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Tokusatsu General Thread Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 23:48:01 No. 1015
Since we have no /m/, this is the next best thing. Discuss all things tokusatsu past & present. The latest Kamen Rider entry, Kamen Rider Geats, has just started. Feel free to as how to get into the franchise as well as the best sub options available.
>>1015 Nice initiative. About Geat, repeating what I said on /v/: I like the fact that the main "hero" is an asshole. That makes him more human. I hate idealized tropes and prefer the more flawed, not much morals, asshole types of characters. I find the idealized one embarrassing. So, for me, it was a breath of fresh air. I just hope Ace doesn't fall into a idealized trope later on. As for the supporting cast, once again, they are just boring. For me, ever since Decade until Revice I find all the supporting cast straight up dull to the point that the shows would be better without them. The fact that such dull characters are all Kamen Riders in this show only made it worse. But overall, I am enjoying Geats for the action scenes, visual design and Ace.
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>>1016 The virtuous hero putting himself on the line for the sake of others has always been the thing with Kamen Rider. Even the ones in the past that have been more jerks or have done morally dubious things do step up. I'm just waiting for Geats to really do that beyond giving money to a kid for his treatment. But yeah like I said too, the supporting cast right now are flat. Keiwa is boring & dumb without initiative of his own while the e-girl Na-go is at least getting flesh out next episode. I do like Buffa though & wanna learn more about him. Probably because he's got the best suit & he isn't the protagonist so if he's an asshole then it's less conflicting to me.
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>>1017 Fucked up posting the same vid twice.
>>1017 Buffa and the other guy (the one who denies help all the time) are just the moody emo types. Those are the ones I hate the most. Even more than the idealized tropes. I hope that Toei eventually breaks off from the chains of casualization and familiarity. The ratings for tokusatsu have been falling, and aside from all other factors, a big one is that many shows all develop in the same way at some point, making them all feel the same. Even the Japanese are getting bored by it. So my hopes are that Ace truly becomes the first in a series of protagonists that completely abandon the formula and tropes. We need more Aces (as seem in this beginning) and less Yuusuke Godais/Kuugas.
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>>1019 I like the abrasive rival character. Especially if they've got more to them under the surface. Dapan is probably a lot more sinister between the two. He'll either die or lose his magnum buckle though so Geats has half his main form again. The japanese fans are pretty hard to please sometimes. Apparently the reception to Revice is pretty mixed over there. I loved it though.
>>1020 I like the abrasive too. Not the moody emos. The ones that stay mostly silent, and are always moody and/or grumpy. Those are either boring or annoying. I would prefer someone more like Masato/Kaixa, from Faiz, than those two, who are always just posing and being moody just because writers are still figuring out what to do with them. >The Japanese fans are pretty hard to please sometimes. Not really. They are vocal about what they want. The companies are the ones being stubborn and not changing their ways to appease the audience. There is a "tug-of-war" between corporate suits and the audience, in Japan. The suits there are VERY ego driven, and they see carving to the audience's demands for change as "losing" the battle of wits. They want the audience to obey them. Not the other way around. Mostly because they fear giving power to the audience, and having the audience control their job in the future. Since there are now many different mediums, the audience can simply ignore the shows when their complaints aren't being heard, so now those suits are cornered between ceding power to the audience or risking losing everything due to boycotts and disinterest. >Apparently the reception to Revice is pretty mixed over there A thing that many people in the west try to dismiss, but it is actually a huge defying factor, is the first reaction to visual design. The reaction to Revice's initial form and color scheme was hugely negative. As were Decade's and Ex-Aid's. Pink (or magenta) are not mainly colors. Nobody sees a "hero" in pin armor and think that it is cool. And that goes double for the Japanese, that have a set opinion on what is cool and what isn't. And since the"looking cool" factor is one of the main attraction points of tokusatsu, the first impression being bad actually causes the audience to abandon the show even before it starts. As for me, I liked Revice when they started bashing the pro-vaccine insane freaks in their plot, making parallels between pro-vaxers being demons. But before that, the show was very tedious for me. With some parts being embarrassing (such as the tyranosaur form debut), to the point that I felt genuinely ashamed to watch it, and abandoned it, until I heard about the vaccine plot, and came back to watch it. In short: I liked Revice more due it's middle-to-end arcs than it's beginning and ending.
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>>1021 Makes sense. Though they can't always do what they want so willy nilly when Kamen Rider's a franchise that hinges on sales of merchandise to keep going. If you piss off the audience then sales numbers drop. That's why there's still so much merch available at low prices for Saber. Only people that liked Saber unironically were China. It is a garish color scheme & an unfortunate association in the west with the tranny flag. I liked it though. Ex-Aid & Zi-O were pink too but I liked them. Maybe it's just something I'm not so used to that I was able to grow on them as they were airing. I'd say Saber & Geats are the only ones in recent memory that didn't hook me right away. Though with Saber, part of that is due to having no good subs. Vice is pretty divisive but I like him & all the silly moments of Revice. I used to hate Ghost because I couldn't stand the comedy being so in your face & childish. Part of why I'm not into Super Sentai too. But I watched Ghost to the end & ended up liking it. It's not great but wasn't as bad as I used to think.
>>1022 I actually skipped Saber completely. What was all about it that it got so much hate from everyone? As for pissing off the audience, sure. But the suits actually hate that reality. They want to control the audience. There was a debacle during Decade's production, due to the series' main producer being a flamboyant faggot that tried to turn everything into a gay "romance" show. It was his idea to use Magenta as a color scheme. And he explicitly stated that Diend and Decade were gay lovers. He was so concerned about all the faggotry, that he overlooked the whole celebration thing, and the show ended up the mess it was. There is even the cast "joking" about him on one of the short net movies. So, basically, the higher ups want to shut the audience up and do whatever they want. Thankfully, money and businesses don't work like that. About Revice's reaction, I should have specified, but I meant the Japanese audience's reaction. From what I gathered, Decade, Ex-Aid and Revice were the 3 shows that the Japanese reacted most negatively to the initial designs. To the point that those designs affected the ratings right from the start and never recovered after they fell more.towards the middle, on the 3 shows. Zi-O was more like quartz. Not actually pink, but a metallic light purple, combined with shades of black and white on his armor. From what I know, it was a well received design. I think the same as you about Ghost's comedy. It is just lame and embarrassing. That comedy is also present in lesser quantities in former shows, and are the reason why I got increasingly bored by Kamen Rider shows. Ever since Kabuto up until Ex-Aid, the many different producers and directors got in the way of the shows, to the point thatall shows looked like 2 completely separated things. The serious tone, and the childish comedic tone. Making all characters become only half likable, due to the childish part really getting in the way of fully enjoying them. And I share the same opinion about Ghost as a whole: it has good moments and a good plot. It is just badly executed in many instances. The worst aspects for me are the lack of actual danger and loss, due to Ghost being able to resurrect anytime by plot convenience. The lack of differentiation between the main Riders, as they are pretty much the same thing, with the same powers and access to the same gadgets. And finally, the development of the main cast, which was close to none. They change behavior on a whim, according to what is needed for the plot, with Specter being the worst in that aspect, as he debuts as a rival almost like a enemy, and just stops being that way out of nowhere and gets along with everyone due to plot convenience. I felt that the movie that takes place after the tv series is way better than the series as a whole. If that tone ans writing was used in the tv, it would be a way better show.
>>1023 A few factors. >bloated cast of a total of technically 10 riders >heavy overuse of CGI as this was during the covid pandemic scare plus much of the fights involved going to a fictional world >much more lighter comedic tone akin to Super Sentai >rushed writing that even those who stuck around to watch said ruined it >a cool gimmick wasted on a bad belt design >heavy suit cannibalization >main actor was actually caught smoking after gambling & visiting his e-thot gf Huh never heard of all that. Worst I know of showrunners fucking up a show beyond repair was Hibiki. Yeah I figured. Looks pink to me but I'm not a woman so I don't know specific shades. Well with Makoto/Specter, he was only being that way because he wanted to resurrect Kanon & Takeru was getting in the way of collecting the eyecons for that goal. Once Takeru used his wish for Kanon, Makoto naturally mellowed out. I do agree that Takeru just conveniently being able to come back is kinda cheap. Then characters like Yurusen were really just not needed. He was there purely as a cute mascot but does nothing & has no development. The Kamen Rider 1 movie & Sin Specter movie were pretty good. Though speaking of Ghost & movie's the biggest failure to me is not answering how the hell Ghost showed up several times in Drive MONTHS before canonically getting his powers. They even have a time gap in show for an explanation but never do.
>>1024 About Saber: >bloated cast of a total of technically 10 riders This is a two-edged sword situation for sure. I always like to have the transforming/super powered cast to be large and impactful to the story, but if not done right, it can ruin the whole show for sure. >heavy overuse of CGI as this was during the covid pandemic scare plus much of the fights involved going to a fictional world On one hand, I like the idea of changing to another dimension to fight. I am a fan of the Metal Hero genre, and the Space Cop trilogy utilized this concept a lot, which made me become fond of it. Ultraman Nexus also heavily used this concept. Although bad special effects can ruin the execution for sure. But overall, I have a sweet spot for this concept so I end up overlooking the flaws. I really like when the main gimmick is traveling to another pocket dimension to fight the enemies. >much more lighter comedic tone akin to Super Sentai That is a immediate turn off indeed. >rushed writing that even those who stuck around to watch said ruined it Inoue's style writing? I hate that the most. Everything rushed by the end, and the cast getting shove off just so the story can be concluded, no matter how many plot points gets unsolved. If that is the case, then it is indeed something to make one hate the whole show in the end. >a cool gimmick wasted on a bad belt design That has been the case for years now. And I always hate it. People in the west seem to dismiss it a lot just because "it is always like that", but that does not change the fact that it is a flaw and that it should not happen. >heavy suit cannibalization By that, I suppose you mean repurposing suits to make other suits, right? If that is the case, yes, it is another turn off for me. I hate when the show brags about presenting a new Rider, on ly for it to have the suit be just a repurposed one from a previous Rider. It is 100% done as a scam to sell toys, and not caring about the plot or the writing. >main actor was actually caught smoking after gambling & visiting his e-thot gf Once again, actors (and women) ruin a show. I reacall the Kamen Rider Super 1's main actor being now a fugitive from the police due to scamming people out of their money. And Kamen Rider Black's actor who infanmously did a live stream were he had a mental meltdown and bashed fans, the Kamen Rider franchise as a whole, his own Kamen Rider Black show, and showed how much of a envious and spiteful idiot he is for not being contacted for the new Kamen Rider Black Sun remake. On that aspect, I think that Japan is going through a decadence phase similar to (((Hollywood))), in the sense that, due to the internet, people over there now know what goes behind the scenes of entertainment productions, and all the gambling, Yakuza involvement, rapes, suicides, and supposed assassination contracts due to many circumstances. So the Japanese people are not interested in being a part of the entertainment industry anymore. that leaves only indebted scum to be hired, out of desperation from the producers, and whose indebted scum themselves work out of desperation too, so they don't care about the work or about maintaining a good image for the audience. That leads to situations like the one you mentioned, with the actor being a gambler, smoker and having e-whores as girlfriends. The e-whores themselves are a big problem in all countries. Nobody that is smart want anything to do with e-celebs, so anyone associated with them get boycotted by the an audience with money that would otherwise support a show, but won't due to the e-whores being benefited in some way.
>>1024 Hibiki was the worst case, for sure. But Decade had a lot of behind the scenes problems, to the point that the show was finished without a actual conclusion. Ex-Aid went through similar problems, and although it was concluded, it was rushed to end earlier due to all the low ratings and low toy sales. About Ghost: Specter acting all antagonizing was not needed. He could just ally with Ghost from the beginning and go collecting the Eyecons together, like they ended up doing anyways. It was one of the worst cases of "antagonizing just for the sake of it", like the writers are forced to make the secondary Rider start as some antagonist, no matter what. Yuusen is one of the main reason to hate the show. Shove off toy that has no reason to exist. The shows that have mascots like him are the ones that I tend to dislike the most. I often compare that to Drive, where the mascot (Steinbelt/Belt-san) was actually essential to the whole plot, and a central piece of the story, as well as being voiced by a good voice actor that made listening to him quite enjoyable, instead of annoying like Yuusen. I liked the Ghost movies way more than the tv show. Again, if the producers made the tv show in the tone of the movies, it would be a way better show in my opinion. About showing up in Drive, it was badly written indeed. I dislike a lot of that urge to make crossovers, to the point that shows' conclusions get negatively affected due to the need to have the main cast return for a crossover in a later show. W's ending should have been with Philip dead. But due to the need for future crossovers, Philip can never die, even though it made sense and made for a very good dramatic moment. Same for many other shows. Drive's conclusion, with Steinbelt sealing itself, the whole base and all the equipment, so they wouldn't risk turning into Roidmudes, leaving Shinosuke without his powers after concluding his mission as a Kamen Rider was one of the best conclusions for a show. Then it was all for nothing in subsequent crossovers. Gaim just shows up from heaven and forces Steinbelt back into action, just so Drive can appear in a crossover. This precise aspect of modern shows ever since W are the main reason why I got bored by Kamen Rider shows. If the ratings are low and even western audiences are getting tired of the genre, I would point at that aspect first and foremost, as the main reason. Nothing in the shows has a definitive conclusion anymore, because everyone must come back for a future crossover. That makes all the losses be irrelevant, as everyone will just be brought back in some way or another. And all supposed conclusions will be opened up again for indefinite continuations, as long as there are crossovers to be had. That makes the endings of the shows be very boring and repetitive.
>>1025 There was just too many & it's impossible to juggle character development with all of them. Yeah pretty much pocket dimension fights. It just looks really bad compared to actually fighting on a set. Oh it's worse than Inoue's typical pitfalls. Funny enough, the current Super Sentai, Donbrothers, is made by Inoue. People seem to love that. Saber's writing failures have to do with character just showing up, ruining others characters, or having no development. Sabela & Durandal have this problem the most, apparently. Yeah they reused & repainted suits MID SHOW so upgrades just conveniently disappear forever after that. I think the fact there's too many riders also hindered them from actually making new suits. Yep it's all true. >>1026 Yeah I know they filmed a fake preview to the finale then blue balled the audience. Ultimately actually ending the show for real through a crossover movie with W. At least Ex-Aid managed to wrap everything up. The movie & V-cinemas were fun too. Yeah that's just part of the secondary rider trope. I get people find it a little tiresome. That's a great comparison. I hear that Ghost was the way it is tonally because parents (mothers most likely) complained he was too creepy in his Surprise Future cameo. There, Ghost fought a lot more like a spirit. Just floating & weaving attacks effortlessly. Oh I hard agree there. Phillip should've stayed dead. The ending was perfectly bittersweet but they just had to keep the titular character going. for more. At least with that crossover, it was a threat that they needed help on. Though they really could've picked anyone but Drive to do it. I get that. Gotta remember these are kids shows hinging on toy sales so they can't always just conclusively keep the characters stories shut for good. At least now in a new era they're not so keen on getting main heisei riders coming back.
