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Sisters in anime Anonymous 03/09/2023 (Thu) 02:39:53 No. 2815 [Reply]
I was recently watching a shitty jewtube video about this (it was filled with shit opinions), and it made me think about how it feels pretty uncommon to have actually good sister characters in anime. Or at least, its not the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of people. I can think of good bro and brother characters easily, but good sister characters is a bit more uncommon and unusual. I'm not talking about sisters who are merely just attractive, as any red-blooded man in Japan is capable of creating a great waifu regardless if they're a sister or not (though being attractive definitely doesn't hurt). Usually the relationships are a bit harder to do well I feel like, and they're a bit odd. One example of a good sister I thought of was Sanji's sister Reiju from One Piece. I liked her a lot and I felt the way Oda portrayed her was excellent and fitting. She wasn't just >good brother but genderbent It was more like she was genuinely kind and had a feminine perspective, and did her best for him despite the tough situation she was in, and all the pressure she was under to be someone horrible, and instead she ended up being great for what she did. **Yes I know that the image doesn't really spotlight her as much as it does Sanji's mom, sue me; Nobody does good fanart). Kill la Kill didn't have a mind-blowingly amazing one with Satsuki and Ryuko, but it was good enough. I liked the ending since it felt impactful and proper, though I felt like Mako was more of a sister to Ryuko throughout the series than Satsuki was if I'm being honest so I'd rather give more credit to her personally. I think Shiro from No Game No Life is excellent, personally. She and Sora work so well together, it just fits, plus they love each other and its cute, funny and sweet how they handle such things. Great dynamic portrayed well imo, they have their own talents and abilities and kinda fight each other playfully for dominance. Plus she's adorable. What do you think of sisters in anime? What are your favorites? Could be blood-related or friendships and relationships that feel close to them being sisters to someone. One can fairly argue someone like Winry from FMA as akin to a sister to the protagonists for example (or at least Hughes' daughter), but I feel that it might get complicated. Can be for any reason, not just the ones I stated. Like simpler, shallow and perverted reasons work too for personal preference of course. I was just trying to think of ones I consider actually good sisters I suppose. I have no idea about Karen Araragi but she has a good design so I'm curious about her personally when I get around to finally watching her series, kek.
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>>2815 Reiju's situation is tough since Sanji is tormented yet she can't do much to help else risk becoming another target. It's also weird since Sanji is more caring and nurturing than the sister character with the "feminine perspective" since Judge tried to strip his children of emotion, yet Reiju still seems to have emotions to an extent but is forced to hide them. For examples of good siblings do you think Sakura and Touya Kinomoto are a good template? They still have the typical sibling teasing, yet are very protective. On the topic of sisters, most recently in the Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card manga the "villain" made Akiho into Sakura's sister by rewriting history with time magic and Sakura's own Clear Cards so Akiho could escape her fate and be protected by the Kinomoto family. So the writers are literally ADDING sisters to that franchise far into it. They already re-wrote the thing with the teddy bears to give it more significance so I guess they can't help themselves. Akiho is cute, but she's yet to establish herself as a good sister.
>>2821 >It's also weird since Sanji is more caring and nurturing than the sister character with the "feminine perspective" since Judge tried to strip his children of emotion, yet Reiju still seems to have emotions to an extent but is forced to hide them. Well, Sanji was able to get away from his father and that awful environment so that was likely a big help, that and his mother of course. Reiju was stuck there in that shitheap of a home the whole time while Sanji got to experience the kindness and love of others in the world. Reiju deserves a lot of credit for that. Plus, Sanji learning how awful things could get in his life also helped him understand and ensure that others don't go through such horrible things. In all honesty, Sanji is a contender for the kindest character on the show and that's one of the big reasons he's one of my favorites from the show too >Cardcaptor Sakura I like their relationship from what I remember, but its been so long since I saw it. The last time I really saw it was as a kid. Maybe I need to rewatch it again. >They still have the typical sibling teasing, yet are very protective. From what I remember, that's a good sign at least.

