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Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 02:00:38 No. 7283 [Reply]
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>>7283 Ah, it's the combination of the two things I hate the most! I will crush Umaru chan's skull and give her twenty concussions at once, and then drop her off up the roof top of Cartoon Network's headquarters right into a bed of C4 and Gasoline!
It turned out not to even matter, that entire HQ is gone now. CNS got moved into a Warner Brother building in 2023.
>>7297 That sucks. Now I have to drop Umaru chan from the empire state building and create a live screening of 9/11 2: electic boogaloo.

webm thread Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:06:04 No. 169 [Reply] [Last]
post some webms
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>>3980 >Sus
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>>1857 >that last line tsundere mofo

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2b's ass Anonymous 01/10/2025 (Fri) 07:37:02 No. 7276 [Reply]
send nudes

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Best open source games Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 10:09:35 No. 1520 [Reply] [Last]
What are the best open source games?
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luanti engine + mineclonia is a better version of minecraft 0 a.d. is a better version of age of empires xonotic is a subpar unreal tournament/quake tux kart is a subpar mario kart flare rpg was amusing, i never played o.g. diablo to compare them
>>7214 >flare RPG If the screenshots are anything to go off of, it pales in comparison.
>>1542 i wanna fuck lara

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Incest Game/Media Thread #2 Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 17:48:15 No. 2049 [Reply]
In a bid to increase the board's activity, I've decided to bring back everyone's favourite fetish: Incest! I've done extensive amounts of google and vndb searches to bring you the best motherfucking and sisterfucking experiences available in the world. Here's the haul: >Town of Passion https://sirensdomain.itch.io/townofpassion Harem RPGmaker game with a protagonist that's totally 18 years old and has a character that's absolutely his "maid" and not his mom. Art seems alright compared to the rest of the crap out there. At the start of the game, name the woman "Mom", and set the relation as "Mother". It'll change the dialogue. >Dandy Boy Adventures https://dandyboyoni.itch.io/dandyboyadventures Another RPG game but this one's made on its own engine. Protag has a ""landlady"" and a ""roommate"" living with him. You can set their relationships with you. >Snow Daze https://outbreakgames.itch.io/snow-daze-special-edition

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Best incest game still isn't done yet.
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bros anyone got good motherfucking games i want good motherfucking games
>>4574 i wanna fuck his sister

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Gamer Love Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:05:05 No. 7256 [Reply]
I have never fallen in love. I have, however, jacked off to big boobs impregnation nakadashi (non-netorare) hentai porn for the past 15 years. How do I, as a true gamer, fall in love and continue my lineage?
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>>7262 0/2=0
>>7264 True
>>7267 based

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Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 00:13:28 No. 7231 [Reply]
post dem cyborg characters
cyrus from miley combat
>>7245 cum in her with my wrecking balls

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I am bad at video games. Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 12:00:46 No. 7194 [Reply]
>never completed super mario on nes. >watch other people play games more than actually playing games. >never played doom beyond E1M3 and doom2 beyond E1M1. >can count the number of games I have finished without cheats on one hand. >find playing with cheats and fucking around more fun than actually beating the game. >almost 30, no gaming 'chievements to my name. feels bad man
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>>7252 Don't feel ashamed, the end game is extremely tough but the game itself is really good.
Alright OP. To motivate you, I'm gonna use this to list all the games I can remember beating, off the top of my head. I did it, and so can you. Using Save States (including rewind) doesn't count, unless you're saving at a Continue screen, or just to avoid using passwords. And all of these are 100% completion unless otherwise noted. And the list doesn't include games you can't actually beat, but which I may have gotten awesome at (like I still play the hell out of Rock Band to this day, and can 100% many songs on Expert with Vocals + Guitar/Bass/Drums at the same time. But I don't give a fuck about whatever the game counts as its career mode or whatever, and never bothered). And I'm sure I'm forgetting many other games I've beaten but just don't recall off the top of my head. It's easier to remember series where I've beaten many entries. >Donkey Kong >Donkey Kong, Jr. >Super Mario Bros. >Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels) >Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) >Super Mario Bros. 3 >Super Mario World >Yoshi's Island >Super Mario 64 >Super Mario 64 DS (I think it's different enough to count as a different game) >New Super Mario Bros. >Super Mario Galaxy (even beat it again with Luigi to get that one secret mini-level) >Super Mario 3D Land

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Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 06:59:46 No. 5108 [Reply]
How autistic are you when it comes to videogames? Me, when I play a game it has to be the original release of it, at least when it's the first time. Remakes and rereleases and later ports are out, naturally. But also when a game has various known revisions I go for the very first, need to experience all the bugs like god intended. And when it comes to japanese games, no translations or localizatios obviously, only the original. I would rather power through with my limited japanese than experience only a muddied version of the game.
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I immediately look up porn of each loli I encounter in a video game. If my character works too hard I make sure to give them a little break. They deserve it. If a game has trains and you can't ride them, I get pissed off. I have an unreasonable obsession with games where you can build a comfy little base for yourself to protect yourself from the dangers outside. Sometimes when I'm in bed I'll close my eyes and imagine I'm a Stalker chilling in Freedom base or some other comfy place
>>7238 >>7122 I immediately look up porn of each loli and shota I encounter in a video game.
>>7250 faggot