>>1027 Donbrothers has Inoue's only good point: good comedy. But the drama part and the serious moments are, once again, flat and dull. Since he focused more on comedy now, the show is enjoyable for it. But it is already showing signs that it will have a rushed ending without proper development of the main plot. People that I see "liking" it are mostly people that are new to tokusatsu. I fear for the normalfag invasion of the medium ruining it, as they do with everything. I don't want Donbrothers being the standard for Super Sentai or tokusatsu in general. The whole situation with Saber is just sad. I already hate when power ups disappear without explanation due to external problems. But having them disappear out of repurposing the suits is a new low. No wonder the genre is being abandoned by it's former audience in Japan, without catching a new audience. As for characters showing up and not doing anything or even ruining the plot, that is Inoue style right there. And the main reason why I dislike him and productions with his involvement. If the complaints about Ghost were real, then once again, women ruined a show. And even worse are the producers who listen to old women complaining. Just ignore them and the show will be fine and the audience will like it. If they insist on pandering to the old women, with all the gay-looking pretty boys and fujoshit bait, the whole genre might die in a few years. The male audience does not like that garbage, and the women will keep complaining anyways. The thing with the excuse of being as kids' show is: older shows were also kids' shows, and they didn't have those flaws. Characters were permanently killed. Series were permanently concluded in a definitive way. Even violence was frequently present. I think that this excuse is a diversion. The real reason those shows are like that nowadays are, once again, old women complaining. With the actual audience that buys stuff (kids and adult men) being ignored. Ever since Kuuga, with the "Odagiri effect", producers tried to force a change of demographics for tokusatsu shows. And for a long time by now (I would say ever since Kiva and Go Busters) it bites them in the ass, with lower ratings and lower sales. If they keep pandering to old women and taking out things that kids and adult men actually like (permanent deaths, permanent losses, decisive conclusions with definitive endings), they would recover those ratings and sales. The most vocal complains comes from a audience that does not actually gives profit to the company. The producers shows learn that fast, or risk losing their products completely.
>>1028 Fair enough. It really sucks too because the suits they cannibalized were really good suits on their own. The male audience can at least relate to young guys being dudes. But it is an increasing problem listening to women over the young men & boys who actually watch these shows. Maybe they're just scared of mothers saying their sons can't watch it so they lose viewership & toy sales. I mean even the showa riders crossed over. But at the very least characters like Tackle stayed dead. Which is weird because I don't think Odagiri is/was that attractive. It's gotta be some weird japanese beauty standard like thinking snaggly teeth are cute. Hopefully something like Black Sun does well & shows they still have a strong male audience that want mature stories with stakes. I'd really hate for the franchise to fall into Super Sentai pitfalls.
>>1028 >If they keep pandering to old women and taking out things that kids and adult men actually like (permanent deaths, permanent losses, decisive conclusions with definitive endings), they would recover those ratings and sales. Correction: they WON'T recover those ratings and sales >The most vocal complains comes from a audience that does not actually gives profit to the company. The producers shows learn that fast, or risk losing their products completely. Correction: the producers SHOULD learn that fast..
>>1029 >Maybe they're just scared of mothers saying their sons can't watch it so they lose viewership & toy sales. I heard that before, but again, they are already losing viewship and sales. So they might as well try, since the male audience is telling them exactly what they want in a show. I also think that the Odagiri effect was weird. The guy looks like a walking caricature in Kuuga. But nonetheless, the producers ran with it and it still negatively affects tokusatsu to this day. Black Sun is showing to be very enjoyable. The political commentary bashing leftists is what hooked me in. I just hope that it becomes the standard, and not just a one of-a-kind movie. I especially like the idea of the villain being a young, idealistc political activist that needs to be defeated by a old, realistic man.
Thoughts on Kamen Rider black?
>>1033 The original? No good fansubs online but what episodes I did try to watch anyway, I didn't like. The show doesn't have a strong through line plot so it's very monster of the week with just Kotaro. Side characters only learn & change off screen rather than interacting with Kotaro. There's also heavy reuse of stock footage of the monsters emerging from their various spaces they do in the first episode. Like constant reuse. The thing I hate the most though is that Black's henshin sequence is seizure inducing. This was apparently because, back in the day, the belt toy was able to detect the flashing from the screen. So kids could wear the belt & transform with Kotaro. Blinding to actually watch though.
>>1034 >>1033 That seizure inducing flash form the henshin is one of my favorite ones haha. But what you said is spot on. Black is overrated due to it's status at the time it was made. It was a higher-than-normal budget show for it's time, and the highest budget Kamen Rider show when it debuted. That, and the whole horror aesthetic sold it well to fans. Add to that the end drama about a "evil" Kamen Rider taking over the central plot, and you can see how it caused a impact. But none of that change it's flaws, which are many. I would add that Shadow Moon was a turn off point for me due to how much he was hyped the whole time in the show, only to lose both battles and managing to "win" only when helped multiple times by the Creation King. There were also behind the scenes problems, such as Nobuhiko's actor (the human form of Shadow Moon) complaining about having almost no screen time, culminating in him quitting the show by the end, which in turn caused the ending to be altered. There are salvaged footage from the first ending that was filmed, in which Black actually manages to rescue Shadow Moon at the end, and supposedly, he would turn back into Nobuhiko. The plan was to make them both star in Black RX as new versions of Kamen Rider 1 and 2, now Black and Shadow. All cancelled due to the actor quitting the show. So we got the cliché ending of the sacrifice of the antagonist, even though it made no sense that he died without taking a fatal injury. And even worse, the fact that he briefly recovered his memories at the last minute, only to be abandoned to die. For that for it's many flaws, I consider Black just an average show. A few good moments, but A LOT of bad moments that make the show seems like wasted potential. The worst thing is how overrated and over hyped it is. It is not even close to a good show as some fans make it out to be.
>>1035 For some reason, Black is really popular in Brazil. I think it was one of the few shows that got officially licensed over there. But yeah it's a directionless & messy show. More than happy to see it remade/rebooted through Black Sun.
>>1036 Also in Indonesia. In both countries, it was apparently the first (maybe only) Kamen Rider to air on tv before the internet days, so it got a cult following on both. The movies is shaping up good, so far. I just wish they didn't divert so much from the original visual design, to the point it becomes unrecognizable. They should went with the Amazons route, where it is a modern look still reminiscent of the old look, and not a complete revamp. As for the original show, yeah. It is a mess with sparse good writing hidden between dozens of badly written episodes that are all fillers.
>>1024 On that not about behind the scenes problems: does anybody know what happened during Zyuohger's production? I watched the whole season at once years after it ended, and I noticed some red flags in it. I'm talking about things like: -Kyuranger (the subsequent season) not having a Versus movie with Zyuohger. I think that is the first time ever since 2001 that a season does not have a versus movie with the previous season. -The lack of a "Zyuohger Versus Super Sentai", given that this was a tradition for commemorative shows, like Zyuohger was. -The forced appearance of the Gokaiger team in the middle of the show, as a poor replacement for having no commemorative movie. It looke like a hastily attempt at raising the ratings, done at the last minute. -Only Misao/Zyuoh The World came back for a very quick comedic cameo in Lupat versus Kyuranger, out of nowhere, as if the producers were excusing themselves for not having a Kyuranger versus Zyuohger crossover. Since Zyuohger had a mix of references to many previous Sentai shows, I thought that producers would prepare some big event with it, but instead, we got nothing, with the aggravation of having one of the most popular season's cast members show up out of nowhere in the middle of the season, and having the Zyuohger cast not returning for a versus movie the next year. Does anyone know any information on what happened behind the scenes during that period?
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>>1039 Only controversy with Zyuohger I'm aware of is Tusk's actor committed a hit & run on his motorcycle. However, he did return later out of guilt. Thankfully no one died. Then Leo's actor just disappeared since 2018. No idea if he's ever resurfaced. I do have this screenshot encompassing the many controversies with Kamen Rider actors though.
>>1040 Thank you for the screenshot. It is good to know how things affected some productions, when they either change something or cancel something out of nowhere. As for the Zyuohger's actors, that is unfortunate. I find it strange that those things occurred to 2 of my least favorite characters' actors. Like I mentioned here >>1025 it seems that a increasingly number of scum or people with personal problems are being hired out of desperation, ending with situations like those.
>>1040 In the screenshot, which "Rai" character is the poster referring to?
>>1042 You mean Rat? He's one of the Team Gaim dancers.
>>1043 Thanks for clarifying. This one seems to be the most fucked up.
>>1045 Gremlin is just as bad. Horrible stuff.
>>1040 >Pic Those who scammed people are scum. But those who drove their girlfriends to suicide did nothing wrong. All women are parasites, and careers are more important than the lives of women.
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>>1051 Ow the edge!
>>1052 Being edgy is a good thing. And nothing that was said is wrong.
>>1057 It's good lost media is uncovered but damn is it cursed.
First episode to essentially be a two parter as it's a three wave zombie elimination round. Probably gonna go from GenmCorps subs to Excite now though. They shoved in the meme speak shit in the second episode of Saber & now they've done the same with Geats episode 3. Like have some sense. No one likes localization like this. At least edge anon will like Da-Paan.
>>1057 I'm completely against dubs of any kind.
>>1060 I just finished it. My impressions: Keiwa is turning worse and worse. But I see the intention for his existence: he is a punchline for the characters to express the writers' for this blind optimism that some betas have in life. Keiwa's line of "thing will be better" being promptly mocked by al lthe cast, including the main hero and the girl he likes was basically the writers telling the audience "don't be like this idiot in real life". Even more reinforced by Neon saying that "things don't get better just by wishing. You need to take risks to make them better". Despite that, Neon is turning out to be my second most hated character. Her trope is so blatant and in-your-face that it is embarrassing. She is, again, a vessel for writers (maybe producers) to address the anti-mariage and anti-relationship that men in Japan are adopting, due to the behavior of women. So they made a rich girl that is not a insufferable bitch (like if that was even possible) and make her be all cute and friendly. Like if saying "See? This is what you are losing, guys! Go date! Go marry! Your own Neon is waiting for you!" Keep doing that, writers, and you will only make the Japanese men avoid dating and marrying even more. The propaganda is blatantly obvious, and it won't change how women behave in real life (insufferable bitches). With that said, Dapan ended up becoming my favorite, simply because he is the one that does what people in real life should do: things are not doing well? Burn everything to the ground. The most realistic character so far. And one that has that tricky "reverse psychology" from writers. "Don't do what Dapan does, kids *wink wink*, even though he is doing the right thing". Lots of Japanese productions have this aspect. The producers aren't allowed to say harsh truths, so they make the "villains" say it, so the censorship allows a pass. The intention being that the message spreads, no matter who is saying it. As for Ace, still behaving in a satisfying way. But he is already falling into the cliché hero. The line about everyone being a rival should means that Ace would never help Neon. Let her die. It is one less rival to get in your way. I hope that Ace don't go the cliché route of becoming a savior. His more interesting aspect is that he (at least seemed to) acts for his own benefit only. If he ends up becoming just another savior, the show will be ruined by another boring cliché second half. As for production, the action scenes are great. The use of many camera angles during movement is top notch and very beautiful to watch. I just miss the bike already They should really stand up against that retarded law about modified bikes and shoot some nice fight scenes using the bike, so the show's action can have it's appeal increased. For now, the show is still enjoyable. I'm eager to see the conclusion of this zombie arc. Hopefully, Ace returns to being selfish, and not this dull savior cliché that he turned into, in this episode.
>>1062 >he is a punchline for the characters to express the writers' DISDAIN for this blind optimism that some betas have in life. Corrected.
>>1062 Yeah Keiwa is still too blindly optimistic & hopeful without any real reason to it. He doesn't seem to live that cushy of a life so I really can't see why he'd have this "everything will work out" mentality right now. I dunno about all that but Neon is pretty weak. Her desire of finding a soulmate is at least useful to allude to what Ace Ukiyo's true desire is. Trying to lure out someone that he can't just wish to find him for some reason. >With that said, Dapan ended up becoming my favorite, simply because he is the one that does what people in real life should do: things are not doing well? Burn everything to the ground. You need to calm down. He's not malicious but he does obviously want to win but also save lives in the process. He's not just gonna stand by when someone's being essentially murdered. I actually like him showing that heroic side even if he is ultimately selfish. They literally could not afford to go against the law.
>>1064 Nah, dude. When life goes bad, it is perfectly justifiable to burn everything to the ground. Fiction is the only place where this is treated as somehow being bad. As for Neon, she is basically a trope for writers to express their opinions without being censored, much like Keiwa. so, yes, both will be weak. At least for a long time. Ace is not malicious, but abandoning someone to die does not automatically means malice. They are rivals, as he himself said, and no matter what causes someone else's death, it would be advantageous for him. He acted out of character after delivering that line. It reeks of producer meddling, trying to censor things and making him act as a cliché hero just because they are afraid of portraying a more realistic and interesting character. As for the law, companies can unite and force their way through. especially if people are also angry about it, giving how that law is basically a scam to force more taxes upon everyone.
>>1065 Anon I think you need to rewatch or watch more Kamen Rider if you have such a cold apathetic edgy perspective on things.
>>1066 I watch them all the time. And I am increasingly bored by how idealistic the previous shows were. Apathy and edginess are good things.
>>1067 They are not good things at all. This franchise isn't for you. Japanese toku in general tends to be positive & idealistic.
>>1068 Apathy and edginess are good things.Always were. always will be. >This franchise isn't for you It is. They had more decent tones before. And are going back to them a little bit. Idealism is cancer.
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>>1071 Tokusatsu heroes are all idealistic.
Geats' 4th episode impressions: Although Neon dismissing Keiwa again for his blind idealism was good to watch, saying that even if he wishes well, things won't get good just because of his wishes, this was the worst episode so far. So, the lesson that this (new?) director wants to pass is "disobey your parents and run away from home to have some adventures, even if it may cost your life", right? I can only imagine a generation of girls growing up watching this garbage (episode, not the show itself) only to become bimbos and whores, leaving their houses early to go on "adventures" and coming back as useless meat or drug addicts. The best scene by far was Neon's mother beating her. I would do the same, and more. Neon should be expelled from home and have all her money taken away from her for being such a rotten daughter. The plot even contradicted itself, with Neon stating that now that she was close to death, she felt like going home. Then proceeded to confront her mother once she was healed, and say that she will leave her house no matter what. It reeks of behind the scenes conflict among the production team. Not to mention "I want to go home to mommy now that I'm screwed" is THE most rage inducing reaction of spoiled girls in real life. The show trying to portray that as some drama that we should feel sorry for is embarrassing. Nobody feels sorry for disobedient women who leave their homes for "adventure" and get their lives ruined. At the very minimum, people cheer when those type of women die. With that said, Ace being pushed back in order to highlight Neon was another thing that ruined this episode. You can't make a good episode by pushing away the best character (and protagonist) only to have one of the worst characters to be at the center. I won't be surprised if the ratings start to fall the very next episode due to this one. Dapan leaving so soon was also a mistake. He was a good character that did what was right: play to win and burn everything down if he loses. He deserved to be a constant threat to the other players. not some dismissed "lesson of the week" character. The action scenes are still great though. The camera work and the stuntmen did not let down again. The fights may be few but are all varied and enjoyable. I hope that in the next episodes. Neon gets shoved aside along with Keiwa, so the show can properly portray the good characters and the ones that actually matter, instead of the rotten daughter and the idiotic idealist.
