, where she gradually makes a name for herself by utilizing her knowledge and eccentric personality to solve various medical mysteries. https://mangadex.org/title/e18fe8c6-f6dc-4f05-8462-7b2083ff9a6c/kusuriya-no-hitorigoto
>>1645 Definitely pretty good. I wish there was more Ancient China Court stories out there.
Life just got much harder. Might have to sell house. Might have to kick out parent. Probably both. I need sleep. I need time. I need money. I haven't played a videogame in a few weeks. I need something cute and simple. Is this why people watch CGDCT? Should I finally try slice of life like Lucky Star, Azumanga, Yuru Yuri, et cetera? It did not appeal to me when I was younger. But Senko-san soothes my soul now. >>1581 I will retry Dragon Maid, though knowledge of the VA death will haunt me. I will try Spice and Wolf. Maybe farming and economic autism will distract me from real life farming and economic despair.
>>1676 Personally I thought most of those SoL skit comedies were mediocre, due to the low ratio of actually funny scenes to unfunny generic filler scenes You can get a better experience through YT clips showing all the good stuff and not have to sift through most if it Though who knows maybe you might actually like it, but I'd go for an SoL comedy with at least some continuity like Spy x Family or something
Finished watching Akashic Record (full name: rokudenashi majutsu koushi to akashic record) It was a good ride, solid, not anything outstanding, but quite fun for what it is. I'd recommend it if you are capable of having fun despite some cliches, predictability, and common/generic character archetypes. The MC carries it through; he's a perverted bastard of a substitute teacher for the top magic academy, doing the job against his will, and treating it like a troll thing at first, shitting on the students as retarded for even liking magic in the first place and being a lazy fuck, while looking like an incompetent clown who can't even use magic. Though it ends up being a discount GTO, with the lad being a fun, wholesome and funny guy, who also cares for his students and its just heartwarming to see the way he handles the challenges of the show. Due to the low episode count, its basically split into 4 arcs of 3 episodes each, but they make it feel generally quick, fun and interesting enough to keep you engaged even if a lot of it is very predictable, they throw just enough small twists to keep it fun to watch, while you're watching for the MC. The girls are alright but nothing special, good enough to keep the show moving without many complaints, its just nice to see this guy's transformation and way he handles this class and the main girls, its pretty satisfying for example when the high and mighty class rep main girl who scolds, lectures and even challenges the MC to a duel and looks down upon him for being a lazy, uncaring bastard, while also creaming and humiliating him in said duel is forced to change her mind when he shows his real skills off and saves her life, and her virginity. He's also got some secrets and surprises up his sleeve. There aren't many anime like Onizuka, this is probably one of the closest ones, even if its basic and superficial compared to Onizuka, just the superficial similarities alone are enough to at least make it worth checking out imo. If nothing else, you'll probably like the MC. Don't check it out if you're a jaded faggot though, this is definitely a kadokawa anime, but its a fun one imo, and I wish there were more seasons of it.
>>1581 What sub group for Dragon Maid actually uses original subs instead of just the shitty official ones?
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>Shiga Hime 2016 - 5 volumes Its a manga about vampires that i really recommend, very visceral and emotional >Hatsukoi zombie 2015 - 17 volumes Romcom about a boy who can see peoples "love zombies" (some sort of apparition that represents peoples first love) Its very cute and ecchi, but after a while it dragged too much
Read a short manga a few weeks ago called 3 days of happiness where a depressed dude who used to be a smart but edgy and anti-social bastard in high school (but peaked and became a mix of low income wageslave and neet), is selling his shit, and ends up finding out about a shop that can buy lifespan in exchange for money, after evaluating the value of your life. He finds out that his life isn't as valuable as he expects and trades in most of it for a rather shitty sum of cash, and is followed around by an observer to ensure he doesn't do anything dangerous or violent with his remaining time left. He has 30 years remaining but sells all but 3 months of it in exchange for 300K yen (basically 3,000 bucks). Its a melancholic, tragic, and very relatable story, but also hopeful and sweet too. Gigguk made a good video on it which is what convinced me to pick it up and read it all in an hour or two and it had me tearing up, was rough stuff as he basically goes through the steps of his life and sees what connections he has left and what he can even do with what little time and money remains. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JForD3F9a5E Its a short manga but worth checking out.
