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Manga archival projects Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 15:41:14 No. 3122 [Reply]
Ciao, /a/nons, I was in the process of updating my collection of manga since I don't read much but have always wanted to at least own as many scanlated books as possible. I'm currently sitting at 700ish downloaded titles, most of them are incomplete due to the usual drop of interest by the scanlators but a sizable chunk should be all the classics and the niche hits. I was wondering if you guys would be so nice as to suggest to me a bunch more. Not just "what you're reading right now", it's more about getting a comprehensive list of the most important, fun, interesting or historically significant manga you know of. If they have an anime adaptation that surpasses the simple "the manga but they speak" a la Ping Pong or the Jojos, then I'll be more than happy to also add that to my list. I've got about 4 TBs more of space, so help me fill 'em up.
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Ended up making a list, consider I downloaded everything in here plus what they suggested me on https://8chan.moe/av/res/22936.html (I have to resort to hotlinking because for some reason it points to the loli thread otherwise) Haven't properly updated it cause I'm getting my ass kicked on vidya in the mean time >>3145 Thank you, I already have it but it's a good reminder. >>3168 Madokami has an 8th chapter up, here, have it. https://anonfiles.com/U7iaR8ocz4/Puipui_v02_c08_zip >>3177 Thank you! It's currently on my Tachiyomi list of stuff I have already downloaded and wish to read asap, shame the series is apparently left in a limbo but considering I've read stuff in much worse state I don't mind
>>3122 One manga that I've searched for (quality) scans of for years with little luck has been Desert Punk (砂ぼうず). The anime was a decent hit with a Funimation dub back before they were pure cancer, but the manger is a lot rarer. I've heard it more or less goes to shit after the bits the anime adapted, but I've still always wanted to read it, and I consider it a pretty important series for its time. I doubt anyone is that into it now, but it was once quite popular. I'd also be interested if you've found any HQ scans of the early One Piece volumes. My old NULL scans of the first 15 volumes are lowres. I'd be surprised if you didn't have One Piece but getting the best scans requires patching together releases from a few different major groups over the years, many of which probably no longer exist online. Is there any chance you'd be willing to upload your collection somewhere? I lost a lot of my old scans a decade ago in a hard drive move and I'd be interested in getting the whole thing to restart.

Light Novel General Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 17:43:25 No. 3158 [Reply]
Discuss anything about WN/LN What are you reading currently? Your thoughts on what you are reading or have read last?
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>>3159 Lots of stuff are left out from adaptions, hardly any anime based on a LN have good adaption letting lots of stuff out, but its more of a thing if you enjoy reading lots of text WN is better as a "fast food" since chapters are usually small
>>3160 Is it really that much? I assumed a lot of text in LNs were just used to describe a scene, which can be expressed visually in very efficient ways >WNs Interesting, I heard those are very uncensored compared to all the other mediums Any good ones off the top of your head with regards to something long, meaty and with a good plot?
>>3161 Light novels just smaller books with some art pretty much >Any good ones off the top of your head with regards to something long, meaty and with a good plot? What kind of genre you are into?

Anime Search Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 23:43:12 No. 3103 [Reply]
I'm looking for the last episode (04) of "Kingdom of chaos: born to kill" An obscure anime where the last two episodes are not found on the internet if anyone knows or has the DVDs and can share with me I appreciate it.
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I wish anime would sell 1 full seasons instead of just selling 2-3 episodes per DVD. Would make archiving shit a lot easier.
>>3153 They're so expensive, too. I've considered buying blurays of series I like but I can buy a full 20+ episode season of American shows for less than the cost of 3 episodes of an anime. Why is a full season $80-100 before import fees?
corps selling those Blu-Ray box sets really know how to jew people

Young Love/Romance/Romcom Anime Anonymous 04/17/2023 (Mon) 02:49:06 No. 3106 [Reply]
I need some recommendations for Young Love/Romance/Romcom anime, it has to be something similar to how it was handled in Hime Chan no Ribbon or Cardcaptor Sakura (those are the only examples I have, I don't have any others; hence why I am here). If you haven't seen either of these, I guess the things that make them unique regarding romance is that it's treated seriously so there isn't endless cockteasing like in modern romance works (Uzaki-chan, Nagatoro, Komi-san, et cetera) and while tasteful comedy is present, there is also tasteful drama. Also another key point is that the love needs to be young, either early highschool or pre highschool. Don't ask me why, it's just better that way. More innocent, pure, cute.
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>>3116 I think I'll be giving Kodocha and Kaitou a try, thanks for the rec's anon

itt first anime girl you came to this year Anonymous 01/15/2023 (Sun) 21:02:14 No. 2031 [Reply]
Girls who got your first drops this year! I'm starting with this cute aryan beauty.
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yor forger
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I cant remember who it was but I am fairly certain it was a cow girl.

