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Jew or not Jew Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 23:45:15 No. 1219
Post your favorite kind of developer or vidya character you suspect of being one of the tribe. I'll start, david wise reminds me of an english larry david, he might be a jew, use your intuition and see who ticks your jewdar. http://www.jewornotjew.com/
Descendant of the hero of Wolfenstein 3D as of Eternal thanks to "but he's 90s Doomguy, please play our shitty hallway shooter" retconning. Also 100% gay according to Carmack, who said he doesn't want to fuck women. I still won't buy the game because fuck the devs, fuck Hugo "race traitor who loves whites" Marton, fuck Mick Gordon & fuck Bethesda as a whole. The game is Christian shit made by white supremacists & GmanLives is an emasculated pussy for liking it. Fuck Civvie11 & LGR too.
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>>1219 According to the Knuckles TV series, Knuckles the Echidna is jewish. His surname is also Watchowski. Actually, that applies to Sonic and Tails in the movie universe, too, because they all got adopted by a guy named Tom Wachowski. Tom's friend Wade then taught Knuckles the finer intricacies of judaism, by bringing him to his family's shabbat dinner. Knuckles bonded with Wade's mother when he explained that his species was genocided by a race of giant owls, who she figured are analogous to nazis. (Sonic's adopted mother was the head owl.) Knuckles loves gefilte fish and hala bread. I don't know if I'm spelling any of these things right, because unlike Knuckles, I'm not a jew. >Source: Knuckles - Episode 3: The Shabbat Dinner
>>2640 You're obsessed with Jews. Take your meds
>>2640 I just replied to the OP. Knuckles is my favorite jew in video games. I love Knuckles. Do you think I made up any of that stuff I said? I didn't. I cited the episode it happens in. It's real. There's a whole episode about Knuckles learning about judaism. There's only six episodes in the series, and this is one of them. The episode after it is about how, in the past, Knuckles fought Iblis, the villain from Sonic '06 who destroyed the entire world, causing Silver to come back in time, Blaze to sacrifice her life, and then Sonic had to go back further in time and prevent the whole game from ever happening because there was no other way to stop it. But in the TV show they didn't have the budget to animate that, so instead Wade, the real main character of the show, dresses up in a Knuckles suit and fights a large puppet of Iblis. >Source: Knuckles - Episode 4: The Flames of Disaster
>>2637 >Also 100% gay according to Carmack, who said he doesn't want to fuck women. Nigger, he said he was just a virgin to the point that he didn't even know what sex is.
david wise has a sort of jewish name so maybe. don't even care, he knows how to jam
>>2642 Shalom.
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>>1219 Fucking Adam Sessler, that limpdick faggot has proven to be a proud Israeli, that explains his tryhard humor back then. >>2640 Wasn't SEGA funded by bolsheviks?
>>2805 All corporations of Sega's size get funding from everyone and everywhere, it doesn't matter unless if they exercise influence. Most investors just want ROI.
robotnik more like ro-vatnik
>>2974 Is he in a suit or is he really that obese?
>>2974 Depends on the version. Since that's the design from "SatAM," the Saturday morning Sonic show from 1993, which had its design used in the Archie comics, I can explain Robotnik's origin in the Archie comics. Tens of thousands of years ago, in our present, there was a nuclear war that nearly wiped out humanity. This mutated animals into the humanoid freaks like Sonic and his friends. It also mutated the remaining humans into grotesque cartoonish mutants, with four fingers on each hand, and other odd features. They weren't called "humans" anymore, they were called "Overlanders," which was later revealed to be to differentiate them from regular humans who hid in a city under a mountain to protect themselves from radiation and didn't mutate. (This was Station Square, from Sonic Adventure, to explain why those humans looked different than the ones shown in the comic previously. Though the name "Overlander" was used for like two years before Sonic Adventure, so I'm not sure if they were planning that reveal even before they knew about Sonic Adventure). But anyway that only explains why Robotnik looks gross and cartoony. Overlanders look kind of fucked up sometimes. But Robotnik himself is still also just really fat for an overlander. Notably his brother, Colin, is a square-jawed chad, and Colin's daughter, Hope, also looks pretty normal. But there are other fucked-up looking overlanders, too, like the