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It's so over bros.... Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 14:35:22 No. 6291
>be me >18 years old >no gf >trying to looksmaxx to get a gf >have been trying to get a girl i'm crushing on in highschool >work at burger king >parents are libtards >sister is a stereotypical femoid feminist >nightime >comfymaxxing on my chudbed with my lappy >just bought this vidya called "senran kagura" on steam >download finishes >whip my dick out for anime titties >mom barges in >stares for a second >closes door >...okay >dick goes limp >no longer comfymaxxed for anime titties >sister barges in >sees me fixing my pants >sees anime titties >"ooooh my god" >closes door >did not talk to them for the rest of the night >they act as if nothing happened the next morning >a few days later crush and her friends stare at me weird Should i start ropemaxxing now or move out and start grindmaxxing?
congrats on making the worst thread on this board
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bros my mom wants to talk to me after school... am I fucked? she's gonna take away my vidya and laptop I know it...
>18 years old its been over already
>>6291 Nigger you have no idea how many chances you have left. Take it from a guy who is old and nearly out of chances. Disregard females, acquire currency, forget your crush. Just work on yourself and get gud at literally anything productive and as long as you're not literally retarded or disfigured you'll get all the pussy you want in time.
>>6296 all the old pussy
>>6296 Don't listen to this fag. Ask your crush out right now before it's too late. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Don't miss your chance to at least shoot your shot. Time marches on, and it's a limited resource. All that said, it might fail, but you'll never know unless you try. If you succeed, well good for you. I can't give you advice since I never got that far. All I can suggest is to not make the same mistakes I did. Ask her out. Try to be natural but confident. I know, it's bullshit, but women are bullshit. But if it doesn't work, then listen to the above literal oldfag's advice. He's not completely wrong, but you don't want to stay up at night wondering about opportunities you didn't at least try to take. >>6311 Yeah this is another thing. Later on you might get pussy, but it won't be the same. Seize as much of your youth as you can, while you can.
>>6319 But oh yeah, that was all tangent. I forgot to say that the literal oldfag there had a correct point but he only touched on it tangentially. The real point is that your embarrassment right now doesn't matter. Worst case scenario, you're at the age where you can distance yourself from all these people and never see them again if you don't want to. In fact, that will probably happen with most of them, whether you want it to or not. Also, your mom and sister did not talk to your crush. Obviously that's pure paranoia.

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