/vb/ - /b/ but with Video Games

Just like 4chan's /v/ :^)

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Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 14:09:06 No. 663
Dead board.
don't say that
YOU are dead
>>668 iz not big surprise
>Just like 4chan's /v/ :^) >2 pph
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>>663 This is true
>>863 That doesn't make you any less gay
Does that mean I'm a ghost?
dead again
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posting in a dead bread board
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niggers have killed us >>>/b/457643
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>>1413 i don't know what to post about
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>>1416 Post about your vidya waifu, perhaps?
>>1418 vidya is not a good media to pick a waifu from, they make all the broads ugly as sin
>>1419 Are gacha vidya?
>>1419 Modem, mainstream 3D ones perhaps, but there are literally decades of older/more niche games to choose a waifu from.
>>1426 alright then, recommend a couple of good old games to pick my waifu from preferably not jrpgs
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>>1423 They barely count as a game. The best way to play a gacha is just to look at the .jpgs. >>1434 What about fightan games? Here, try this French girl for size.
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Post your cutest Kaguras
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What a cute loveable retard
>>1588 >>1589 that's an anime, are you allowed to post that here? i don't want to get in trouble
>>1595 What in the absolute fuck does that even mean?
>>1596 we are on /vb/ not on /a/, anime is for /a/
>>1597 /a/ is fucking dead because these motherfuckers prefer to concentrate discusions about stupid retarded bullshit in /v/ instead of fucking offe and talking about actually something in /a/
>>1597 /b/ already allows everything, including video games. Technically every other board has no reason to exist. This board is everything plus extra video games? Its poorly defined because its a shitposting board. Therefore basically no rules.
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dead! dead! dead! dead! dead!
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d e a d b o a r d e a d b o a r d
Post then
>>3312 On it, doing my part so /vb/ doesn't die.
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Face it This is your fate You have been OWNED
Benis in Bagina.
never post in this thread again
>>3529 haha whoops.
>>3529 Always post in this thread forever.
>>3667 Pretty good but watch this: NIGGER
>>3668 How about for some action? NIGGER
>>3670 (((NIGGER)))
I got it erect.
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It's over.
Posted in breads.
Do not post in breads. Let /vb/ die.
>>4050 bump
Toastin in ebin bread
>>663 e naa~ kotatsu wa e naa~
>>663 I love osaker
>>4159 Osaker? I don't even know 'er!
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>>4160 You WILL knower the osaker
>>663 Buy it, use it, break it, fix it Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it Snap it, work it, quick - erase it Write it, cut it, paste it, save it Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it Lock it, fill it, call it, find it View it, code it, jam - unlock it Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it Cross it, crack it, switch - update it Name it, rate it, tune it, print it Scan it, send it, fax - rename it Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it Turn it, leave it, start - format it
Dead fucking meme board.
>>4959 Has there been a Frankenstein game? It seems like there should be a Frankenstein game. Make it a horror where you try to escape the wrath of the monster who shows up when you least expect it and starts killing people.
>>4976 After some quick research, it seems like there have been a few Frankenstein games. But they are all pretty retro now or were never very popular. None of them seem to be super horror-filled either. The SNES one might be, but how scary can a SNES game really be when it comes down to it? Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster are both public domain, so anyone could make a game based on the book. The famous 1931 movie by Universal Studios is not public domain though. Large developers might be worried about accidentally making their game too similar to the movie adaptation and getting Universal upset.
>>4976 >>4987 There was an FMV Frankenstein game for the PC, starring Tim Curry of all people. You play as Frankenstein's monster which is an interesting twist. I can't remember its name but I'm sure you can find it.
>>4989 Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster is the name of it, published by Interplay. Seems like reviews were generally low, especially for the Windows version. And the plot seems to be very different from the actual book. For example, you play as 'a Frankenstein monster, as there are more than one.
>>4976 Off the top of my head... >Frankenstein's Monster for Atari >Frankenstein: The Monster Returns for NES >Dr. Franken for Game Boy >The Adventures of Dr. Franken for SNES >Dr. Franken II for Game Boy >Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for SNES and Genesis >Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for Sega CD (it's a totally different game, now an adventure game instead of a platformer). There is of course also a bunch of stuff like Castlevania, where you fight Frankenstein in practically every game. And I'm sure that Van Helsing movie had a bunch of video games that probably all featured Frankenstein prominently.
>>4996 Are there games with Frankenstein beside Castlevania that are actually good?
>>5051 zombies ate my neighbors
>>3312 My fingers are refusing to work right
Adventures of Dr. Franken on the SNES is my earliest ever memory of a videogame. Game was fucking bizarre.