giant-headed genius, Nate Morgan. And Robotnik's nephew, Snivley, looks like a little midget goblin man. That pretty much covers all the important overlanders, and most of the ones in the background look pretty normal, but it is explicitly stated they're mutants and that's why they look different from the regular humans in Station Square. Note that the above explanation may also apply to the Sonic Underground TV show. This was never explained in the show itself, but that show uses the same Robotnik design, and the show does cross over with the comic in one issue. The world of the show and comic are quite similar, though of course with notable differences, but you're probably meant to assume they're similar except for the things that are more explicitly different. Robotnik is portrayed as pretty much the same, though, except not dead. Robotnik was dead in the main universe by this point. See, eventually Snivley killed Robotnik, but the Robotnik from an alternate timeline where he actually won that fight by turning himself into a robot didn't like the idea of a timeline that was exactly the same as his except Sonic won, so he went to that timeline (the main one) to try to kill Sonic. He then put himself in a new robot body that looked like the one from Sonic Adventure. So that one is explicitly not a real human body either. Later, some aliens called them Bem came along and had technology that turned everyone who had been turned into a robot organic (except for Sonic's father because he was the only one actually roboticized for medical reasons before Robotnik stole the tech for evil, so turning him back would have killed him. Also it didn't fix half-robot Bunnie, and I forget if they ever explained why). But my point is, that Robotnik body from Sonic Adventure onwards is technically organic eventually, but it was originally a deliberately cartoonishly designed robot that just got turned into flesh, which again explains why it doesn't look normal. He's that obese because he was originally a robot just designed that way. Meanwhile, in the British "Sonic the Comic," Robotnik was originally the skinny Dr. Ovi Kintobor. He was doing experiments with the Chaos Emeralds when he went to the fridge to grab a snack of a hard-boiled egg. On his way back, Sonic from the future came back in time and tugged on the power cord of the Chaos Emerald machine (called the ROCC) to trip Kintobor. He crashed into the machine, with the egg, and got fused with the egg and also the evil energy of the Chaos Emeralds, and it turned him into the egg-shaped Dr. Robotnik. Some time later he succeeded at taking over the world, and then one day put himself in a giant egg to incubate and mutate into another, grosser-looking form, which resembled the one from the other 1993 TV series, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. That cartoon was comedic, but in this comic this design actually marks the point when Robotnik starts acting much more dark and evil. And oh yeah, he was technically created by Sonic, but that's only because in the future, Robotnik's army of Metal Sonics, called Metallixes here, went rogue, went back in time, and took over the world. Sonic noticed that in taking over the world they made it so Kintobor never became Robotnik, so he reasoned Robotnik was necessary to stop them, so he had to create Robotnik in order to stop Robotnik's own creations. Now, if Robotnik never existed, wouldn't The Brotherhood of Metallix never exist? Uh... I guess they're just immune to paradoxes due to being on the time-travelling Miracle Planet (known as Little Planet in the games). In all other continuities, though, including the games and the current comics, Robotnik just eats too much. I suspect this will probably apply to the movies if Jim Carrey ever just puts on a fat suit for the role. Robotnik is skinny in the movies, which is weird.
>>2974 haPINESs
>>3060 Basedo
This retard's schizo whining gays up every thread.
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This isn't 4chan buddy boy
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>>3145 This is ytmnd 2
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>>3022 >Robotnik looks gross and cartoony. Overlanders >But there are other fucked-up looking overlanders, too, like the giant-headed genius, Nate Morgan. <And Snivley, looks like a little midget goblin man. And they could fit into Super Mario's artstyle, missed opportunity not to include them as filler super secret characters in the Olympic games spinoffs, this is the same franchise whose logic can have both Mario and Sonic time travel to 1964 as sprite animations making the game look like a Newgrounds flash game. >>3218 My dear Hammod Hedgehog if I knew you were coming I would've prepared you some porkchops.