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The Fable 03/08/2023 (Wed) 13:07:21 No. 2798 [Reply]
Although the rest of manga was pretty good except the final chapters, they dragged a bit , the drinking parts with the sister are the high points of the whole manga.
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>>2799 It's a comedy/drama about the perfect assassin trying to live a normal life.
>>2800 sounds like a decent concept, anything else special about it?
>>2802 It has a lot of small gags and character quirks, pretty big cast actually. But it doesn't really go beyond that simple premise. It's pretty good.

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Interlinkage of ""less"" active boards Anonymous 03/07/2023 (Tue) 08:59:32 No. 2787 [Reply]
would you mind of linking to >>>/mahodou/ and maybe some others in the style of what the hispachaners did? i think it'd be neat
i've also made a thread on >>>/mahodou/490
Sounds fine to me. You can also crosspost and advertise your stuff here since it's anime-related. I've added it to the linked boards. If you want I can add a short description next to it in the link so people know what its about, since its probably not immediately apparent.

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Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 17:30:03 No. 7 [Reply]
Claimed in the name of Nep.
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test test test lol
further testing

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Anonymous 10/08/2020 (Thu) 14:30:31 No. 265 [Reply]
What are some anime/manga that are impossible to find subbed in English? There are a lot of obscure children's anime that subbing groups from 08 and below attempted to sub, but ultimately gave up because of shitty bandwidth and shitty Japanese. It's no surprise that kid's shows like Kaiketsu Zorori are only noticed by pants shitting furries in the west, but there are still so many Japan-exclusive kiddie shows that will never get subbed. Even big names like Shin-chan never get any English translations outside of the 90s-early 2000s episodes.
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I can't find subs or even RAWs of Croket anywhere online
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Saint October is one of the earlier ones I remember only finding partial subs
>>265 I actually have a list >Ring Ni Kakero 1 The first two seasons of the anime and the first 3 episodes of the Shadow Arc OVA have been subbed, but are very difficult to come by outside of private trackers (Genuinely convinced the subbed Shadow episodes just don't exist anymore at this point), and it's quite sad since only 9 episodes are left that need to be subbed for the series to be finished. The manga also isn't translated beyond Chapter 27, with the sequel manga having just 1 chapter translated into English. A shame since this is probably one of the most important manga series for Jump and heavily influential, as well as being the precursor to the mangaka's next series, Saint Seiya. >Dr. Slump This one will be fully available soon. >>266 is wrong and it's actually only 100 or so episodes away from being fully subbed and the reboot anime from just after Dragon Ball GT ended got a surprise full sub drop a year or two back. >Cyborg 009 (1969) The last 10 episodes remain only in Japanese. >Tetsuwan Atom Only 4 episodes got subbed if I recall, and then there's 100 dub only episode. A lot of the most important shit like director debuts are Japanese only still. >Gegege no Kitarou (1968) Thankfully this one got picked up and is getting consistent releases. >Sasuke It had like one or two episodes subbed and then dropped. A real shame since it looked really good. >Ninpuu Kamui Gaiden Not subbed, absurdly important samurai anime as well.

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Torpe 02/20/2023 (Mon) 10:07:01 No. 2623 [Reply]
so how's the latest season?
>>2623 I wanna fuck it, whatever it is.

Write an /a/nime Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 13:58:05 No. 2052 [Reply]
Write an anime you'd like to have >I want a political intrigue anime with lots of sex, like game of thrones. Except the setting would be in Italy or Rome. I'm tired of Tolkien based isekai #5363213198432.
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>>2052 One I’ve been knocking around is about a student council that’s set up as the US Constitution originally set up the federal government. Senate, Supreme Court, Bill of Rights, the works. Have plotlines dedicated to political machinations, constitutional lawsuits, and maybe even a quasi-allusion to the civil war
A fighting highschool manga about psychopath slashers fighting in a tournament, and the protagonist is a mixture of Michael Miers and Jason in a sense of being fuckhuge, quiet and ridiculously strong. Maybe with friends to teach him that "killing is bad, m'kay?" but still can't stop him from doing the fights just to protect his school and because it's fucking fun.
Something like GuP except instead of tanks, it’s classic NASCAR. Each school has their own track and team. Various drivers are genderswapped allusions to realworld historic drivers like Richard Petty and Dale Sr. Whereas the bigger and better-funded schools have later model cars like Superbirds and Lagunas, I was thinking the protagonists’ team would be stuck with an outdated mid 60s Ford Galaxie. But through a mix of luck and ingenuinity of their team’s new chief engineer who’s based on Smokey Yunick (legendarily good engineer from the 60s) they manage to ‘massage’ the rules enough to score wins. Have it set in Japan’s “cotton country”, which is very clearly just rural Dixieland with Japanese names everywhere, lol