>>1072 And? Idealism won't stop being cancer because of that.
>>1073 On a note about those scenes with Neon: He whining about "not being her mother's doll" was laughable. Yes, dumb girl. Children ARE their parents' dolls. All children are blank canvases in which parents paint them to their personal liking, and not let the children be free. That is the whole point of having children: having your personal army of "living dolls" to command and do your bidding. If the sons and daughters, even as adults, aren't servants of their parents, they should not even be born to begin with.
Nothing to really talk about for the 4th episode. Neon gets her backstory revealed that she was kidnapped once as a child so that's why her mother is so overprotective. She gets her big action scene & stands up to her mom but it's not very interesting. Still a pretty shallow female character. Dapaan at least loses. Mister edgelord who would've shot up his school in any other country with easy gun access. Good riddance. Only thing to really look forward to is Keiwa/Tycoon finally getting his default form with the ninja buckle. Don't think it's gonna be enough to get me to keep watching unless episode 5 really does something interesting. >>1074 Yeah you definitely should watch something else then.
>>1076 >Yeah you definitely should watch something else then No. The writers use villains and other non heroic characters to say harsh truths that idealistic idiots won't like to listen. That is good enough. Tokusatsu is not about cheering for the hero. It is about listening from the villains and learning from the truths that they teach.
>>1077 I can't even tell if you're just committed to this bit or genuinely brain damaged.
Tycoon Ninja magazine leaks.
>>1078 The only people who cheer for the heroes are manchildren. The villains are the ones that teach actual life lessons. That is why writers are censored into portraying them as villains.
>>1085 Gonna go with brain damaged.
Better looks at the Ninja Raise Buckle being used by Tycoon & Geats. Plus Punkjack the seemingly NPC new player & upcoming Revice HBV.
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>>1086 Says the manchild.
>>1087 I just hope that they come up with a cool battle insert song. They look like the type that would go well with a fast-paced song and battle scene.
Episode 5 impressions: A better episode than the last (and worst) one, but not by much. It is laughable how, once again, the theme is "fight to protect couples". It is as if Kamen Rider Geats became a vessel for the Japanese government's propaganda to force people to marry and have sex to produce children. The villains this time literally attack only couples, in order to separate them. For no reason whatsoever. I can only imagine how cringe and embarrassed that must feel for the Japanese male audience, since iot is just another forced propaganda about marrying (and providing for parasites) infecting their entertainment. If the show keeps going this way, it will soon become another ridiculed meme just like Saber. Aside from that, more of the same. Buffa is finally given a hint of explanation about his grumpiness. Seems like previous Riders mocked the death of a friend of his, who was a competitor in the Desire GP. Apparently, those guys considered anyone just a obstacle, and that made Buffa hate all Riders. I noticed some major mistakes on the subs as well. They made Ace sound like a asshole, when he wasn't. In lines where Ace says that: >"the prize goes to winners" the subs added a non-existent: "winners, unlike you." Also, the words used in Japanese are not of arrogance, but of pointing a fact. >"This happens when one plays the correct way, to win" This the literal meaning of what Ace said. About the powers and equipment, it is good that they addressed that each Rider "matching" armor works better for that specific Rider, and proceeded to show it, with Geats activating his arm guns when using Magnum. So, each Rider might have access to extra weapons or powers when using his dedicated ID gear. The action scenes keep being awesome, so far. I like the wide shot takes and how the stuntmen all attack and dodge without any cuts to close-ups. Ace spinning upside down with one hand and shooting every enemy was beautiful to watch. Keiwa being Keiwa, made another dumb decision to simply give Boost away. This reeks of writers simply not knowing what excuse to make to give Geats the Boost gear, so they just use Keiwa as a escape goat, hiding plot holes behind him, with him being dumb just for the sake of it. The Merry old man is increasingly showing his true colors, and I'm liking it. He is not someone to be trusted, but also isn't someone to just go backstabbing others. He uses others as he sees fit. The biggest disappointment was the new orange Dapan, the PumpkJack. He was just there, and did nothing. I read about Toei running on problems regarding copyright infringment due to Dapan's design and colors resembling some product or mascot from some other company. If that was the sole reason to get rid of the character and replace him with a mute stuntman, that is lame. Serves them right for being such a bother with copyright though. Overall, a better episode than the last, but not by that much. The biggest improvement was pushing Neon back as a side character. Her story, motivation and small arc from previous episodes were the worst of the series by far, and the more she is pushed back, the better. Episode 6 will have Boost Zombie Buffa, and I'm eager to watch it for what kind of action scene it present us.
There's so little to say about this show. Buffa is the only interesting character. The two main characters are just so basic & boring.
i've grown to see anything live action and photographic as three dimensional circus starring three dimensional pigs, i guess it's spiritual growth
>>1111 Another thing bothering me: the deaths have no weight. Both in-show and for us as an audience, each death seems just like something mundane. The characters quickly move on with their lives, as if nothing happened. Neon being the worst in that aspect. She literally does not care. In this episode, she behaved all child-like, as if nothing bad had happened, and even looked like she forgot all her shit talk from the previous episode. It is as if writers aren't communicating, and don't stay consistent from one episode to the next, regarding how the characters are presented. For us, as an audience, each new death seems less and less impactful.
>>1113 I appreciate the craftwork form the armors, vehicles and monsters put to use in real life. That is precisely why I hate the over use of CGI, when it happens. Aside from that, I agree with you. There is nothing, aside from craftwork, that animation (when done well) can't do better than live-action.
>>1116 Only one character of this round has actually died. Dapaan just eliminated. No indication losing means death.
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Does anyone here watches Thunderbolt Fantasy and want to discuss the show?
>>1124 That is another thing that kept my attention. They all disappear, but there is a red light for dead ones and a blue light for eliminated ones. I wonder what is being done to the eliminated, and if the reset done by any champion can change it somehow. Given that the dead were said to be permanently dead, without even the reset being able to revert it.
>>1126 Watched some episodes forever back. Should sit down to watch the full thing one day. >>1127 I mean the obvious twist they can do is the eliminated & dead become Jamato. Forever trapped in the game.
>>1134 >Watched some episodes forever back. Should sit down to watch the full thing one day. I really liked the whole wuxia style mixed with dolls and CGI. The plot is also full of some nice twists in all seasons. >I mean the obvious twist they can do is the eliminated & dead become Jamato. Forever trapped in the game. I hope for something a little bit different, with the dead being used as dark Riders by that mantle guy. Not just some random Jamato monsters, but coming back for a chance of returning to the game if they kill the contestants that aren't dead yet.
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Kamen Rider Geats episode 6 impressions: The writers are already showing their fatigue. The whole deal with the Boost was just drama bait from the last episode. Solved in a mundane way, just so another combination could be shown in order to sell toys. So, Ace's line about "you have to grind in order to win the game" is a confirmation that the show is just a vehicle for the Japanese government (and probably corporations) to push their propaganda: >"Don't complain about the unfair Japanese economical, corporative and governamental systems, citizen." >"Just keep grinding (wageslaving) in life, and someday, you will 'in' the game". This seems to be the message pushed since episode two, alongside with "seek women and have sex and children" (so new tax payers for the meatgrinder can be born). It gets tiresome to have a blatant false propaganda pushed over and over instead of interesting development for characters. Merry ended up being the most likable, simply for being a realist. "Might makes right and anything goes as long as you win" is the most important life advice. Of course, treated as "the villain speech", since the propagandists funding the show don't want people to actually do what works, and instead, just keep wageslaving (pic related). Keiwa still is a idiot. Pushed around by everyone for being a weak and idiot, while his "victories" are mainly done with the help of the other characters. The second worst character, behind only Neon. Neon, thankfully, was pushed aside and became nothing more than a "item" instead of a character. Hopefully, she is killed, as her participation in the plot is useless, and her motivation is the worst of them all. Buffa got a little bit more of exposure, but was delegated as just a plot device this time. Nothing much to say. The action scene had a nice camera work mixed with CGI, but it was just some dragged down and over extended moment. The worst fighting scene so far. And still no insert song, to make it worse. It was nice to know that Boost also enables the use of the bike to whoever is using this item. Ace was another character pushed sideways, and having him as a sort of "tutorial" for the others is already boring by now. It was ironic to have him cite Plato, as the speech about "overcoming oneself" was said precisely in the sense of "so you can stop having idiotic morals and start doing whatever works in order to win", but in this show, it was subverted to some idealistic nonsense about "being fair". The biggest revelation in this episode was the fate of those who are eliminated. So they don't die, but return to their normal lives with their memories of the GP erased. Like a personal reset, while the GP goes on. At least that enables some chance of Merry and Dapan returning. Those were the 2 best characters in the show so far, after Ace was reduced to a side character. This episode made me lose a lot of interest in the show. The 2 worst characters are still alive and are a part of the main team now. The main character stopped being interesting, and now the fighting scenes got worse and dragged down to a slow and boring end. If the next episode doesn't revamp things up, I might drop the show completely after it.
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I have no interest in continuing Geats. It's inevitably going to reset to a new game of the DGP but where can it even go when we know the 4 main characters are immune to elimination? The game is just too limiting in formatting how this show should compared to the standard Kamen Rider. I also just still don't like the suits. They aren't doing it for me at all. I'm only looking forward to the Black Sun miniseries coming later this month. >>1144 You being an edgy faggot isn't helping.
>>1148 I still hope that the show bring surprise deaths. If not, then it will be just another forgettable garbage like Ghost, where death is not a threat and there is no real danger for anyone involved. >edgy There is nothing wrong with being edgy.
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Finally got to watch Shin Ultraman. It was good. Just not Shin Godzilla good.
>>1158 Is it the one made for Netflix? If so, it is automatically shit.
>>1159 No. That's an anime based on the manga.
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I finally watched Don Brothers and damn, they hammer the simping in this show. Every episode is either about dating or about caring for some old woman, with characters felling a "duty" to care for women. All the time, the show seems to be yelling at the audience, saying "GO DATE! GO TAKE CARE OF OLD WOMEN TOO! GO! JUST GO!" as if the writer's lives depended on it. I would not be surprised if the production team is being forced to push this whole simping at gunpoint by the Japanese government. Either that, or the production team is composed of manginas. Either way, the show is a boring sitcom with Super Sentai added to it. I see that it was extremely overrated by the usual suspects (western streamers and youtubers), and I can only deduct that it was done so precisely because it pushes the female and simp agendas so much. No wonder western betas/soyboys and women are all pushing this show as the best thing ever. My recommendation is: stay away from Don Brothers. This Sentai season is social engineering, and nothing else. >>1160 Less shitty, but still, not so interesting. The appeal of toksuatsu is to have the craftwork for the suits and some of the special effects made for real. Animation takes away the very heart of a tokusatsu show.
Kamen Rider Geats episode 7 impressions: Boring and uninteresting, like Neon. The only good thing to come out of the plot was Ace giving a real life lesson to the audience: deceive and exploit the idealistic idiot in order to achieve your personal goals. Keiwa once again was used as a tool, due to his stupidity/idealism. He seems to be on the path of antagonizing Ace now. That will at least make him a character, instead of just a plaque that walks and talks, with 'idealism" written on it. The implication that Ace might be literally THE Jesus Christ felt forced. Made worse by the whole "I'm doing this for my mommy" retardation. Once again, writers seem to be just pushing the "live for women" propaganda. A major disappointment in what was up until now, the best character in the Reiwa era of Kamen Riders. The final fighting scene was short and predictable. The super powers of the ninja suit weren't impressive. Just the standard "smoke screen teleport" and "shadow clones". By far, the worst (and shortest) fighting scene so far. Made even worse by the fact that the other Riders simply stood still, doing nothing while Geats and Tycoon fought alone. The others were literally at the brink of losing the game to one of them, and did not even transform to fight. This rendered all their inflamed speeches from earlier episodes seem like boasting from teenage-minded retards. When writers disregard their own main plot point like that, you know that the show will go downhill soon. Everything was a set up for the next episode, but again, the writers show a bigger fatigue than the previous episode, so my expectations fell apart for anything from this series now. Characters behaving erratically and plot holes not being addressed are already creeping in, so even if it gets better, it already has a stain on it's main story.
>>1163 >they hammer the simping in this show >This Sentai season is social engineering, and nothing else That reminded me about their grotesque decision to censor Oni Sister's butt attack from the Toradrago Onitaijin. You can practically hear the ugly old hags from Japan's parental association screeching about that attack having a pretty and sexy girl showing her butt towards the screen. The show indeed seems to be infected by the beta numale/female diseases, where sexiness for young and pretty girls is forbidden (the actress is basically being forced to make ugly faces all the time, even though she looks pretty), and simping for old women is forced upon the audience.
Kamen Rider Geats episode 8 impressions: Cool fight scene with Tycoon, and that is it. Ace's speech was also good. "Nobody wants to sacrifice themselves for others". I think that some of the writers and producers are using Ace to red pill the audience against the stupidity of sacrificing for others, especially regarding Japanese people sacrificing themselves for the collective or for companies. But in order to avoid being fired, they add the cliché "you have to fight", so the company's owners won't bother them. Just another filler episode for the now tiring "last" boss saga, that got pushed for the next episode again. Keiwa keeps being a idiot/idealistic, and that finally finished his participation in the game. At least we got rid of the worst character, even if temporarily. Neon keeps being a dumb bitch. Nothing else to add. The sooner she dies, the better. Still, the production team is hammering the "sacrifice men for women" bullshit harder than ever. The simps in charge of the show's companies must be getting desperate already, for pushing such blatant propaganda that nobody believes in anymore. get over it, old men: men know that women are cancer. We want to live freely. Not bound by commitment. Especially when women have rights. And the divorce laws favor women. You want people having kids? Revoke all rights from women. No exceptions. That is what will make men even start considering getting married and having children again. Not some blatant propaganda pushed on all entertainment. That will only make you lose your audience, as well as reinforce the certainty that marriage is bad. Because if it was good, it wouldn't need propaganda to push it. The show is tiresome already, and only the very feel good action scenes per episode are interesting to watch.
Kamen Rider Black Sun came out. It was a rocky wild ride but ultimately crash & burned in the end. Lot of unanswered questions & bizarre design decisions. Wasn't worth the wait.
