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Switch 2 announced today Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 10:18:02 Id: 46c05e No. 1061434
Edit: It was announced. More details on April 2nd https://youtu.be/itpcsQQvgAQ?si=cOMpOEsP1qTLkzO- Basically everybody who's anybody in the game leaking scene says today Nintendo plans to shadowdrop a Switch 2 reveal, the 16th has been a consistent date thrown around for a little while now. No games, no software, just a console reveal. This is following huge Switch 2 leaks, up to and including actual photos of the console. It's not anything interesting, it looks like a bigger Switch with the words "Nintendo Switch 2" on the back. This is a heavily cropped photo of an actual unit somebody has, they've posted better ones since but I don't want to go digging for them.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/16/2025 (Thu) 14:34:18.
I'm sick of these rumours and bullshit. Yes, the CES demo model of the next console was interesting to look at, but until Nintendo reveals anything themselves, and they haven't even announced an announcement that they will announce the Direct that reveals the next console, I will be disregarding the entire topic. I'm so fucking over it. Leakers were speculating about a Switch Pro for years and not a fucking thing came from it.
>>1061442 For its games, not hardware. Switch has interesting exclusives and Switch 2 should as Switch releases wind down since Nintendo's known to hold back finished games for timed releases. Library near launch should excel. I'm interested for rooting/piracy too, as Switch 2 runs Switch games, and should be able to emulate every Nintendo system before. Legion Go's cool but my PC's better, and struggles with some Switch emulation. Rather have games native. >>1061439 Heard "Switch 2 will be revealed" for years and agree, sick of rumors too. If it released today, OP could have waited the hours for his announcement thread.
>It is another fucking switch 2 thread. One day it will be real due to sheer probability.
>>1061439 >Thread made for a rumor What is this nigger doing? >>1061444 Nice digits, tripsman. I'll get Switch 2 if it got games too, don't need 8K DLSS blastprocessed raytraced framegen to bing my wahoos.
So what will a Switch 2 look like. If it looks just like a Switch it'll be disappointing and they'll risk having a Wii-WiU situation again. If it's totally different it might alienate people or make backwards compatibility difficult for some games. All that aside I'd like to see something interesting. Well I'd like them to bring back their DS and Gameboy lines but I've largely given up hope.
>>1061450 I imagine it'll be more like a ds-3ds situation. I hope they make something more pocketable than the switch lite for an alt model.
The Switch 2 has officially been announced
>>1061487 >Switch got blacked wewlol
No Switch 2 Direct until April, I wonder if this announcement was rushed due to all the leaks
>>1061495 Despite the name it seems like it's more like a SwitchPro than a truly new console. I wonder if the regular Switch will get cheaper now?
>>1061496 You know, Nintendo reportedly actually were planning the Switch Pro until the pandemic happened, that's why a billion people were reporting on it. Nobody was quite sure what happened to it at the time but around 2021/2022 I remember speculation it was being reworked into a new console.
>>1061497 My whole reaction was >Well it's just a Switch, innit?
Unless they return to having Free Online, I'm not buying it.
>>1061497 Seems to me that Nintendo just all out of fucking ideas for gimmicks at this point. Maybe not all out, but there's nothing revolutionary to the point of passing up on the sure thing of just re-releasing the Switch with minor upgrades. To be honest, I'm kind of fine with that. The past few consoles and handhelds have kind of been leading up to the perfect storm with the Switch, and innovating unnecessarily at this point could only hurt them. Maybe by next generation they, or the market, will have had enough time to shift into some new direction. The only emerging market right now is VR/AR and while Nintendo could parlay the Switch's form factor into a kind of ghetto VR setup with the right add-on - the VR market has been on life support damned neared since it's inception. Maybe Nintendo could change that with some quality software, a convertible system, and a cheap entry point - but why should they? The whole idea of VR - being sequestered in your own little independent "reality" away from everyone and everything else is anathema to Nintendo's focus as a party/friend/family system. Doubt I'll get one anytime soon. Honestly, I forget I even have a Switch as it is. Maybe if they had improved the controllers and made them more ergonomic, but it's still just the same godawful design as Switch 1.