Just finished Bleach: TYBW yesterday, I'm looking for an action series that's already finished. Not looking for anything too specific so give me anything you'd consider decent.
>>1745 Which well-known ones have you already watched? Don't want to be redundant
I'm enjoying Magical Girl Risuka a lot. Its about a chad shota who wants to conquer the world and teams up with a magical girl timetraveler. Its like a mix of magical girl and death note.
>>1745 >Hunter x Hunter 2011 its alright, the Yorknew City arc is when it really starts getting good, and the Chimera Ant arc is when the series hits its peak, and it concludes on a reasonably satisfying note given that the manga is still ongoing. >Yu Yu Hakusho Slow start but still probably the best tournament arc ever in shounen. Has a good dub if you're interested in that. >Naruto + Shippuden Its a good series if you skip pretty much all the filler. >Hellsing Ultimate Great action and just a very fun ride overall, the dub is also very much worth watching, one of those rare times when the dub is better than the sub (which is also still really good though) >JoJo part 2 and 3 Part 2 is just a very fun, tightly constructed experience watching Joseph IQ-flex on everyone, part 3 is the "everyone has stand superpowers, how do we beat the villain of the week" until Dio. >Hokuto No Ken An aged classic but still one very much worth watching. Its slow-paced but its quite a ride and has a lot of good stories to tell, and Ken is satisfying to watch as a one-man manifestation of post-apocalyptic, violent justice. >>1748 >mix of magical girl and death note Interesting, though a shota sounds less interesting than someone closer to adult age
>>1750 dunno why I said HxH was "alright" when I meant it was good, its just the first parts are less good than the parts I was talking about I guess
>>1746 Darwin's Game, Bungou Stray dogs, Witchblade, and psycho-pass.
>>1414 You can add Bubblegum Crisis to that list.
>>1414 Just watched Gunbuster and started Diebuster, both show nipples.
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>>1750 >Interesting, though a shota sounds less interesting than someone closer to adult age Just a little, in general the keikaku make up for it and the shota really is a fucking chad.
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Finished Street Fighter 2 the Movie based on the recommendation from the /fit/ chart and it blew my expectations out of the water completely. It was the best anime movie I've seen, some of the best choreographed fights and animation, and soundtrack (in the English dub) was top-notch. Its story isnt anything spectacular, but you're watching the incredible fights. Theres also a ton of sexy shots if theres a fight with any of the street fighter girls. 10/10, I'd highly recommend giving it a watch.
I need a new anime to watch and I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for Recommend to me anything that's good that's not a pain to watch
>>1356 >I forgot I made this comment >>1357 As far as personal tastes go it is pretty limited since I never really watched that much to begin with compared to anons here. I enjoyed some of the series of Gundam, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, I watched Dragonball up until around Buu if I remember right, the first part of FLCL, yuyu hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, and I enjoyed Helsing as well. Probably missing a few others, but I am drawing a blank on anything else. Pretty open to whatever for the most part though.
マージナル・オペレーション Marginal Operation Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to a private military security company, thinking the benefits to be promising. After what appears to be a baffling test, he's assigned to be an "operator of operators" and begins his training in a foreign country. https://manganato.com/manga-yc953759
>>2169 What's an operator of operators?
>>2188 he plays RTS with real child soldiers and goes on to btfo the chinks it's a particular kind of hikki wank tbh but enjoyable there's also an elf woman who gets used for her intended purpose
What are you guys watching this season?
>>2345 I'm just watching/reading old shit, I might start watching Record of Ragnarok though because it looked funny from a clip I saw of the second season though
>>1334 >>1358 >Tengoku Daimakyou >52 chapters in 5 years >About 10 chapters a year >Nowhere near over for years to come God damn it anons, why did you have to tell me about this. It's too fucking good. >Its getting an adaptation next year. At least I have solace knowing that when it gets popular with the adaptation assuming it isn't shit, that there will finally be some Michika lewds.