>>1167 >>1163 The newest episode of DonBrothers had Haruka's aunt portrayed as a sex predator, preying on Inazuka. And it was portrayed as if that was a "funny" cor good thing. It tells a lot about the propaganda, when a show for kids throws in "rapist old woman" out of nowhere as if it was something desirable. You can see the writers forcing the propaganda right there in the interrogation room. >"Be hot to old women, and you get favors, as long as you stay obedient" seems to be the "message" they are aiming for. No wonder the Japanese male population is repulsed by women. The parasites and their simps want to force men into a being nothing more than sexual objects for them.
Kamen Rider Geats episode 9: >"Have sex and have babies, damn you!" And that was it. Boring fighting scenes. Embarrassing new power up with looney tunes-like finisher. The new power up and armor are literally some mcdonalds happy meal toys. Unfitting conclusion for what was hyped for 3 episode as being the big last fight of this DGP. Characters argue or befriend at a whim. Writers are tired and clearly don't care about the show anymore. The game master is the buttler. Dumb reveal that went nowhere. Neon keeps being a dumb bitch, making all sorts of monologues that end up void, due to her desire being to just find some Man to have sex with. Literally propaganda trope posing as a character. In the next episode, the DGP is reset again, and everyone who was eliminated without dying is back. That takes away all notions of danger from the show. They will just keep making pointless drama for the characters who are eliminated, only to bring them back for each new DGP, to go on making more pointless drama. No wonder they are aiming the show at women. Pointless drama is the only thing that women know.
>>1189 As bad is that scene was this episode's monster. Literally a teenager who studied a lot and suddenly wanted to "know the meaning of youth". The message seemed to be "don't study a lot, but go to parties and socialize instead". If you mix that with the whole forcefully pushed "have children" blatant sperging from the other shows, you can see how the production teams at Toei are just using Sentai and Kamen Rider as vehicles to push for this whole idea of forming more families and producing more tax payers. So, the "lesson" was "don't study too much, and go be lazy like a woman"? Way to go, Toei. Men all over the world need to study and get into good careers in order to even survive and have a comfortable life, and here you are, Toei, telling young boys to just abandon studies for a while to be pets to women on their useless dates and parties. After watching this, I wonder how the Japanese government wants to keep it's male population productive, if the very entertainment is trying to portray laziness as being something to aim for. Smart men will notice that, and move even further away from socialization. While dumb men will go full on it, becoming lazy and useless, making the next generations be a bunch of lazy people with the very few competent ones isolating themselves.
>>1188 I just began to watch it. Can you give a short version of what went wrong? From what I watched already (only the first 2 episodes), the plot looks like garbage. Even though they portray the freaks of society (lgbt freaks, welfare parasites and such) as being just disposable tools for the Gorgom (basically, the jews), the show still tries to embarrassingly portray the libshit/leftard activists as good "people". For now, the worst thing for me was that Black adopted the activist girl (literally a Japanese Greta Thumberg) instead of killing her. I hoped that the writers would go full "day of the rope race war now kill all abominations", but instead, they went with the fence shitter approach. As for the designs, it is literally just Amazons all over again. Edgy retardation for edgy retards. Gore for the sake of gore, and no substance. I can see the production team's intention: they want to make only those edgy gorefests with social commentary, but they know that this appeals to no one outside their peers, so they use nostalgia bait by strapping the name of one of the old shows in it. They did it with Amazons (and it's commentary on the pharmaceutical mafia), and they are doing it again with Black, with the whole "muh racism bad" (it isn't) commentary. If this show does not flop, expect them to do the same with one of the older shows in the future.
Has anyone here followed Garo up to the most recent entries? I stopped at the second Yamo wo Terasu Mono season, due to all the lesbianism garbage taking front place instead of the actual plot. Has the show turned any better after that, or did it just decline as expected from a franchise going woke?
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>>1192 When edge anon, here's a rundown. I hate you but not enough to leave you in the dark of why the show sucks. >Kotaro is more of a secondary character in his own show while 14 year old Aoi has a bigger focus in the plot. >Most of the lore is kept vague on the details & leaves it up to you to interpret with what little scraps they do give you. >Gorgom aren't the real villains. They're bad kaijin sure but they're basically just puppets for the prime minister who's abusing, selling, & making kaijin for his own profits. >Shadow Moon/Nobuhiko has more of a character but breaks down to be completely anti-human by the end. It comes off a little rushed. >Some characters like Nick serve no purpose in the plot at large & feels like a last minute filler to tie up one loose end. The Prime Minister. >Show ends with Aoi literally becoming Big Boss for toddlers & elementary kids. The show seems to paint this as a positive thing as their flag is the symbol adopted from Kotaro's infinity symbol that Aoi marked on his body. >Kotaro died killing the original Creation King but somehow unintentionally still became the new one so Aoi has to kill him. >Bilgenia looks like shit with his human face instead of an actual kaijin face.
>>1202 >>Gorgom aren't the real villains. They're bad kaijin sure but they're basically just puppets for the prime minister who's abusing, selling, & making kaijin for his own profits. I laugh as I can hear lgbt abominations and leftards seeing this and thinking that it is a bad thing, given that in real life, they are the ones being used and discarded by the governments that pretend to pander to them. >Show ends with Aoi literally becoming Big Boss for toddlers & elementary kids. The show seems to paint this as a positive thing as their flag is the symbol adopted from Kotaro's infinity symbol that Aoi marked on his body. The delusions of the mentally impaired (women, leftards and minorities) thinking that inferior beings such as women are capable of anything other than giving birth. >Kotaro died killing the original Creation King but somehow unintentionally still became the new one so Aoi has to kill him. Typical delusions of the leftards. "The woman kills the man". Only in fiction, because in real life, men kill women all the time, since men are superior LOL! >Bilgenia looks like shit with his human face instead of an actual kaijin face. True. From the pictures above, he looks like a autistic manchild wearing a Halloween costume made by his mother. They should just go for the Kia Asamiya design and add a white kabuki-devilish mask for a face, as a nod to the original Bilgenia's white face form. Once again, it was proven that the studio just wanted to push political leftardism through a famous brand, because they know that nobody would ever pay attention to their failed ideology if they did it with a original work of theirs. Thanks for the run down. It will save me time by not watching it anymore.
>>1188 >>1202 >>1192 I find it hilarious that those retarded propagandists think that a mere tv show about guys in rubber suits could ever change human nature and people's rightful hatred towards immigrants and the natural instinct of each race hating other races. Those things presented in this show that you guys mentioned sound all like a hipster girl's fever dream. A bunch of idiotic ideas trying to pass as "serious", but all sounding only like a child whining, without any grasp of reality or how the world works. I'm glad you guys warned me about this pile of garbage before I started watching it. It will be just another forgettable propaganda piece, while I move on to watch better shows.
>>1204 >>1203 >>1202 I expect the Shin Kamen Rider remake to be as bad as Black Sun, given that it has the same producer as Shin Godzilla, and that movie was a boring mess of propaganda against the Japanese government, disguised as a movie.
>>1211 If you want to see how bad it will be, look no further than the Kamen Rider Amazons movie (Final Judgement). The characters in this movie literally state that "it is ok to kill human beings, as long as you don't eat meat, because eating meat is the true evil". This bunch of propagandists should be taken out by the Yakuza and burned alive for all to see.
DonBrothers went full down the feminist garbage dump now. The newest episode has Miho casually going on a buying spree paid by her fans, and stating in a completely serious tone that "it is a man's job to serve good women", while being cheered by Haruka, who is supposed to be a heroine. The sooner the writer Inoue is killed, the better. He is nothing but a marxist and he showed his true colors now.
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==HE'S BACK! GAMERA IS BACK! >>1211 Nigger the protagonists of Shin Godzilla were all government desk jockeys & scientists. The film is critiquing endless red tape getting in the way of actually getting things done. Not the concept of governments themselves. It's like you have the media comprehension of a drunk boomer. >>1212 You're just making up shit now. It had nothing to do with being anti meat. It was saying one's circumstances shouldn't deem them a monster by default. It's a very basic trope of the reluctant monster. Tokyo Ghoul is the same thing.
>>1219 >Gamera is back Given Japan's recent record of bad remakes turned into political propaganda, I'm not excited for anything related to Gamera. The Gamera trilogy from the mid 90s was already filled with feminist bullshit. >one's circumstances shouldn't deem them a monster by default They absolutely should though. That sentence you said is pure marxism.
>>1219 >jewflix Automatically shit. Remember that anything with the involvement of jewflix is funded by George Soros with the sole goal of spreading marxism.
I talked to some Japanese anons, and apparently, Don Brothers' toy sales dropped a lot from last year's Zenkaiger, which was already low. Don Brothers might end up having one of the lowest sales in the franchise's history. All the while, the ratings are the lowest since Lupinranger vs Patranger. I'm glad that the Japanese public is rejecting such a blatant leftist and feminist propaganda disguised as a show. I hope this tanks Inoue's career forever.
>>1329 Interestingly enough, apparently all 3 main genres (Ultraman, Kamen Rider and Super Sentai) are under performing in both sales and viewship. There are retailers already talking about a possible hiatus on all 3 genres. We know that at least Sentai and Ultra have their next year iterations planned. But even then, the fact that store owners are constantly trying to dismiss the notion of a hiatus coming makes me believe that the hiatus is a real possibility being considered by the companies' owners, given how they are basically losing money from all the 3 main genres of tokusatsu. Even with confirmed new shows, there is always the possibility of them being cancelled due to not selling toys nor being watched by kids and adults. The companies involved would do good to abandon their incessant aim to deconstruct the genres, and just make a fun show to watch, with good special effects and fighting scenes. Kamen Rider Geats started promising, looking just like that, and then it dropped the ball and now it is just another boring mess of a show with another "let's deconstruct Kamen Rider (AGAIN!)" premise. The situation is made even worse when proven hacks are highly regarded as "good" producers, directors and writers, such as Toshihiki Inoue and Keita Amemiya. The later ruined his own pet project Garo by including his demented politics and ideology in it, instead of just focusing in making a good show like the first season. As long as those hacks are kept in the industry, and new but passionate people are kept out or in lower positions, I can see the whole genre crumbling at some point, taking a permanent "hiatus", to never come back. It is already looking bleak with Toei suddenly bringing back old shows AGAIN with Hurricanger and Abaranger 20 years later movies, in order to try to bait through nostalgia, when in the end they always ruin the original shows' premise by presenting idiotic plots that deconstruct the characters completely, to the point of making them unlikable. Either Japan stops wanting to change everything all the time and focuses on making fun shows, or they might lose one of their biggest symbols of entertainment.
>>1329 >>1520 Funny that you guys mentioned that information about the low sales. This week, a lot of Japanese streamers related to tokusatsu touched on this subject. Specifically about Don Brothers. Apparently, the toy sales went up for a while, but are still considered low by the companies involved. The reasons given were many. From the low faith in products because of the low quality of previous toys from other Sentai shows, to the delay in featuring the team's main giant robot this year (it took more than 10 episodes for it to show.up), to the overall lack of interest from children, who all have many options for entertainment nowadays. But my personal take, which was never touched upon by those streamers, is that there is one big problem with the show: it is a propaganda outlet, and not an actual entertainment piece. The show is hammering the cuck propaganda to the extreme in it's later episodes, to the point that everything else is secondary now. The main goal of all recent episodes is always the male characters being cucks or submissive to women, and the episodes drag on and on with this, leaving all the other resolutions to a rushed conclusion, or simply ignored altogether. When I watch this piece of shit, I can only conclude that Japanese men quit watching it (and they did the right thing) and those few who have kids are forbidding their kids from watching it, or even simply not mentioning the show to their kids, and instead giving something else for their children to entertain themselves with, like games and such. So, what you guys mentioned about the low sales might also have to do with this low quality "writing" that is nothing more than political feminist propaganda, which is making men and their children abandon the show and not bothering coming back, much less buy any product related to it. I wonder what will become of King Ohger, the next Sentai. If Toei doubles down on the pozz, we might very well see the end of Super Sentai by the next year. If not, then I wonder if they will make a season bashing pozz, as a way to "redeem" themselves in the eyes of the few customers who still care about tokusatsu over there in Japan.
>>1547 If you watched recent spin offs, you saw that the pozz was creeping way before Donbros. The Super Sentai Battle crossover had Luka (from Gokaiger) literally turn into a feminist bitch out of nowhere. A lot of the movies, specials and crossovers had a increase in their female cast being all loud mouthed bitches, to the point that I just stopped watching those spin offs completely. I guess that this feminism push is one of the reasons why all specials are selling so low. If your product has feminism, nobody cares, nobody watches and nobody buys. Men buy things made by men and for men. Not feminist garbage.
>>1547 >>1568 Geats' newest episode had a nigger as a "Kamen Rider", in the sense that the nigger was said to have been a Rider in the past, but he is not shown transforming into one (only his Henshin pose is shown, without the creature actually changing into a Rider). If that is Toei's approach to diminishing sales and views, they are in for a rude awakening. KEK! Nobody likes to turn on tv and see his favorite show having a nigger all of a sudden. Even worse, having a nigger portrayed as a hero. People will just turn off tv and go do something else.
I recently commented about this on /v/. Did anyone else watched the classic Showa era Kamen Rider shows? I did a marathon of all the shows and movies of tha era and beyond, from Kamen Rider 1 to the Kamen Rider J movie. And I felt that the Showa, especially the pre-Kamen Rider Black shows, were VERY disappointing, for all the praise that they get. More specifically, their endings. Every single show has a rushed ending, with a underwhelming conclusion to each protagonist's struggle. The leaders of each organization all go out very quickly, without a fight in most shows, having the leaders just self destruct when the respective Rider finds his hideout. And in all of them, they only provide very minimal exposure to their origins and motivations. To the point that it boils down to lines such as: >"I am a computer" (proceeds to self destruct) >"I am a alien" (proceeds to self destruct) >"I am your father's best friend" (THE worst exposure, from Kamen Rider X) and so on. Making the Riders' struggle look useless, since the main villain was either VERY weak and couldn't even fight, or was already planning on self destructing, making the Rider's effort to reach said villain completely unnecessary, since the guy was already going to kill himself in most seasons. Does anyone else feel that way about those shows? It took way too long (around Kamen Rider Black, from 1987) for the endings to actually have some impact, for all the praise that those shows get for their story and drama. For me, they were overall disappointments, when I was expecting masterpieces, from all the comments that I've read about them.
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So, King Ohger, the next Sentai, was officially revealed. Any thoughts? Expectations? For once, the visuals look very good, after a sequence of bad looking designs year after year. It will have Kyoryuger's producer, Ryusoulger's director (a case of concern, for some) and a writer who is new to tokusatsu, with this show being his debut as the main writer for a tokusatsu show. Thast brings me hope of a good show, and not a chaotic unfunny garbage like Donbros.
