/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Some OC
>>40327 Cool design.
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>>40354 Thanks. I have corrected the head frill in the second image to more closely resemble the first, as they are meant to be the same character. Her lore is: Name - Jinara Species - Sannareen Age - 11 (human equivalent) Position - Junior exchange cadet, Alliance Starship "Endurance" Character notes, Sannareen are an amphibious species from Sanna 3. Their distinctive muscular bell around their head functions in much the same way as a jellyfish bell, and helps propel them through the water. Their lightweight slim build reduces their drag in water. However this comes at a cost, that they have low strength whilst out of water. Due to their amphibious nature, Sannareen do not normally wear clothing and indeed find clothing to be uncomfortable and confining, and can cause skin irritation, and only wear clothing for short periods when required for personal safety, such as in harsh environments or hazardous workplaces. In order to fit with Alliance Fleet regulations, a compromise uniform based on the fleet female swimming costume has been adopted for them. As typical within the Sannareen education system where children intermix employment with schooling over a period of time, rather than finishing school and then dropping into work, Jinara has been accepted for a 3 month tour on the AS Endurance as a cadet, with her duties specialising in biological research and spends most of her work day assisting the ships science team in the labs and processing data.
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>>40366 Fuck, I love this geeky stuff. So, do they feel cold to the touch? Are you creating a novel, or comic? You seem to have the universe developed. Is it sort of Star Trek? The name of the ship and the general functions of the tasks, jobs and mission you described makes me think of Star Trek.
>>40400 Yes I am a fan of star trek and similar. I had previously had some rough ideas for an illustrated fanfic / comic thing, however this was not going to be explicitly a star cadets thing. Some more traditional trek like stories. However AI generation makes it much easier to branch off in my own direction with regards to the visuals, and also the alien species encountered. One of my ideas was a hybrid human \grey (a Roswell alien) and it was a prototype image for that, that evolved into Jinara. I intend to flesh out these hybrids too at some point. Once I had designed the character, it took about half an hour to work out her lore. So upcoming, there will be some human grey hybrid girls, with their own lore. Unfortunately the rest of the plot ideas I have so far are not really cake based and just involve adult crew members in typical ST type stories. I could flesh them out a bit here, since it's a quiet thread, if board mods are happy for me to,
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Experiment XC-76SD4, later known as Cassie. Zetan (Grey) - Human hybrid created by Zetan scientists. Age - 13 ( human equivalent) Created using a mix of Zetan and Human genetic materials, Cassie is one of a batch of such hybrids, created to test the possibility of Zetan colonisation of a wider variety of worlds, due to limitations in Zetan biological tolerance of especially warm environments and bright light, given their origin on the night side of a tidally locked planet. The XC-76 series of laboratory created hybrids varies from mostly human with some Zetan features, to mostly Zetan with some human features. The hybrids are artificially aged to skip childhood, however the more human ones are less compatible with accelerated aging and need to be aged removed from maturation tanks early. Cassie and hybrids like her are routinely sent to prospecting worlds and invasion targets to test livability and biological compatibility for later Zetan occupation. They are brainwashed for loyalty, however are treated poorly by the Zetan society and considered as property.
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>>40400 3d style AI gen of Martian type girl. Although X2's daughter is a redhead, based on the Queen, we know that they can be blonde or white haired too.

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