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Anonymous 02/04/2023 (Sat) 01:25:35 No. 2431 [Reply]
Someone adapted a couple greentexts into an faux-anime with Japanese voicework.
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>>2617 This really needs a comma
>>2617 Flat frog chan uoohh

Humorously describe anime in 1-2 lines Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 07:45:09 No. 2499 [Reply]
Title is self-explanatory i think. Try to spoil things if you feel its something worth spoiling I'll start with a few: >Nodame Cantabile A young Gordon Ramsay of violin and piano (also cooking) has to deal with a retarded smelly girl pianist who is in love with him while managing an orchestra and try to get out of Japan, hilarity ensues >Kaiji Long-nosed idiot savant can't figure out why his gambling addiction is ruining his life, and solves the solution with more gambling >Berserk Rape victims struggle to deal with a world that keeps wanting to rape them and possibly learn from it >Initial D Local tofu delivery boy driving his dad's car literally cannot be stopped`` >No Game No Life Horny gamer siblings conquer the world through shitposting
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>>2499 >Overlord (the skeletal lord) oldfag with no life desperately tries to recreate the fun he once had with friends in 2007. >>2515 I don't get it? >>2514 >Urusei Yatsura local man pays for loyalty to gf and causes entire japan to suffer
>Outlaw Star Teenagers hang out with hot chicks in space and get chased by space chinese triad >Duel Masters Victory Curry bread addict prevents alien invasion through card games
>Rayearth Japanese schoolgirls get tricked into assisted suicide.

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Kodomo no Jikan Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:30:04 No. 878 [Reply]
I just finished reading Kodomo no Jikan and all I gotta say is: God that was such a shit ending. So naturally, it ended the only way you'd expect it to end, with sensei fucking the shit out of Rin (or at least trying, since his dick didn't fit inside and it hurt her) Furthermore, Reiji was an absolute scumbag. why did he got any sort of peace? I wonder if the author was even aware of hos disliked he is, since he is responsible for the mess Rin grew up into by doing what can only be described as grooming. He didn't deserve to end up with Mimi-chan There's a brief time-skip to first year of highschool on the final chapter so they can attain by age of consent, and most notoriously the Ishihara Act and it jumps straight to the action, Rin's body didn't develop so the lolicon could have what they wanted (I assume) and it just fucking ends there. Unless you count the Houkago additional chapter, So both girls waited years to fuck these dudes who are now much older for some fucking reason and somehow Rin didn't talk to sensei once for these three or so years? How is that believable? I have so many nitpicks with this trash, how are people rating it so highly? It's just fucking boring and about 40% of it focuses on the female teachers who are just mind-numbingly inane characters. This is literally just the author's fetish, since she had a crush on her teacher as a child IRL. What are your thoughts?
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I was following KnJ as it was scanned and translated monthly and it was a journey. I never expected the amount of change the characters went through. Most of the cast aside from the girls leave a terrible first impression but they grow up and deal with their flaws in a very satisfying manner. It was a fun ride. I went for the bait and stayed for the plot.
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I still come back to the doujin every now and again
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>>878 I just came here to tell you that you are a dumbass. Did you read it with your ass or what? Perhaps the reason you couldn't understand shit is because you read it in English. In Japanese at least KnJ is a masterpiece and one of the best manga I've ever read. Reiji for example, how can you misunderstand him that much? He never actively "groomed" Rin but expected her to grow up to fall in love with him as he tried to be the perfect guardian. The way Rin acts has nothing to do with him and he even gets surprised when he discovers that Rin isn't as pure as he thought and was looking at porn on his PC. His entire character is that he is traumatised and has stunted growth, and after years of stress he can no longer cope and experiences psychosis which gets mostly corrected by Aoki. One of the best scenes in the manga involve Reiji, when he goes the school to get his suit back but overhears Aoki talking to a parent which digs up his trauma and he tries to rush back home crying but runs into Mimi. He kisses Mimi in this scene while he's confused and upset because over the years the only way he coped with his trauma was through sexual contact with Rin's mom as she took advantage of him. After this scene Mimi goes home does make-up and dresses and goes to Rin's house. Reiji apologizes and rejects her telling her never to come here again. As Mimi goes back home crying she thinks "I would've been fine with being raped by you". KnJ handles realistic but taboo scenes like this pretty well.

