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steej 06/20/2023 (Tue) 19:53:38 No. 3341 [Reply]
Can I be an /a/non without knowing any Japanese whatsoever?
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>>3394 Yup, nice geo skills
>>3341 Why wouldn't you? Just read the fugging subtitles/translations.
>>3341 Don't worry anon, you can't learn Japanese.

Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 14:31:53 No. 4407 [Reply]
ITT: we post anime girls and say "nigger nigger nigger nigger" until we get imprisoned for hate speech.
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n slur
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nigger faggot tranny kike limey retard chink
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>>4407 NIG

Miscellaneous Anime & Manga Discussion Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 17:00:44 No. 531 [Reply] [Last]
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Tachiyomi seems to be crashing on me whenever I so much as exit a series I have added to my library. Is anyone else having stability issues with it?
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Do you guys want to hear something ironic? So I just started watching the anime Combattler V, and it has the usual "safe Progressive" talking points of: >Humans are destroying the environment >Don't pollute >Don't needlessly kill the animals You know the gist. Want to know what the big bad's ultimate plan is: <Turning Earth into one giant solar panel This isn't a joke nor exaggeration. One of the Green Movement's current "goals" is literally the same plan a 1970's anime villain had. Really shows how much things have changed, doesn't it?
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>Enjoying Attack ON Titan >MC gets powers >Stop enjoying it >Shows ends with crystal bitch at the time, but decide to read the manga and get to the crystal caverns or something >Drop it entirely, losing interest >Wait until it's been done for years >Pick it back up >Watch the show >Everyone was SUPER POWERED JEWS ALL ALONG! Lmao.

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Moralfag Hate Thread Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 00:57:23 No. 3822 [Reply]
I am so fucking sick and tired of privileged, shit snorting, cock-sucking, fart inhaling retards bitching about "mUh SeXuAlIzAtIoN!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!" or "lOlI Is LICHERALLY Democrat activism!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!". Post your hatred for moralfags and their moralfaggotry here.
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>>3949 >Religion bad Don't you slants have like 2000 gods in your heathen pantheon?
>>4199 >religionfag triggered and blaming ‘believe groups’ thinking the point was major religion “2000 gods” are religion with less followers. Having 1000 or 1 gods is still shizopernia. Take your pill chrishitan caucasianpig >>4097 It is 2D. Yes they conflate
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>>3826 >No way to gatekeep something that's quality and also commercially available to the public unless the medium does it itself (which it used to to an extent with things like lolis, taboos, fanservice and edginess, but now that's lessened in modern years) Even that doesn't always work. Moralfags will knowingly watch an anime full of PrObLeMaTiC content and then talk about how much they love the show but hate all the "child pron" and muh soggy knees

TETO THREAD Anonymous 07/13/2024 (Sat) 01:59:56 No. 4261 [Reply]
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>>4261 Thank you. I missed Teto during the early internet era and have only found her relatively recently in the last few years. I was instantly attached. She along with all other vocaloids are a very nostalgic reminder of what we had back in the true wild west days of the internet

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QTDDTOT Anonymous 05/11/2020 (Mon) 14:57:01 No. 56 [Reply] [Last]
Post all small questions here that do not warrant their own thread. I am reading Dagashi Kashi, but a complete torrent for all the chapters does not seem to exist; furthermore, Emblem scans has only stranslated up to c162 so far. Does anyone have an archive of the manga?
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>>4305 Never heard of it
Have you ever watched an anime that ruined your whole day? Bonus points if it was a single episode.
>>4414 Ga-Rei's ending left me all bummed out and made me miss a commuter train which led to other shit

Idolm@ster Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 19:39:47 No. 2093 [Reply]
What is your strategy to manage these slutty idols?
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>>2172 reported
>>2093 >random letter probably saved from anime picture agregator site Still saved but casual. You are the people that should be gatekeeped

Mahou Shoujo/Magical Girls Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 22:50:37 No. 2070 [Reply]
Why does mahou shoujo and suffering go so well together? Share your recommendations!
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>>2202 >I've gotta get around to Madoka Magicka one of these days, its one of those few supposedly "legendary" anime I've been saving. Totally worth watching. My favorite Meguka is Homura and the lewdest one is Mami-san.
>>2249 >yurishit
>>4419 Go back

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Queen of 8/a/ Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 00:10:48 No. 4307 [Reply]
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>>4357 Respectable outcome. I think the cute gif definitely helped too.
>>4360 Yes, warm kudos to the anon who nominated her with a good gif.

Wholesome Incest Anime Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 23:35:03 No. 3872 [Reply]
I want anime focused on siblings being in love and entering a happy romantic relationship. I don't want a lust filled relationship; if there is any lust between the siblings I want the lust involved to be very small. I don't care about blood relation but I want the couple to have lived as siblings before they entered a relationship. I saw Oreimo, Candy Boy, Eromanga Sensei (though it had much fanservice, the siblings had little to no sexual activity or thoughts; though I'd prefer anime without much fanservice) and Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru (though there was some lust, it was a small part of the O.V.A.). Is there anything more?
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>>3872 Anon, I'm all for romance and happy relationships, but it's lame if they aren't doing sexual stuff. >>3888 >>3891 >Boku no Pico No incest. I wish there was though.
I finished a show which didn't reveal the incestuous element until its ending, Hensuki, two weeks and four days ago and although it wasn't quite what I was looking for I quite liked it. While the ecchi wasn't for me, Keiki's (Keiki is the protagonist) interactions with his sister were really sweet and her love for him came from how nice he was to her and from the time they spent living together; his sister didn't attempt to seduce him or do anything sexual but instead wanted a sweet romantic relationship. The lewdest thing she did was kiss him, and the lewdest thing she said was that her breasts were "unexpectedly large," knowing he likes large breasts, and nothing comes of it. The reason it isn't exactly what I was looking for was due to the majority of the run time being focused on other characters' perversions and the fact that they don't enter a romantic relationship so the concept of sibling romance can't be explored, with Keiki resolving to be her brother for now, although agreeing to his sister's request to go on a date with her for one day as her boyfriend, which I thought was quite sweet.
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When will Hano Haruka's wedding chapter of her brocon-siscon series be translated? The links to it are https://xcancel.com/hanoharu/status/1739229172914946367#m and https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114632136 and from what I saw, it has never been translated.

