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Games you haven't played Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 16:15:06 No. 3935
I'll start
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I haven't played any of the games you posted OP, but I always wanted to. Another classic I've never played, but wanted to since day one, is Max Payne. The list keeps piling up.
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>>3948 I just hope the remake uses Ai just to remaster the voice of the late James McCaffrey.
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I've always had an aversion towards MMORPGS of any kind.
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>>4231 >Deus Ex Fuck. I have it downloaded but forgot all about actually playing it.
>>3935 ffx is when ff started sucking
>>5101 fine
>>5099 They're all overhyped games, and superior JRPGs by Square Enix don't get the same amount of attention because the cover doesn't print "Final Fantasy" on it. The best JRPG by Square 5th gen wasn't a Final Fantasy, it was Chrono Cross.
>>5103 Weird way to spell Xenogears.
>>4231 >>4236 >not playing SH, Morrowind or Deus Ex C'mon anon, play them already. They're excellent games.
>>5103 FFIX was underhyped actually.
>>3935 I don't I'll play any of these ASSFAGGOTS that "broke the whole internet".
>>4105 Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG, and a good MMORPG, but League of Legends isn't an MMORPG, it's a MOBA.
All Zelda games past Majora's Mask All Mario games after Super Mario 64 All Souls like games All Age of Empires games All Gran Turismos after 4 All Halo games All MMOs except Runescape Any sports game after 2004 All Sonic games All Diablo games All Witcher games

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