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>>1061434 I legit had to check if this thread was from last year or the year before or the year before that., etc. since journotards have beeing saying this for so long. >>1061487 >bigger >different kickstand which looks narrow enough for kids to break >dual USB-C >doesn't use sliding rails for joycons anymore, they snap straight in >plays old Switch games except.. *some aren't compatible now We'll have to see what functionality they removed that makes some games not compatible anymore, but this video reveals very little. I strongly suspect joystick drift was not addressed.
>>1061487 No dpad and same uncomfortable ergonomics.
>>1061527 >No DPAD It's right above the face buttons on the right, it's tiny though
>>1061487 This looks like an iphone ad
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A reminder for some of you thinking they should get this at launch, just in case you forgot. I don't have the "never buy a console" at launch song video anymore...
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>>1061543 >wrong video >I don't have the compilation of switches getting bricked at launch I hate hard drives man
>>1061527 Switch has the comfiest ergonomics for me docked as I have carpal tunnel, detached controllers don't flare it up. Right buttons are the dpad for 2D, I prefer them since I don't fat finger diagonals like normal dpads.
>>1061543 We got a lewd drawing out of it
>>1061548 It's uncomfortable as a handheld without a grip or third party joy cons.
>>1061512 I know they won't. Nintendo's jewish nowadays. But the fact remains: unless they make a show of consumer goodwill by undoing their taking of a free service and making it Paid Online (because god knows they won't make their online worth paying for, it's not even different from Wii U), I won't come back to them.
>>1061519 >We'll have to see what functionality they removed that makes some games not compatible anymore Joycons are too big for Labo.
>>1061555 That and 1-2 switch (game) has weird controls that can't be used in the new joycons I hear.
>>1061553 No I'm just jaded as to the recent years of the switch. I own a switch and switch lite and have a sizeable collection. Mario sports titles suffered, didn't like BOTW, don't like the recent "remasters" and mario's new voice actor is awful.Going PC only for now.
>>1061555 Ah, that makes sense then
>>1061553 >Shitting on Nintendo makes you a Sonyfaggot Every Sonyfaggot here has either changed his mind very quickly after Japan Studio died or fucked off back to cuckchan where you should go back to. People are discussing the pros and cons, and there's been plenty of animosity towards Nintendo for anti consumer practises.
>>1061553 I am lifelong Nintendo man. I play the Zeldo but don't like him now, or Metroid. He was good before, in Metroid Prime 4 he was stupid robot. I buy PS5 instead. I am real very real Nintendo man please hear my talking points and change your buy decision to PS5. Thank you.
>>1061562 Sad thing is, that kind of thirdie is the average Sony fan nowadays.
>>1061553 I honestly don't see a reason to get this console.
>>1061434 The switch 2 will be how people will finally recognize dead internet theory as being real. Because the internet sold the switch. The internet is now dead. Sony bots will completely obliterate this. And a chinese competitor will emerge victorious because they have better AI. This will be the last generation of games before total war. Then we'll be in complete poverty from it and won't seen this shit happen again for centuries.