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QTDDTOT + Lounge Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:07:12 No. 789 [Reply] [Last]
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread thread combined with the vidya lounge Might as well copy these from /v/ and merge them. A thread for your shitposts and barely vidya related questions, free from the tyranny of cake.
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>>7209 It's okay anon you don't have to lie. I can almost guarantee that 9/10 people that visited /vb/ yesterday did not have sex either.
>>1161 seen some advertisements for 8chan from 4chan and most anons there are wanting to stay in that hellhole instead.
>>7212 most sex braggers sex uglies

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Eceleb Thread Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 04:15:06 No. 6847 [Reply]
Isn't it weird how every single youtube personality is a homosexual sex pest communist-atheist that performs sacrifices to moloch and YHWH? Anyways, what happened to youtuber groups like Normalboots and Screwattack? I think I remember another one called hiddenblock.
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>>7162 >>7164 Crazy to think he used to say things like this.
>>7165 Prior to getting his soul sucked out by a gold digging whore (as much as a pasty youtuber is "gold")
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>>7193 Does anyone got the MDE video where they edit the livestream of that walking train-wreckage idubbz got for a girlfriend? It was a lot funnier than expected.

Theres a new made-for-porn hero game now Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 11:11:43 No. 7064 [Reply]
They even fixed Squirrel Girl, making her not-Mei cute
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>>7064 You chubby chasers left out the best girl by far Luna Snow. Thighhighs and Stockings are back on the menu
>>7187 No she's not thick, she's normal. Why would you want that?

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christmas presents Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 16:18:40 No. 7074 [Reply]
post buys and haul
This year I guess I'm finally old enough that, while I did get gifts, none were video games. They were all more boring adult things. I was sort of holding out on buying Echoes of Wisdom because everyone knows I'm mega autistic for Zelda and would want it. Guess I don't need to worry about that now. I'll probably just see if I can find it on sale tomorrow.
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>>7074 I just gift myself any BingWahoo that I find interesting since I got no whore to maintain and I despise my mixedrace family relatives who I haven't called for decades.
In terms of video game related gifts, I got a few Switch games. Games that I would never purchase myself because I don't want to support Nintendo and Capcom. I'm grateful to receive anything at all for Christmas of course, but it's interesting to see how people in my family tend to favor getting me Switch games over any other kind of vidya thing. They know I have a PC and enjoy non-Nintendo IPs that are played on PC. Maybe giving a Steam gift card feels "cheap" and low-effort even though it would be very much appreciated. Or maybe they remember buying me Nintendo games years ago when I was a kid and enjoy the bit of nostalgia that comes with gifting it to me nowadays. Who knows. >>7088 >I was sort of holding out on buying Echoes of Wisdom because everyone knows I'm mega autistic for Zelda and would want it. I've played it, I'm probably about halfway through if I had to guess. It's a good game, it has its quirks but it is fun to play. So far they have done a great job with Zelda's characterization. Plus she sounds cute. You'll have a good time with it especially if you are really into Zelda. There are references to the Links Awakening remake and older 2D titles, even in the music. When you are in the swordfighter form, a layer of 8bit tones is added to the music, both in the overworld and in boss battles.

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Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 12:06:13 No. 7038 [Reply]
She lovers no Nigger
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>>7075 >>7080 Yeah but Dragon Ball is based in a china-inspired world (not even Japan, because it's Journey to the West), and Goku fits in and looks like the same race as everyone else. Just like how Superman looks just like a guy from Kansas. That said, while Superman lives in America, the Dragon Ball world is fictional, and while made by a Japanese guy, based originally on a Chinese story set in China, it's also made up of just a few big islands, and the king of the whole world is a dog. But I've had the same response to this nonsense ever since I was a kid. Most anime characters are white, because if Ash and Misty are already asian, then what is Brock? Some sort of super asian?
>>7062 what does thread have to do with >>7081 no she loves no nigger othello sena kashiwazaki
most japanese characters with blonde hair actually have no blue eyes, she is factually very rare. also they have pink hair as well and blue hair its anime. dumb oo

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 03:54:41 No. 6805 [Reply]
Game cheats and codes.
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>>6861 She had one stalker who tried to kill or at least disfigure her with an acid bomb, then he filmed himself an heroing, it was one of those infamous old media self snuff tapes you could find on the web like Budd Dwyer or Christine Chubbock.
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>>7086 He recorded like 20 hours of himself talking on VHS, this was back in 1996 so he has to be one of the first vloggers

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Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 23:00:27 No. 6574 [Reply]
Post game butts
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wheres the butts people
>>6785 Then your religion is full of shit.
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Post game boobs

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