Dr/a/wthread: New beginnings edition Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 02:44:30 No. 2358 [Reply]
Because why not? Post requests or make /a/rt and edits here. Books and Tutorials Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated. https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources https://hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn Helpful Resources Learn fundamentals with excercises: drawabox.com 8Chan Art Wiki: infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki Online poses with timer: quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn Drawfag resources: mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube

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>>4017 well i was about to post some recent examples from garyc but scrolling down that catbox folder i doubt i need to
>>4057 Oh shit another GaryC artist?? I should probably add some of my GaryC draws to my catbox examples album, I just figured no one would want those lol
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Requesting Tatsuo Kusakabe from My Neighbor Totoro, Seita from Grave of the Fireflies, Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke, Haku from Spirited Away, and young Jiro Horikoshi from The Wind Rises all wearing just fundoshis with bulges standing in full body draws, smiling. Please keep it SFW

Dub thread Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 05:19:54 No. 557 [Reply]
Are dub threads allowed? Doesn't have to be just English dubs. >What dubbed anime are you watching currently? >Favorite dub Voice Actor(s)? For me, I'm currently watching Demon Slayer and Fire Force, and I'm enjoying both. Also thinking about rewatching Inuyasha. As for my favorite VAs... Male: Yuri Lowenthal, Johny Y. Bosch, Liam O'Brien, Steve Blum, Crispan Freeman, Neil Kaplan. Female: Michelle Suzanne Ruff, Wendee Lee, Laura Bailey
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>>4067 Dubfanatics are objectively subhuman. You are a rat, to all non-dubretards.
GBC open gateway for "anime lover who hate 3DCG just because". I don't get casual autism. seem to me they HATE 3D because it look like string puppet. then look at comment here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-de9WMHlpLs suddenly they like it just because their 3D have higher frame rate >>4124 Same goes for people who hate dub >>4124 He isn't wrong, Subfanatic
>>4246 low frame rate cg looks terrible

Oldfag thread Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:15:42 No. 1490 [Reply]
Anime used to be better before the Japan bubble popped and digital became the norm.
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>>1490 Anime was better when made by old people who would put either their personal lives' experiences or psychosis into the stories, making them memorable and objectively good. Nowadays, just like the rest of the world, Japanese media is produced by a bunch of young retards with no life, whose only life "experience" is browsing the internet.
>>1605 >you mean the same ones who are literally overworked to death? As they should. If you want a good life, go be a manager or some higher position in society. Workers = paid slaves. as it should always be. >I'm fine with being patient Blind consumerist. >He already was rich but still produced content people That blind consumerists 'love". He decayed, like all else who got good payment. >Mappa, Wit, Ufotable, Bones, and Trigger. And look at them now: some becoming greedy and lazy, and some becoming literal political activists. While producing actual good results stopped years ago. I would rather have them working to death and producing good results. >I'm pointing out that these very actions are cancerous They aren't. exploiting workers is how good results are achieved. Corporations are the ones capable of making things work and actually distribute everything properly. Take out a brand, and watch as 90% of customers lose interest in a product, even when it is the exact same product with the exact same quality. Corporations run the show. Workers are disposable tools. Get used to it. >the workers have flaws too They have the most and worst flaws, and they are completely incapable of producing actual successful material without companies controlling them.

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>>4238 Go back to the retirement home, Hayao Neglecting your son isn't valuable life experience

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Chibi Maruko-chan new voice Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:22:02 No. 4174 [Reply]
Not very new news, but I just found out: Kokoro Kikuchi is gonna be the new voice of Maruko-chan. Her voice is very sweet, but I wonder if she'll perform her own way, or if she's gonna imitate TARAKO (Rest In Ponpokorin). Hard to know what to expect, or even what to want. Maru-chan's voice is so iconic and classic! What would be better? A new voice and style, or an imitation?
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Vtuber Thread Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 01:50:02 No. 1294 [Reply] [Last]
Inaugural vtuber thread. Where is your oshi?!
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Tend to be more entertained by the models they use than the things they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm4ju4z6RbM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Fs3c48ezo Keep seeing tons of these "Live2D showcase" vids and dont know if these are even active vtubers, or just creators showcasing their stuff.
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i love my waif shondo!
>>4220 What a coincidence, I also love my wifey Shonshon!

Shugo Chara Fashion Anonymous 10/16/2020 (Fri) 22:12:43 No. 269 [Reply]
I just love some of Amu Hinamori's outfits, particularly the ones where a short skirt or dress is frilly. I also like her short shorts and tie outfit. It looks both smart and casual at the same time. Shugo Chara has the best fashion in all the anime I have seen.
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