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Kodojinshi Party: a first-of-its-kind Loli mangazine competition Anonymous 11/04/2020 (Wed) 14:42:35 No. 7332
ITT: I am proposing a contest in which anons from /loli/, /delicious/, /sm/, and other related boards can compete. The contest is simple: - anons submit a comic of their own making. - the comic must be wholly original, no rule 34 submissions will be entered. - the comic's subject matter must be restricted to the following: straight lolicon, lesbian lolicon, or straight shotacon. - the comics must also feature main characters (the character(s) who is/are given the primary focus) who is/are, or appear to be, a human who is below the age of 8 years, and above the age of 5 years (you know, squarely within the center of the realm of true pedophiles). - beyond these requirements, the eligibility of a submission will be left up to the discretion of the audition judges. - the entries will then be read and voted upon by anons through some secure means, when the contest ends, the votes are tallied up, and the winners will receive a prize and award. - The "prizes" may or may not include having their future work featured and supported, their entry adapted into another format (say, a video), and so on. Or they may simply be having some cryptocurrency dumped into their account. - the purpose of this? besides being fun, and an opportunity to flex some artistic/writing muscle in the challenge of a formal competition (and show off your best work). It also serves to produce high-quality work with narratives attached, and to improve the standards of the art and writing in our community through the spirit of competition. - it also serves to create a tighter community, and make our kind of content more generally accepted (at least on the internet).
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 12/09/2020 (Wed) 03:04:01.
>>9623 >Again, none of this is official, it's all social attitudes, and could or could not be observed, the older generation is more likely to recognize this unofficial hierarchy than the newer one, and the idea is dying out completely (just as with religion). >There could also be a future for this setting, where all the slave races are getting so bred out, that the whole idea of slavery-by-race is dying out as well, being that most of the slave races being separated by less than a percent of their DNA, they are basically the master races anyway. >It's just going to be White male > Yellow male > Female. >but even the yellow males are largely the result of white males and yellow females, or yellow males and white females, but whites are still showing preference for each other, meaning the future future is a one race world with only two recognizable castes White male > Female. >Who knows, take the first premise and start building multiple timelines for how history could unfold from there. >Heck, with how hands-off slavery is working better, and how exclusive monogamy is becoming more and more dominant as the family model, it could lead to a world where most females are basically only keeping themselves in their positions with relation to their husbands.
>>9624 >we could also show how father's screwing their daughters ended,, even with no laws or taboos anything else like that to stop them, simply to improve their market values as wives, as monogamy becomes more prominent, fathers start looing to get the best deal on their daughter that they can, keeping her pure and untouched would be a very good bargaining chip, as it means her husband knows the child she bears is his. >it becomes the "thinking lolicon's" pornographic setting.
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>>7374 >>7375 For what it's worth, Comic LO (the most famous loli publication) tries to keep things to around 9.
>>9625 Not exactly what I would call a “thinking lolicon’s setting”. Many reasons, but I wouldn’t know where to start unpacking this word salad manifesto; maybe it’s the context of Caucasian and Asian people being set above all others, the total lack of understanding that Egypt has less than 0.5% white, the specific fact the very first sentence starts “Jews never came into existence (neither did the arabs)”, or maybe it’s the sheer volume of text that makes it unable to be processed in a single sitting but, I can’t see much value in this unless the specific point is meant to be that this world is fundamentally broken/falling apart.
