/vb/ - /b/ but with Video Games

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Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 07:33:59 No. 7755 [Reply]
I did not care for Halo.
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>>7765 I do care about this.
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>>7834 Sangheili can be eleven feet tall, anon. Will your pelvis survive?
(96.37 KB 1025x1000 hoes.png)

>>7822 Too Hoo? More like Toe Hoe.

(1.11 MB 3840x2160 I fucking love videogames.jpg)

Videogames Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 02:52:39 No. 5319 [Reply] [Last]
God, I fucking love videogames Post some videogames!
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>>7827 Better than Haydee's actual design Are her breasts even bigger?
I like big videogames
one of my favorites

Nortubel had an update Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 15:20:56 No. 3710 [Reply] [Last]
My game had an update. https://eyeballtank.itch.io/project-nortubel/devlog/758202/1jul2024-nortubel-part-5brinkaedea >What is Nortubel You play as the older siblings and command the younger ones, as the 2 go around in levels but you can also directly play as the little ones just in case. Whole game is an excuse for me to show off different kinds of characters and ideas. My first game and somehow, I managed to do a lot with it. You can play it on NG or itch, with the ladder having browser, Windows and Linux builds. Do give me feedback, because there's always going to be some issues (Whether or not I can fix them also depends).
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nigga why the fuck are you having an autism battle with tom fulp
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>>7817 That's not what happened. He just saw my post and asked me something, then I answered him to clarify.
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Felt like desiging some characters just because. But in the current game, they'll just be images and text, won't have a proper debut in this one. I just did these just in case.

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Actual pixel art thread. Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 21:31:28 No. 6619 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a proper pixel thread that isn't a crime against imageboards.
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(52.03 KB 1280x1024 Shattered Harmonh - Prowler.png)

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(3.11 KB 100x85 Neon Windmill.png)

(14.60 KB 222x222 psychadelicsideofthemoon.png)

(11.45 KB 128x192 Rock face study.png)

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Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 13:26:19 No. 7825 [Reply]
I just had sex with Jeanette.
>>7825 Congrats on the stds anon
>>7826 She doesn't have any stds, she's a good girl. Before me the only other man she's been with was her dad.
>>7829 Congrats on the incestuous cervical chimera vampire parasites anon

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Boy pussy Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 14:52:36 No. 6004 [Reply]
What game has the best femboys? I nominate Genshin impact because I want to creampie Venti non-stop. Freminet and his brother are great too.
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The penis is NOT gone! I will NOT let it be gone!

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Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 15:46:14 No. 4816 [Reply] [Last]
>angry bird
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>>7643 Not good like your mom
>>7662 ill suck your mom
>mecha break

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Christmas Card Thread Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 11:35:56 No. 7176 [Reply]
That's right, we're preparing for Christmas right from January! Will add in stuff into the card as the year goes on, and finish it up by the end of the year. Post images and drawings, preferably without backgrounds and we'll add them into the card. You can also post an updated card if you want the picture placed somewhere specific.
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Once we have a completed /vb/ Christmas card, it would be neat if we made a short video version that included Christmas music. We could all agree on/vote for a song and choose the best part of it. If we want, we could even make a gif version of the card to go with the music, something simple like snowflakes falling outside the windows in the background, or a fire moving in the fireplace. It wouldn't have to be big, maybe 15-30 seconds depending on the song.
(1.28 MB 1350x1879 Elicia_risumai_2.png)

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(11.09 MB 4000x2248 vbchristmas_card_skype1.png)

So, Skype is being discontinued this upcoming May, and since it was such a big part of many people's vidya experiences in the past, it would make for a good inclusion for the Christmas card. It isn't a person, but it's "death" is still significant. I put together a simple picture frame, like a memorial to it, that can go on the mantle. I also added a little flower in a vase to further emphasize the point of the photo. If some other anon wants to do it a bit differently or place it somewhere else, go right ahead.

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Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:31:21 No. 565 [Reply] [Last]
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(2.44 MB 240x426 stop cum.webm)

unofficial official /vb/ meta thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:52:36 No. 3709 [Reply] [Last]
This is where we discuss important things like >how /vb/ is kept up on life support >what did he mean by that >gacha >blogposting >ecelebs >oc >how to stop a meme board from dying >new banners prob >videogames maybe
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>>7782 >>7783 >>7808 post em in the bee thread

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New (beautiful) character Juno added in OW Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 06:27:41 No. 4197 [Reply] [Last]
You know what this means
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>>5072 >>5076 no I will pirate games and install big tiddy mods on it
sex with juno
>>5078 Juno nudemods?

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 06:34:41 No. 102 [Reply] [Last]
Will the roaring 20s be the decade of incest?
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>>7720 This is right. Anons should do the right thing and fuck their sisters and mothers.
>>7721 That would be immoral, my sisters and mothers are married
>>7721 I'll do the right thing and fuck your sister and mother.

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Gee Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 12:36:09 No. 6706 [Reply]
It sure is boring around here.
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King shit
burger kang
>>7760 King Kong.

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(16.22 MB 640x360 Dire, Dire Docks.mp4)

/vb/ vidya music Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 15:43:36 No. 1719 [Reply] [Last]
Let's vibe to our favorite game music.
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dire dire dicks
>>5896 MM A, retard.

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skin-tights and bodysuits Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 17:42:11 No. 7645 [Reply]
nipple bulges get extra points hyper gets negative points
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>>7744 its gimped
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>>7763 Making Quarter-Genies with Shantae.

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Vivian lewd thread Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 06:55:41 No. 53 [Reply] [Last]
Kiss your daughter, touch your daughter, tuck your daughter in your bed, undress your daughter, suck your daughter's breasts, finger your daughter, sniff your daughter's thick bush, lick your daughter's clit, make your daughter wet, take your daughter's first time, fuck your daughter, get a blowjob from your daughter, fuck your daughter's tits, fuck your daughter's ass, finish in your daughter's cleavage, cum inside all of your daughter's holes, fuck your daughter in every room of your house, make your daughter scream, make your daughter beg for your cock, make your daughter do a double peace sign as you ram into her, teach your daughter about bondage, find your daughter's secret sex toy stash, use tall the toys on your daughter, have her wear a vibrator and buttplug in public, thrust into your daughter unnanounced as she plays video games, make a sex tape with your daughter, stream yourself fucking your daughter, find a way to clone youself so you can gangbang your daughter by yourself, invite your daughter's lesbian lover, teach your daughter's lesbian lover how to properly please your daughter, have a threesome with your daughter and her lesbian lover, empty a whole box of condoms with your daughter (with sometimes her lesbian lover), cross the red line and do it bareback with your daughter, fuck your daughter on her most dangerous day, make your daughter pregnant, breed your daughter's lesbian lover for good measure, have your daughter give birth to her retarded brother-son, have said brother-son become King of Spain, go for more kids with your daughter, Total Vivian Breeding.
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in viv pussy

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