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Best open source games Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 10:09:35 No. 1520
What are the best open source games?
The arena shooters, oh wait! Thats all the foss games in existence.
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One I never hear talked about is FreedroidRPG, not to be confused with a different FOSS game also named Freedroid. It's an old school CRPG reminiscent of indie 2000s CRPGs like the works of Spiderweb. It's pretty short, only 10 hours or so, don't be afraid to give it a go if you're a fan of those kinds of games. >>1521 Why are there so many FOSS arena shooters? I've looked into FOSS games before and noticed the absolute glut of arena FPS.
>>1522 because id gave idtech for free and nobody on their right mind is going to develop an entire engine for no monetary gain whatsoever
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>>1524 Plenty of these games are custom engines and there are also FOSS engines already out there, so that's not true. If you do want FOSS FPS that aren't Quake III clones, there's Blasphemer and the famous Freedoom project. They're just clones of other idTech engine games :^)
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There are some addictive FOSS rhythm games.
>>1534 Osu is open source? Didn't they have it phone home with pics of your desktop at some point?
>>1535 https://github.com/ppy/osu And I dunno. I don't let anything phone home, so I never bother looking into it.
OpenTTD is great. I love open source games but I hate that so many of them look like they're stuck in a universe running solely on Windows 98.
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Do open engines for proprietary series count?
>>1538 Thats the one, also dont talk shit about 90s soul.
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3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame based on a modified version of Doom Legacy.
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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is easily one of the best, most fleshed-out open source games, hell it's one of the best roguelikes. The game was a massive influence on other titles like Project Zomboid and would probably be more popular if not for its general inaccessibility. >>1538 That's because a lot of them are originally from that 90s/2000s era, not many modern FLOSS devs are interested in making vidya and not many vidya devs have a desire to create FLOSS.
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>>1711 Most modern FLOSS game I know of is Fortnite
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Mindustry. Pretty fun RTS/Tower defence game. https://mindustrygame.github.io/
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>>1711 Played it. Very neat. Feels like a cross between Fallout 1 and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, both of which I like very much. The UI in the tiles version is also very well done and doesn't get in your way of doing stuff. thanks anon DCSS is a FOSS dungeon crawler if you didn't know.
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Best rage game.
>>1732 IWBTG and all its clones are kusoge, some of the earliest meme games. Not actually worth your time if you want a good platformer.
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it's a vn but still
>>1734 I got mad too, but then I got good. You just stayed at the mad phase. (^:
>>1735 I want Snoot Snoot to have a happy ending
>>1735 there actually way more buzz now that the 2nd game about gators is out. Few months ago it had few ytubers reviewing it https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=0kOei9JbI-0 Certainly putting a better show about good vidya
>>1735 snootgame isn't foss but still +1 for pissing off sjws
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BEHOLD HISTORY OF SNOOTGAME the guy spends a lot of time explaining 4chan posting for normalfag viewing
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>>1520 Unironically Friday Night Funkin
>>2126 fr fr on god no cap
>Ctrl+F Xon >Ctrl+F Ooli >Ctrl+F Lug Faggots <Ctrl+F Cataclysm Someone already posted it, nice Torus Trooper is also fun, check it out https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=2atv7Y6lG-4
>>2135 xonotic is a crap game that suffers from the same pitfalls as every arena shooter - is unfun and filled with sweatfest
>>2135 Arena FPS weren't listed because they're already being made fun of
>>2140 tbf i have low standards for foss, the field is crap games by console standards nothing's good besides am2r. osu fnf and iwbtg are fun but unimpressive and most of what's left are autism simulators playing foss is like being short while dating girls, don't expect 9s and 10s
>>2142 >by console standards There aren't really any "console standards", check PSN or the eShop and you'll see they're full of shovelware and asset flips. Games like Life of Black Tiger. And I disagree with your premise there, there are good FOSS games like Cataclysm, 0 A.D., OpenTTD. Doom's been open source since 1997.
>>2143 pedantry, there are standards outside psn and eshop all those games are autism simulators except doom, get tested for autism
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>>2144 Oh you're completely shitposting, apologies.
