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Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 20:50:35 No. 6618 [Reply]
Post this to trigger the Spurdo's
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Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 03:59:50 No. 6808 [Reply]
Christmas thread, favorite snowy areas in video games?
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>>7000 sad get
>>7000 >>7036 Sad gets in the snow.
>>7000 dead zora DD:

Bayonetta Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 14:55:54 No. 1283 [Reply]
I just love her. Has there ever been a better character with both femininity and coolness so perfectly balanced? No wonder feminists try to "claim" her now
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>>1283 I don't like Bayonetta. Too much of a "sexy hipster schoolteacher" vibe for me.
>>6833 >Witches are supposed to be sterile Where the fuck did you hear that? especially when HER OWN MOTHER makes appearances in the first two fucking games, and the final boss of the first game is HER BIOLOGICAL FATHER.
>>7032 Maybe anon got things mixed up with another game's lore. I know that in the Witcher world, sorceresses are sterile by choice, since their offspring have a high chance of being born with a level of magic they cannot control. There could be other series with witches that have this lore detail too that I do not know about.

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Behold Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 19:00:55 No. 6923 [Reply]
The power of face scan technology
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Seems like face scan machines can replicate male faces just fine. Guess the devices are sexist or were coded by sexists and bigots. When will these machines be eliminated from use? Do we not care about justice? :^)
>>6925 I wish they had cast her for that new game, then it would at least be funny

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Jew or not Jew Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 23:45:15 No. 1219 [Reply] [Last]
Post your favorite kind of developer or vidya character you suspect of being one of the tribe. I'll start, david wise reminds me of an english larry david, he might be a jew, use your intuition and see who ticks your jewdar. http://www.jewornotjew.com/
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Ken Silverman is not on the list, his name alone is heeb as fuck
>>6832 No. The backstory is that in the ancient (post-apocalyptic) past, when the mutated humans (Overlanders) and the mutated animals (Mobians) met each other, there were two kids playing with each other, implied to be ancestors of Robotnik and Sally. But the humans liked hunting, and the mobians were horrified by it, and then the human kid accidentally shot the squirrel kid, and there was eternal war. In modern day, Julian Kintobor, of the house of Ivo, was run out of town by the other Overlanders due to them discovering his power hungry nature and plans to fuck with them. He arrived at the Kingdom of Acorn, as a defector, so the king gave him a job as Minister of Science, and he designed weapons to use against the Overlanders. Eventually he betrayed them, banished The King and royal wizard Naugus (who was also plotting to take over) to a prison dimension known as The Void. Actually, it's called The Void in the cartoon, but for some reason in the comics, shortly after the cartoon was cancelled, they said that actually The Void was a separate, less scary prison dimension, and the one the King and Naugus were in was The Zone of Silence. The Freedom Fighters eventually rescue the king and kill Robotnik but it turns out actually it was Naugus in disguise, so he does some evil shit but eventually they discover the truth and later they rescue the real king. But actually that king was at one point replaced with a robot, and another time brainwashed. So he was kind of a dick. One thing he did was trying to genocide all the Mobians who had been roboticized, even though without Robotnik around, they were no longer brainwashed, so he was just trying to kill innocent people. But it wasn't really his fault, it was Naugus. Once Naugus is dealt with, The King is shown to be feeble and not terribly competent, but not a bad guy. He eventually abdicates and gives the crown to his son, Sally's younger brother, Elias. Sally doesn't want royal responsibilities. The former king is still relevant, though. He later has conflict with Tails's parents, who were secretly abducted by aliens and lived on an alien planet for like ten years. There, they learned to love democracy, so when they came back they tried to overthrow the king. The King was shown as being a bit too traditional, but Tails' parents were also shown as flawed for wanting to overthrow the government. Elias is stuck in the middle. In the end they turn the kingdom into a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The former King isn't terribly pleased, but it was the only feasible solution to keep the whole kingdom from falling apart. In the meantime, they discover Station Square, hidden in a volcano. The humans there aren't mutated. Their military is called the Guardian Units of the Nation (GUN). They eventually link up with the Overlander cities, as they all hate Robotnik, and form The United Federation (UF). GUN seems to become the military of this new country. At one point Tails sends all the Chaos Emeralds into The Zone of Silence, which transforms it into The Special Stage. There was a previous dimension known as The Special Stage but Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles destroyed it in a fight years earlier. So now the dimension that The King and Naugus were trapped in became The Special Stage, but it was formerly known as The Zone of Silence. Later the king seems to recover a little bit over time, but he's still too feeble to rule. Eventually Elias ends up losing the throne to Naugus. See, when The King and Naugus were in The Void (or rather, The Zone of Silence) together, he promised Naugus that he Naugus helped him, he'd give him his kingdom. So really Naugus is right. So Naugus becomes King, and right around the time Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were about to dethrone him, Robotnik II (the original Robotnik was killed and replaced with his doppelganger from another dimension that was exactly the same except he won) re-wrote reality with something called The Genesis Wave. So the story continues, but certain elements of history are changed. From this point forward, Elias is never mentioned again, and the former king is The King again, no longer a feeble old man. He also has a different first name. Formerly it was Max, now it's Nigel. However, you can sort of just pretend that in a brief moment that wasn't seen, The King decided he was healthy enough to rule again, and Elias just fucked off to be a secret agent (which is what he did when Naugus dethroned him). Later, a flashback in the newly rewritten timeline shows a scene that seems to take place immediately after Sonic 1, wherein it's established that The King was now always trapped in The Special Stage, which was never known as The Zone of Silence, but Sonic saved him during the events of Sonic 1. It's also when he met all the main Freedom Fighters. But then at the end of the flashback, the king is shown to have Naugus's shadow, so Naugus is influencing him, but it's unclear if he's Naugus in disguise or if Naugus is brainwashing him or whatever. Also, this scene takes place far earlier in the timeline than when The King was previously rescued, as previously he was rescued not during Sonic 1 (the whole series began after Sonic 2), but at some point after 3D Blast. The reference to Naugus controlling him is clearly in reference to past stories, and not used to set up future stories, but since things are slightly different in the new timeline, it's unclear just how much bad stuff he did in this timeline. He had more time to do it, but in the present, he's a nice guy. In the present, The Kingdom of Acorn has friendly relationships with other countries, including human countries like The United Federation. The whole thing with the Overlanders never happened. Station Square isn't in a volcano. GUN now stands for The Guardian Units of Nations (as it does in the games) and they're now an international military force. The UF is just one country and not essentially every country that isn't The Kingdom of Acorn. Robotnik used to work for GUN, with his underling Julian Snivley, and was loaned to The Kingdom of Acorn in a form of peaceful international exchange. Robotnik then decided to take over, almost exactly like in the old timeline. Snivley, in the new timeline, was established as never severing ties with GUN, and insists that he was actually spying on Robotnik the entire time, only pretending to defect with him, but was actually always loyal to GUN. As one piece of evidence, they show that in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Snivley was actually inside the Eggrobo that hassled Knuckles during his campaign. He says that Knuckles almost lost the Master Emerald to Robotnik, so he was instead trying to steal it for GUN, so they could keep it safe. This explains why Mecha Sonic destroyed that Eggrobo, as that Mecha Sonic wasn't working for him, but was either now independent (as it later would be in the IDW comics by the same writer) or still working for Robotnik. The people at GUN don't believe Snivley, and think he was probably just out for himself, but they play along as they figure it's smarter to keep their enemies closer.
>>7006 Bumping this thread, just to read your post for later.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 16:58:36 No. 6867 [Reply]
Would you go to war with your favorite video game character?
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>>6974 >look up for Wario Land 3 transformations no but ill click if you post em
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>>6977 I could show you the spritesheets so you could see what I'm talking about, they either took inspiration from Tom & Jerry or Ren & Stimpy
Inshallah, Mega Man and Sonic will make us victorious in our jihad.