>>1673 I have read interesting rumors on Japanese boards, regarding the Kamen Rider franchise, after King Ohger's insect motif was revealed: It is a unwritten rule in the industry to not adopt insect motifs for the main heroes of any franchise, because insects are heavily associated with Kamen rider. That avoidance occurs even inside Toei, with the producers of Sentai avoiding using insect motif. The exception is when the Kamen Rider show airing along a specific Sentai does not use a insect motif. It happened during Kamen Rider Ryuki's run (dragon motif, and other mythical beasts or normal animals), and Hurricanger having 2 extra rangers with insect motif, but not the whole team. After Decade, when Kamen Rider shows changed their airing schedule due to Decade's cancellation, it became even more risky for Sentai producers to adopt a insect motif, because now the show air at opposite ends of each year (Sentai around February, and Rider around October), so the producers pf a Sentai won't know beforehand if a new Rider show will have the insect motif. The only other time when insects were used as motif for Sentai members during that period was in Go Busters, and een then, again it was only for the extra members. And it was only possible due to the then current Rider show (Fourze) having no insect motif, as well as the next season (Wizard) confirming that it would not have insect motrif either. So the Go Busters Sentai was caught between 2 Kamen Rider seasons that had no insect motif. So the producers could crate 2 rangers with insect motif for that show, and even then, those two only debuted half way through the show. That brings us to the current rumor: Japanese fans are speculating that it is too soon for the producers at Toei to know what the next Kamen Rider season will be, since Geats (the current season) just barely started. So,the fans are speculating that Geats might be either cancelled, ending WAY sooner than any other modern Rider show, and the next Rider season is already in the works, and has no insect motif. OR, Geats might be cancelled and there might be NO NEW KAMEN RIDER SHOW FOR NOW. Both situations would have the Sentai producers aware that there wouldn't be a Kamen Rider show with insect motif airing in the middle of King Ohger's run. That speculation of Geats being cancelled, or even the Kamen Rider franchise being put on a hiatus is plausible, given the downfall in views and toy sales for many years. And it was heavily rumored that both Sentai and Kamen Rider would go on a hiatus, due to overall low toy sales and lowest ever interest in both franchises, from the Japanese audience and even from overseas audiences. King Ohger itself was revealed during a turmoil about Sentai producers suggesting that Don Brothers could be the last Sentai ever. Not surprisingly, since the season has one of the lowest viewship and toy sales in recent years, and being reviled by many Japanese fans due to it's chaotic and purposeless nature, making the show feel like a year long filler season. So, be ready for any possible announcements about Geats being cancelled, or even Kamen Rider as a whole being put on a hiatus. King Ohger's motif does seem suspicious, given all those circumstances.
>>1673 i cannot tell if yellow and purple are females....
So, the complete piece of shit that was Don Brothers finally ended on a sour note, full of Inoue's garbage: plot holes after plot holes, nothing explained. Nothing properly concluded, everything rushed, final enemies literally appearing out of nowhere, and a dose of ccukholdry (but the men never cheat on their women, as Inoue is a male feminist/retard), making this one (if not THE) worst sentai show of all time. The only saving grace for the upcoming King Ohger is knowing that the writer is a newcomer, so it won't (hopefully) have this old man's garbage writing to ruin yet another season in a genre that is in constant danger of being cancelled due to low ratings and low toy sales, exactly because of feminist retards like Inoue. May he burn in hell after he dies, and may he die soon.
Toho has released a teaser for Godzilla Minus One. Their new Godzilla movie. Design looks inspired by the Heisei era Godzilla design or the 4D ride design.
>>3404 Teaser if anyone wants to take a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlceGpbGgvE
Full render for Minus One Godzilla. He's very spikey & crusty. On the right is a render for Godzilla the Ride Godzilla. Notice the similarities.
>>3422 One more for good measure.
>>3404 If it has anyone from Shin Godzilla's production involved, it will be shit. Shin Kamen Rider finally got pirated, and the movie SUCKS. It is another feminist propaganda disguised as a movie. The girl in the trailers is the main character, not Hongo Takeshi. Hongo is portrayed as a simp, through and through. Never stands up to the bitchy cunt, and keeps repeating that he wants to protect her, even when she directly states that she is just using him and that she thinks he is an idiot. Hideaki Anno is a literal cuck, and all his "Shin" movies are filled with women who hate men and men who simply accept it and do nothing against the cunts.
>>3429 You hate everything & will jump at shadows you imagine to be to be the worst thing imaginable every time. That's actual schizophrenia.
>>3430 >jump at shadows Non-argument from plebbitors. >schizophrenia And the typical soyfreak buzzword when someone points out the garbage you like is shit. All Shin movies are objectively shit. Tokusatsu has declined immensely for over a decade by now and it keeps declining nonstop.
>>1015 Now that Kamen Rider Geats is reaching it's end, what are anons' thoughts on the show? I think that the show was mostly directionless. As if the producers only had a concept, but no idea of what to do with it. They just threw a bunch of mixed ideas for each arc, and waited to see how the audience would react. Many plot points were not addressed later on, simply being forgotten and used only once to create dumb drama that went nowhere. Most characters were underdeveloped, until the last minute when they suddenly got all spotlights, making their final arcs become forced and uninteresting, like Neon's. I wish that Neon just got killed and left behind. She was THE worst character in the show by far. Keiwa turning into a redpilled revolted guy was a pleasant surprise though. He started as my most hated character, but his Black General phase actually made him a nice character. As for Ace, he is just an item. Almost no development and he basically serves to show new powers and Deus Ex Machina moments to other characters. >>3430 So your opinion is that people should like trash just because it is new, regardless of quality? Fuck off. You sound like a teenager (that is, a retard) that gets hyped for anything new just for watching some dumb trailer or seeing some new images from a new production. Quality matters more than anything, and it is a fact that the quality of those new versions of old franchises is low and insufferable.
I'm curious which are the quality rider shows for the two anons here also >liking dark and edgy settings >hating Inoue He's the only one you're getting. Kobayashi is still probably busy with her manga (and possibly with JoJo if David Productions picks her again for SBR) and I doubt Arakawa is interested in dark settings since Kuuga.
>>3430 >You hate everything And that is a good thing. Intelligent people hate what is shit. Only animals would love shit. Entertainment died the moment social media was born. >>3479 100% of the shows with Inoue's involvement are shit. If he is the only option, then all shows will be shit. simple as that.
Does SSSS.Gridman count as tokusatsu? I watched this for the first time and it was a very fun watch, every fight scene was fantastic.
>>3488 Forgot to mention that my only complaint was that I wish they had used more music during the other scenes. The composer and animators went all-out on the fights and I loved it but I wish the other parts were easier to sit through. All in all, very fun and I'll probably check out the next one dynazenon
>>3488 Technically yes as it's a sequel to the original tokusatsu. Same way Godzilla & now Gamera anime would count as toku.
>>3494 Not to say they're sequels. You get what I mean.
>>3484 >100% of the shows with Inoue's involvement are shit. I commend you for shitting on all of the phase 1 Riders except Den-O. >If he is the only option Or get stuck with lighthearted Kamen Rider, the closest recent writer I guess for dark themes would be Takahashi but he's fumbling it with Geats. >>3488 >>3489 You're in luck, Hasegawa is working on the next Rider.
>>3516 Decade wants his gimmick back.
>>3518 Technically Ryuki's gimmick first.
>>3404 >10 year hiatus from Final Wars to that horrible reboot Shin >Almost 10 year hiatus again from the horrible Shin reboot's failure >It is another reboot The Gojira franchise is dead.
>>3516 Geats is all over the place, really. It is another one of those shows where the rotatory writer group seem to not know what to do with anything (concept, plot, characters, progression) and each writer goes on doing whatever without actually bothering with anything. >Gotchard What let down that press conference was. The trailers too. Everything shown ntil now already made me decide to not watch any of this show. It is a guaranteed garbage.
>>3516 I would argue that the Kamen Rider franchise as a whole was never good. Both old and new. The shows were always a disjointed mess, with unfinished plot and rushed endings. From the very first Kamen Rider, all the way to the modern ones. Only a few managed to actually be concise.
>>3547 It's Takahashi wanting to do something different from Ex-Aid and Zero-One and end up going back to it based from watching the Creation arc. I also recall seeing a joke that since one of his assistants is the main writer for King-Ohger that he's probably juggling that too. >Gotchard I mean it's Toei milking the card gimmick since card collecting is a thing again, not sure what you were expecting (then again, Ryuki, Blade and Decade are favorites by most but the reasons are more than just the card gimmick). >>3548 >Only a few managed to actually be concise. Which ones would those be?
>>3549 And as Ex-Aid and Zero One, Geats is all over the place. Consistency seems to be lost to Kamen Rider shows, with only very few exceptions (Blade, Build and a few others). About Gotchard, it is not just the cards gimmick (which in itself is a bad sign of "producers have no idea what to do next, so they resorted to an old gimmick", but the overall presentation from the trailers and the press conference. The whole show looks like those made for very little children, with characters being loud all the time just for the sake of it, and the accessories/toys having endless and annoying loud voices announcing their function and catchphrases repeatedly. Not to mention the cast comprised of an old hag who looks as disinterested in the role as if she was forced to be there, and the younger cast being all stiff and embarrassed of being there. It gives the feeling that everyone there KNOWS the show is bad already, and are trying to avoid exposure even before the show starts. >Which ones would those be? From memory, Blade, Build, Gaim and Drive. all else either changed too much of their central plot, or had characters changing personality so often that it messed with the plot.
>>1015 So, Geats ended in a tedious episode full of preaching about "muh equality" and "be happy with a boring worker life", ruining the whole show, as expected. Gotchard presented AGAIN as a loud and annoying show. All the while, King Ohger having that time gap that reeks of desperation from producers to push for more toys. This reminded me of the whole Saber fiasco that got the show to become shit after it's halfway run. Hopefully, this new writer knows what he is doing from this point on. But the preaching about "muh equality" also creeping in the show just leaves me expecting the worst.
>>3554 >The whole show looks like those made for very little children, with characters being loud all the time just for the sake of it, and the accessories/toys having endless and annoying loud voices announcing their function and catchphrases repeatedly. I'm under the impression you haven't seen Fourze >Blade, Build, Gaim and Drive I'm surprised Kuuga, Agito or even Ryuki are there before Blade >Blade >had characters changing personality so often that it messed with the plot. That was the problem with Blade, the characters didn't change. Tachibana being suckered thrice(Peacock undead, Wolf undead and Shiori's father) despite being the most experienced Rider excluding Hajime since he wasn't human, Mutsuki taking the spotlight too long with being unable to control his Category Ace with Kenzaki getting both his Jack and King forms at that time and don't get me started with the supporting cast(I think Kotaro drank more milk than all of his investigations about Kamen Riders and B.O.A.R.D combined). I admit the finale is great but Cerberus getting killed early left Tachibana as a spectator. >Gaim The Kikaider crossover and the soccer movie shilling episode (and I guess the ToQger crossover episode if you were watching it at the time it aired) really screwed with the pacing. I'm not familiar with Urobuchi's other works besides Madoka so I can't tell but I've read complaints that his plots at the time being the same along the issues that come with it. > had characters changing personality so often that it messed with the plot. Kouta not learning that Micchy has been manipulating him or anyone else to the point he got killed was something, then again, Urobuchi said he was a fan of Ryuki so that may have been the point. >Drive I'm also surprised with this one since W exists but near the finale, they decided to make a new Shocker organization (Foundation X) to tie in the future Riders so opinions may vary. I think the Freeze arc where Shinnosuke solves his father's murder was a mess especially when we're shown what really happened. >Build I like Build's plot and how little filler it had(can't say the same for anything else) but changing from different political factions warring with each other to get the ultimate source of power to an alien did all this so he can get his ultimate form to destroy the world but decides to conquer Earth instead because humans are fun to mess around did not seem messy to you? >>3558 >Geats I agree that the whole happiness level the last arc kept pushing was rather stupid, Takahashi should have taken notes from OOO about desire. >Gotchard >this new writer knows what he is doing from this point on Hasegawa has been a secondary writer for W, Fourze, Drive, Ghost and Saber(I think he wrote more episodes for Saber than the head writer himself). He's more known as an Ultraman writer and for >>3488. Uchida on the other hand, was also a secondary writer for Saber and the spin offs of Revice. >King Ohger having that time gap that reeks of desperation from producers to push for more toys. The only name I recognize from the producers is Takahito Omori so yes if he's the chief producer. It'll be hilarious if he pulls off another Kyoryuger(worst ratings but higher toy sales compared to previous sentai entries, enough that it spawned a sequel and spin offs).
>>3516 >>3547 The only redeemable thing about Gotchard so far is that delicious child actress that portrays one of the three sister villains. I can't wait to get her nude photo sets from the black market.
>>3560 >I'm under the impression you haven't seen Fourze I did, and hated it. And Gotchard also reminds me of it, so it is another negative point. >Kuuga, Agito or even Ryuki Those 3, along with pretty much all else non mentioned, suffer from what I pointed out: inconsistency and characters changing behavior for no reason, to the point that it ruins the plot towards the end. same as Kabuto, Kiva, and so on. The characters not changing in Blade was the shows' biggest quality. Consistency is more important than development. As for the supporting cast, pretty much all modern Kamen Rider shows suck at it. From Kuuga up to now, the non-Rider supporting cast always has one, more or ALL characters that could be completely removed and the shows would be better (example: Akiko, in W, everyone at the police station in Drive, etc). >Gaim Those crossovers and shilling episodes are just to be skipped. You don't watch commercials for other productions, and the show becomes great. The problem with other shows is when the inconsistencies and pacing get ruined IN universe, for no reason other than bad writing. Urobuchi's plots being the same are a blessing. I would trade all Kamen Rider shows in existence for shows with the same plot as Gaim airing over and over. It is better to have repetitive good writing than innovative garbage. As for Kouta, that is my point: nobody there changed their personalities. They kept going on until the ultimate consequences and beyond, without turning into the complete opposite of who they were, like many other shows do. >W That finale was exactly what ruined the show. Also, the first in a long series of "resurrected characters so the following year's show can have a crossover" which ruined 90% of the shows from W onward. The Freeze arc was indeed a mess, but Shinnosuke at least stayed consistent, along with Chase, and they both got good plot points during Gold Drive's arc. If there is something that could be pointed as ruining Drive's plot is Mach. >Build Not at all. As everything was presented in order to fill in gaps in the plot presented previously (example: "who was the man who unleashed Pandora's Box?" answered by "Build's mentor", followed by "but why?" and finished by "because he was being manipulated by an alien who was the owner of said artifact and whose goal was to unleash it to destroy the world since the beginning of the show"), giving all minimal details presented through the show's course a point and a goal to be achieved by the characters. Not to mention, Build might be the only show in which all movies and specials complement the main story without ruining it. You may not like the "aliens did it" trope, but the way it was presented was very good and fitting for the plot. Unlike shows such as Kabuto, or Kiva, or Faiz, in which characters change goals, even their very origins and personalities, to fit in with whatever that week's writer wanted to write, ignoring all continuity. >Geats It reeks of producers and sponsors interference, more than writer's problems. I bet Takahashi was going for a more gritty and down to earth ending about how happiness IS rationed and it is impossible for the majority of people to be happy, then came producers and toy manufacturers and demanded he changed that to this shitty ending. I can only imagine how depressed a child growing up exposed to such brainwashing will be once he faces reality. No wonder Japanese people commit suicide frequently. >Gotchard's writer That is even more concerning, as those shows were mostly shit, or became shit after the middle run. SSSS Gridman was basically a feminist propaganda too. so, having that profile only makes me glad that I decided to not watch Gotchard. >Takahito Omori From what Japanese fans are saying, King Ohger's sales are already bad. so if his writing indeed gets the ratings to lower, I don't see the toys selling any better. Japan is going through a economic crisis like all other countries, and overpriced plastic garbage is not being bought like before anymore. The few families there are keeping their kids away from toys, in order to not go bankrupt. As for the quality of the writing itself, I never saw any show that had this type of drastic change mid-season to be good or even keep quality. They always decline when the producers do that, so I expect the worse to come to King Ohger from now on, especially now that the producers have shown that they want to use the show as leftist propaganda about stupidity such as equality.
