/mahodou/ - MAHO堂

Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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Ojamajo Doremi Heartwarming Theater General hanapi_chocobi Board owner 12/29/2021 (Wed) 21:14:19 No. 210 [Reply]
Episodes 1-2 of Heartwarming Theater have been translated and released by Doremi-Fansubs today! https://nyaa.si/view/1472267 https://nyaa.si/view/1472269 Discuss the ONA and the remaining episodes soon to come here
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>>504 It's a cute, cute, cute mini series. But I'm so sad it is over...
>>504 Hello hanapi! I wasn't sure how else to contact you so excuse this post, and definitely delete it if it's too off-topic. I stumbled upon this board just recently. For what it's worth, I made a board called /wsj/ and all anime and manga are on-topic. If you feel like ever opening a Doremi thread there, please do so! This board's catalog was wonderful to look at. Do you know the person who was running the watchalong on /a/ recently, by the way? Ojamajo has some lovely fans!

Majo Minarai o Sagashite hanapi_chocobi Board owner 04/22/2021 (Thu) 16:25:51 No. 9 [Reply]
The movie is finally translated! And to think, this movie was the reason why /mahodou/ was conceived on 8ch.net in the first place. Thank Doremi-Fansubs for translating this movie, those guys are awesome. Here's the whole enchilada, make sure to seed nyaa.si/view/1375816
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>>187 >It's not really about Doremi they make a cameo, and doremi is about magic, and those girls reeally needed some magic >if it's supposed to be this realistic story set in the real world, why do the three women talk about Doremi so much and take stuff from the show so seriously, adults don't do that. yeah, what kind of adults would spend time talking about doremi? thank god we're all pretty little girls here... >I didn't understand the plot point with the guy who liked Onpu they know about us onpufags... >why does he post that stuff on his facebook yeah, why a beautiful princesscon adult fan of doremi would post about it? >why is it supposed to be a big deal that he does it or that there's (completely offscreen) negative posts from others about it? gee, i wonder...

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We're Back hanapi_chocobi Board owner 04/21/2021 (Wed) 23:04:44 No. 2 [Reply]
Welp, the votes are in! /delicious/ wanted it back, so here it is; /mahodou/, exclusively on 8chan.moe! There aren't many rules here, other than discuss the show, games, visual novels, movies, OVAs, toys, etc. without devolving into meme babble. This show's age demographic may be for children, but that doesn't mean you aren't adults! Discussing the art side of the fandom is acceptable, but keep in mind, there's already a thread for risque pictures of Doremi and the gang. If you're interested in those types of images, they can be found here: https://8chan.moe/delicious/res/3500.html, and when that thread eventually sinks, just CTRL + F "doremi" on /delicious/ or any of the other rorikon boards. Boorus and doujin readers have lots of material too. And with that out of the way, there's not much more I can say other than Have Fun, Relax, & Post Doremi

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2023 Anonymous Ojamajo 01/01/2023 (Sun) 16:22:07 No. 473 [Reply]
Yaaaaaay! Let's all be very happy-lucky this year!
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>>473 plz, this year i wish to be able to make magic for bringing the doremicchis to my side!
2025 is here

Anonymous Ojamajo 06/26/2021 (Sat) 09:01:37 No. 90 [Reply]
I love the Ojamajo Doremi art style so much
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>>590 oops wrong post sorry
it would be great if u know where this from
ugh wrong post place, i really need double check... where delete button XD

Jameskb1 07/03/2024 (Wed) 09:28:16 No. 588 [Reply]
does anyone know where this from?
As stated on the image, from an old website that is partially saved here : https://web.archive.org/web/20091103132915/http://dykes.hp.infoseek.co.jp/home.shtml

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Ojamajo Doremi 1620s Anonymous Ojamajo 03/23/2024 (Sat) 09:01:09 No. 586 [Reply]
New anime just got announced

Ojamajo Doremi - 25th Anniversary Anonymous Ojamajo 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:31:48 No. 584 [Reply]
It's today! What a magical, wonderful day. >The official website for the 25th anniversary of the Magical DoReMi (Ojamajo Doremi) magical girl anime announced on Friday that a new video will be unveiled during the anime's anniversary stage event at the AnimeJapan convention on March 23. AnimeJapan 2024 will run from March 23 to March 24 at the Tokyo Big Sight venue. I wonder what that means.
>>584 >25 years it only could happen because of magic

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Non-lewd doujin, unknown origin Anonymous Ojamajo 02/23/2022 (Wed) 16:33:16 No. 249 [Reply] [Last]
This is a very cute doujin that contains no inappropriate material. Just cute OCs and fun. It would be forgotten but I saved it years ago, and about three years ago I showed it to a kind and awesome anon who translated. Then I lost the translation until recently, so here it is. Please enjoy. Panel 1 "That's right. Yes, I'm fine. It's a short walk from the hotel. "It's fine, Giancarlo has a fever so it can't be helped, mama." Panel 2 "You're arriving in the afternoon the day after tommorow? Mhmm, I understand. Ok, bye." Panel 3 The Kyoto trip... I was looking forward to it... Panel 4

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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And still no idea of who the author is...

