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Gundam Cucuruz Doan's Island Movie Anonymous (𝘠𝘰𝘶) 06/07/2022 (Tue) 23:27:51 No. 860 [Reply]
Thoughts? Expectations?
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>>860 I'm definitely feeling saliva building up. Mmmm Gundam, yusssglagglugglaaa looking forward to it.

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Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 12:59:31 No. 730 [Reply]
I'm watching Dragon Ball and realized how many ideas and themes toriyama stuffed there, most problems with modern shonen are very understandable and tolerable in the context of Dragon Ball (training, excessive eating, people going back to life, asspulls.. etc), why did the faggots steal his ideas and incorporated them in theirs out of context like this? it was lazy and unrealistic in their respective stories. I think many mangakas actually just wanted to capitalize on DB's success than anything else, so much for the japanese originality huh
>>730 Japanese are creative and original in changing concepts and giving new viewpoints to established concepts. 100% better than western jewish garbage.
>>730 >training Was already a big trope of shounen manga. Look back at Ashita no Joe, which had multiple training arcs and the protagonist didn't even become a boxer until a sixth of the way through the series. >excessive eating This is just Japanese humour. Dragon Ball is just the one series that bothered giving the joke a form on internal context, that being Saiyajins just eat a lot. It extends from the hyper active kid idea of shounen protagonist. >people going back to life This also isn't anything Dragon Ball started. It's a common trope to have a character die and come back, though Dragon Ball had the balls to straight up have them be wished back. >asspulls Asspulls have existed in stories since the dawn of time (i.e., "And then, pirates appeared").

Kissanime & Kissmanga got taken down. Anonymous 08/15/2020 (Sat) 06:31:39 No. 187 [Reply]
I honestly didn't see this coming. I thought they were the more resilient file hosting sites. What did they do other than just illegal file hosting that got them to shutdown?
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>>187 Never support any company. Never buy merch, never pay for any service and never watch anything from official sources.
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>>780 I watch the stream sites but still buy anime merch from Japan to keep the content creators in sushi.
>>785 I don't. The companies that they work for are anti-consumer.

Bleach rant thread Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 07:16:46 No. 756 [Reply]
mostly about its pacing and insufferable characters. This is parallel to the other thread
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Intro 40 seconds. The first 17 sec explain what Ichigo is 2:21-4:46 the “reminder what happened last episode ” almost 2 and half minutes, so from 4:46-21:55 we have 17m9sec of actual episode, minus 1 minute to summon Ayon, Now about the episode itself. Stark and Kyoraku being lazy are the only one with justification of not take the fight seriously. But what is Stark rebutting Kyoraku style for? Just so kubo can wrote Kyoraku analysis about his pistol later? In retrospective we know how their actual power are. Hitsugaya get outmatched the whole time (even with Bankai) and Harribel won’t take it seriously 18:50 after the blast the amazon trio enter resurrection. Apache cero once and that’s it. They then summon Ayon. the other 2 never attack while in resurrection form
>>756 I watched the very first episode when it aired, and decided to never watch any of it. A bunch of edgy freaks paraded for a female audience.
>>779 >edgy freaks AKIRA is literal edgy freak so is that gunmen anime or cringy redline

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Anonymous 04/24/2022 (Sun) 19:03:10 No. 769 [Reply]
Still watching World Masterpiece Theater stuff. Finished Little Women and Little Women II Jo's Boys. The first series, Little Women, was kind of shit because of poor subtitles. Badr93's Arabic subtitles were translated into English and that's the only English subtitles available; they were not good. Little Women II Jo's Boys had a Licca release so it did not suffer from poor subtitles and was admittedly the better series anyway. While watching Little Women II Jo's Boys I saw an ad for Tico and Friends so I set off to find it, but the torrents are all dead and the only DDL links I could find were the [ATTKC] release of the raws and the only English subtitles were for the nezumi raws. Which meant the only English subtitles I could get were incompatible with the only raws I could get. So what could I do but try to re-time the subtitles to work with those raws? Tico and Friends (Nanatsu no Umi no Tico) [ATTKC] Raws: https://mega.nz/folder/4AJXEaiK#Gi79j-chwuwsZAEXJ4f0jg My mediocre re-timed subtitles for the [ATTKC] Raws: https://www.sendspace.com/file/wbv9ed (confirm my re-timed subtitles are usable then feel free to re-upload and share them anywhere) Hopefully subs are all working. I stopped checking as meticulously after episode 25 when they seemed to all be showing up with not the tightest but plenty usable timing. Only episode 2 had significantly different sub timings in the episode. The intro could be mostly copy-pasted with the same timings. I haven't watched Tico and Friends yet, but I hit a lot of spoilers trying to get the fucking subtitles to work. Not going to give elaborate thoughts (blogposts) on either Little Women series. Practically no one appreciated my anime blogposting and a few were cunts about pushing me off to nearly-dead boards so I gave up trying to put effort in a thread / board that doesn't want it. Cunts got me banned although I broke no rules. My long effortposts about World Masterpiece Theater were deleted. Mod said it was a mistake, but regardless the absurd levels of faggotry succeeded. However in this case, I think it's important to share these subtitles since it was a pain in the ass to re-time them and it's difficult to get any of this shit now since the torrents are dead. Anyone who's going to complain about me trying to make dead shit available again should probably just be ignored and if you think this belongs on some other board then share it there yourself.
>>769 Nigger what are you doing? this place is empty you won't find any discussion here.

