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Takeshi1000 Anonymous 05/08/2021 (Sat) 00:05:56 Id: 0e8940 No. 13678
These guys sketches are amazing, and does a wide variety of characters. He does adult characters too, but mostly does lolis. His colored sketches dont translate well and unfortunately only releases these instead of sketches. However the colored works have improved over time. On his Patreon, hey says all his characters are over 18, lol.
damn that angelica is perfect.
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Here are some colored ones. As you can see, it doesn't translate very well.
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>>13680 stuff like this fascinates me as an artist cause i have problems with this as well. most people say that a sketch suggests linework so the viewer can fill in the gaps. in my opinion, i think the reason his colored art looks a lot worse is because of the linework being too perfect. it looks like a computer did it, there are no hand-made mistakes. plus, it lacks line weight variety.
>>13681 Good observation. What you are noticing is "line weight variation". These works have the same line weight from the beginning of a line to the end of a line. The artists sketches don't have this problem because they are physical, and have varying line weight. The "finished" (I'd say bastardized, or mutilated, but hey we all have to start somewhere and learn how to use the technology we have) drawings do not have this varying line weight.
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>>13681 >>13683 Here are some I feel translate better. Especially the loud house stuff.
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Here are some of the later sketches he made before he switched to colored only
well i was going to start requesting a request from that artist back in 2016 or 2017 when i started to fall in love with the loud house. and i wanted to request a request of lynn and luan loud in panties or in diapers (only if he accepts it). but now he only asks for commissions. and i also wanted to request one with my tlh ocs.
He does great work.
Is he still around? I've commissioned off from him once before and he makes some really excellent on-model artwork.
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>>13711 I remembered I requested her do this obscure character from a show called PINY. I'm pretty sure it's the only piece of rule 34 for that entire show. The colored version actually turned out quite nice in comparison to the shows art style. >>13721 Yes, he sometimes posts on Baraag and Pixiv, but he mostly posts on his Patreon. And it's all colored works now, he hasn't posted a sketch in a while. I would tell him he should stick to sketches, but I don't have the heart too.

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