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Anonymous 02/15/2023 (Wed) 12:39:29 No. 2534 [Reply]
I'm going going to post this every now and then if you guys don't mind.
I see nothing wrong with this, he's just getting revenge.
Oh dont worry about, I really dont mind.
>>2534 proud of the fish, hes been fucked over for too long.

anonimo 02/11/2023 (Sat) 08:24:30 No. 2500 [Reply]
hey I was looking for girls who have the same behavior as (Yandere) if there are any answer here
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Are you okay anon?
Not sure whats happening but Mirai Nikki is a good one with a yandere, lots of mind fucks in the story and overall its pretty good
>>2512 Dont reply to yandeBot

Bocchi the Rock! Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 19:39:50 No. 1615 [Reply]
Anyone been watching this anime? It's actually kinda enjoyable. Basically the story is about an introvert who picks up the guitar after being upset that she never made friends in middle school and is dragged into a high school band by pure chance. Honestly, I think the anime has a lot of charm and I'm looking forward to seeing if a season 2 will ever be made or if I'll start the manga next week ater the final episode airs. What do you think about Bocchi the Rock anons? cute band story? shitty K-On rip off? You decide!
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>>2439 >anyone even remembers attack on titan Are you actually insane or just retarded?
>>2439 You're saying as if that's a bad thing. Most anime don't even get form treatment, and end up with limited fans who in turn lead to limited sales
>>2439 >Anyone even remembers Attack on Titan No, you’re right everyone forgot about it. It may have been one of the best selling manga and watched anime of all time but once its over nobody cares. >cultural significance the themesong has been memed to hell, it has memorable quotes. If youre talking explicitly about just references in manga/anime im sure theres some but Id argue references dont tell much of how impactful the work is. For instance, Hunter x Hunter is very popular but people only reference the extreme hair. Id say the actual impact of a work is how it affects the medium, the genre, or something big like how JoJo and many other works are inspired by Fist of the North Star or how a shit ton of harem manga use the same kind of formula Love Hina did years ago.

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Anime Rap Cross Overs Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 18:24:46 No. 2423 [Reply]
What do you guys think about influence that anime has had on the hip hop industry, artist like Kanye have been known to drop subtle references to anime like Akira and every other soundcloud rapper has some variation of dbz bars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3inwchcRs24
It probably hasn't had much influence yet honestly, minus niggers who like dragon ball (who I think are not really overlapping much with the rest of the hip hop crowd as much), but that's not really much "influence" I think, more just overlapping interest, though I'll admit I haven't heard things like "DBZ bars" being dropped in any hip hop shit, but I haven't listened to most hip hop shit since the mid 00s. Kanye seems like a potentially cool exception. I will say that'll probably change as anime has been going increasingly mainstream for the past 5-7 years and now its pretty fucking popular. >that YT link didn't expect this lol,

Military Anime Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 14:33:17 No. 1993 [Reply] [Last]
What are your favorite military anime? And what do you like most about them? To me I think its the uniforms. Girls look so cute in military clothes.
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The fuck. Spoiler your goddamn shit homos.
>>2407 Please don't start a war with the globals anon, even if it might be tempting.
>>2409 They are faggots

Toei One Piece rant thread Anonymous 08/12/2021 (Thu) 07:47:26 No. 505 [Reply]
The pacing is criminal that I make a thread to complain about it.
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One Piece is great! Troll harder, Marvel.
>>1032 Been good for months. 7 August >Kid prepares to battle Big Mom, Killer fights Hawkins fucking wikipedia. Where is the fight? Literally title of episode is "Killer fights Hawkins Ignore the 4 weeks of movie promo.
This week 1049 1/4 momonosuke hangover 1/4 yamato try 1/4 yamato flashback 1/4 momonosuke drunk Next week 1050 prediction 1/4 momonosuke still drunk 1/4 yamato try 1/4 more flashback 1/4 what you see in 1049 trailer

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