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Ok so whenever I restore session on my browser I'm redirected to the terms and conditions page even though I have cookies allowed, but anyways then it redirects me to whichever other board I was on, but I'm like it's ok because I can just click on /vb/ on the top boards ezpz, but today I looked and /vb/ is not on the top boards anymore
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>>5147 He's jakked!
>>5158 Uh don't reply to me again.
>>5157 You can always favorite the boards for easy access, even if they fall off the top boards.
dead board
>>5202 /vb/ is dead but /v/'s not, just post there if you want speed.
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>>663 >bans anyone over his retarded boogeymen <this board starts catching up with the traffic
/vb/'s deader than usual lately.
I love osaka
It's over. /vb/ is over.
>>6284 As long as there is at least one anon, /vb/ will never be over.
wait why is /vb/ in the top board list again
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>>6295 You see, it is due to the fact that many people have made posts on this board recently. As a result, it has become one of the most popular boards currently, and thus is on the list of top boards.
KC Tier
kek losers
/vb/ is so fucking dead lmao
>we will never be so fucking back #CLOSETHEGAYTE
Fine I'll make threads, post in them then.
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i posted
>>7026 It's not worth it
I farted and it stinks
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How disappointing. It is rather obvious to anyone visiting this board that it is void of all life except for a few desparate and deluded, thinking they can keep the circus going in an empty tent. "I'll make new threads," they say. "Post on the threads you lazy fucks," they say. But post what? A reply to the thousandth image of a woman's rump? Or a vain, lethargic, yet desparate attempt to inspire dialogue? To truly free oneself from delusion, one must understand that here, he is on a punctured lifeboat of a sinking ship, and his peers can see as such. In the past, when this board was not yet rid of its novelty, there was amusement to be had to act like the young dullards and government agents that now occupy the now wretched place they came from. The amusement, however, did not last very long. Acting like a monkey on methamphetamine can only get you so far in terms of entertainment, unless you are a special sort of person. The very reason for it's existence, what little it had, was gone within a few months of the board's first post. There is no "board culture" here, and there was no "board culture" here to begin with. Some tried to supplant the lull and put in the effort with their own brands of discussion. Some believed they could recreate the now-lost energy with the same tricks as before. Some tried posting utter garbage but to no avail, and some tried to dump endless amounts of pornography, which unsurprisingly is what made the biggest dent, yet not big enough to matter nor to sustain. The imbeciles remain with the imbeciles, and the rest cling onto the last remaining blip of activity on this website or whither away into the voids of the internet. Only two words remain to be said: Dead Board.
too long didnt read
>>7228 nigger
>>7229 Better decision than mine. It was some insecure and indolent faggot deluding himself he's smarter and better than everyone because he dumps streams of consciousness on /v/. I should learn from you and start skipping this shit.
niggas be copin bout their dead board XD
>>7235 noone denied vb's slow, besides 7228 coping over 7228's retardation noone's coping
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Well wake it the fuck up then!
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Please talk.
>>7377 Four weekends ago I played a game for about an hour.
>>7378 me too tbh i really don't play games anymore i'm just here because i have no friends
>>7379 same
And once more, /vb/ is on the top board list again, if only for a measly few hours.
>>7379 Video games take so much time to play, even if it's a simple one like a puzzle game or racing game. Before you know it an hour has gone by, then two. So I barely play any games anymore either. Really puts into perspective the amount of free time kids have. >>7381 But those measly few hours will be glorious.
>>7379 truthnuke >>7380 truthnuke >>7382 loser in denial with more time than above to post retard opinions
Kill the fucking board. Nuke it.
>>7394 Better start paying attention, cuckchan, that "loser" is your future.
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Do any anons want to take up the mantle of restoring infinity cup 8? Infinity Cup 8 thread: >>>/icup/6370 It is completely understaffed & nobody has hosted an icup in a while. What is needed - A host (who can host the game & stream it on cytube or 8tv) - Volunteers to voice chat & broadcast over the stream - Organizers of any kind Game: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Resources: icup 7 archive: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/23/items/ICUP7/ ... An /icup/ tutorial: https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/Pro_Evolution_Soccer_2017 -- https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki/How_to_host
>>7228 This guy is right
>>7229 >>7233 >>7234 >>7241 Lmao these made him samefag out of gay, rent free >>7234 >insecure This
it has come to my notice that everytime a post is made in this thread, multiple posts across multiple threads are made spontaneously within a short time frame, i wonder why
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trips nigga
Click from homepage, lmao at retards, angry double retarded schizo with grand delusions revises history to be the main character. Lmao the self-importance
>>7666 More like tits faggot
/vb/ officially stagnated at 7.5k+ posts
>>7675 RIP
>>7675 well...well... welll... it's in the top board list again... i wonder why that is...

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