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Games you haven't played Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 16:15:06 No. 3935 [Reply]
I'll start
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>>3935 I don't I'll play any of these ASSFAGGOTS that "broke the whole internet".
>>4105 Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG, and a good MMORPG, but League of Legends isn't an MMORPG, it's a MOBA.
All Zelda games past Majora's Mask All Mario games after Super Mario 64 All Souls like games All Age of Empires games All Gran Turismos after 4 All Halo games All MMOs except Runescape Any sports game after 2004 All Sonic games All Diablo games All Witcher games

Tradition le bad Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 18:47:11 No. 6922 [Reply]
>In a world where monster live( evil is tangible) >A village need to sacrifice a girl every 20 years t >The dad of the girl pay a witcher >The witcher arrives, and it's not welcome well naturally because it's break the safe spot of the village of sacrifice a girl to stay alive >Instead of explaining she is being instantly rude towards people that don't know any better >Follow the girl to the sacrifice spot >Tell her to go back to the village( ??? for the people back here if she come back they are all doomed) >She respond that she need to save her village( her family, her friends) >The witcher respond "save yourself"( individualism, self-centered) >The based female witcher kill the monster >Come back to the village >Found the girl killed by frightened villager( dosen't make anysense, why not tie her and bring her back?) >The villager talk" she is the choosen one"( religion) " "is tradition" "she should had been sacrifice to the gods" The narrative of the trailer is clearly implying that tradition and religion are bullshit >The based female witcher with evil eye and intentions say that gods don't exist but only monster, referring to the villager so the male of it who have authority And what a witcher do? kill monster lel

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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I never bothered with the Witcher series so I don't care about it, but the girl on intergalactic is so obviously deliberately ugly just to spite guys
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>>6941 >Most of the people who made the Witcher series good are no longer at CDPR Been that way since Witcher 3

shit that aged poorly Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 00:05:46 No. 3349 [Reply]
I'll start
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ylyl thread
>>3349 Stroking the egos of many no talent faggots, Blezinski's made a cameo in one of those shitty Dorkly sketches a few weeks before his mental breakdown.

