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Ojamajo Doremi Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 04:34:26 No. 1232
It's agreat show, with awesome characters. Too bad the American dub was a total disaster, if 4Kids hadn't ruined it I thinkthe show as a whole would be as popular in America as it was all over the world. Also, the music is aamzing. Check it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CioAYtz4iM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXGORjizD1M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5xY4O1n9sU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ1m_ifmH00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CFlB82DII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIaS5lweNYI It has so many characters, so many great stories. Let's talk about this masterpiece.
I wish Japanese anime companies would do direct to English dubs instead of letting yankee VA's slip their woke agenda script into every episode.
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I wish there were more quality lewds of the girls in this show, seems like every existing lewd is some deviantart-tier shitshow. With that said, just wanna say Aiko is the best girl. That is all.
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>>1779 There are planty quality lewds, but I know what you mean. I don't likethe latest lewds, many are deviantart-tier. But you still have wonderful artists that have drawn Ojamajo, like Hoshino Fuuta. Also, not all new art is bad. See this art? Could be in a museum.
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>>1784 Well, how did the test go?
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So, new content next year, right?
What even is this show anyways?
>>2796 Magical girl anime with younger protagonists than usual (they are 8 and 9 when the story begins) and more mundane plots than maho shoujo stories usually have. Instead of having to fight bad monsters each week, or save the world like Sailor Moon or Pretty Cure, they help their friends, family members and classmates deal with bullying, or alcoholism, or the death of a pet. Some times pretty heavy issues, like divorce, misracciages and racism.
>>3126 Sounds like the magical girls prior to the likes of Sailor Moon, albeit minus the heavy issues.
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>>3126 >deal with alcoholism, depression, miscarraiges the fuck is this some kind of shitpost?
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>>3135 see >>2629 Also racism and cancer amongst other things
>>3137 >Why can't she be black
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>>3165 good on her for defending her friend
These characters remind me of the fact that I wanna have committing voter fraud for Democrats.
>>3240 tip top kek, bless the word filter
>>3240 >>3241 Wait. What exactly was said here? What got filtered?
>>3485 pedoshit.
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>>3486 What? In an IB?
Ojamajos bathing.
Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 1 Title: I'm Doremi! Becoming a Witch Apprentice! - 私どれみ! 魔女見習いになる Original date: Feb 7th, 1999 >After a rough morning, young girl Doremi Harukaze comes across a strange and unusual shop she has never seen before. Stepping inside, she discovers something amazing: a real witch! Watch now: https://files.catbox.moe/vpow4e.mp4
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 2 Title: I Become Hazuki-chan! - 私、はづきちゃんになる! Original date: Feb 14th, 1999 >After a disagreement with her friend Hazuki Fujiwara, Doremi attempts to understand her by using magic to transform them into each other for the day. Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/nqli59.mp4
Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 3 Title: The Transfer Student from Naniwa! Aiko Debuts - 転校生はナニワっこ! あいこ登場 Original date: Feb 21st, 1999 >The new student Aiko Senoo gets off on the wrong foot with Doremi and Hazuki. But a curious Doremi decides to follow her home after school and comes to the conclusion that is a good person underneath her rough exterior. She then attempts to use magic to lend her a hand. Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/amorj2.mp4
Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 4 Title: It's Not Scary if We're All Witches - みんな魔女なら怖くない Original date: Feb 28th, 1999 >Doremi's secret has been exposed to Hazuki and Ai-chan! But with nothing else to do about it, Majorika decides to turn them into witch apprentices too. She has high hopes they will do well, until they decide the shop needs to be remodeled... Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/upez6k.mp4
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 5 Title: Grand Opening! Maho-dou - 新装開店! MΑHO堂 Original date: Mar 7th, 1999 >When Kotake suddenly shows up to purchase something, Doremi decides to follow him to see why he needed it so much. But when he gets into a dangerous situation, will she be able to help him? Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/1fk1fh.mp4
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Ojamajo Doremi, Season 1 Episode 6 Title: A Liar's First Friendship - ウソつきは友情の始まり Original date: Mar 14th, 1999 >Aiko befriends a troublesome girl named Nobuko, who is infamous for her lying nature. But after Nobuko lies about something big, Aiko has trouble forgiving her. Watch here: https://files.catbox.moe/rrf9sk.mp4 (This is a very important episode because fan favorite character Nobuko appears. Even though this anime introduces literally hundreds of cute characters through multiple seasons and over 200 episodes and movies and OVAs, Nobuko remains an important character all through the end and has very interesting development).
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