Buyfag Thread Anonymous 02/24/2023 (Fri) 00:48:40 No. 2680 [Reply]
What're ye buyin? What are you weebs buying? Any hopes for future merch? Saving up for anything big? Have any bad buyfag experiences? Good buyfag experiences? >Buyfag guide https://buyfags.moe/Full_guide#Undervalue >Recent events https://www.nekomagic.com/category/event/amiami-hobby-camp/ I will be posting some new/upcoming releases of particular note to me, sorry if you don't care about them yourself but you can follow the link above to see for yourself.
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>>3011 So many stores are being infected with the gay it seems
Even if it counts as spam I am going to shill this video in this thread too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnnB1a1C2OE
>>3011 Must be the same gamers who think videogame cause violence

Jinrui wo Metsubou sasete wa Ikemasen Anonymous 10/04/2022 (Tue) 04:42:45 No. 1114 [Reply]
Why haven't you read this manga yet? an underrated gem
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This series was alright but got axed real fast I was hoping for more romance between the MC and the female rabbit bodyguard but that didn't happen Overall I started losing interest when they introduced the little sister and that's when the quality for me started to drop
>>1174 If you want proper moe with a full conclusion I rec Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru And NG Life Mizuho Kusanagi is a true pro, Akatsuki no Yona is also really good, if I ever get money I'll be buying the full series.
>>1114 I dropped it because the whole “she’s an alien that wants to destroy earth” angle got left behind within the first five chapters, and it just became a standard bumbling-single-dad series. She should’ve been the equivalent of an adult for her species, and merely has to pretend to be a child to not be discovered.

Spring Anime Season 2023 Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 00:38:41 No. 3027 [Reply]
Edit this OP with relevant shows. Watchlist: Konosuba: 2.5 Hell's Paradise The Marginal Service Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers Vinland Saga 2 BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls' Story Season 2 Kaguya-sama: Love is War -The First Kiss That Never Ends- Tengoku Daimakyou Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage Tonikaku Kawaii Season 2 Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King Dr. Stone: New World Jigokuraku Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru

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Edited last time by Director_Miku on 04/04/2023 (Tue) 02:08:10.
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>>3052 Wtf, why
>>3053 dunno.
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>Dr. Stone: New World I wonder what took so long for the next season to be released.

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Popuko and Pipimi Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 04:32:23 No. 3044 [Reply]
just because.

>>2987 Yeah if you go to shitholes don't be shocked that all you found was shit.
>>2987 >>2983 Because this is the only place you can post hitler

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Berserk Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 10:52:56 No. 924 [Reply]
No Berserk thread here? Time to fix that. R.I.P., Kentaro Miura. Kouji Mori took over the manga since Miura's passing because he was a personal friend of his, and he knows the script. I hope he won't screw it up. What do you guys think so far? The latest chapter is currently 367. The next one is scheduled for August 12. These recent chapters made me hate that asshole Griffith even more. I look forward to the next one, but I also kind of dread it. Anyway, feel free to discuss all things Berserk ITT. Morda is the best girl, by the way.
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Honestly, after reading Berserk for so long, and reading the new chapters after Miura's passing, basically it's left much of the fandom in a state of enmity for the new creative director of the series. Not only is it still progressing super fucking slow (it's been just about 4 months since the last chapter was published), but this panel sums up the whole thing. Guts in the Yamcha death pose.
>>2990 How do you expect a team trying to replicate Miura's style & respect his writing plans without pissing off the fans to pump out chapters at a regular rate?
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Bungo Stray Dogs Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 20:58:09 No. 2975 [Reply]
I understand the hype around Fyodor and he's pretty smart but consider this. Fyodor has had a lot of time to plan and plot and he also has a lot of resources at his disposal and he's strong. But being able to make a puzzle is not the and may not be as difficult as having to solve a puzzle. He's had initiative of setting up the plot and he may be able to catch others in some traps but, after all those advantages are up, he'll be on an even playing field. Ranpo has always went into every puzzle blind and can still hold out and win in the end. Ranpo has also been playing by his own restrictions but if he set those aside. Ranpo might not seem flashy and the best right now but they have very different ways of operating. Ranpo might seem at a disadvantage now but it's not at the time in the game when he scales yet. He will definitely wreck Fyodor and carry later. Believe in the best boy!