Anyone know a manga/anime that’s about gun politics? Not “the protagonist is a hitman/soldier who uses guns”, but the actual crux of the story is about civilian gun ownership and the laws and regulations surrounding it? As reward for this bounty, I offer ‘the Many Lies of Sheriff Evans’. Wild West love comedy. Protagonist is a guy on the frontier who tries to act like an expy of the Man With No Name because he hopes it will attract girls. He frequently goes on bounty hunts with a young lass who is head over heels for him, but he doesn’t realise it and instead thinks she sees him as a rival in hunting bounty targets/shooting skills.
>>1695 any similar anime or manga to this?
What does /a/ think is the best anime? Vote by replying your favorite or what you think is the GOAT, and maybe include the reason why if you want; I might tally the votes into something later
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Any non gundam anime you'd suggest to watch for someone that isn't a mecha fan and is there a grimdark dystopian anime in the vein of 40K or Blame! out there? If not how about something with a gothic aesthetic instead?
>>2695 I assume you mean non-gundam mecha anime for those that aren't mecha fans, in which case: Code Geass and Gurren Lagann are generally the 2 anime that people will like even if they don't like mecha. They are powerful gateways for a reason and their high reputations are well-deserved. Gunbuster is a short and simple coming of age story but with a lot of style, good music, and nice presentation. Macross/Robotech was a nice watch for a lot of people being introduced to anime in general for the first time. Bokurano is basically a psychological look into mortality and whatnot and I can see it being a show non-mecha fans can get into, but it's a very melancholy show. It's good though. Everyone knows of Evangelion of course. It's a generally good show but controversial around the ending. I personally liked it a lot myself. The others are a bit too trapped in the mecha genre that one would be hesitant to recommend them. Even Gunbuster and Macross/Robotech might be too much to expect from a non-mecha fan these days, what with their age and all, but I enjoyed them anyways. 86 is a recent and fairly popular show that non-mecha fans have been enjoying, it's not the usual kind of mecha show though. The focus is on some shit about shadow war, a bunch of slaves due to race being used as soldiers by a nation against a sentient self-reproducing mecha army, I only finished the first season but I was enjoying it enough. I haven't watched Eureka Seven or Rahxephon but I've heard good things about em. Take that with a grain of salt though obviously. >grimdark dystopia and/or gothic Claymore, FMA 03, Gungrave (have to be patient for it though), Ima Soki Ni Iru Boku
>Kuroko no Basket S1-3 + movie I really liked this and would recommend it to those looking for a really good sports anime (or just in general too) Was pretty much just focused on the basketball but it had excellent pacing. The whole thing was just fun, and the second season had the fun mixed with the heart. Animation gets really good and impressive with great handling on motion. The story structure is like Fist of the North Star but with basketball. There's pretty much no focus on SoL bullshit, all of the relationships of the show are in the context of basketball and the love for it. The matches feel a lot like fights in the sense of rivalry and tension, one wonders how Kuroko and the team will overcome the monstrous challenges the enemies present and they find ways to do it. Exaggerations and techniques are all fun, largely based in reality so it doesn't feel "unrealistic" in that sense. Its just that these dudes are very talented, the only ones that might be reaching is Shintaro's shooting ability and Akachin's "Emperor Eye" (and even then, its not a problem of what it does, but more of how often and consistently it happens, but then again the opponents are high schoolers so it might be fair) imo. The rest can be excused as "this is the story of some freakishly talented individuals at basketball going against each other" They have like, 1 hot chick in the show with a bit of fanservice and that's good enough I suppose (and she's an actual useful character). The other one is cute in her own way but slightly too boyish, but I still liked her and she had a good role. I guess its a rule in sports anime that the chicks can't grab too much attention away from the competing dudes is my guess for the design of the latter, but I dunno. At any rate, It was a great ride. I have no real complaints that wouldn't involve changing the concept, period, and the concept itself is good. Highly recommended.