>>9687 >the total lack of understanding that Egypt has less than 0.5% white >"HAS" >Not "HAD" Ancient Egyptians were genetically similar to Northern Europeans, according to DNA analysis of surviving mummified remains, further, this is backed up by Egyptian art and by the genetic analysis of modern populations that traces their gene's migration. Whites were indigenous to the whole MENA region, they got displaced into Europe later on, but the land was originally the White man's. The modern Arab was the result of a mix of multiple different peoples, like the Jews they are of Semitic stock, and common lineage exists between the two, If Jews never existed, than a lot of the events that happened leading to the decline of Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations in those times would not have occurred, the Arabs were born from this sequence of events, and so their existence was predicated upon the existence of the Jewish people. a simple change is all it takes to make the Jews not exist, had their homelands not fallen to their enemies, they would not have abandoned polytheism, or adopt the practices and attitudes they do today, their culture would be far different. If the countries in which they first sought shelter as mercenaries had not been willing to take them in (as vassals), they would have gone extinct either from being wiped out or bred out (their vassalship allowed them to segregate themselves). Same with North America, the Whites were there first, as archeological findings show that the first people in North America were the Solutreans, who came over from Europe over 400 years before the first ancestor of the modern Amerindians came over from Northern Asia, they kicked the Whites out (by peaceful means, I'm sure), and then later on, the Whites took the land back. Whites were also the first in South America, as well, they also have claim as the first peoples of the islands that the moriori (and later maori) occupied, all it took was one raft ride from the South Americas to prove it. Not done yet, Whites were the first people in India and in Japan, in India's case, White presence from the west had predated the southern peoples who would make the modern born-skinned Indian by hundreds of years. In the case of Japan, the first people were not the Yamato who came over from China, but the indigenous peoples, whose description and modern non-mixed descendants resembled White men, not Yellow. the Yamato chased them to the North of Japan, then later on they conquered them when the country was seeking unification. Learn your history. It seems the White man's predilection for allowing other races to conquer them is nothing new, the majority of the lands White people inhabited as indigenous peoples was taken from them, and the history of their first presence there has been erased and covered-up. The history of the world is this: White men who up and build civilization Other races find them, drawn to their better ways of living The Whites eventually relent and allow the other races to live among them, this leads to them being overrun and evicted from their homelands) Later, Whites are demonized for any attempts they HAD made to defend their homes and for any backwards practice that they observed which every other race always gets a pass on (even if they were the majority perpetrators of the EXACT SAME CRIMES that Whites are being shamed for, at the SAME TIME, and in the SAME PLACE). Also, the land was never theirs to begin with, because admitting that would make the years of casting White people as villains very awkward for those who use the resulting guilt to continue this cycle (typically these kinds of individuals are Jews). Is there anything else to say?
>>9674 I'm aware, that is part of the reason why I chose this specific age range or 4-8 years old. To offer something different, not /tot/ but not the typical loli, either.
Starting over: how about a story about some girl who travels the world with her parents, who are the hosts of a show on wild animals of the world. The girl secretly goes out and fucks the wild animals of various countries, living and extinct, real and mythological, even some original creatures. The little girl makes love with all sorts of unique and inhuman cocks and pussies, the porn comic is educational, as it shows lessons on the sexual anatomy and activity of various species, which are explained by the girl and explored through her acts of bestiality. She gets screwed by various species of arthropods, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, of all sexes, all in wild outdoors settings. All of whom find her sexually desirable, and have their desires reciprocated. She makes it clear that she's done it with everything BUT another human being, she goes on various adventures, like being shrunk down to do it with small creatures, or blown up to do it with large ones, getting sent to the past to get screwed by extinct creatures, or sent to the future to do it with creatures yet to exist, she goes to other planets to get fucked by alien beasts, and she's sent into fictional world to be violated by impossible ones, she gets fitted with equipment that allows her to be taken by the animals of extreme environments, other times she sneaks into zoos and circuses to satisfy her lusts for inter-species experiences. The one commonality of all her partners is the none of them are humanoid, and none of them are domesticated, this separates it from the typical bestiality fare of farm animals, dogs, horses, pigs, cats, etc. Her experiences are unusual, as her partners are accurately or imaginatively portrayed as a far cry from a human lover, the double-dicks of a snake, the corkscrew cocks of a duck, the tentacle delivery of an octopus, etc. all somehow finding their ways into this eager little girl's undeveloped, yet elastic orifice. She does female animals too, in the first issue, her partner is a female hyena, and she's sucking on the pseudopenis, and taking it in her ass, just like it was a real cock she also does it with a bunch of male hyenas as well. her second set of partners is a male lion and his pride of lionesses, bred and licked by the king and his harem of queens. Her tour of african carnivores continues as she ruts with honey badgers as her next partners, then finishes it up with getting fucked by some crocodiles that take her as she's bathing by the water. The first issue is concluded when she heads back to her parents, without them knowing anything about the set of debaucheries she had just engaged in with multiple dangerous meat-eating beasts of the African safari landscape. There would be issue of her in India, getting fucked by snakes and tigers, or her in Europe, getting gangbanged by boars and wolves as their communal bitch, In the northern mountains, where she is spending some time with bears in their caves as the sex pet keeping them occupied through their winter hibernation, and in the pacific waters, where dolphins and octopi are her partners. Other times she enters into a mircroworld, and her partners become frogs and spiders, or she gets trapped in a time warp and does it with dinosaurs and megafauna, she falls through a portal to another world and gets taken by a dragon and a phoenix. The possibilities are endless here.
