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itt anime chads Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 14:50:28 No. 2055 [Reply]
How do you cope with the fact you'll never be a chad like Light Yagami? >Smartest person in the world >Driven and ruthless >Ambitious >Handsome with supermodel looks >Has several hot girlfriends >Dominant, he always had the upper hand in his relationships instead of simping over Misa or the other girls >Respected by society and social >Has lots of friends >Disciplined >Well dressed >Athletic >Did nothing wrong
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>>2055 How can I be as cool as Light?
>>2328 Be incredibly smart and capable, and groom yourself well while alsow working hard Also be extremely confident
>>2331 >be incredibly smart and capable I'm taking a PhD >groom yourself well Got it, need to work on the confidence part. Light is so fucking cool

Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 21:45:30 No. 2350 [Reply]
Who is your favorite kunoichi? To me its Hinagiku!

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Anonymous 12/21/2022 (Wed) 14:28:18 No. 1668 [Reply]
what was your first anime? what was your first hentai??
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Probably Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Yugioh, whatever was on 4kidz. The first time I got really into it was Naruto on Toonami. After a few years of that, I came back to anime after a friend and I watched SAO, AoT, and Date a alive which got me back on anime in highschool. I also ended up watching Nisekoi with said friend and bet Kirisaki would win while he bet Onodera would. After we graduated, it turns out I won
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I believe the first anime I ever watched in full (Toonami introduced anime to me technically but I never watched a show aired on there to completion) was Panty & Stocking w/ Garterbelt. It was nice for a first-timer, and I watched it with full subs, not the dubbed version. As for my first hentai, I can't remember the name but it was probably in 2005 or so when hentai sites were sparse, and I don't think I even fapped to it, I just watched it. It was some girl in a steamy bath and she had vanilla sex with some guy. There was another one I watched right after that which was more rape-themed and some monster looking motherfucker ate a girl's clitoris, like literally bit it off. I thought that was something you're supposed to do during sex as well until I found out the truth later. Doesn't really count, but this is the first doujin I ever saved, though that was long after my first hentai experience.
>>1668 Pokemon Euphoria

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Secret Favorite Anime Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 20:24:57 No. 2259 [Reply]
We all have a favorite anime that doesn't make sense. I'm talking about anime from a genre that usually disinterests you that you love or maybe its just very different from your other favorites. What's yours?
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>>2260 >You're Under Arrest The opening song is a work of art by itself. I wish Japan went back to that period, when composing songs for anime.
>>2286 You and me both, anon. I still listen to it from time to time and the animation for it was gorgeous. The anime and OVA both had a banger for an OP plus their soundtrack was easy listening. OVA - https://yewtu.be/watch?v=g4CovmXFeLM Anime - https://yewtu.be/watch?v=0pEtx_cN1tw
I've never tried a josei anime before, but I recently watched Nodame Cantabile and I liked it a lot and would recommend it, its entertaining, very funny and the characters are great. I also agree about Yakitate!!, its an outstanding work, Sunrise really outdid themselves.

Ruri Dragon Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 15:04:14 No. 2282 [Reply]
Promoted as the next big hit by Shonen Jump, then suddenly banished along with the author. Why did they take her from us, anon?
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Shes got good design and story seemed nice, its a shame it got immediately blocked. I thought the author got sick tho but maybe I was wrong.
>>2292 They claim its medical issue, but I dunno. Some thing it didn't perform as expected and the author was told to lay low. Weird stuff in general.

Nier: Automata Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 17:58:57 No. 2056 [Reply]
What do you think of the anime so far?
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>>2233 And it still does not compare to the superior quality of the game's story and visuals. Anything "new" could be done better in-game. My point is that the anime is unnecessary.
>>2242 >Anything "new" could be done better in-game. Unless Yoko Taro is planning to rerelease the game with new content this will never happen, so I have no idea what you even mean here. >My point is that the anime is unnecessary. Given that it's giving new content to the story, including original stories as well as fleshing out side characters, your statement is already false. If it was a simple 1:1 adaptation I'd agree with you. It's not. So really your only point at this stage is: "the game looks better." Okay? Who gives a shit, as long as it's doing something new. I'm not some zoomer graphicsfag, if the content is interesting I'll show up for it. Episode 2 interested me. Episode 3 at least had some things that different as well. Enough to get me to watch anyway.
>>2244 >Okay? Who gives a shit Plebbit tier non-argument. The game looks better and has all the essential story in it. Thus, the anime is a waste of time. >including original stories Even IF they were good, it would be better done as part of the game.

Spy x Family Anonymous 01/19/2023 (Thu) 16:11:00 No. 2116 [Reply]
What do you think of Spy x Family? I'm really enjoying the wholesome moments and I like how Loid isn't some lame simp like most anime protagonists. Yor is very cute and I love all the outfits the author gives her.
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I watched the first episode on a flight coming back to my parents’ house and teared up after Loid comes back for Anya. Not sure what it is, maybe ive gotten a lot softer over the years.
>>2193 I like it, her smug is made for this.
>>2246 >Its all for the sake of a better world! Loid always looking out for us