Anything like Ghost Stories out there? I just watched it and it had me cracking up a fair bit, but it also left me wanting more.
>>2694 I feel like unless you narrow it down to certain categories, it is a bit too hard to get a good answer.
>>2806 I'm assuming you're referring to the dub of it, in which case: Bobobo's dub was pretty ridiculous. They make up a lot of their own jokes whole cloth and create entire joke arcs and running gags that were not in the original at all, and make fun of the show itself at times. its not as bad as Ghost Stories in that that show was full-on blooper reel by the VAs, but its got a lot of similar attributes to it, especially for jokes that don't really translate like Japanese puns, sometimes they'll just make fun of the fact that their own characters can't read japanese, etc.
>>2807 That's true. Here's some example categories then, its okay if some overlaps them since its kinda inevitable, i.e. if you consider One Piece the best battle shounen and the best adventure anime for example. >battle shounen >mecha >adventure >action seinen >slice of life >romance >harem >isekai/fantasy >josei >shoujo >sports >comedy/parody >lewd/ecchi >action >cooking >space opera >sci-fi >cyberpunk/dystopia >horror/edgy >drama >mystery >thriller >music >miscellaneous/other
>>2694 >What does /a/ think is the best anime? The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
>>2694 >>2823 Also, honorable mention to Durarara.
>>2824 >Durarara What an unusual choice, why do you have it so high? I thought it was good, but weird. Certainly not something I'd consider for a top contender. >>2823 What an energetic singer.
>>2825 >why do you have it so high? Really like the music, how the difference characters bounce off of one another, and seeing all of the events slowly building up to the finale. I probably should note that I also liked season two more than season one.
>>2827 >music, different characters bouncing off each other, finale Fair enough, those were good, and things did get pretty crazy towards the end in S1 >liked season 2 more than season 1 That might explain part of it, I never got around to watching season 2 so if I'm missing out on a lot that would change things, especially if it gets crazier than S1.
>>2809 Here are some series I can recommend as being good (Tried to spread them out over what they "could" be classified as, feel free to fight me on a few if you disagree): >battle shounen Akiba's Trip: The Animation Digimon Tamers >mecha Iron Man Viper's Creed >adventure Ko Century Beast 3 Future Boy Conan >slice of life Angel Beats! Durarara!! >shoujo Magic Users Club Shamanic Princess >comedy/parody Renkin 3 Kyuu Magical? Pokaan >lewd/ecchi Amazing Nurse Nanako >action Daphne in the Brilliant Blue Murder Princess >space opera Space Dandy The Irresponsible Captain Tylor >sci-fi Armitage III Ozuma >cyberpunk/dystopia Bubblegum Crisis >drama Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress >thriller Rail Wars! >music Kachou Ouji: Hard Rock Save The Space >miscellaneous/other Blue Drop (Yuri, though fuck that ending)
>>1334 Too Bad Cocktail Knights was so short >Dark Gathering Boy Sensitive to curses and girl who can see ghosts go and play pokemon battles with very fucked ghost/cursed shit Seems to be getting an anime adaptation this year (3Q). >Ura Baito: Toubou Kinshi Pair of girls take on "Shady Jobs" (high pay, ask no questions) mostly ending up dealing with paranormal situations. >Scary College Campus University College girl ends up on everyturn dealing with paranormal situations. Has to enlist the help of Makube Kaoru, the college perosn in charge of "Damage reports"
>>2857 >Too Bad Cocktail Knights was so short did it live up to your expectations? >>2829 I have several questions. >Akiba's trip I've only heard of maybe 1 or 2 video game adaptations (excluding VNs) being done well, Gungrave being one of them, and this was not one I heard anything about. I know the video game is about stripping off girl's clothes in Akihabara or something, why is it good, let alone good enough to be among great battle shonen? A lot of these are just unusual picks, period. For example I generally don't see anyone talk about Kabaneri anymore besides some of the pretty animations and one girl's back muscles, being looked at as a failed AoT clone or something. >Rail Wars >thriller Isn't that an ecchi? >Amazing Nurse Nanako I remember asking many years ago on 8chan prime for recommendations for anime in a random thread, and one guy recommended this to me before his post got deleted I watched only part of the episode comparing dub to sub before deciding I'd save it for later, for some reason the way your list is structured and your picks feel kinda like things he would choose, just as a random guess, so I can't help but wonder if you're that same anon kek Interesting choices though ultimately. I've not heard of those mecha picks before, anything to say about them?
