/vb/ - /b/ but with Video Games

Just like 4chan's /v/ :^)

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unofficial official /vb/ meta thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:52:36 No. 3709
This is where we discuss important things like >how /vb/ is kept up on life support >what did he mean by that >gacha >blogposting >ecelebs >oc >how to stop a meme board from dying >new banners prob >videogames maybe
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>>3775 put it back there then
I know this board is for low quality shitposts, but should it allow Diosoth's schizoposting? It's not in the spirit of the board and it's never a good idea to let schizo spammers like that run free.
>>3795 who?
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What the fuck is a videogame?
>>3796 Some guy who found his way onto 8chan via /b/ I think. He's the guy behind >>3701 and some of the other leftie shitposting on this board. The thing about him is he appears mentally sick, I'd be tempted to say he's trolling many of his posts are too high-effort and incoherent for that.
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>>3775 it's baaack!!!!
>>3795 >>3801 Wasn't he banned and he evaded? I support ban on sight.
>>3801 Okay, yeah, I get what you mean now. MOOOOOODS
>>3801 If he is just a troll he mimics genuine schizoposting very well. Rambling that doesn't go anywhere, posts that have no relation to anything in the conversation, a weird fixation on the same few topics, repetition of phrases, obtuse references to obscure things/people, and a general difficulty in telling what he's even talking about.
He's a mentally sick schizo and a troll, they're not mutually exclusive.
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vb is way more sexual than i expected it to be, every other thread or post is about some sort of fetish and a fully degen one too. No offense to my degenerate bros out there. I'm not talking about the big titted drawing in the op of course, I'm mostly talking about the furry and the pokemon posts
It's /b/ but with video games, of course it's degen
>>3709 /vb/ want to join the /icup/ tournament? You could submit your mascot as a contestant.
>>3925 I guess? Dunno what any of this is though. Her name's Phoebe.
>>3926 Basically, boards submit contestants, I re-create them in Soulcalibur 6, then on tournament day they have AI battles.
We will watch the AI battles in a cytube channel*
>>3956 I pick waluigi
>>3956 A fighter based on Vibri from Vib-Ribbon would be fun. But I understand that the event will be starting in less than 24hrs from now, so Waluigi would also work.
I cannot upload webms
>>3974 the only gay post itt is yours
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>>3974 u wot m8
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>>3979 >>3975 nah i think it was just the other webm I was trying to upload
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Niggers are gay.
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im noticing that vb's getting kicked off the top bar too quickly nowadays after getting back into it
>>4101 I'm noticing that that's no soyjack nor wojak, which is refreshing
>>4101 Drawn any conclusions from all this nooticing?
>>4122 Not trying to point fingers, but I think the jews and the mexicans are behind it. One of them definitely is.
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>>4137 Well it seems like whoever's behind it is on vacation, since /vb/ has been on the list of top boards for a couple days now. Just surpassed /2434/ in fact.
Does Phoebe's ass smell like VIDEOGAMES?
>>4340 huff it and find out, gamer
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I made a banner for the board based on buzzing character that some of you may recognize. I might make some more banners sometime if I can come up with any more ideas. As you can see there are two versions here, feel free to pick which one you think looks best, BO.
>>4344 Can you do Vi bee?
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>>4347 Here's one based on her, I think it came out decently well.
>>4348 It did and it's a banner now.
>>4383 Thanks, and yes I noticed! I reloaded a page here a few days ago and saw it at the top.
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>>4344 good >>4348 great >>4421 cringe
>>4427 >cringe :( I tried my bee-st.
>>4432 just bee yourself except for this
>>4432 I don't know who the bee character is, but overall it does fit the mood of the board. Good work anon, hope you had fun making it.
Don't samefag your post, it's embarrassing.

