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Anonymous 03/19/2023 (Sun) 09:48:24 No. 2948
>Yet another male wish fulfillment girlfriend anime When did anime shifted from weak-willed harem self inserts to teasing tsunderes?
>>2948 I feel like we've had this type of thing since at least the 80's/90s. Video Girl Ai was one of the OG wish fulfillment girlfriend anime. the medium is cyclical and prone to trends (remember all the shows featuring cute witches?) even your post shows Lum is back (the 70's wish fulfillment anime girlfriend, probably invented by a dyke mangaka)
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>>2948 >Not wanting cute girlfriend and realistic romance anime Smells a little homosexual here. But yeah it's not even a recent trend, just that harem shit was Call of duty fad and now it's back to old school girlfriends
>>2948 Romcoms have existed in anime since forever.
>Komi san >Tomo chan >Uzaki chan >Marin kitagawa >Takagi san >Niggatoro Anymore of this high school romance with a gentle femdom taste?
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>>2948 It's all because of him
I watch this for Sally Amaki
>>2955 I can't get enough of this brown bully.
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Here's my ranking from best to worst >Nagataro >Tomo chan >Komisan >Uzaki > > > > >Kitagawa Tomo chan is perfect single watch binge feel good anime where all the girls are great. To the point that it's best if this just focused on hijinks of the girls and kept Junichiro as a side character
>>3024 Takagi san is the best since it actually has a happy, Abe-approved ending
>>3025 Look at her forehead and tell me you like her. Nagataro is actually reactive to his approach instead of just hoping her boobs will grow over time. And don't think nagataro won't have baby making ending too
>>2965 The best part of the anime are the friends who all help and are unique in their own way. Misuzu is the main girl in someone else's manga
>>2948 I just don't watch them. Plenty of other shit out there to enjoy that I never have to suffer through this crap.
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>>3025 Takagi-san's author is also a master at drawing cute girls. >>3033 >Look at her forehead and tell me you like her You mean the best part?
Have any of you fags actually watched Tomo-chan? She's not a tsundere or a dom or anything. She's literally the ideological tomboy everyone on this site talks about: a sporty girl who's insecure about her femininity (or lack there of) who just wants a guy to love her.
>>2958 >would rather fuck her own cousin than let a nip dick anywhere near her She is also my favourite character in the show
>>3070 Anon what are you talking about?
>>3070 huh?
>>3067 >Has anyone watched tomochan? Of course not. They're too busy feeling pity and blaming others than actually watch good shit. Tomochan is someone who will lift you up by punching you, carrying you up the stairs, and call you a faggot when you run out of breath. And Jun is actually a well adjusted man who isn't afraid to push others
>>3083 >male MC is not a faggot Is he a good character or is he just another guy
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>>3084 >Is he a good character or is he just another guy Does it matter? He's just there for the self insert, but since he's strong and isn't shy that eliminates 90% of the anime watchers. The girls however are top tier, the black haired girl misuzu acts kuudere but melee into a puddle. Tomochan is every tomboys dream.
>>3083 the poster who doesn't press >>3084 the pretentious side kick >>3085 seriously you are so weak-willed if you consider kuudere is top tier
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we grew up, became desperate. this is explanation

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