>>2895 >I know the video game is about stripping off girl's clothes in Akihabara or something, why is it good, let alone good enough to be among great battle shonen? The show is actually far more comedic than the game's story despite following the same concept. As for why it's good, good animation, has fun with the basic concept of the series being the "average life" in Tokyo's otaku heaven, and enjoyed the villain of the week formula you see in Western shows like Buffy and Hercules: TLJ. > A lot of these are just unusual picks, period. Much of that may have to do with how I try to restrict much of what I watch to original series (Though, obviously, not all like Murder Princess and Rail Wars!). If you're asking about "best manga", you may see more familiar works. > For example I generally don't see anyone talk about Kabaneri anymore That doesn't mean anything. Also, I don't follow much discussion or following about "current" material, so I guess my viewing it in a vacuum could be why I have that perception. As for the comparison to AoT, I don't see the connection, but I also haven't read/watched it. The closest series I may compare Kabanera to is Highschool of the Dead (Just without the ecchi and based in Feudal Japan). > Isn't that an ecchi? Rail Wars! is surprisingly dramatic despite Uno Makoto's involvement. It's much closer to a police drama. > your list is structured and your picks feel kinda like things he would choose, just as a random guess, so I can't help but wonder if you're that same anon kek Possibly, but I don't know. >I've not heard of those mecha picks before, anything to say about them? Iron Man is basically a soft sequel to the 2008 movie (In it's own independent "Marvel Anime" world that also incorporates the X-Men and Blade, so nothing else to do with the MCU), where Tony's going to Japan to do some work at the Nippon branch of his company, and people trying to steal his tech and kill him there. One of the reasons I really liked it is because of how the series is focussed upon the aspect that Tony Stark is Iron Man, and Iron Man is Tony Stark, and was ultimately a very uplifting series of on the concept of heroes. Viper's Creed is based in a future where WW3 came and gone, people are trying to rebuild afterwards. And, the central city of the story is one of those places where they deal with the politics of trying to retain it's sovereignty, all the while facing the public issue that the city is only able to "survive" thanks to to help of foreign mercenaries. Which is where much of the series focuses, as these mercenaries are tasked with protecting the city's freeways from crazed robots that were used in the war but never shut down.It's very well animated, and it boggles my mind that CGI has managed to regress from what was already achieved in that series.
>>2809 >>2829 >mecha Don't know how I forgot about it (Probably because haven't seen it in several years), but Gurren Lagann also belongs on there.
>Nick & Lever A manga about 2 cool and very real american guys living in Japan >That Time Only Akari Got Reincarnated As A Slime Yuru Yuri Isekai
Is Tanya the Evil worth checking out or was that just some shit that got overhyped. >>2808 >Bobobo I completely forgot about that show. I used to laugh at the name all the time when I saw commercials for it.
>>3015 >Is Tanya the Evil worth checking out If you like cute little girl doing horrendous shit to win and giggle then it's worth it. Otherwise it's just average. I can't find anything similar to it though so there's the unique factor.
>>3021 I'll give it a go and see how I like the first few episodes. I keep seeing anons post commie killing images with her and it has me curious.
I need cool anime to watch I've watched all the cool ones already
>>3021 > horrendous shit I don't remember barely any "horrendous shit". She literally just shoots enemies with magic bullets the entire anime. "Evil" my ass.
>>3275 Give examples of what you consider cool anime
>>3275 What kind of animu are you into?