Gotchard aired, and as expected, it is shit. A dumb show for dumb children. The show's message of: >"Even if something is impossible, you must still do it for the sake of doing something" is one of the dumbest things I ever heard in my life. It is like the mental illness from trannies, thinking that they can possibly be women one day. The writer for this shows is truly a depressed retard that will probably end up killing himself at some point.
>>3587 That was indeed expected. At least we will have some sexy photo books of that child actress. I envy the producers that are having sex with her.
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Ignoring the edgy faggot who hates everything positive, Godzilla Minus One has an official trailer now.
>>3592 >being intelligent is being edgy I see that you are one of those blind consumerists that just keeps liking shit and waiting for the next shit to be produced. >Godzilla Minus Case in point. The movie looks like shit.
>>3563 >Gaim >As for Kouta, that is my point: nobody there changed their personalities. They kept going on until the ultimate consequences and beyond, without turning into the complete opposite of who they were, like many other shows do. Again, why is Kuuga or Agito not there? Godai kept being an optimist despite the rising stakes while Shoichi kept being his goofy self after regaining his memories and learning what being an Agito is. I assume Ryuki is inconsistent because Shinji couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to seal the mirror world or not which ended up killing him when it started spawning those dragonfly monsters. >Drive >If there is something that could be pointed as ruining Drive's plot is Mach. As much as I hate Go, I'm not sure why you didn't think he was consistent until the end. He hated Roidmudes from the beginning and hated that both Shinnosuke and Kiriko were warming up to the idea that there may be good Roidmudes while Chase was slowly learning about human emotions. >Build Again, I like the plot, it's just everything else that I didn't like. >The skywall and splitting Japan into 3 nations A civil war would have been fine. >Science and bottles theme I'm just not a fan of math formulas appearing = science and the bottles seem to fit much better with the recent Rider Gotchard. If you wanted a show about a scientist trying to redeem himself from his creations, there's Drive(both Drive and Build are produced by Takahito Omori funny enough). >Hazard levels This really annoyed me since Sento could have just learned the ins and outs of each bottle to outsmart stronger enemies like Evolt told him to before the proxy match against Kazumi instead, he ends up chasing the dragon(the Genius form doesn't even use the bottles' strengths, it's a straight up melee form). It gets more embarrassing when his father shows up and mops the floor with him using the base Build form in the final arc. >The whole DNA shenanigans Sure, give Banjou alien DNA to explain his powers but don't give Sento DNA altering powers. It gets funnier when Evolt's change of heart from destruction to conquest is likely due to assimilating Isurugi, Banjou and Sento long enough that human DNA is spliced into him. >Takahito Omori The guy was the chief producer of Kamen Rider Drive, Ex-Aid, Build and Zero-One so while I can't say he has has done no wrong, those 4 shows of his are on most people's favorites. Not to mention he's one of the two, Shirakura being the other one to produce sci-fi Riders which I prefer more. >From what Japanese fans are saying, King Ohger's sales are already bad. Source? Looking up King Ohger toy sales and I'm seeing otherwise and possibly beat Donbrothers if it keeps up. >Japan is going through a economic crisis like all other countries, and overpriced plastic garbage is not being bought like before anymore. You make it sound like the 90's real estate crisis didn't affect toy sales or that 80's-90's super sentai wasn't on a decline(having Hirohisa Soda as the head writer for 8 straight years and the quality declined? Color me surprised), it got so bad that the series were near cancellation if not for Toshiki Inoue of all people getting assigned as head writer for Jetman then he suffers almost the same fate as Soda but in Kamen Rider. >>3563 >>3587 Just curious, how would you produce Kamen Rider without ending up like Blade or Hibiki?
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Some Godzilla Minus One promotional images.
>>3626 >why is Kuuga or Agito not there? Because they bloated their plot and endings by the end of the shows. Kuuga's due to budget and the main actor being a idiot, but still, the end result was a mess, for all the building up to the conclusion that was being made. Agito because that retard Inoue always ruins his plots. The fact that characters made decisions don't change how the end result was a rushed and nonsensical "everything will be fine" ending on both shows. Ryuki's indecision was the main plot point: what would a pacifist (and delusional) idiot do when facing the choice of sacrificing one for all or all for one? That was the main question presented through the whole show, and the fact that he didn't know what to do was THE point of his story. >Go Because when presented with a Roidmude like Chase directly helping people around him, and helping Go himself, the idiot still fell into childish temper tantrums for no reason (other than bad writing), to the point that by the end, he was just showing up to whine, while everyone else actually got development. It is the old and tired trope of antagonizing for the sake of antagonizing, but made 100% worse due to Go's whining. I agree about most of Build's complaints. I add one more, that is the redemption from villains coming in the after-show specials. I hate that with a passion. Evolt was a force of destruction (then conquest), not some misunderstood being like the specials tried to portray. But I disagree with the writer being "safe" for Gotchard, as the writing alone is irrelevant to the qualitty, when there are investors and producers getting in the way. And Gotchard screams "investors' interference" all over the place. The show is nothing more than a bunch of tropes put together without any charisma or even enjoyment, paired with such a blatant toy selling approach, that it is embarrassing to watch. The quality of the writer is put aside for the sake of selling toys through a sanitized show full of tropes and no soul. >Source? Looking up King Ohger toy sales and I'm seeing otherwise and possibly beat Donbrothers if it keeps up. Japanese fans on image boards and personal friends. The main mecha sold well, but apparently many of the other toys either tanked or got massively refunded. It is not confirmed if it was due to poor acceptance (of the toys) or if there was some malfunction or bad design that made people want to refund them. My personal take is simply the economy and families refunding toys that are too expensive. What older crisis did does not compare to today's world. Today, one single mistake is spread all over the internet and creates a snowball effect of rejection and negative impact on any product or industry. There are rumors of Sentai cancellation as far back as 2017's Lupinranger VS Patranger. As for Inoue, what "saved" Jetman's ratings was the fact that it was new and idfferent from previous shows. Now that Inoue's style was repeated to exhaustion, it won't save anything again, as he is now the mainstream., and those rumors only get stronger every year. I would not be surprised by a sudden announcement of a hiatus in the franchise, with some bullshit excuse being presented as the reason. Audiences from all ages, but especially children, have so many options of entertainment today (and not just official, but also through piracy, even in Japan) that a show must be c lose to perfection in order to retain attention. Because any small mistake, and the audience loses interest and goes to watch something else, as there are thousands of other options. As well as other entertainment mediums, such as games and anime. >>3626 >How would you produce Kamen Rider without ending up like Blade or Hibiki? It depends on what you mean. Blade is among my favorites of all time. While Hibiki is THE show that I hate the most. So, you mean by writing itself? Plot? Or by ratings and real world consequences (such as lost interest from audiences) caused by the shows' production? Because if by plot and lore, I would invest on the horror science fiction style of ZO, but paired with some gimmicks to at least have a toy selling point (to shut up the investors), while retaining as much of mature themes as I could, even if slipping them without nobody noticing at first, so to keep it interesting for older audiences and make it have a lasting acceptance years after the children who watched it grew older. Be that content philosophical, violence, relationships, etc. The brooding hero that sees humanity as THE problem, but being a (former) human himself, would be tormented between choosing to help humanity or just going back to the "villains" side and become against humanity. All paired with a few extra Riders, and everyone having some gadgets/gimmicks/a few (VERY few) extra forms, to keep things fresh, but not to bloat the show with 1 new toy per episode. The show would not focus on later appearances for crossovers. So no death would be left open to "resurrection". All losses would be permanent. Humanity would not be presented as good, but as what it is in real life: just another evil. It would not be "good humanity vs evil villains", but "2 evils fighting each other: humanity and the villains". It would left open to each viewer to decide if humanity would be worth saving or not, with the main Rider never fully addressing humanity as good or even worth saving (he would have other reasons to fight the villains), and the villains never be portrayed as fully "unstoppable evil", but just unapologetic and conscious about the evils of humanity. Think liek a darker version of Ryouga when confronting Abare Killer in Abaranger, when Killer shows him normal human beings that act fully evil, greedy, corrupt and egoistical, and tells him how idiotic is to save those worthless "people". But stretched through a whole show. >>3640 >CGI instead of suit action Automatically trash.
>>3698 >I disagree with the writer being "safe" for Gotchard, as the writing alone is irrelevant to the qualitty, when there are investors and producers getting in the way. I mean the theme, not the writer. The whole bottles and mixing gimmick was Bandai's idea with Build's chief producer Omori thinking what the contents are and seeing how often chemicals and chemistry apparatus are shown in Gotchard, the gimmick fits better there. >Japanese fans on image boards and personal friends. That's not really giving me any confidence on the validity. >It depends on what you mean Just trying to avoid suffering their fates mostly >Blade Due to poor ratings, around episode 22, they replaced head writer Shoji Imai with veteran Metal Heroes writer Sho Aikawa and supposedly fire some of the directorial crew. >Hibiki This was a mess from the get go, as a background to what happened. >Toei wanted Kamen Rider to take a break after Blade underperfomed and wanted to do Henshin Ninja Arashi remake as a replacement but Bandai didn't want any of that. >Since Toei is now stuck with producing Kamen Rider, they bring back Shigenori Takatera, Kuuga's chief producer hoping it'll help spark interest. >Takatera wanted his show to be weird and looking at Kamen Rider Amazon, tried to replicate it. >This meant location shoots in various forests, mountain areas and beaches which can take hours compared to city shoots in the early mornings. Along with having the Makamou be CGI monsters, the show was hemorrhaging money. >To add salt to the wound, the toys are considered unappealing to children >This is where it gets blurry, supposedly Toei asked Takatera to tone down the spending and to appeal to a wider audience, Takatera refused and the rest is history While Hibiki's ratings by the end were higher than Blade's, it's likely due to the controversy surrounding it. I'd probably put Drive and Ghost there but the former is Omori and his staff's passion project (most of them watched Knight Rider when they were kids) that happens to break the cardinal rule of Kamen Rider which lead to poor reception and toy sales while the latter is a cut budget and writing style (something that happens again with Saber supposedly) so it's not as daunting. >I would invest on the horror science fiction style of ZO Christ, ZO. Don't get me wrong, I love ZO but you better get in line anon since you're not the first to suggest that (there's an interview somewhere with the director and Garo creator Keita Amemiya saying ZO was supposed to be a series so there are people speculating). >but paired with some gimmicks to at least have a toy selling point (to shut up the investors) I find this iffy since there were cases that you have to use Bandai's gimmicks just to have the show (Gaim had to use fruits even when chief producer Naomi Takebe already had Gaim be based on animals). >Plot with mature themes So who are you getting as head writer? There's only a few instances where the head writer had more weight to the show's direction and that was with Kuuga and Agito (people seem to think Gaim as well given how hands-on Urobuchi was but the fruit theme wasn't his idea). I'd probably address more of these some other day, vidya kind of comes first.
>>3704 The gimmick would fit. If not for the fact that Gotchard (the show) treats everything like literal magic, more akin to Wizard than Build. >That's not really giving me any confidence on the validity. I trust fans more than companies, as companies fake their numbers all the time. >Due to poor ratings, around episode 22, they replaced head writer Shoji Imai with veteran Metal Heroes writer Sho Aikawa and supposedly fire some of the directorial crew. Which made the show better. I would go for that direction, instead of the first half, but try to avoid presenting ideas too similar to it. Blade's ending is my favorite of all of the Kamen Rider franchise, so I would go for a build up to a darker ending in that sense. Just not utilize the same ideas and concepts. I know about Hibiki's troublesome production. I was asking about if you meant what I would do from a production perspective or a writing perspective. I also know about ZO and Keita's wish to return to it, as well as many fans in Japan sharing that. And that is my ooint: Kamen Rider stayed too long in the post-Kuuga and Reiwa format already. If the companies won't do something like the darker versions from the manga or the 90s' movies, they have no right to complain when sales and viewership get even lower. People want darker shows. Companies want to force toys. Children don't watch those shows anymore anyways. So, companies either obey to the public still interested or they will simply lose more money. They own the place and the money, but if they don't accept the fact that they will permanently sell less than before, due to children not being interested anymore no matter what, then they will just fade, as the adult public also moves away, like the children already did. As for the toys, they are a necessary evil. Or at least SOME merchandising, like Garo's lighters and pendants. Otherwise, the shows won'tr even be made. The problem with companies is that their owners must understand that there won't be increased sales. But instead, steady sales from devoted fans. And after many years, a few more fans to renovate the numbers. Forcing gimmicks to try to get children to want toys isn't working, and is also turning away adults. As for writers and directors to cast, that is way more complicated. Even good ones can get in the way of each other, and there is no guarantee that a good choice will give a good result. My biggest concern would be to ensure that all the companies involved stayed away from production completely, and let the teams (minus the toy sellers) do what they want. There are now more shows ruined by the toy companies' demands than there are successful ones, and it is about time that those companies stop interfering and just let the productions be finished by people who actually like them. Not changed (almost always for worse) by corporate suits that only care about selling toys. And they are failing in selling those toys all the time, so might as well give a chance to hands off production. Only with that ensured would I even think about casting.
Any news about why Daigo's actor (from Kyoryuger) isn't returning for the King-Ohger special?
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>>3706 Nothing yet but with him posting this there are speculations that he's doing a surprise appearance. He's at least voicing Kyoryu Red based from the preview. >>3705 >I trust fans more than companies, as companies fake their numbers all the time. It's not even that. I just find it strange for someone claiming Japanese fans on imageboards as a source, can't provide something like a thread to help your case. It also feels strange that you have no clue who the staff are besides Toshiki Inoue when not only I've seen nips sometimes mention the producer, the episode's writer or director when complaining about a show, that sort of information is publicly available through the show's site/magazine scans.
