>shit taste in JRPGs, so I see any list of JRPG recommendations as worthless.
Any taste for JRPGs is shit taste, so any list of JRPG recommendations is worthless. And the reasons why are other topics relevant to this thread.
>turn-based gameplay is inherently inferior to real-time gameplay, largely because it (usually) relies more on RNG
This isn't to say it's inherently bad, but it often removes power from the player and instead relegates it to RNG. The JRPG genre does this a whole lot. Instead of leaving it up to your skill to decide if you aim and time your action well enough to hit or dodge, it rolls dice. It's one step closer to just gambling. But asians love their gambling. This is the country that has long running series of pachinko video games.
>but most WRPGs also suck
Because they, and then later many JRPGs, don't actually have proper action. The action is an afterthought. A lot of them even have real time combat, but then still use RNG to decide if your attack hits. I saw my sword go through the guy. It fucking hit. Even later when this became less common, the movement and combat was still clunky as hell. Kingdom Hearts should be fun to control, but it feels like garbage. A game based on classic cartoons, known for their fluidity, shouldn't be so damn stiff. Games should be fun to control. If you take Mario or whatever and remove the goals and even level design, it's still just fun to control. Most RPGs don't do this. They're dreadful to control because the gameplay is rarely the point of the game. Which means most shouldn't even be games in the first place.
>Most RPGs, though admittedly it goes even more for JRPGs, shouldn't even be games
Nobody plays Final Fantasy or whatever for the gameplay. They're playing it for the story. As the old saying goes, it's like ordering soup for the spoon. Might as well make it an anime or book or whatever. But if they did, they'd be judged by the harsher standards of those media, and get laughed out of the room. This also happens outside of RPGs of course. Text/Point and Click Adventure games are notorious for it, and it's become a problem is almost every genre over time. This leads to my next point
>Hideo Kojima is a hack
He only gets any praise because his fans are absolutely uncultured plebians who never heard of movies before. If they had, they'd see that it's not worth sitting through his lame excuse for gameplay just to see the stories that were already told better in other media. I like a game with good story, but "good story" for a game shouldn't mean a story that would get laughed out of the room in another medium, it means a story that couldn't be told effectively or in the same way in another medium. Or at least one that successfully melds with and promotes the gameplay.
>"PC gaming" sucked until very recently, and even now isn't as good as people here want to pretend.
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