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Gaming Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 14:20:34 No. 964
Please talk about this Okekaki I made I spent a lot of time on it
>>6842 Cute Erin, very nice. The eyes look great too. >>6865 >>6875 Erin Stout is a video game journalist that writes on an internet blog called Little Miss Critical. She is the main character of the webcomic Critical Miss. Because of the work of certain artists, a large portion of her fanart is lewd.
(523.96 KB 970x979 quantum vagina.jpg)

(442.03 KB 970x719 erin dies alone.png)

>>6880 Huh, apparently all the archives of it except for an incomplete wikia site and whatever was saved on the wayback machine have been wiped. The one on The Escapist's site has been broken for a long time.
(2.91 MB 1400x4641 comic8.png)

>>6813 final ending panel left I know I've been dragging this out for too long but it's gonna be worth it, I swear (well, maybe). phoebe cry :(
(100.24 KB 217x277 agony.png)

>>6917 >she's a DEI hire why do you punish her so
>>6919 that george soros money isn't going to move by itself, you know
I'm halfway done with this one. Can you guys give me a few characters and pictures for reference that you'd like to have on the finished drawing?
(23.04 KB 162x220 PC Master Racist.png)

>>6948 Halfway done with what one? A character that I'd like to have on the finished drawing is the Aryan version of PC Master Racist. Rotating picture for reference.
>>6954 >Halfway done with what one? The last panel of the comic >>6917
>>6954 >>6955 rip to pc master racist he's not filling any dei quota he looks like archenemy of dei
>>6954 more likely PC mustard race
>>6948 >Can you guys give me a few characters and pictures for reference that you'd like to have on the finished drawing? So any character? Here are some ideas: Solana from Pokemon Ranger, Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil, and/or Reimu Hakurei from Touhou Project?
(1.75 MB 2108x1528 comic9.png)

And there you go. >>6972 Sorry I couldn't put in an entire body-shot of a character. Feeling too lazy right now. Hope the touhou girl peeking through the window is good enough for you.
By the way, should write something else on the signboard on top of the door?
>>6984 From the front page: Welcome to 8chan! The boundless horizon where anyone can make their own imageboard. We are commited to free speech and welcome all looking to build a community, including those deplatformed or marginalized. Embrace the moé!
>>6983 What an ending to this comic, great work, anon. I had a feeling those tears of hers were happy ones. Also, I like the perspective, it's like Vivian is literally being pulled into the image by Phoebe's hug. >Hope the touhou girl peeking through the window is good enough for you. She's perfect. Bet she's wondering what in the world is going on in that room. >>6984 >By the way, should write something else on the signboard on top of the door? Maybe a "Days without an incident" counter?
(1.75 MB 2108x1528 comic9.png)

>>6985 >>6986 Thanks anons, here's the updated image
Fuck Kohlchan
>>6989 This got posted there?
>>6992 Fuck Kohlchan Delete Kohlchan
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>>7077 crimbo milk
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(6.45 MB 4625x5048 fullbody_t.png)

>>7082 transparent
>>7077 if you don't mind me asking, how's the linework and anatomy in this one? i think barring a few fine details it came out much better than the other stuff in this thread, including the coloring. i didn't think it would pop out as well as it did, and what's more is that it all just came to me "naturally". i feel like i finally "get it" in terms of what workflow to follow and the mindset in general. obviously, there's a long way to go but to me it seems I've crossed some sort of barrier of skill. enough of the self fellating. do point it out to me if you think otherwise
>>7111 I think the linework is much cleaner. You're making great progress in the way you approach 3D form as shown in >>6983 ; I can feel the tubes used to simplify the limbs (great). My personal advice is to look up and practice lighting and shadow on tubes and balls and apply this knowledge, as you've done, to your drawings. I'm looking at the tits for example and those can be simplified as balls, which can be practiced separately - check out Arnie's art tutorial, specifically the light stuff https://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm#light_stuff Onwards to 2025!
>>7157 Thanks anon Yeah, getting better at shading and lighting is probably the next logical step here Have a great year!
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yap yap yap yap yap
>>7326 This is cute. I'd listen to her yap all day.
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(17.43 KB 220x220 yap.png)

i left in an extra frame. here's an updated version
>>7330 cute
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>>7460 This encapsulates how I feel when I get a (You). Except Phoebe is slightly prettier than I am.
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(1007.00 B 72x48 big Phoebe 2.png)

(503.00 B 16x16 smol Phoebe 1.png)

(542.00 B 24x16 smol Phoebe 2.png)

/vb/ Phoebe flags
>>7464 I look exactly like that >>7460
(760.00 B 48x48 big new phoebe.png)

(584.00 B 16x16 smol new phoebe.png)

This one is a little squished into 16 x 16, but I think by far it is the best one. (I used a 3rd party site to make it 16 x 16)
>>7589 >>7592 >>7593 she kinda looks angry if you squint your eyes

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