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Has anyone played SMBX? May be too derivative to qualify, but what a blast.
>>2142 foss devs and game devs don't mesh well together. Foss means the developer doesn't shower, has autism, cares too much about little detail, never had fun and uses computers and foss idealogy as placeholder for lack of personality. A game dev has to focus on FUN first and foremost, which means he has to forego autism in favor of actually fun things. Not treat the game as a "personal project" and actually deliver a product. There are very few foss AND fun games that didn't suffer from group drama and autism
>>2146 The 2.0 version just got a flaggot disclaimer update instead of fixing the many playable characters. I'd recommend the X38A version, since you can download lots of NPC's that couldn't make it into the final cut, but beware of the pikabot virus though since the game and its Winrar packs can be only found from a Russian site.
>>2221 dont just say "There are very few foss AND fun games that didn't suffer from group drama and autism" and not provide any examples nigger
Strip poker night at the Inventory is the goat
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>>2600 fucking russian hackers are virusing everybody out there, i just stick with smwcentral
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forgot my gif
>>2675 I used to play dr. mario a lot. What happened to that series, do they still make them?
autism thread
>>2717 There was a Dr. Luigi spin-off for the Wii U and classic Dr. Mario tournaments still run today. aGameScout has a Summoning Salt-like documentary on that. https://youtu.be/watch?v=aQpQPAO-CwA
>>2767 Isn't Game Scout the YouTuber who covers Tetris?
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Thought this would have got posted by now
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>>2850 >>2909 are they better than sonic & sega all-stars racing
>>1520 AM2R's so good it launched the maker's career.
>>2976 They're good but SRB2K is too simple and Ring Racers is too complicated. Or maybe the latter is just too complicated to easily learn, but once you do it is fun. Still, a bit part of the fun is just mods and stuff. I have a hard time saying it's better than All-Stars Racing, but it's pretty darn good. SRB2K is definitely not even close. It's just fun because you can download characters like Inspector Gadget (voiced by Mike Matei) and HH Greg (voiced by Roger Craig Smith) and have them say funny things as you race.
>>6479 What makes Ring Racers too complicated?
>>2126 to fug gf do i beat bf in a funk battle
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>>2126 Moar liek Friday Night Fuggin!
>>6680 they fug at the end of this (official)
>>2126 Why did they delete the shock mods?
>>6680 To bad she was cancelled.
>>1732 IWBTG's got a huge fangame scene. https://cwpat.me/beginner-fangames/
>>6696 best one?
>>1534 Osu's good.
>>1542 Does Open Lara have a menu toggle to turn off tank controls?
>>6507 If you actually go through the tutorial carefully, it can easily take you upwards of an hour. It's not just basic controls, driving mechanics, and items, but there are also multiple ways to use up rings, and sometimes you have to deliberately use up your items so you can use your rings instead, depending on what you might want to do with the rings. And it's not like you have multiple buttons to use rings in different ways. You can do this little whip attack that's a little bit like Road Rash, but not when you have rings, for example, because if you have rings the button will do something else. There's a lot of little things beyond that, but it's the stuff with the multiple ways to use rings that I think went a bit too far. However, once you actually get to racing, a lot of the stuff that seems perhaps overwhelming at first isn't actually needed. I think it would have been smarter to space out the tutorials. The game has a zillion tracks and cups and unlockables, expecting you to really get into the single player. I understand why some people won't want to, and sometimes I wouldn't even be in the mood for it, but I do appreciate a good single player mode in a racing game. Also, since it's complicated, I can't get my friends to play much with me anyway. I only got them to play Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart a few times because that game was so simple. This perhaps overcorrected.
luanti engine + mineclonia is a better version of minecraft 0 a.d. is a better version of age of empires xonotic is a subpar unreal tournament/quake tux kart is a subpar mario kart flare rpg was amusing, i never played o.g. diablo to compare them
>>7214 >flare RPG If the screenshots are anything to go off of, it pales in comparison.
>>1542 i wanna fuck lara

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