>>3228 Sega seems severely determined to never reference anything invented in the western Sonic adaptations in an actual game. The closest we ever got was Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, which is based on Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and features its characters. Sonic Spinball has very light cameos from SatAM characters, and in a couple of modern games Sonic eats chili dogs, and in Frontiers the word "badnik" is used once to refer to enemies, but these are all very minor things. They've never put Snivley in a game, and he's a major character in SatAM and the Archie comics. Scratch and Grounder are well loved and remembered, but they only ever appeared in Mean Bean Machine. Also, Sega would never ever reference Nate Morgan on account of him being introduced in the retarded era of Archie comics, where they went completely off the rails and contradicted the games as hard as possible. Interestingly, Nate Morgan was actually invented for SatAM, there is concept art of him for the third season that never got made, but he was going to be significantly different. He was a wizard instead of a scientist, and on account of SatAM actually being well drawn, he looked pretty different than the ugly-ass comics that he eventually appeared in. So Sega could maybe legally use a version of him, but they never would. I doubt they even know what he is. They'd definitely never do any of that stupid Overlander bullshit. That contradicts the games lore super hard. In the comics, Chaos wasn't even trapped in the Master Emerald, because Archie lore was so fucked by that point that that wouldn't have made any sense. Almost none of the stuff from that era of the comics would make any sense if referenced in the games. There's also the fact that Ken Penders tried to sue them for using the concept of an ancient evil tribe of echidnas, even though this concept was mentioned in game manuals before he worked on the series, and another Sonic comic from France actually beat him to doing a story about it. So he'd probably try to sue if they used any concepts like Overlanders, too. He'd probably try to sue if they ever killed off Robotnik, since he was a stupid enough asshole to do that twice within the first fifty issues.
People often make jokes about Tengu being part of the long-nosed tribe, but Megumu certainly fits the bill. Brash businesswoman resorting to scummy tactics and rampant idea stealing in order to conduct business, all while being very blantant she's the one doing it yet it taking a notable amount of time for anyone to figure it out. At least she's open about her greed and was willing to stop when muscled around enough though. Tengu definitely don't practice the religious side of the ordeal though, sticking to their own magicks and, in the case of the 2hu Tengu of Youkai Mountain, Shinto religious practices. I'd still hit that if given the chance though.
>>3228 Isn't it haram for muslims to depict living things?
>>3245 No, just Mohammed.
>>3323 Man Woody Harrelson really hit the skids.
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>>6506 why are you spambumping old dead threads please stop
>stupid faggot polices bumps of all things on a cancerposter board
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>>6523 Does anyone got the videoclip of the girl and her sockpuppet mocking Jesus' crucifixion?
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>>1219 Apparently Yoshi's name is also popular in Israel, hence the tax fraud meme.
>>2974 Dr. Subbotnik
>>6781 dr robuttnik and his buttnik military
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>>3022 Is it true in the SatAM cartoon Sally's father was quite tyrannical and established an apartheid among the humans with the furries in which humans were treated like shit? And Robotnik took advantage of him once he got excluded from his own family just to became a militant for the furries?
>>1219 David Wise looks like the faggot from Impractical Jokers, Murr was his name I think.
>>6956 >Murr was his name I think. >Murr OWO WOTS DIS!?
>>6958 the biggest loser
Ken Silverman is not on the list, his name alone is heeb as fuck
>>6832 No. The backstory is that in the ancient (post-apocalyptic) past, when the mutated humans (Overlanders) and the mutated animals (Mobians) met each other, there were two kids playing with each other, implied to be ancestors of Robotnik and Sally. But the humans liked hunting, and the mobians were horrified by it, and then the human kid accidentally shot the squirrel kid, and there was eternal war. In modern day, Julian Kintobor, of the house of Ivo, was run out of town by the other Overlanders due to them discovering his power hungry nature and plans to fuck with them. He arrived at the Kingdom of Acorn, as a defector, so the king gave him a job as Minister of Science, and he designed weapons to use against the Overlanders. Eventually he betrayed them, banished The King and royal wizard Naugus (who was also plotting to take over) to a prison dimension known as The Void. Actually, it's called The Void in the cartoon, but for some reason in the comics, shortly after the cartoon was cancelled, they said that actually The Void was a separate, less scary prison dimension, and the one the King and Naugus were in was The Zone of Silence. The Freedom Fighters eventually rescue the king and kill Robotnik but it turns out actually it was Naugus in disguise, so he does some evil shit but eventually they discover the truth and later they rescue the real king. But actually that king was at one point replaced with a robot, and another time brainwashed. So he was kind of a dick. One thing he did was trying to genocide all the Mobians who had been roboticized, even