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Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 23:12:04 No. 755 [Reply]
Anyways I finished Pollyanna. Like I said before it was less suffering than Princess Sara. There was still some suffering, mostly the suffering of others. Largest stint of suffering of the main character lasts little more than half a dozen episodes and winds up used as a tool to resolve longstanding grudges. In Pollyanna there is practically no true malice whatsoever. In Princess Sara there was ample malice toward Sara and Becky to the point where any small happiness they may have had prompted villains to immediately and desperately try to snuff it out with this fucked up attitude of "how dare you not be starving, cold, exhausted, miserable and broken" so Princess Sara was a much rougher experience where I was in amazement at how cartoonishly evil some characters were. Pollyanna was practically a healing experience after the misery of Princess Sara. Pollyanna does get a bit Soap Opera with its dramatic scenes and unrealistic convenient coincidences. They did the "running along the train platform waving goodbye" scene repeatedly. I could predict some happenings just by imagining "what course of events would have the most drama?" because that's how things would go. There were a few red herrings to keep the audience guessing a bit though. Pollyanna's design with the short braids and freckles is adorable and may be up there in like top 10, but there are so many anime with cute girls it's hard to say. I'm not sure what other World Masterpiece Theater series I should look into, but from what I've seen they're really good. I read that the Tom Sawyer series was censored in the English version, has a different intro, and no one had bothered to provide a version with English subtitles + Japanese Audio. An ad for the Little Women series was at the end of Pollyanna so I guess that's next. I saw an ad for Pollyanna at the end of Princess Sara so that's how I wound up watching it. Guess I'm on a World Masterpiece Theater binge. If anyone else is interested here's what I found so far: Princess Sara: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f52b6231af4004cd39db8913c6cd92498cec8d94 Pollyanna: https://mega.nz/folder/RB4GCTTS#QOgJMhIaHMa4eZe7F1WktQ Little Women: https://mega.nz/folder/0dQWSIaZ#4dxE2uoA0uOirpHsLpjNQQ Little Women II - Jo’s Boys: https://mega.nz/folder/JMZSjbJA#HqlHk92TYazZ-AErFlQAuA Pic #1 is Princess Sara in a nutshell. Some horrible misery is in store yet the title card has cheerful music playing. Sara suffers, yet doesn't give up. Pic #4 I noticed Pollyanna moves her face toward a screen in a window and they had a screen shadow appear over her face which was pretty cool.
Theres always cheerful music during the title card tho. I guess is you are looking for recommendations to watch next that arent cronological you could move up to daddy long legs, not a depressing mess like princess sarah.

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Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 12:43:48 No. 729 [Reply]
what made it so good despite it's flaws? I tried many shitty obscure mangas, and only this I enjoyed

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Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 19:08:50 No. 697 [Reply]
Rip this place. I miss the old 8chan, slow but not too slow
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>>703 >shilling your stream >not the dross of image board users
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>>697 /a/ isn't listed in the top bar. I just typed it in randomly guessing there'd be one here.... the rest of 8chan is moderately active. I just don't think they realize this board exists. Shit sucks because you either go to 4chan's /a/ and drink from the firehose or to 7chan's /a/ and it's trying to strike up a conversation about zettai ryouiki in a fucking morgue.
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https://odysee.com/@ArviesCookbook:4/how-to-make-chocolate-cheesecake:b https://odysee.com/@hoppeanrabbit:6/touhouhatanalysis:7 https://odysee.com/@TechGunz:2/fgc9mk2weldedbolt:8 >>712 Nag Mark to put /a/ on the front page then. >>711 Not my channel, I just like to share random Odysee links as I have a vested interest to see "You"Tube die.