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Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 22:49:27 Id: 08be4f No. 6894 [Reply]
I want to play space station 13 again
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>>6910 Cuz marky mark said so, and thats the bottom line
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>>6911 We should do something funny to Mark.
>>6913 Steal marks cake

subject Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 02:01:52 Id: 7b8924 No. 6882 [Reply]
idk what I'm doing. I'm probaly even acting like a fag right now.
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show me your rare pepes /vb/ros
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>>6907 The rarest!

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COINEE! Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 16:43:53 No. 70 [Reply]
Cotton bread motherfuckers >Favorite game in the series? >Hopes for RnR 2? >Who's best girl and why is it Cotton herself? By the way, here's a bunch of shit I scanned from the Reboot CE, it doesn't include the actual art book yet since I don't know how to scan one lmao. https://mega.nz/folder/nXozgS7D#YPWKes9y5i1kWHuxRhs95A
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>>73 It's still unable to run in Proton without additional work-arounds, but Graham--M got the game working (other than the publisher intro video) by loading his own code in and overwriting the stubbed functions to basically call SHCreateStreamOnFileEx() and MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream() to get the MFByteStream since the RandomAccessStream wasn't used for anything else and those functions weren't actually implemented. https://github.com/Graham--M/cotton-reboot-proton-fix You need to install the MVCR with Protontricks first. Select the game and choose "Install a Windows Dll or component" then "vcrun2019" (or 2015 or later). The underlying winetricks script is often out of date and you may get warnings related to a file not matching a hash. The game should launch but crash when it tries to load the video data, then install the work-around. Rename steam_api64.dll to steam_api64_orig.dll and copy the replacement steam_api64.dll into the game folder. Some stuff still doesn't display, like the video displaying the publisher logo, but the game works. If inputs aren't working like Steam Deck or Steam Controller, inputs look for an actual Xbox controller rather than XInput, so edit the Steam Input Configuration to map the buttons to keyboard keys. Menu to Esc, A to X, B to V, X to Z, Y to C, LT to A, RT to D, and directions to arrows.
>>6627 bully this nerd
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>>6627 Holy shit, I can't believe this. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to try this out when the game goes on sale again, currently I've been emulating the switch version. It's crazy someone actually posted something informative on the shitpost board. I wasn't planning on bumping this thread but here's a scan of the Saturn Tribute poster I made, it was made with shitty folded paper but I've been trying to fix it in Photoshop for months. https://files.catbox.moe/hib50g.jpg Once I'm done fixing it up I'll post it, hopefully alongside the ST and Reboot artbooks as well.

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Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 15:18:08 No. 6838 [Reply]
>Boot up game >Unskippable splash screens >RYZEN™ >AMD™ >NVIDIA™ >GEARBOX™ >EA™ >FLOYDSNEED™©®℗ TECHNOLOGY >Unskippable animation of player interacting with button/object >PRESS E TO [INTERACT] WITH [INTERACTION OBJECT] >Unskippable exposition/cutscene
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>Go to config file >Remove all that shit >Straight to the menu Imagine being a consoleroach, couldn't be me! >>6839 And fags are somehow nostalgic for 7th Gen, lol
>>6860 >remove all that shit takes longer than watching all that shit usually
>>6863 Bold of you to assume a steamdrone actually plays games to begin with

New Akabur Game Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:57:55 No. 6800 [Reply]
It's out /vb/ros....
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>>6800 At last a game where I can shove my hand and puppeteer royal waifus.

Indiana Jones and the Great Kino Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 01:25:11 No. 6790 [Reply]
Just bought the premium Edition of GOTY so I can enjoy it tonight unlike you seething poorfags lol Shoulda upgraded chuddie!
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>unlike you seething poorfags oh fuck it's the pc master race! i kne... >XBOX SERIES X nvm lmao
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Visual basic games Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 09:58:25 No. 1326 [Reply]
Hello is this the board for Visual Basic games :DDD
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>>6509 I wish someone would hack Super Mario All-Stars to insert the E-Reader levels so I could play them with the larger resolution of the Super Nintendo. Same goes for all the extra content in the Super Mario Advance series and Super Mario Bros. DX. Super Mario Bros. DX is so awesome, but the screen crunch makes it less than ideal. Yoshi's Island on GBA has extra levels, but again, screen crunch. They're all perfectly playable, I beat DX and Yoshi's Island GBA plenty of times, but still, just put that content in the Super Nintendo versions.
>>6773 Pay and emulator devs might extend resolutions. Anon from /v/ paid Blinkhawk $500 for high resolutions in Yuzu. Make Sour from Mesen an offer.
i use audiovisual basic

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