though without Robotnik around, they were no longer brainwashed, so he was just trying to kill innocent people. But it wasn't really his fault, it was Naugus. Once Naugus is dealt with, The King is shown to be feeble and not terribly competent, but not a bad guy. He eventually abdicates and gives the crown to his son, Sally's younger brother, Elias. Sally doesn't want royal responsibilities. The former king is still relevant, though. He later has conflict with Tails's parents, who were secretly abducted by aliens and lived on an alien planet for like ten years. There, they learned to love democracy, so when they came back they tried to overthrow the king. The King was shown as being a bit too traditional, but Tails' parents were also shown as flawed for wanting to overthrow the government. Elias is stuck in the middle. In the end they turn the kingdom into a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The former King isn't terribly pleased, but it was the only feasible solution to keep the whole kingdom from falling apart. In the meantime, they discover Station Square, hidden in a volcano. The humans there aren't mutated. Their military is called the Guardian Units of the Nation (GUN). They eventually link up with the Overlander cities, as they all hate Robotnik, and form The United Federation (UF). GUN seems to become the military of this new country. At one point Tails sends all the Chaos Emeralds into The Zone of Silence, which transforms it into The Special Stage. There was a previous dimension known as The Special Stage but Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles destroyed it in a fight years earlier. So now the dimension that The King and Naugus were trapped in became The Special Stage, but it was formerly known as The Zone of Silence. Later the king seems to recover a little bit over time, but he's still too feeble to rule. Eventually Elias ends up losing the throne to Naugus. See, when The King and Naugus were in The Void (or rather, The Zone of Silence) together, he promised Naugus that he Naugus helped him, he'd give him his kingdom. So really Naugus is right. So Naugus becomes King, and right around the time Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were about to dethrone him, Robotnik II (the original Robotnik was killed and replaced with his doppelganger from another dimension that was exactly the same except he won) re-wrote reality with something called The Genesis Wave. So the story continues, but certain elements of history are changed. From this point forward, Elias is never mentioned again, and the former king is The King again, no longer a feeble old man. He also has a different first name. Formerly it was Max, now it's Nigel. However, you can sort of just pretend that in a brief moment that wasn't seen, The King decided he was healthy enough to rule again, and Elias just fucked off to be a secret agent (which is what he did when Naugus dethroned him). Later, a flashback in the newly rewritten timeline shows a scene that seems to take place immediately after Sonic 1, wherein it's established that The King was now always trapped in The Special Stage, which was never known as The Zone of Silence, but Sonic saved him during the events of Sonic 1. It's also when he met all the main Freedom Fighters. But then at the end of the flashback, the king is shown to have Naugus's shadow, so Naugus is influencing him, but it's unclear if he's Naugus in disguise or if Naugus is brainwashing him or whatever. Also, this scene takes place far earlier in the timeline than when The King was previously rescued, as previously he was rescued not during Sonic 1 (the whole series began after Sonic 2), but at some point after 3D Blast. The reference to Naugus controlling him is clearly in reference to past stories, and not used to set up future stories, but since things are slightly different in the new timeline, it's unclear just how much bad stuff he did in this timeline. He had more time to do it, but in the present, he's a nice guy. In the present, The Kingdom of Acorn has friendly relationships with other countries, including human countries like The United Federation. The whole thing with the Overlanders never happened. Station Square isn't in a volcano. GUN now stands for The Guardian Units of Nations (as it does in the games) and they're now an international military force. The UF is just one country and not essentially every country that isn't The Kingdom of Acorn. Robotnik used to work for GUN, with his underling Julian Snivley, and was loaned to The Kingdom of Acorn in a form of peaceful international exchange. Robotnik then decided to take over, almost exactly like in the old timeline. Snivley, in the new timeline, was established as never severing ties with GUN, and insists that he was actually spying on Robotnik the entire time, only pretending to defect with him, but was actually always loyal to GUN. As one piece of evidence, they show that in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Snivley was actually inside the Eggrobo that hassled Knuckles during his campaign. He says that Knuckles almost lost the Master Emerald to Robotnik, so he was instead trying to steal it for GUN, so they could keep it safe. This explains why Mecha Sonic destroyed that Eggrobo, as that Mecha Sonic wasn't working for him, but was either now independent (as it later would be in the IDW comics by the same writer) or still working for Robotnik. The people at GUN don't believe Snivley, and think he was probably just out for himself, but they play along as they figure it's smarter to keep their enemies closer.
>>7006 Bumping this thread, just to read your post for later.

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