>>9695 >Believing the Solutrean hypothesis Fuck off, this isn't /x/
>>9687 The people of Ancient Egypt were closer to the people of the ancient Levant, not Europe. But even modern Jews and Arabs are hardly all that genetically different from Whites. Germans are more closely related to Jews than the Northern Chinese are to the Southern Chinese. Same with Greeks vs Palestinians.
So you want us to work on an original comic, and then submit it to you, on the hopes we may win an unspecified prize. I think this wildly underappreciates how much work making a comic is. Why not just have a site that can host comics that porn artists can update on their own time scales, and has a format that supports comics, because there's no place for that now. And then a contest can be held among those with various prizes, etc.
>>11241 I mean, I’m not OP but I’m sure the idea, from what I’ve gathered, would be an online mangazine type of thing like Saturday AM, though I’m also trying to work on building and promoting a modular, open source universe of my own I’m looking to promote. I’m sure this could be reworked but OP themselves would have to confirm.
OP here, I really don't know what I was thinking of exactly, TBQH. I guess I was hoping for something that would get people from this board to make comics, and to allow others to see the comics that were made. Comics, not images but illustrated stories, they could be anything from one-shots to long-running series. The idea was basically to have some means for comic artists to show off their work, see how it ranks against other submissions in terms of popularity, and hopefully make some good money from doing it, which could be put towards not just supporting themselves, but also supporting the production of other entries. The other purpose being served is not just the inspiration for more works being made, and of higher quality than just single images, and for artists/writers to receive more attention and compensation for their craft, but it also had the advantage of making it easier for people to find the stuff they are looking for, having a bunch of different types of it in one place, and new issues being released with yet more variety from one source. Its all just like with other comics businesses, but the difference here being that these comics are of a very specific genre: First, they are all pornographic. Second, they all feature very young appearing characters as the Main Characters that are focused on ("young appearing" as in "a physical appearance that is resembling of a human being at the "childhood" stage between toddlerhood and onset of puberty, around 3-9 years old") Third, they are broken down to six different kinds of sexuality: Female MC's with Male partners (Straight Lolicon) Male MC's with Female partners (Straight Shotacon) Female MC's with Female partners (Lesbian Lolicon) Male MC's with Male partners (Gay Shotacon) Female MC's with partners of both sexes (Bisexual Lolicon) and Male MC's with partners of both sexes (Bisexual Shotacon) As I said before, we could take inspiration from other companies that work in comics production and promotion, who have also done things like ran serial publications that featured the entries of various artists, with inspiration from examples such as "Jump Weekly", a manga company that was heavily featured in the manga about manga "Bakuman", there's also other companies in the west that published the comics by various artists, ranked them by popularity, and even offered rewards to contributors, both for making something worthy of being accepted and run in the publication, and also for winning a higher number of audience than their competitors. the reasons our community doesn't produce much is that there isn't enough support for production, so we should build that support for artists and writers, while also providing them with a safe place to submit their work, and a place where they can actually make money off of it. If we got some artists and writers who are making a profit from their smut, we will get more from them in return. The differences I've provided being the variations on the idea. There are obstacles, but the internet covers for a lot of them. It's all online, and identities are protected. If we need more security, we can use TOR and other anonymizing/encryption measures, BitCoin can cover funding issues, for example. As for ads, we have a lot of them available to us to choose from, the deep web is full of companies that would sponsor us, and we can also accept donations as well. There will be issues with finding the volunteers necessary to do this and in setting