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Fan games and doujin games Anonymous Ojamajo 04/24/2021 (Sat) 23:45:58 No. 25 [Reply]
They're not easy to find. Let's collect them here.
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>>26 HOT OFF THE PRESSES. I managed to track down and buy the two remaining games in this series, which are based off of Aiko and Onpu. Here's a download to both of them: https://mega.nz/folder/GLh02AYR#LKhwiim0le5kCaxwppv5uA https://mega.nz/folder/nXADzbBC#JTl9Xfmc5hMsMevyJolgFw And here's their respective galleries on Sadpanda: https://exhentai.org/g/2052049/aecc9a3e4c/ https://exhentai.org/g/2243609/a19c75877e/ I wasn't able to get very far into the Onpu game (I couldn't find the item that lets you shoot) so if anyone figures out how to progress in that game, please say.
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>>506 Also, I looked into the group who made these games, Chinchila Soft House. Apparently they were going to make a Doremi fighting game as well, but it was cancelled. It was going to be called おジャ魔女ふぁいた~, or Ojamajo Fighter (not to be confused with >>35 which is a different game by a different group), and was suppose to come out in 2001 I believe. Pic related would've been the cover image for it. It seems as though they MAY have released a demo for it at some point, but the Wayback Machine didn't save the download link so it's lost to time now. Here's the page where I found it: https://web.archive.org/web/20000302131320/http://www6.freeweb.ne.jp/play/chinchin/index.html I was able to find a voiceline for Hazuki that was apparently going to be used in the game though, which the Wayback Machine did manage to save. https://web.archive.org/web/20001027235549/http://www6.freeweb.ne.jp/play/chinchin/doremi2/hazukin.mp3

Merry Christmas! Anonymous Ojamajo 12/24/2023 (Sun) 18:30:27 No. 546 [Reply]
Have a very Ojamajo Christmas!
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Santa lives.
will to live restored ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )

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Halloween! Anonymous Ojamajo 10/03/2023 (Tue) 23:09:38 No. 536 [Reply]
It's October and our witches are cuties.
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im late as hell but werewolf aiko :D
>>543 Aiko looks so adorable and sexy like like that.
>>543 Lovely! >im late as hell Well, Halloween is indeed behind us, but a cute Aiko is never late.

Anonymous Ojamajo 03/21/2023 (Tue) 22:24:46 No. 493 [Reply]
why does the school have a pyramid what kind of building is it do we ever go inside it, does anyone remember
Pretty sure it's the gym

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Internet Archeology Anonymous Ojamajo 07/07/2022 (Thu) 08:12:40 No. 377 [Reply]
I have an idea, a project really. Maybe some of you are interested? I wanna form a group dedicated to Internet Archeology. See these lovely pictures of Onpu? I just recovered them from a dead website. They haven't been seen for over a decade, they would have been lost. How many pieces of art are hidden and forgotten in dead websites, waiting to be found by Internet Archeologysts? If you're interested, let me know. I have a plan.
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http://www.din.or.jp/~rokugatu/gift_doremi02.html 死に目マスターはいむちゃんからいただいた死に目おんぷちゃんです♪ うああああ~~?!すごいですよ? 無造作になげだされた肢体からむけられる、うつろな眼差し・・・無防備で はかない。少女という、あまりに小さく無力な存在。 登場して間もない頃、一見強気にみえたおんぷちゃんの瞳の奥底に時折 垣間見た表情って、わりとそんなかんじでした。 だからこそここまで彼女に惹かれてしまうのですね。
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Lovely idea. Occasionally do some wayback machine digging and have a pretty sizable doremi image collection (although I'm terrible at bookmarking sites). A good way to find old circle sites is to check old doujin events, many of these have lists of participating circles (two random examples from my bookmarks): https://web.archive.org/web/20050825223619/http://pichi.net/jugem/popuket/5/cl.html https://web.archive.org/web/20010830152832/http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~fb7m-snhr/dfcircle.htm Another treasure trove are artist ring sites. These usually has link to tons of old artists: https://web.archive.org/web/20030803105613/http://www.redangels.nara.nara.jp/~murao/cgi/ring/ering.cgi?mode=all&no=0 https://web.archive.org/web/20031005130020/http://cutieisland.com/cgi-bin/punito/book/tbookmarkp.cgi?m=&l=selected&a=and&s=&b=&g=&ban=1&p=41
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>>531 Nice! Good to see there's support for this idea. Speking of old sites, anyone knows the old website of this artist? It's the artist (or one of the artists) behind a certain old Japanese project of expanding the Ojamajo Doremi universe. It was a sort of "what if" scenario.

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Happy Birthday, Poppu! Anonymous Ojamajo 09/09/2023 (Sat) 10:57:34 No. 529 [Reply]
A very special day for a very special lady.
Pop is my tiny lover.

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Happy Birthday, Doremi-chan! Anonymous Ojamajo 07/30/2023 (Sun) 07:12:28 No. 512 [Reply]
It's a very special day for a very special lady.
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>>520 Doremi is cute and I hope her BD was full of fun and semen.
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>>512 >another year? i'm getting old and wrinkled! >make it stop! >i should have become into an immortal witch!! >truly I'm the world's most unluckiest pretty girl!!!

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