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>>4437 She's Maya the Bee. She's from a euro cartoon of the same name. It got a revival a few years ago.
>>4515 Was this the one that got cancelled because someone left in a drawn penis in the show?
>>4517 I don't think so. That sounds like something that would be a problem with something like Wakfu. Although being a euro cartoon I'm not sure if a drawn penis in and of itself would cause a major controversy anyway.
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>>4523 Looks like they only pulled the episode. Not cancel it. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41345857
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>>4526 very subtle, took me quite awhile to see it wish the uploader encircled it in red and added a few large arrows
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>>4515 Both the original and newer ones look pretty cute. >>4530 Here you go anon, maybe this will help make the incriminating drawing stand out better.
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>giegue thread deleted rude
>>4700 Odd, this board doesn't have much moderation. Just make it again.
I've been searching for that funny song someone posted about an anon being bad at Zelda 2. I think it was in a thread about games that have a bad reputation but aren't actually that bad. Did the thread get deleted?
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>>4530 This reminds me of all those "DISNEY SENDING SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES" schizoposts popular on 2000s internet, except that looks actually real. Can't imagine who would care about a barely visible cartoon carving of a penis in a random shot though
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>>4700 I never saw him depicted like this before you started posting, he looks less like an evil eldritch alien and more like a Twitter OC.
>>4765 I remember that. Thread's gone, what a shame. Would've been funny to post at complainers.
>>4771 I even thought of saving it at one point but didn't. Guess I didn't expect the thread to be wiped off the face of the earth out of nowhere.
Did somebody shill the board somewhere? There's a sudden influx of bad posts.
/vb/'s for 4chan /v/ type comments. Better low effort coomposts like "BROWN BOOBS" go here or on /interracial/ than the main board.
>>4956 Anon are all those posts you
>>4960 None but I did post from the >>4956 timestamp until now and most are low effort with some exceptions. Clicked into board since I saw /vb/ in the latest posts table.
>>4956 That's technically true, but /vb/'s been a fun board for topics otherwise not allowed on /v/ and I don't want it to be ruined with "GET GEDDY WITH SOYJAK!! LITERALLY BUILT FOR MSNBC" style 4cuck shitposting. Containment isn't real, the opposite is true. See: induced demand. I do concur with the other anon though, where are these posts coming from all of a sudden? This board is nowhere near this active usually.
Anon are you "the other anon" you concur with? Slim chance 3 people come to /vb/ in the same 9 minutes and 1's just there to be like "that guy's so right!"
Anyway I'd never jakpost or blackedpost but containment's real when those jakposts and blackedposts are on /vb/, not /v/. Dig in the garbage, garbage is there. Better they go there than the floor.
>>4964 You can ask mods to post IDs if you want, I saw the board was in higher in the top bar than usual so I checked it. You could say it's unlikely even two anons would be posting here at the same time, are we all secretly the same person schizoposting to each other? >>4965 >but containment's real when those jakposts and blackedposts are on /vb/, not /v/ Those posts weren't happening on /v/ to begin with.
As a zoophilic furry into inter-racial sex, robot clang, erotic asphyxiation, console anthro, and bee-fucking, I praise Satan for this board every time I shuck my corn.
>>4971 who?
>>4956 /vb/ was made around when halfchan banned all talk about Sweet Baby Inc, iirc. It's a place for new anons used to 4/v/ to post and get familiar with 8chan. But it's also a place for vidya threads that might be a bit too shitposty/low effort for /v/. So someone can post soyjaks or whatever, but he shouldn't expect much of a response from other anons.
>>4977 >it's also a place for vidya threads that might be a bit too shitposty/low effort for /v/ It's nice. Sometimes, you just gotta shitpost.
Please get rid of Mark's asshole.
>>5016 I did that
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Get Kuz to become the board owner of /vb/ then make him establish the 4 year board plan, this will 100% guarantee saving this board from falling off from the top boards. Kuz is a smart man he knows how to run a imageboard and preventing it from losing it's face, he will btfo trannies, /intl/ and even LCP from shitting up this board and other lunatic schizos because he has the best moderation team. Infa 100%
>>5019 Hey Kuz.
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>>5031 Kuz lives on
>>5080 Didn't he literally get AIDS and die?
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>>5081 No comrade this is propaganda from anti kuzists
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>>5201 Is that why somebody has been spamming absolutely shit-tier posts, get /vb/ a meaningless spot on on a bar nobody reads?
Dog just deleted most shitty soyjak spam posts.
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mods fear me anons fear me I am the one the one who posts MARKS ASSHOLE
>>5271 You saved pictures of another man's asshole? Are you some kind of homosexual?
>>5271 >posts mark's asshole >thinks he's hot shit you're just a fag who works on other's reaction. No different than mark
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Based on a true story.
>>5315 You got the original?
We are designing a house for the Sims 3 sitcom: (That we'll be showing around Saturday, I hope). We just made a basement. >>>/icup/6245 /vb/ Phoebe is also a neighbor.
>>5451 Needs some fatter titties. Also sex mod status?
/vb/'s full of spergs lately, it isn't much different from /v/ now.
>>5493 how does it feel being a /vb/ oldfag anon?
>>5493 >/vb/'s full of spergs lately True, there has been a very noticeable increase in spergs and sperg related activity recently. Seems like a handful of anons might have found their way here from halfchan /v/. Guess that means the board is doing it's job by containing them.
>>5493 Time to create /vb2/: /b/ but with videogames but without /b/
>>5493 >/v/'s dedicated shitpost and sperg central has become sperg central WOOOOW DUDE
>>5493 I miss the /vb/ from 5 months ago So much nostalgia T_T
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>>5493 True on the sperg front but I'm mostly annoyed at the guy who comes by to spam replies to threads. You see the catalog shuffled around then check and there's been 5 new posts in 5 different threads all within like 4 minutes. It's very annoying folks, they're all saying it. I check for replies and it's low-effort spam. They're all saying it. Sad!
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>>5513 5 months ago /vb/ was mostly all casual posters rapidposting, it had it an easygoing feel different from /v/, like 4chan's /b/. Uptight spergs have moved in to sperg out with the first 7 volumes of the spergcyclopedia, sperg about anyone who doesn't sperg, and shape it into the same sperg center as /v/. It's losing separate identity.
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>>5530 I think what's important is that you can still do the random posting here. Some random posting will be things you don't want, but you can still do what you want. The entire point of the board is less moderation, as far as I can tell.
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everyone's in election mood rn
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Remove the gay people
>>6430 and relocate them to /v/
Remove the catalog spam.
> >>6666 get got nuked lol
>>6660 >i don't like posts so they're spam jannies must remove it's how we post here so fuck off to /v/ you already have your puckered anus board you communist rat
>>6665 i missed what it said but i'm the satan now
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>>6668 turned that rat to catfood with epic quads
we gotta do something for christmas
>>7063 Well now we gotta plan something for next Christmas. Maybe we could make a Christmas card, or organize some activity and post about it in /christmas/?
>>7163 there's not enough people here to do an event so i think a christmas card is the way to go you know what, let's get to it right now! we'll add in stuff throughout the year
>>7167 That's a good idea, we can build it up bit by bit as the year goes on, and have plenty of time to make something by the time December comes again. Instead of doing it in a couple weeks and stressing out about finding images and everything.
>>7167 >>7174 I like this idea.
>>7175 >>7174 >>7167 I made a thread for it >>7176
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develop a 4 year vb board plan
>>7199 /vb/ isn't communist
As a man, I have the urge to impregnate.
Also, *ahem*...
/vb/ will win
>>7775 Impregnate whom?
Or impgregnate what?
anything tbh
>>7780 Beeussy?
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>>7781 beeussy and phoebeussy
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>>7782 >>7783 >>7808 post em in the bee thread

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