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Have sex incel Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 16:31:07 No. 1628 [Reply]
Why don't you have sex yet?
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>>2560 >Can't remember. Which PM started with the idea of school classes that last a whole day, skyrocketing depression and suicides?
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>>1671 >Have sex <In a place where the state secretly favors dykes
>have sex <in a country where any woman can accuse you of rape and be believed and ruin your life and where girls are taught all sex is rape

Gabe Newell Appreciation thread Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 23:56:28 No. 25 [Reply]
>Does nothing >Wins How does he do it?
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>>6097 >I thought he was another mixed race mutation He is, he is a White/Asian mix, a Hapa Much like Kalergi
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>>25 OY VEWELL https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=QJOWhoeZh-I **they fucking donated to Kumpdump Harris== >>6433 FAG GOT YER TONGUE

general UI thread Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 04:51:50 No. 2320 [Reply]
I've been scouring the internet but find that most mechanics, UI or encyclopedic info are all spread apart. Name your favorite. I'll keep mining.
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Persona games.
>>2320 >general UI thread >mfw
>>2760 you're alive though

Game Feel Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 05:42:58 No. 4508 [Reply]
Post game images that give this sort of feel.
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Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 14:49:45 No. 2276 [Reply] [Last]
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>>6397 >>6406 Xbox is a service
>>6409 >The xbox is an ex-console
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>>6424 For quite some time now

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Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 00:06:47 No. 3945 [Reply]
>btw im spurdo sun of sparde >has a nice ring to it, no? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD What did he mean by this?
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Я спурдо сонця, створюю епічні меми та лулзи, і я тут, щоб нескінченно публікувати лайно
>>6236 hi jew im atheist
>>6238 >Russian >Doesn't post the usual cheekie brekkie lrl

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 18:31:12 No. 4707 [Reply] [Last]
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>>6385 >comparing that monkey to diddy kong
>>4707 What did he mean by this bros?

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Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 17:16:34 No. 5690 [Reply]
File name thread
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Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 11:40:56 No. 6289 [Reply]
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>>6376 mario's a nigger
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>>6376 Fuck you morio

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POV: It's computer class Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 14:23:26 No. 6133 [Reply]
(or after school) post kool flash games and other games u played
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electricman 2
>>6407 post the swf bro http://swfchan.com/ fun game btw

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Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 18:28:46 No. 1647 [Reply] [Last]
it is time to confess
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>>6389 I'm referring about the attention whore who got sliced up for cockteasing 4channers: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=zSCnlbfXqCs
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>>6387 >>6401 >you should know some obscure song! But that isn't what happened to Bianca, she was killed by some schizo she met on Discord. Though he did post on cuckchan, that's not really relevant and that's not how she knew him. She was also 17 fucking years old, god forbid a teenager be cringe.
>>6402 >obscure song! I thought the song skyrocketed around this whereabouts >They actually met in Pisscord However just to not taint "le ebbin wholesome big chungus echochamber" of course they shifted the blame onto 4chan, I guess it went full circle: >4channers gaslight reporters into thinking that 9gag caused Mitchell Henderson <Nowadays Discord users blames 4chan over anything despite becoming a husk of what it used to be Bianca's case is peak unsupervised use of the internet.

Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 08:47:42 No. 4893 [Reply]
>Objective >survive
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>Objective >Collect rare item, 1/42 collected
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>Kill a good and caring daddy
>>6365 Dykes with daddy issues forever btfo.

Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 00:45:18 Id: 950876 No. 1821 [Reply]
>Todd Always Wins Todd haters on suicide watch
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>>1825 be honest, was there ever real hype for dogma 2? I remember anons on 4/v/ saying that it would be a 3 months take over like it was with Elden Ring and even normalniggers would talk about it and convert turn based faggots but when it came out absolutely none of that happened, the thing wasn't even popular on 4/v/ was it all ironic? >>6352 never forget the Grounded Commonwealth mod removed her and was replaced by a male robot that sounds like a black guy, because apparently it is unrealistic to think a male engineer would make a female robot.
>>1825 Elden Ring is the normalfags' first Souls game. Which is kind of funny since it's probably the hardest one. It's going to get numbers of that alone, to say nothing of long haul Soulsfags.
>>6361 There was hype for DD2, the original was a really good game and people expected the sequel to actually be Itsuno fulfilling his original goals, as DD1 was rushed and was basically just the first third of his "dream" game but reworked to be a coherent story. Instead we got a horribly optimized, confusingly written, overly modernized shitpile of a game that feels nothing like the original. It makes me wonder if Itsuno is just a fucking hack and he needs someone limiting him to make good shit, as he changed a ton of shit that made the original good. Because if a confusing, nonsense story that just abruptly ends, no hitstop on attacks, wimpy sound effects, slidey movement, boring-ass monster hunter wannabe music, very limited skill total that handicaps combat variety, and fights every 10 fucking meters that just become annoying tedious horseshit are his "dream game"'s key components, then this man should've never been let into the industry.

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It's so over bros.... Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:35:22 No. 6291 [Reply]
>be me >18 years old >no gf >trying to looksmaxx to get a gf >have been trying to get a girl i'm crushing on in highschool >work at burger king >parents are libtards >sister is a stereotypical femoid feminist >nightime >comfymaxxing on my chudbed with my lappy >just bought this vidya called "senran kagura" on steam >download finishes >whip my dick out for anime titties >mom barges in >stares for a second >closes door >...okay

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>>6296 all the old pussy
>>6296 Don't listen to this fag. Ask your crush out right now before it's too late. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Don't miss your chance to at least shoot your shot. Time marches on, and it's a limited resource. All that said, it might fail, but you'll never know unless you try. If you succeed, well good for you. I can't give you advice since I never got that far. All I can suggest is to not make the same mistakes I did. Ask her out. Try to be natural but confident. I know, it's bullshit, but women are bullshit. But if it doesn't work, then listen to the above literal oldfag's advice. He's not completely wrong, but you don't want to stay up at night wondering about opportunities you didn't at least try to take. >>6311 Yeah this is another thing. Later on you might get pussy, but it won't be the same. Seize as much of your youth as you can, while you can.
>>6319 But oh yeah, that was all tangent. I forgot to say that the literal oldfag there had a correct point but he only touched on it tangentially. The real point is that your embarrassment right now doesn't matter. Worst case scenario, you're at the age where you can distance yourself from all these people and never see them again if you don't want to. In fact, that will probably happen with most of them, whether you want it to or not. Also, your mom and sister did not talk to your crush. Obviously that's pure paranoia.

Anyone got the clip of the fat Intel chick dancing? Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 00:26:41 No. 6279 [Reply]
I need something disgusting to jerk the gherkin to.
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>>6304 These are men aren't they?
>>6297 >this is as funny as AIDS But AIDS are pretty funny
>>6297 any1 know the song name its pretty cool

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 23:04:42 No. 6278 [Reply]
>"First do no harm" <immediately starts cutting up people Why are surgeons such hypocrites?
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>>6278 I remember playing Adult Swim's knockoff version of that game.
>>6280 >he had a background in blacksmithing rather than medicine. And thanks to that background, he was able to design and craft an entirely new medical tool himself in order to save the prince. Who later became Henry V. Ever since then, Henry would be painted from the side in all his portraits, even after his death, because he had a nasty scar/deformity on one side of his face from the wound. I don't think anyone has featured John Bradmore in a video game, but considering how things are nowadays, that is for the best.
>>6280 surgeons usually would be barbers, who would also be your dentist. Basically anything that involved cutting, mending, removing of stuff from human body would be just one guy who wasn't squeamish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber_surgeon

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