Current anime season (Fall 2021) Anonymous 10/24/2021 (Sun) 00:50:10 No. 563 [Reply] [Last]
A general thread to talk about any new episodes from the current anime season (Fall 2021). If something aired today, I'll give my thoughts on these recent episodes I've watched. >Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! (episode 12) Fun episode today. Jahy found a mana crystal and got chased around by cops. Saurva also turns into a cute dog.
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>Jahy-sama Review This has been one of my favorite anime shows this year. The story is over and I'm honestly gonna miss Jahy and her friends...
>Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu review This ended up being my AOTS. Of all the anime I watched this season, I loved this one the most. Based on the Space Race of the 1950s (back when Soviet Russia and USA competed to be the first nation to go to outer space), this story is a fictional loose retelling of those events but with fictional countries. Racism against vampires is common this world, and a vampire girl is chosen as a guinea pig to test out their initial rocket experiments. Despite all the discrimination she faces, this vampire girl genuinely dreams of going into space and trains hard to be a good astronaut. A human boy also shares her dream and helps train alongside her. Athough she is mistrustful of him at first, they eventually fall in love. Overall, it just turned out to be a really endearing romance story about vampire and astronauts. >Mushoku Tensei review I still hate the otaku MC of this isekai. The last episode was him being a depressed fucker in bed, wallowing in self-pity for most of the episode. It's a shame too, because this fantasy world has great worldbuilding and well-written characters and arcs. And the otaku MC is the only stain on an otherwise great story. Anyways, the real crime here is that Eris cut her hair. Fucking ruined. >Shinka no Mi - Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei review

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>>679 >Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu >Racism bad Automatically shit. Racism is good. It prevents human beings from having to deal with inferior races.

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Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:23:20 No. 1 [Reply]
1st for Lain.
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HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it! https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
Let's love Lain!
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Dr/a/wthread Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 03:23:16 No. 592 [Reply]
Let's actually do something for once. Post requests or make /a/rt.
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>>606 It's not. But it's still not helping.
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>>592 >Post requests or make /a/rt. Sure thing OP >>602 This >>606 Instead of just whining that this board is a ghost town and in all fairness it is currently try telling your friends, family, co-workers, peers, and just about any stranger you meet at your local coffee shop, hospital waiting room, convince store checkout line, or synagogue about this wonderful website and the importance of decentralized web rings and maybe even show them the link to this board in particular. Do this and over time 8Moe will become more lively as a result, BUT that requires actually promoting it so don't be shy and say hi.
>>637 >revealing your power level Plus that would imply I get out & talk to strangers.

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MAL bot boosting Anonymous 05/15/2021 (Sat) 12:46:46 No. 414 [Reply]
https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1921033 > Approximately 33% of all favorites given to the Top 50 Characters have been determined to be duplicate accounts. This is more than double the 13% for Anime, and 9% for Manga and People.
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>>415 Based incelman
>trying to find torrent for episode 8 >search the hex [087C1233] >none in nyaa Google show bunch of batches Find one in https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4o2vWOZtwFwJ:https://tokyotosho.unblocknow.club/index.php%3Fcat%3D0%26date%3D2020-08-29+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=id&client=firefox-b-d >it redirect to nyaa Why subber keep doing this
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>>414 Hey guys it's me @Miku_Lover_90000. Ever want to earn money by basically doing nothing? Learn how earn big crypto in days from the comfort of your couch, just click the link bellow to find out. http://TottallyNotAShittyScamWebsiteHostedInSomeThirdWorldShitHoleLikeSerbiaThatGivesYourPcCyberAid.io

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FACT Anonymous 11/10/2021 (Wed) 00:39:44 No. 628 [Reply]
Kino No Tabi / Kino's journey was better with the grid lines. Any opinions contrary are automatically shit.

Re Zero Season 2 Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 20:51:50 No. 170 [Reply]
It's finally here. Anyone else gave it a watch?
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Of course! I don't watch much cuckime but this is one I couldn't BEAR to miss since everyone will be screaming about it anyways
So far it has some moments but really not as good as the first season. There was more build up to the struggle and death and overcoming the obstacles in the way to success. This feels like we're stuck in a side quest before the main quest starts.
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P/a/in Thread Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 23:00:51 No. 620 [Reply]
Let's watch money burn together. https://archive.md/fGk3d https://archive.ph/X5zE3
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>>624 Crazy how desperation doesn't lead them to actually trying to adapt or write well.
>>624 ok shizo >>620 >it is actually good Grass avoider on suicide watch >>622 >waaa anime doesn't whitewash their race whitefag join suicide watch

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SAGE SAGE 10/06/2021 (Wed) 10:26:27 No. 555 [Reply]
FACT: 8chan is just 4chan mixed with reddit.
Probably true, found this place cause someone was shilling for it in /r//kotakuinaction2 I went on 8chan when hotwheels ran things and it was good then now however its no longer supported so I cant connect to it. 4chan sucks dick and so does reddit, as long as you stay out of 98% of reddit it aint that bad. Until the Troons find your sub at least...
>>555 >reddit mixed with more reddit Ill still take these faggots over the other faggots, faggot

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