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Best Anime Anonymous 12/12/2022 (Mon) 06:41:40 No. 1508 [Reply]
IGN has released their "Top 25 Best Anime Series of All Time" List - I'll include the top ten here. https://archive.md/n7GCV https://www.ign.com/articles/top-25-best-anime-series-of-all-time >1. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood >2. Cowboy Bebop >3. One Piece >4. Monster >5. Hajime no Ippo >6. Mob Psycho 100 >7. Hunter x Hunter >8. Neon Genesis Evangelion >9. Yu Yu Hakusho >10. FLCL Do you agree and what is yours?
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>>2816 what would you most remove and replace with on the list?
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>>1508 >Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Can we please stop pretending this was anything more than average. I know it's easy newfag bait, but it really wasn't that good compared to other battle anime you can find, even ignoring how rushed the opening 10 episodes are and how phoned in most of its deeper ideas relating to racism end up being (maybe don't comment upon "How do we grow from genociding a whole race" if you don't feel like offering a real answer). >Cowboy Bebop Another newfag anime, which I guess some p[eople like but I didn't. I find most anime space westerns to be rather shallow outside of Xabungle and Gundam X (if you even want to consider that a Western), and Cowboy Bebop seems like it gets by on Toonami nostalgia these days. >One Piece One Piece's pacing is absolutely atrocious, so the anime clearly isn't best anything, but the obvious point is that they're referring to the manga. Sure, I guess, it's a global phenomenon. >Monster Fine. The anime adaptation is too fucking long and also has pacing issues, but people love it anyways. >Hajime no Ippo Ashita no Joe and Ring ni Kakero were better. >Mob Psycho 100 Yeah, sure. >Hunter x Hunter The 2011 anime sucked absolute shit which is undoubtably what they're referring to here. >Evangelion

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> missing well liked older shows like dominion tank police, gits and UY. All of the lists in this thread are basically just nufag seasonal crap.

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Niche, Overlooked, or Forgotten anime. Anonymous 04/27/2021 (Tue) 16:59:59 No. 404 [Reply]
Any old or niche anime you've feel like you can't discuss with anyone else or that you've felt isn't all that well known? I've watched Seikaisuru Kado (Kado: The right Answer) an anime about an higher dimensional being wanting to bring it's knowledge to humanity in order to help them advance due to having the potential to develop beyond their limits and it doesn't seem like it's brought up all that much if at all.
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>>404 I really LIKED Sekaisuru Kado! Everyone always WHINES and cries over the ending for some reason probably because they're low level horsy but it was super interesting and entertaining. The CG is great too but that's expected of Toei It's not >cuckime but everyone should really watch Oshibudo! It's about the people that support idols and examines the relationship betweenf ans and idols it's actually so good I CRIED like 20 times watching it >>409 Those were good too. Sirius kind of dropped the ball at the end though and ID0 was just "ok" for the whole runtime
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Mahoujin Guruguru to the point where only recently did I learn there are more series for it that came out in 2017 and 2020
>>409 Sirius is pretty decent. Nothing amazing but decent enough. No good subs though because it was a Netflix release & their subs are full of typos. ID-0 has a lot of interesting ideas. If you can stomach the 3D animation, I'd say it might be worth a watch but I never finished it. Garo The Animation doesn't require any previous knowledge of the live action tokusatsu series so anyone can go into it blind. It's got pretty iffy animation though. More so when they do the CGI horrors.

supongo que esto no lo entenderá nadie Nombre hispano 07/05/2021 (Mon) 09:05:44 No. 467 [Reply]
Xd, ahora podré decirle a mis amigos que estuve en la Deepweb!, XDDD, solo eso, Ignoren a este usuario insignificante
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One Piece thread? Some chief of staff Sabo is https://youtu.be/Ft-pWVaRnQ8

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One Piece JEWS 03/02/2023 (Thu) 11:08:20 No. 2756 [Reply]
Sentonmaru and Perona are Toko's parents. Perona, underage at the time, abandoned her daughter. This is a settled matter of fact. Did Perona come and go with Gecko Moriah when Moriah graverobbed Shusui and exhumed Ryuma? Did Sentonmaru come with Vegapunk when Vegapunk was cloning Kaido's DF? Why did the Ghost Princess spread her legs for some fat, disfigured weeaboo who doesn't wear shoes?
I don't give a shit about Wang Piece's plotholes, I just need more Perona hentai. I need more villainess porn.
>>2888 That's fair. Perona is pretty hot, and her bratty personality is great. >villainess porn I mean, most one piece girls (excluding the fatties and obvious freaks) are hot.

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