>>3711 He was pretty vocal in the past about disliking how the companies basically forced him to show up shirtless for the old/ugly hag audience during Kyoryuger's run. Word is (among fans and unconfirmed leaks from behind the scenes) that he hated the production team, but liked the cast, so he at least agreed to voice himself (suit actor portraying his ranger form), but nothing else, as some unspecified producer insisted on forcing him to show up shirtless again (basically, prostitution aimed at old hags), and the actor decided to never work again with said producer, who is still around. Toei needs to stop with all the fujoshit/old hag pandering, as most of the money comes from the male audience, who all want fanservice, and not some guy being prostituted around for women (it is ok to do that to the girls though, as that is the only purpose in anything).. >>3757 This whole marketing campaign in one word: desperation.
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>>3766 >He was pretty vocal in the past about disliking how the companies basically forced him to show up shirtless for the old/ugly hag audience during Kyoryuger's run. Sauce? He was shirtless for two episodes, the first one was in episode 9 from being treated for injuries and most of the 2nd half of episode 27 (Daigo ripping his shirt was even a banner for 8chan's /fit/). If we're to point out someone likely responsible for that scene, it's episode director Koichi Sakamoto since he'll occasionally have male fanservice to balance out his female fanservice (Amy's leg shots since she was the designated kicker) but Ryusei mentioned in an magazine interview that he liked Sakamoto since he made him do his own out of suit stunts, something Sakamoto tends to ask from the actors. What's stranger is not only is this rumor of his dislike being shirtless comes from 2 separate reddit posts with no source to back up either but one of his recent films has him in trunks. >as some unspecified producer insisted on forcing him to show up shirtless again Why bother when they got a former rugby player or just younger males in the cast if they wanted someone shirtless?
>>3769 >Why bother when they got a former rugby player or just younger males in the cast if they wanted someone shirtless? Because a old faggot has his fetishes, anon. Do you think that everything that goes into production is about the production itself, sales and marketing? a lot of degenerates infect those places and use their positions to order others to fulfill their demented fetishes. >"But why would...?" Because they want to. that is why. Regardless of how it ruins a production and how it makes them go bankrupt and jobless. Degenerates don't think long term.
>>3771 It would be nice if you gave this old faggot a name so I or anyone else on this thread can actually dig and support your claims because God knows what these Japanese fans you claim as your sources are.
>>3772 He must mean that Tsukada-something producer. The one who was mocked in the Decade's net movies for being a faggot. A lot of production teams (such as Decade's, Zi-O's and others) openly mock this Tsukada due to his faggotry.
>>3781 You mean these? I'm not sure that Tsukada supposedly wearing pink shirts often is mocking him. Another thing is that Tsukada didn't produce either Kyoryuger or King-Ohger. He worked on Hurricaneger, Abaranger, Dekaranger, Magiranger and Gekiranger with the latter three as chief producer then coming back for Kiramager 13 years later as chief producer. As for Kamen Rider, he worked on Agito, W and Fourze with the latter two as being chief producer. https://archive.md/Qa2Uw If there's anyone spreading faggotry, it's Kamen Rider Diend's actor, Kimito Totani. I'm not sure how this anon missed that seeing Totani won't shut up about his character loving Tsukasa in his interviews. https://archive.is/rYfWr https://archive.is/MtncP There is that rumor of Kamen Rider Blade's actor, Tsubaki Takayuki acting in gay porn but no one has any source or the code of said AV that's another thing I'm surprised anon didn't brought up when the manga made rounds back in cuckchan /m/ in the early 2010's.
>>3783 Did Diend's actor produce any shows? If not, then I'm clueless about who the other anon meant. Looking on reddit, there is all kinds of hearsay about this supposed Kyoryuger producer who allegedly forced Daigo's actor to go shirtless for some scenes, and the actor allegedly being outspoken against it ever since. Not a single source given though.
>>3784 >Did Diend's actor produce any shows? Nah, I pointed him out since he's really outspoken about being gay for Tsukasa. >the actor allegedly being outspoken against it ever since It's such a weird allegation since not only is he a model before Kyoryuger, he's done much more afterwards https://archive.md/QMXyn He's a lover of a middle aged woman here looking for revenge, I'm not sure what's more fujobait than that. https://archive.md/HMGnV Oh right, being naked with another man.
>>3785 >he's really outspoken about being gay for Tsukasa Repulsive. I hope he gets shot to death. >He's a lover of a middle aged woman here looking for revenge Even more repulsive. Olds women should go back to being burned alive. >being naked with another man Peak repulsive. No wonder tokusatsu is declining. It went after the mentally ill audience, instead of mentally healthy fans. Now, nobody likes it in Japan.
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So the SH Monsterarts for Godzilla Minus One has turned out to be a mess. Typical SHM problems like a bad sculpt, bad paint, & misaligned eyes. But now Super 7 is throwing their hat in the ring.
>>3808 That is what you get with over detailed designs. They end up a mess, and ugly. There is a reason why previous designs and redesigns were kept simple: it works, and it looked good. I can't help but notice a parallel between this and the "returning" movies of Super Sentai. Specifically, Abaranger 20th years and the recently announced Dekaranger 20th years. The actors all look like a mess, old, tired and ugly. It make mes feel bad for seeing them return, instead of hyped for it. Tokusatsu companies should take care to consider how to present nostalgia back. If it doesn't look good, it causes instant rejection. Be it costumes, toy lines or actors.
I saw Minus One in theaters on Friday. While it's really good, it's short of being great. The human story is great. It's dramatic & memorable. But what's lacking is Godzilla himself. He doesn't feel like a character in the story so much as a generic monster. They don't tie him in well to the protagonists own struggle & trauma caused by Godzilla. What I mean is the story deals primarily with survivor's guilt & how the protagonist, Koichi, was unable to pull the trigger against a pre-mutated Godzilla while he slaughtered a station of airplane mechanics around him. Ultimately Koichi's struggle continues to be how he just wants to live. Something that isn't tied in with Godzilla who was first disturb on his island then is disturbed from his waters when the Americans testing a bomb mutates him into the Godzilla we see. The movie's very blunt about it's commentary & messages but takes no time to acknowledge Godzilla being a living creature who wants to live or even what his motivations are for attacking. At most they assume he's taking over Japan as his territory on land. I wanted more introspection into Godzilla we normally get in Toho's movies. >>3809 It's not overdesigned. SHMA Godzillas just tend to have horrible quality control on the paint. Especially the eyes.
>>3813 >human story >lacking is Godzilla The whole movie is automatically shit then.
>>3814 No. Godzilla's still in it plenty. It's just less about Godzilla & more about the humans. Which isn't always bad but they needed to have the time to actually talk about him.
>>3821 >It's just less about Godzilla & more about the human That makes the whole movie be shit.
So Boonboonger was finally revealed and, as expected, it looks like shit. The name of this sentai was a giveaway about it being just another dumb show for dumb children, just like Gochard is, and now the images confirmed it. I suspect that someone at Toei or Bamco is actively sabotaging their tokusatsu shows, after the success of Geats and the good reception (at first) of King Ohger.
>>3864 I'm more surprised they got Atsuhiro Tomioka as head writer. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=1623 >the good reception (at first) of King Ohger. Seems to be still good from a general search. It didn't exactly have a good reception at the start since people were concerned of the tv budget due to the usage of the LED studios (besides the Hibino LED studio that was used for the Donbrothers mech fights, King Ohger was using Toei's newly built LED studio).
>>3865 Giving how toys sales were low and the ratings didn't improve that much, I am not surprised that Toei went after Tomioka. The majority of tokusatsu/dorama writers are a bunch oif literal cucks who are only capable of writing about characters being cucked or being in unsolved love triangles, forgetting that the audience doesn't really care about it, as the ratings and sales show. The era of writing stories for old women is long over, and if those hacks aren't replaced by actually talented writers, tokusatsu will die. So, this is a good first step at least. The problem is that it looks more like that Decade situation with Gackt: they got a "talent" way past his prime.
>>3866 >The majority of tokusatsu/dorama writers are a bunch oif literal cucks who are only capable of writing about characters being cucked or being in unsolved love triangles, Going off by the past 6 shows >LuPat There's Touma who rescues his wife who was frozen since before the beginning. Sakuya having a crush on Umika ended up with them on mutual terms since she returned as a Lupinranger by the end along with the other two for some reason. >Ryusoulger This I can somewhat agree with since Canalo's only character was to get a wife and failing almost every episode. Luckily, this was the only show Junpei Yamaoka's worked on. >Kiramager Juru got together with his bully. I don't think there was a way for Tametomo to have gotten together with a split personality of the main villain. >Zenkaiger I don't think there was an actual romance plot, the focus was more on family. I guess when Vroom fell in love with a human woman in that one episode? >Donbrothers Inoue unexpectedly solved the love triangle by having Sononi live and paired with Tsubasa (his initial plot was to kill the first Sono trio wave one by one but changed his mind because he like Sonoi's acting). >King Ohger Don't know who else was paired here besides Racles and Kaguragi's sister and the pair was pretty good. >The problem is that it looks more like that Decade situation with Gackt Getting Gackt was the least of Decade's problems. An anniversary show where the plot is separate alternate universes with only the gimmicks intact and the protagonists act different is a show no one's going to give a shit about since it wasn't the characters they recognize. It's why I find Zi-O miles better despite complaints of continuity (which I'm not sure how anyone will do on a tv budget with almost 20 years of content plus some of them probably contradicting each other). >they got a "talent" way past his prime. I noticed that it has been pattern since Ryusoulger for every other super sentai to be written by a toku veteran with Toshiki Inoue for Donbrothers and Naruhisa Arakawa for Kiramagers then a guest or new writer for the next with Junpei Yamaoka for Ryusoulgers and Minato Takano for King Ohger.
>>3867 The fact that love triangles exist is already cuckery. Why not have a male character with a harem of beautiful girls all for himself, as a start? Why not make a show for men, that men want to watch? Or at least men and boys too, if they want a lighthearted show? Why they still produce garbage for women, when it is clear that women aren't saving the ratings nor the toy sales? That is my biggest complain. If shows are going badly, the producers have only themselves to blame, for pandering to women instead of the real audience, which is men of many different ages. It is always a bunch of men fighting over one woman, with only rarely some other woman ccoming into play, but it is always the already engaged (or first engaged) character that loses his woman to another man. Also, I mentioned tokusatsu. As a whole. Not just Sentai. The whole point is: sales are low (even when they go up, they are still at their lowest for many years), ratings are low and sometimes (like Lupat, unfortunately) past beyond cancel-worthy low. Pandering to the deranged minds of old women is not profitable. I mentioned Gackt because he was paraded as some sort of "big achievement for tokusatsu" when he did Decade's opening song, but nobody really cared. He was already old and abandoned by the dumb teenager girls (redundant term, I know) by that time, and most tokusatsu fans never cared about him or his songs. He had no appeal whatsoever, as his audience didn't like tokusatsu, didn't like HIM anymore, and the tokusatsu audience didn't like him either. Decade's lame plot had mostly to do with the overwhelmingly bad writing for all the alternate universes. Everything felt like bad fanfiction. A good written show could have been good even with the alternate universe retardation. Kuuga's world was mostly the same, with minor alterations. It was pleasant and good enough. Then everything else was shit. All other universes had bad writing and idiotic concepts for their lore. That was Decade's biggest problem. This pattern that you mentioned is also something that can make or break a show. King Ohger as a nice world building plot and soem good characters. But then you have things like Gochard and now the dubious Boonboonger. It looks like the companies involved only give chances to good writers when those companies perceive that they have nothing to lose. But as soon as a little bit of better reception (or even success) is achieved, they give the shows to bad writers or to writers that don't care about the genre and just write cliché stories. Ryusoulger and Kiramager both felt boring to watch. The kind of "nothing interesting really happens aside for the toys and gimmicks", while Zenkaiger felt the same for the most part, saved only by a few homages to older shows. This approach of "toys first, writing second" is making a lot of shows feel boring and it is not improving the toy sales either, so the companies are better to change that if they want to keep those shows existing.
And now, the movie Kamen Rider 555/Faiz Paradise Regained was leaked. And as expected, the movie is shit. What is even the point of making those anniversary movies, if the writers and directors will just ruin (or ruin even more) the original shows, by adding even more plot holes, distort the characters and just straight up kill anything good that the shows had? I do believe that those movies are nothing more than a money laundering scheme, given how they all basically flop and are quickly forgotten, but the companies keep making them. Nonetheless, if you even remotely enjoyed the (already full of plot holes) original Faiz tv show, stay away from this movie. It is pure cancer from beginning to end. >inb4 muh sex scene between Takumi and Mari AS Orphenocs Nothing was shown. It is just fetish bait to deceive retards into wasting money on the movie, thinking that they will see Mari (now an old hag, as the actress aged like cheese) naked. Speaking of baits, the ending has another of the now frequent (at least in Toei's shitty movies) sequel bait, so the "story" (there is only bad fanfiction in there, really) is again, inconclusive. So, the movie was falsely advertised as being "THE definitive end to the Faiz saga", and retards believed that, still wanting a conclusion to that idiotic and rushed "ending" from the original show, more than 20 years ago. THIS is what you get for not shutting up: a bunch of corporate suits ordered some hacks to just do whatever, and now the story is even worse, with even more plot holes, and STILL not concluded. Enjoy your cancer on the 30th, 4th, whatever anniversary movies that the company will release 10,m 20, 30 years from now, to bait you idiots into wasting time and money on.
>>3913 > What is even the point of making those anniversary movies, if the writers and directors will just ruin (or ruin even more) the original shows, by adding even more plot holes, distort the characters and just straight up kill anything good that the shows had? Anon, Inoue wrote the damn thing with one of the original show's director, Ryuta Tasaki as director. Why do you think there was hype to begin with besides having the original cast? >It is just fetish bait to deceive retards into wasting money on the movie The Takumi and Mari pairing was enough bait ever since the original but Mari had such a convoluted relationship between Aki(the bully) and Kusaka(the bullied) both falling in love with her while Takumi didn't give two shits because he was too busy trying to survive and dealing with Yuji and the fact that he was an orphnoch in the later episodes. Even Paradise Lost was a tease with both of them riding away into the sunset. >the ending has another of the now frequent (at least in Toei's shitty movies) sequel bait, so the "story" (there is only bad fanfiction in there, really) is again, inconclusive. Again, Inoue wrote the damn thing. Besides Agito, have you ever seen any other of his endings to be conclusive?(Not to mention the use timeskip for every one them since Jetman in the 90's)
>>3914 The fact that Inoue and original cast were involved doesn't change the fact that the movie is shit. Again: what is the reason to bring back those movies, if they will get ruined (even if ruined by the original writers and directors)? I am not talking about the relationship between characters. I am talking about the lame "sex" scene that was hyped as the biggest thing ever by retarded fans since the info was leaked, and it ended up being just a embarrassing scene, comical in how bad it is, and with no actual sex scenes involved. Again, retarded fans were baited by fake advertisement and hyped the movie for free, like the idiots that they are. > Inoue wrote the damn thing So? That doesn't exempt it from criticism. He is not sacred to do anything he wants with the story. Even him, as writer and director, must follow rules. But since he doesn't, the movie ended up like that: pure cancer. And yes, I watched Inoue's shows. And he is a hack. Plain and simple. All of his shows and stories are shit. Precisely because of how inconsistent he is, and how he always ends things with sequel bait. THAT is my complaint: the movie was advertised as a CONCLUSION. Not another open ended story with sequel bait. The sooner Inoue dies, the better.