up the actual infrastructure, we'd need some techno-geeks to take care of the details. But it's basically a ""if they can do it, why can't we?" kind of deal. It's also an opportunity for us to learn more about the mainstream comics industry we are imitating (with adjustments). Especially you artists and writers, and a lot of people who are interested in less direct contributions, production, promotion, managing, editing, directing, etc. For you tech-nerds out there, who can set up a site like this and run it well, this is an opportunity to test your mettle. In addition to learning opportunities, there is the opportunity for profit, no one is an unpaid volunteer, everyone involved will be making money from this enterprise, in proportion to their contributions. We will have donations, we will have advertisers, we will have users, so you'd finally be able to make this into a source of revenue. If my pitch isn't good, you can instead use it as inspiration to pitch your own means of achieving the same kinds of goals: Making some /delicious/ comics, a lot more, and of a lot better quality, and also making them easier to find. I don't have much to say, because I don't know much about anything, but this idea was basically me looking at the amount of material out there, and thinking "this is actually very little" and also me noticing it is mostly just single images, noticing that a lot of it is hard to find, and also noticing that a lot of the loli is based around main characters who appear as an age group that is older or younger than a lot of people would prefer (as LO says: they prefer their characters appearances to be older than 8, and this is characteristic of most loli art, on the other hand /tot/ mostly features characters that are too young-looking for this selected age grouping, younger than 4, so there is not very much for those who prefer characters that look like their are in the middle). Then I looked at the matter of comics as a whole, both manga and western, and saw the things they do, that people like us don't, and thought "this is why they have so much compared to us, if we had this, we'd be able to make better stuff, and a lot more of it too.", followed by "what's stopping us from doing this? the internet has removed a lot of the potential obstacles here, we can make some slight modifications to the existing model and apply it to our own business for fun and profit!" Then I pitched it here. that is my story, and it should give you the best idea of where i was coming from with this thread.
>>11393 If you're making a platform where people can just post their loli/shota comics without worry about the content, than I'm all full that. There's no other place to really post it right now. For example, I want to make a loli/shota comic that combines both underage humans and furries in a post apocalyptic future. I can't post it to any existing webcomic place because they don't allow porn especially underage. I can't post it to Inkbunny because no human. I could post it on baraag, but the twitter style format is totally unsuited for comics since you need a gallery view sort of format to read old pages and catch up. Since it's a post-apocalyptic setting it's going to have violence and gore, so I'm not sure if it would be allowed under your expected rules, since you sound like you're wanting a more generic porn comic where people have sex for a dozen pages or so, rather than a long format on-going work with a broader story to tell. Your OP made it sound like it was all about the contest which favors a very short one-off style of porn comic, as well as focusing on the winner, naturally favoring the best of the best artists, and not just a safe spot where artists of varying skills can produce the works that they want to create. If that's really more what you're interested in, then godspeed to you.
>>11393 no dummy, the reason they have so much and we don't is because this kind of material is frowned upon by the retarded cattle that sadly make the majority of the populace.
>>11394 That sounds similar to my own concept of an open-source erotic dystopia (and the Furries also having a different breed of Toy size), but mine is a more The Giver type of “failed utopia” or social reform dystopia. Though, if both Marvel and DC can coexist and even pull similar concepts from each other, I’d be happy for some healthy exchange of ideas and making sure our two ideas aren’t too similar. I mean, I can’t say you’re stealing from me when the whole idea of the world I’m building is that it’s generic and modular to work with any original, pre-existing, or mixed ideas.