Rem:Zero Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 21:27:36 No. 1781 [Reply]
I really enjoyed the story up to arc 6. Anyone still following the web novel? Arc 7 has been pretty bad imo due to how many characters there are. But I hope arc 8 can get things back on track.
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The new Rem short story translations were released. Read Death unto the weak first, then provisional Rem after Be warned that they contain Arc 7 SPOILERS!!! https://eminenttranslations.com/rezero/side-stories/the-land-of-wolves-death-unto-the-weak-mercy-be-none-7/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kktDI47uuhQkkdPM3rLJH06s6IkPjM_tOXn7NTU8DI/edit?usp=sharing
What do you think about my masterplan for when I hang myself and get to Re:Zero's world in Subaru's place? 1. Get to the Mansion 2. Acquire Rem 3. Convince Emilia to defect to Crusch's camp 4. Use Crusch's resources to acquire Sanctuary 5. Make contract with Echidna 6. Kill the Whale using Roswaal and Crusch's army 7. Make badass armor from the White Whale's hide 8. Acquire Reinhard and Felt 9. Use my economic superiority to acquire Anastasia by convincing her to drop and join me 10. Make a team of Julius, Reinhard, Ram, Rem and Crusch BUT NOT EMILIA to conquer Flügel's Tower and acquire Shawler 11. Incarnate Louise in the green room, then rape her and make her my trophy wife while killing Gluttony as painfully and slowly as possible, just for fun 12. Use their combined resources to conquer Vollachia, proving my might to Priscilla and making her KISS MY FEET 13. Use the time in Vollachia to acquire Medium 14. Abolish the priestess contract and become the Harem King Supreme Emperor of Mankind 15. Marry Rem, Crusch, Ram, Shaula, Felt, Anastasia, Priscilla, Echidna, Frederica, Emilia, Capella, and tie Meili and Elsa to my rape dungeon. 16. Further my royal line through Rem's bloodline.

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>>2245 Please don't isekai yourself anon.

Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 04:57:15 No. 2214 [Reply]
De alguna forma los japoneses realmente esperan que las mujeres se les ofrezcan de gratis pero parece que no lo logran, el tiro por la culata es que los vuelve cada vez menos seguros de acercarse a una mujer, si para su mierdera cultura exponerse al rechazo no es opción, les resulta ideal que literalmente les caigan del cielo, ojala se extingan esos fracasados en el orden darwiniano e las cosas

Shin Ultraman Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 16:05:45 No. 1995 [Reply]
Yoyo, saw this movie in theaters about two days ago or so, and I wanted to gather the opinions of anons who also saw this movie. I personally like how professional the characters were even with all the crazy shit happening around them. They didn't get overly dramatic or anything you'd see in an American movie. Basically they would just say "oh that happened, what now?" which is the level of professionalism expected in real life scenarios. Basically I thought the movie was really well done and well written. That said you have to know what to expect, this isn't a movie about explosions and high octane action. It's a movie very much reliant on its story, characters and general world building, basically this is a movie that was written with a more grounded tone rather than something like Fast and the Furious. Honestly in that regard. I find it to be a breath of fresh air since it's not having the characters be overly dramatic or over the top, and the action is actually not a mess of explosions which is another thing I liked about the movie. Please give Shin Ultraman a watch when you can. I'm not sure when it'll be released digitally, but it's very much worth watching. At least in my opinion.
>>1995 Im a fan of Ultraman. And i think it was great. It does has fanservice for old fans but it does not rely solely on this, is basicaly takes fictional characters and put them on real life scenarios. If you can watch also Shin Godzilla. It has a different tone but it is even better in some other aspects. Looking forward to Shin Kamen Rider too.
>>1998 Agreed, I had a very pleasant movie going experience. Another interesting thing about it is that you don't need prior Ultraman knowledge to enjoy it since I enjoyed it despite not being familiar with Ultraman at all.
>>1995 I avoided it since Hideaki Anno injected politics in his Shin Godzilla movie, which was a boring movie full of childish takes on politics and a infantile take on human behavior. I expected the same from this Shin Ultraman. I may pirate it when it is available. But I'm not giving money to anything with Hideaki involved.

RWBY Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 14:43:54 No. 2087 [Reply]
What do you think of it? Now that it has an anime.
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Anime? Where are the clips? What Rooster Teeth did to the series was unforgivable. They could have mercy killed it sooner but had to push out that terrible Iron Man Bad storyline. Stick to the first two Volumes, maybe the third then never look back again. RWBY could've been the indie scene's Last Airbender but holy shit nobody in that gay studio could animate fights as good as Monty.
Just FYI, there's already a RWBY thread anyone want that I should merge them?
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Every time Shaft makes an anime and it's not Sangatsu no Lion season 3 I get upset, so I couldn't like Ice Queendom even if I wanted to, and since I never liked RWBY in the first place, it wasn't liked I cared all that much to begin with.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 14:21:59 No. 1168 [Reply]
Let's talk about this shit. I know it's Netflix shit, but I was quite impressed by the quality. There are no plans for a second season, and I think that's for the better, the ending is perfect, but there's always the chance that they'll try and do a memory clone asspull or say that Adam Smasher didn't really kill David and Arasaka captured him for research.
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>>2190 How would you fuck her, anon?

Kimetsu no Yaiba Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 17:41:00 No. 2179 [Reply]
Didn't know the author was so based

High Card Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 13:09:06 No. 2085 [Reply]
Anime original this year, dumb fun it seems.

Oniichan wa Oshimai! Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 19:07:06 No. 1856 [Reply]
>First loli fanservice show in ages >the loli is a man I SWEAR I'M NOT GAY Oniichan wa Oshimai thread.
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Regardless of what it is, the outfits and design are top-tier.
Anyone got any good clips of the show?
>>1858 Baby's first genderbender anime. Copypasting from another post I made: Plot summary: 2Xyo hikikkomori is turned into a 1Xyo loli by his younger sister in an attempt to fix his NEET autism. The anime is okay (only two episodes have been released), and the loli fanservice is enjoyable (the naked body of Mahiro, the MC, is displayed in multiple scenes, with only his nipples, butt and cunny being censored). >>1880

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 22:16:18 No. 2069 [Reply]
Another work by the author of White Album 2. A shame its not as well developed, Megumi was the best part followed by heroine Utaha Kasumigaoka.

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