>>3277 Here's what's in my jellyfin 86 Arknights Prelude to Dawn Assassination Classroom Attack on Titan Bluelock Chainsaw Man Cyberpunk Claymore Death Note Demon Slayer Dororo Dr.Stone Gangsta Hell's Paradise Kakegurui Made In Abyss Maquia Mob Psycho My Hero Academia Spy X Family Tokyo Revengers Vinland saga Your Name
>>3279 Watch Fist of the North Star.
>>3279 >Arknights Isn't from some kind of gatcha shit game?
>>3279 Go watch Hellsing Ultimate, I dunno how you didn't already. The dub for it is one of the only ones in history that's better than the sub (which is still quite good, making it even more impressive) Its pretty much the definition of cool.
>>3283 I've watched some of hellsing, that list is just shit I happen to have downloaded. >>3280 Okay >>3281 Yes it's some anime of some gatcha shit I think. I don't know anything about gatcha games.
>>3284 Specifically you want to watch Hellsing Ultimate The original Hellsing is mostly mediocre filler.
>>3285 Yeah I recall it being filler shit. I'll skip to Ultimate then.
I need something to watch, preferably with some action/adventure and a nice story, and ideally longer than 12 episodes.
Recommend me some anime, as long as its good I don't care. Preferably having some form of action in it would be nice I'm in a weird mood
>>3417 Jigokuraku
On a whim, I started reading (up to their latest scanlation at least) some popular manga. I usually just read whatever the hell I come across, but this time I went out of my way to see the current state of the industry and what is everyone so hyped about. >Chainsaw Man An absolute travesty. Although the setting is really cool, and the art is equally competent and imaginative, it's one of the most milquetoast shonenshit I've ever read. About the only characters I liked were Denji and Pochita, while the rest of the cast was either super generic or practically gag comedy tier. I really cannot comprehend how can people even find anything endearing about Power, with the personality of a Rick and Morty character, and Kobeni, literally her gimmick is that she sweats a lot and is pressured by her family. The monster design was also super lazy, I liked the concept of the Chainsaw Man, but every other Devilman looks super generic except maybe Bomb Woman, they all have the same features: >Weapons on their appendages >Face looks like the Alien but with the head of a weapon >Occasionally some other wearable Devils were also really disappointing, it's hard to get in touch with characters that exist solely to get killed off two chapters after the fact. The ending was kind of okay, I think it denies a good climatic fight way too much for my liking though.
A classic VN turned anime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGeCNTZyAws Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet >It is thirty years after the failure of the Space Colonization Program. Humanity is nearly extinct. A perpetual and deadly Rain falls on the Earth. Men known as "Junkers" plunder goods and artifacts from the ruins of civilization. One such Junker sneaks alone into the most dangerous of all ruins—a "Sarcophagus City." In the center of this dead city, he discovers a pre-War planetarium. And as he enters he is greeted by Hoshino Yumemi, a companion robot. Without a single shred of doubt, she assumes he is the first customer she's had in 30 years. She attempts to show him the stars at once, but the planetarium projector is broken. Unable to make heads or tails of her conversation, he ends up agreeing to try and repair the projector... https://aniwatch.to/watch/planetarian-1359?ep=19575
I'd quite like some battle of wits anime and manga. Well before this thread was made I made a thread asking for some at >>275.
I'd like some sibling romance anime where there is little or no sex, preferably with the anime building up to the confession and subsequent relationship. I saw Oreimo, Candy Boy, Eromanga Sensei (though it had much fanservice, the siblings had little to no sexual activity or thoughts; though I'd prefer anime without much fanservice) and Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru. Is there anything more?
>>3601 I'm surprised some autist doesn't have a list of all of them. Then again they probably might, I just don't watch that shit much so I never bothered to look. >>3285 Yeah Ultimate was pretty damn good.
Any creepy or disturbing OVA's you recommend for the upcoming Halloween? I'm looking for something short you can watch for one sitting for the coming week or costumes and candy.
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I highly suggest the manhwa Priest Unfortunately it might never get finished due to ownership issues with Tokyo Pop

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