>>11543 19th century Earth, but with furries. Aliens invade. Everybody killed by aliens, or commit mass suicide before that happens. On a remote island, all the adults killed themselves or fled and died elsewhere, but a couple dozen children were abandoned to fled themselves. Now the aliens are gone and the kids take it upon themselves to repopulate the earth. Lots of porn, but shit also goes sideways, Lord of the Flies style.
status update?
>>13975 Dead as it ever was.
It really sucks how fast this kinda died off. I had a lot of hope in this project.
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to start a short magazine about drawings, it would be a good idea to first know how to draw yourself, and post two or three pages of what work you already got.
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>>13980 Not really. The fact that there was strict rules about no r34, and it seemed like any non-vanilla loli stuff would've been thrown in the e-trash, makes me glad no one wasted their talent on it. The Japanese know how to make loli zines work, but when it comes to the west, I think the only thing we have that comes close to that is Lisamania.
>>14050 most of the art for lisamania has been going on a steep decline and its started to resemble "get out im piss" tier of quality. every year gets worse. also >no r34 why was this even a rule?
Speaking of Lisamania, what's the best place to see all the new art? I fell like searching "#lisamania" on baraag isn't enough.
Wow this project idea was pathetic. Thanks for the laugh OP, wherever you are.
>>14057 sadpanda
I wish something like this could actually happen but the way this project was pitched was basically “draw comics I like and you might win a chance to be paid in exposure.”
>>14160 Honestly, I have to agree on this. The idea of a loli mangazine would be a really fun concept and probably very interesting to work with. But the problem was trying to make a competition before there’s even any actual proof that the idea has legs. It’s just not a good look. If this started out as a general showcase thing and started to build up from that into a contest, that’s one thing but nobody’s going to invest that kinda of effort into something with no history, no clear system, and, like you said, basically just “Draw shit and you win the prize of...basically having a heavy-traffic DeviantArt gallery for a while”. Even if it was a cash prize, that’d be something.
>>11394 I have started working on a comic based on an old idea I pitched when we were trying to make a game on the old board. It also briefly deals with the post-apocalypse coincidentally, though that’s just to set up time travel and kick of the story that’s mostly set in the past. I also wish there was some site where a long form comic with some sex scene could be posted without having the expectation of sex on every page, or having to deal with Japanese censorship, or Western admins who cave in to SJW demands.
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>>14331 Remus? >I also wish there was some site where a long form comic with some sex scene could be posted without having the expectation of sex on every page, or having to deal with Japanese censorship, or Western admins who cave in to SJW demands. Is baraag not a good choice?
>>14333 Yeah. Baraag is good but like the other poster mentioned it’s not a gallery where you could easily read a comic.
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>>14333 Cool that you kept that. I'm actually working on new character sheets too. I recently discovered the work of Tom Tierney and I want to make character sheets for all the main girls as paper dolls in his style. I'm thinking of trying to make them into working virtual paper dolls and unlocking new outfits as the story goes along.
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>>14369 >Cool that you kept that. I think that I have all of the concept drawings. I'm a bit of a digital packrat I guess. >I'm actually working on new character sheets too. I'm glad to hear that.
>>14162 Let's make it a cash prize, then, ten entries get picked and ranked, a different prize for each entry placement, so even coming tenth has a reward, we can use cryptocurrency as the basis for payment in order to preserve at least some level of anonymity.
>>7374 #3 made me LOL >posting code: 235dfc
>>14335 >>14331 >>14333 Does anybody use multporn? Noticed it had no content restrictions and seems to get a lot of traffic. Something about it seems a bit sketch though.
>>14646 Disregard. Looks like they just changed their policy and deleted a lot of shit.

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