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what do you miss Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 03:39:07 No. 7486
you MUST miss something
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i miss old 3d games that i didn't have to care about specs for and gta vc too but not really bcoz i van still run it. i miss the excitement i used to feel tho
i miss old jontron
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i miss every single note in frets of fire because i have no motor skills can you believe i thought of frets of fire before friday night fuckin?
>>7488 (Literally Hitler) We all do, mang, we all do
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>>7489 wow fnf porn mods exist
I miss how PC software used to be packaged in big boxes, before they shrank them down. How sometimes the texture of the lettering was raised, and I could run my hand along them. This was especially true of console releases getting PC ports. The overall presentation was like it was the most important release ever.
I miss physical copies of vidya.
I miss 3D platformers. But there was a small resurgence a few years back, and all we got out of it was a bunch of SJW garbage. Crash 4 taught me that just because I miss something doesn't mean I should want it to come back. Sometimes death is merciful.
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i miss not having my relaxation time be quickly laced with anxiety about possibly doing overtime tomorrow and thoughts about my newest autistic fuckup i made like a week ago no matter how small to the point i can't enjoy a game more than 30 minutes at a time
i miss when people were nice to each other instead of jackoffs blaming anything to stay jackoffs
I miss when all of you weren't so fucking pathetic. Like, holy shit.
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I miss Moonman
>> 7531 i just love his racist ways
I miss when you could talk about porn without people bringing up gooning and porn addiction I miss when you could post controversial shit online and you wouldn't get dogpiled by the entire internet at once I miss when organizations like F1 and FIFA would hand out their license to any developer instead of having exclusive license agreements, forcing you to have literally 1 option to choose from I miss when each videogame would come with a little video at the beginning to hype you up. At some point everyone just fucking gave up, no idea why. I miss when games couldn't compete on graphics, so they had to have interesting gameplay I miss when everyone didn't use the fucking Unity engine for everything so that within 5 seconds of starting a game you didn't feel deja vu
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I miss that massive 2000s wave of janky but interesting euro RPGs. They felt like a mainstay of the era. They're still made to a significantly lesser degree, but usually by small indie teams or solodevs instead of full studios. Thankfully there were so many of these I haven't come close to trying them all.
I miss being a kid. I miss gaming before DLC and micro-transactions were common. I miss multiplayer games being made for fun and not for sweatlords and gamblers.
I miss my wife, Tails.
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>>7613 It's lonely out in space
i miss targets, bad aim

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