>>3916 >Again: what is the reason to bring back those movies, if they will get ruined (even if ruined by the original writers and directors)? >Anon doesn't get nostalgia baiting They've been doing this with the showa riders since the Heisei era, how are you surprised doing this in the Reiwa era isn't any different? Especially with how Faiz is seemingly popular with the nips. >I am talking about the lame "sex" scene that was hyped as the biggest thing ever by retarded fans since the info was leaked From what I looked up, this hype you claim was because of the controversy behind it(first draft was supposed to be human on orphnoch form which both Takumi and Mari's actors declined). So it seems more like genuine curiosity on what this trainwreck will look, like Inoue did with Hibiki rather than actual enthusiasm. >So? That doesn't exempt it from criticism. He is not sacred to do anything he wants with the story. Even him, as writer and director, must follow rules. But since he doesn't, the movie ended up like that: pure cancer. You've just missed the point, He's not exempt from criticism but because he has a track record you should have the very least expected the movie to be bad. From your ranting it's clear that you're the perfect audience from this kind of cancer because you barely do any research on who worked on the media you're consuming, complain in generalities then consume again even if the next piece of media is from the same team. Are you the same faggot claiming he has nip fans for sources but can't even name a single writer/director/producer besides Inoue?
>>3917 I am not surprised. I am complaining about it still happening. It must stop. My expectations were always low, due to being Inoue (THE worst director, writer and producer of all time in tokusatsu), but my complaints are directed towards the companies itself: those movies ALWAYS flop. Every single one of those "(insert years) later" flopped. so why still make them? The highest a movie ever earned was still the Decade All Riders movie, more than a decade ago. Since then, every celebratory movie, both in sentai and rider, have lowered it's earnings. so, what is the point? My guess is money laundering. Aside from that, what is even the point of making those cancers? Any media where you need to do research before enjoying it is automatically shit. The best thing about it is how everyone is simply moving away from it all, as the sales numbers are showing a lower than ever amount of earnings. The same team should be FORCED to change their ways, to make better media. And if they don't, then be fired and never hired again.
Ignoring the schizo edgelord again, I'm actually enjoying Gotchard. It finds it's stride after the 10th episode. Not that it was actually bad till then. It just didn't find a strong connection yet. I'm glad I gave it another chance.
>>3921 >muh schizo >muh edgy bad Found the plebbitor. No wonder you like shit.
Looking up more on the Faiz leaks, anon here is just embarrassing himself. Plebbit https://archive.md/DGYyw RetardEra https://archive.md/OoygI and even fucking Twatter knew Inoue was writing and Tasaki directing the damn movie months before the movie leak and this faggot kept ragging on how about the new writers and directors ruining the movie and it's not even a leak. I'm questioning how you even found this basket weaving site unless someone directed and paid you to be a faggot here. >>3921 They added a third writer on Rinne's rider debut so I would advise to expect some shared writing styles. It's Toshiki Inoue's daughter, Akiko Inoue https://friday.kodansha.co.jp/article/358094. How many episodes will she write? 2 so far and we'll just have to wait if there's more
>>3937 The only reason Inoue wouldn't be writing an anniversary movie of his most popular Kamen Rider series would be if he was busy doing something else. Don't know how someone could be surprised he's directing it.
>>3937 >>3939 The movie just proves that Inoue is shit.
So Core Medal of Resurrection & Paradise Regained are I guess going to be the trend of non-canon direct series sequel movies. Which would be fine if they just made it clear they're meant to be their own things. Toei at least made a supposed statement that it is ignoring the events of Kamen Rider 4 deliberately. So by that you can infer it's not canon. Would be nice though if a real genuine sub group would cover it then. Instead of being stuck with Flame's localization shitpost subs. He's a fucking plague on Kamen Rider subbing. >>4016 Different argument.
>>4038 I find it hilarious that Inoue might be getting more work if they intend to to follow the trend of having the original show writers work on the anniversary movies with Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto and Kiva (Den-O being a sole exception since it's a Yasuko Kobayashi work) 20th for the next 5 years. >Faiz I just find it retarded to name the Faiz one Paradise Regained when Paradise Lost exists not to mention Paradise Lost having a better grimdark setting than the tv series.
>>4041 >I just find it retarded to name the Faiz one Paradise Regained when Paradise Lost exists That's the point. Paradise Lost is "What if the heroes lost & humanity suffered?". While Paradise Regained is "What happened after the ending years later?". Arguably also playing into how phone technology has advanced.
>>4045 But Regained wasn't a sequel to Lost but to the tv series is what I'm getting at and with a title like that, I was expecting a follow up to Lost's story. >Core Medal of Resurrection Missed this one, all I know from it is that Eiji dies and it turned me off from watching. Based on the poster did Eiji exchange his life for Ankh or give him his body, finally granting his desire?
>>4049 Read anon. I'm not saying it's a sequel to Lost. It's a sequel to the series. There's no where they could've gone with making a sequel to Lost. Though if this movie's also a non-canon other timeline movie then it doesn't really matter as a series sequel either. Eiji dies in the beginning. A need Greeed took over his body & can't be separated or else Eiji will die die for real. At the end, Ankh takes over his body so they can beat him. Then Eiji dies surrounded by his friends & just happy he was able to save lives.
>>4051 >There's no where they could've gone with making a sequel to Lost >Smart Brain being a one world government due to them converting most of humanity into orphnochs It's a common set up so there's something there to work on but I have to partially agree since part of the appeal of Regained was having the old cast and staff back and Lost wiped out most of the cast. >OOO I assume killing Eiji twice is a twist for those who've kept up with OOO since they've been killing Ankh on every crossover movie. It's predictable but they better revive Eiji for the 20th.
>>4056 Japanese productions are declining in quality and becoming just like American comic books: nothing is permanent and nothing is conclusive anymore. Any loss or death is undone whenever iut is convenient for the writers and producers of whatever new movie (stand alone, crossover or celebratory) comes out next. No matter if it takes 1, 10 or 20+ years, at some point, everything that was set and done in one show will be undone in the future by some idiot That is why I don't care anymore about any of the extra content or expanded universe (prequels, sequels and side stories) of any tokusatsu show. They all suck. And they suck exactly because the ones inolved in their production always retcon and change what was done before, just to sell toys or to create a convenient excuse to bring back some popular actor. The movies and specials make the shows worse.
>>4189 >create a convenient excuse to bring back some popular actor Can you cite an example? If anyting, TOEI is either incompetent or lazy to bring popular actors back. >The movies and specials make the shows worse. Depends, Paradise Lost is what Faiz should've been, God Speed Love is a better origin for Kabuto. Some of the series also end up in a situation where the Rider has to continue to be a Rider(Blade, W, Ex-Aid) or just outright shit(Faiz and Hibiki) that there's a demand for an epilogue or something conclusive.
>>4192 Example? All crossover and celebratory movies from the past decade. From heroes to villains and "final bosses" all coming back in one way or another. And that cancer that is Outsiders. >Depends Not, it doesn't. After Decade, the movies simply ruin the show's lore in one way or another, by undoing some key plot point. and that is done AGAIN years later, in t he case of celebratory movies, having the plot and key points ruined even further.
>>4189 You're complaining about having the very same actors from the show come back to do a movie related to the show? >>4227 Some of these shows ruin their own lore, Ghost being the biggest contender in the Neo-Heisei era. Let's not forget some of these movies are written by the show writers themselves.
As expected, Toei is now pushing alcohol to children. Since that law was approved last year, the one that allows minors to consume alcohol now in Japan, I was predicting that children's shows would start pushing aslcohol at some point. And here it is. This week's Boom Boongerr had a in-your-face alcohol advertisement for children, with the so called 'heroes" all gathered in a bar/nightclub, each drinking different types of cocktails and shown to be enjoying it. Expect way more decadence like that in future shows.
>>4229 >You're complaining about having the very same actors from the show come back to do a movie related to the show? I'm complaining about the anniversary movies existing in the first place. The plot is always shit. The actors are old. The directors and writers don't care about making a good story. Those movies should not exist. See if you understand this simple concept, retard: those movies are all shit and it would be better if they were never made. >Let's not forget some of these movies are written by the show writers themselves. Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 05:46:28 No. 4240 And that doesn't change the fact that they are shit. Who cares if it is the same guy writing, when the writing is shit? "The origi9nal creator approved this/did this" is no excuse to allow them to be shit.
(12.38 MB 640x360 Kamen Rider G.webm)

>>4240 >He doesn't remember Kamen Rider G >>4241 >"The origi9nal creator approved this/did this" is no excuse to allow them to be shit. Yes, when the source material is shit and if we go by your previous post that the movies are shit since they change the lore then any media made being made besides the show is shit regardless of change.
>>4240 Now you're just sounding like a pearl clutching american mom. Japan doesn't have the same censor practices as america. They can get away with showing alcohol in kid's media.
(7.05 MB 960x540 Boonboomger 17 - 1.webm)

(2.65 MB 960x540 Boonboomger 17 - 2.webm)

(580.64 KB 960x540 Boonboomger 17 - 3.webm)

>>4240 I assume this is the episode? I can clearly hear them call the drinks juice.
(1.32 MB 640x360 Kamen Rider Gavv.mp4)

New Rider is out in a few weeks, Gavv. The theme is snacks. >Producer is Naomi Takebe (Kiva, OOO, Gaim and Geats) >Director is Teruaki Sugihara (all Reiwa riders, got his start with Kyuranger) >Head Writer is Junko Komura (secondary writer for Wizard and Drive, more known as the head super sentai writer for Zyougher, LuPat and Zenkaiger. Another toku of note from her is Bima-X which is an Indonesian toku) They got most of the team from Geats but with Komura instead of Takahashi for the head writer. Seeing it's Komura, expect family themes and likely interesting looking but boring main villain.
>>4286 I expect the show to be as lighthearted as Gotchard especially considering the state of high tension in the world right now.
(2.44 MB 960x540 Kamen Rider Gavv - 01.webm)

(2.93 MB 960x540 Kamen Rider Gavv - 02.webm)

(30.55 MB 960x540 Kamen Rider Gavv - 03.webm)

>>4298 They started with harvesting people to make their candy so it's off to a good start.
>>4300 If they make it definitive people can die then it may be a little darker, surprisingly. Maybe it will be more like Ex-Aid where it's softer theme contrasts with the mostly serious tone.
>>4256 And that is wrong. At least I can be happy knowing that the alcohol industry is dying over there, as people choose a healthy life. To the point that the government now needs to push alcohol into a children's show. May the alcohol industry die all over the world. >>4253 G was a parody for an adult variety show, barely remembered and barely mentioned outside Zi-O's cameo. >any media being made besides the show is shit regardless of change. Yes. >>42A58 And it is still alcohol, with the typical "it is just juice, dad and mom", to avoid being attacked by the parents' association.
>>4286 Great actionm scenes. Shit premise for his powers. At least I'm glad that children are avoiding processed sugar junk in Japan, to the point that the companies producing the poison need to sponsor a tokusatsu show to desperately try to sell the poison again. Hopefully, parents realize the scheme and take their kids away from this show. >>4298 Which will make it a boring show. The way they make "lighthearted" shows is not good, in the current era. They avoid everything that make a show good, and it becomes just a bland borefest (like Gotchard was). >>4300 I find it funny that a company owned by the Yakuza, who sell drugs to people all the time, is making a show with the subtle anti-drug message, while at the same time promoting poison/sugaryprocessed sugar junk. It makes me wonder if the drugs are selling so poorly in Japan that the Yakuza are shifting towards trying to make children addicted to junk food instead of adults addicted to drugs.
>>4302 >>4303 >I can be happy knowing that the alcohol industry is dying over there >I'm glad that children are avoiding processed sugar junk in Japan That's all well and good anon but can you at least show to the board your evidence of this? If you're that faggot above claiming his source is a bunch of fans from a Japanese imageboard please archive the thread. >And it is still alcohol, with the typical "it is just juice, dad and mom" How is tomato juice an alcoholic drink? >The way they make "lighthearted" shows is not good, in the current era So what's a good lighthearted show for you anon?
>>4304 Don't bother. He's an insincere shitposter who thinks the answer to everything is being edgy. Either he's shitposting for his "character" bit or he's genuinely just stuck in a 14 year old's mentality of being edgy for the sake of it.
>>4306 It's not even that, I'm just annoyed on how low effort it is despite "watching" every rider and sentai. He didn't know the bar scene from Kamen Rider Faiz with actual alcohol, the worm doctor episode of Kamen Rider Kabuto with the oden stall owner serving sake (or Daisuke's debut episode, the mixer is likely serving beer), the Gekiranger drunken fist episode with Retsu or even the Dairanger drunken fist pose (or the episode with the tofu monster drinking sake) or any other show that had the villain with a bottle of wine. There's not even a mention of Kamen Rider the Diner https://paselabo.pasela.co.jp/rider/gm_food/ that serves both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails based on a Rider and that diner has been existing for more than a decade and yet somehow selling alcohol is a current year issue. Even his rant with Gavv being anti-drug is late. W (which Gavv seems to borrow the transformation item from) and even fucking Fourze, with the school administration forcing highschool kids to use the switches (which are addicting by the way) so they could find the select few to complete the Horoscopes, have done it.
>>4323 Almost like he's a complete poser, anon.
Man, this week's Gavv had two deliciously hot children. I'm loving how producers are finally reintroducing cute/hot girls of child age in the shows since Gotchard. May those lucky producers have those kids on their beds all day.
>>4304 They say that it is tomato to avoid the parents association from filling a complaint to the government. It is clearly alcohol, and the show is trying to sell alcohol to children. Plain and simple. >So what's a good lighthearted show for you anon? 90s shows. Both tokusatsu and anime. You have shows with lighthearted characters like Megaranger, Jetman and Dairanger and still a lot of serious tones to the stories in those shows. Older shows were good, even when aimed at children. Newer shows are all dumb aimed at dumb children and dumb manchildren/"adults".
Here's a little something. For those who don't know who Shirakura is, he's a producer who's been involved on >Super Sentai Jetman, Zyuranger, Dairanger, Zenkaiger and Donbrothers. >Kamen Rider From Kuuga to Decade, Blade being the sole exception and Hibiki being the 2nd half chief producer. >>4448 If we're going by that line of thinking, why not point out every other show with the appearance of drinking prior and single out Boonboomgers? Fucking Donbrothers exists and yet there's no pearl clutching on the show's drinking scenes.

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