>>1061561 Anti-piracy, not anti-consumer. They're the most pro-consumer of the "big 3" as they're not killing themselves to death and put their best efforts into exclusives. This thread has anti-consumer practices >>1061372 and Nintendo least does them. Not that they don't, and people will cherry-pick then amplify, but they least do them overall. >1) Bland "brown and bloom" colors and graphics, uncreative, uninviting, and visually unstimulating, that reduce atmosphere, emotional impact, and uniqueness >2) Crunch culture where employees work long hours under intense pressure to meet deadlines and deliver products, causing burnout and decreased product quaality >3) Degradation of the hobby as gaming became international and developers adapted design to cater to broader demographics >4) Digital rights management that requires online server authentication, or negatively impacts game performance, or limits how you can use the game >5) Diversity, equity, and inclusion biasing hiring processes at the expense of skills which reduces studio performance, competence, and morale >6) Excessive DLC that fragments the gaming experience, locking content behind additional purchases instead of including it in the initial release >7) Exploiting, cheating, and hacking online like aimbots and wallhacks, offline players usually know each other which discouraged local cheating due to social consequences >8) Game-as-a-service models, subscription and cloud services for gaming where you (((own nothing and be happy))) >9) Hyper-realism instead of artistic and aesthetic style, making games look generic as they strive for similar fidelity and lose unique artistic identity >10) Input lag making games feel more unresponsive, particularly in genres like fighting games, first-person shooters, or platformers needing precise movements or combos >11) Kernel-level anticheat that violate privacy and increases the risk malicious actors exploit security vulnerabiltiies to infect gamers with malware >12) Limited physical releases where many modern games are digital-only, and companies assume digital distribution, the PS5 Pro even lacks a disc drive >13) Loading screen saturation that frequently interrupts gameplay, wastes time, and breaks immersion >14) Monetization, microtransactions, loot boxes, and gambling mechanics and how developers design games around compulsive spending of players instead of delivering quality content >15) Movie games requiring significant "Triple A" budgets and minimizing player agency by sidelining gameplay and how they interact with the game world >16) Pay-to-win mechanics that let players gain advantages by purchasing powerful items or upgrades, undermining fair competition >17) Reduced challenge to cater to broader demographics as gameplay is de-emphasized >18) Releasing games incomplete with significant bugs then patching day one or over time with frequent updates instead of quality assurance, pre-ordering games encourages this too >19) System requirements where modern games require powerful hardware, making them less accessible, or large large with long download times so customers buy storage to play >20) Woke game narratives and character designs, prioritizing diversity over game quality, lacking positive role models, and abandoning game audiences for (((modern audiences)))
>>1061563 What are you talking about? 3rd worlders were the reason why word of mouth sales for the switch were great. They all just pirated it. Piracy literally leveraged it. But so did an effective internet that wasn't just machines. That's the difference now. AI.
Its bingshit so it'll sell
>>1061572 I dunno, the N64, GCN and WiiU were also bing shit and sold terribly.
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What is this thing?
>>1061569 Above all else they were the only ones willing to go with backwards compatibility for 8 year old console. The paid online hurts but at least their exclusives are very good.
>>1061575 NSA spy component. They also inject neurotoxins into your bloodstream while you play.
>>1061577 5d gaming at last
>>1061575 Looks like the joycon release button.
>>1061579 It looks like it just pulls out but idk.
>>1061570 Bad theory, third worlders can't afford shit and computers emulating Switch decent are pricier than Switch by far. >>1061576 It sold because it has games, so will Switch 2.
>>1061576 >the only ones I swear to God, I am not intentionally trying to derail this conversation, into another M$ discussion. There is one more company that allows you to use discs from two console generations ago, on their current platform, but only for a select few, and otherwise that company is absolute shit.
>>1061575 Actually I think it sort of looks like a trigger for when you're in single joycon mode.
>>1061569 >not anti-consumer <Paid online <Bog standard DLC and microtransactions practices no different than anyone else <Can no longer own youor Virtual Console games <Every other rerelease/remake is censored or altered to comply with DEI <Began stepping in and preventing the sale of games on their own platform, despite not doing anything wrong, due to unknown internal regulations that no one can ever know about <Suing people who engage in system modding and emulation No, you're wrong. >They're the most pro-consumer of the "big 3" That's not saying much. It's like declaring that you're the only one in the trailer park who DOESN'T have STDs, meanwhile you still knocked up a handful of women who all hate each other.
>>1061588 I said "Nintendo least does them. Not that they don't, and people will cherry-pick then amplify, but they least do them overall. You in bold. I never played a Switch game with microtransactions. I know you don't own Switch as "microtransactions practices no different than anyone else" is wrong as it gets. Microtransactions are negligible on Switch while everyone else overdosed on microtransactions. You had to add "Virtual Console" because you own normal games more. Nintendo's better than Sony/MS for owning games. PS5 Pro doesn't even have a disc drive for physical games while Xbox shills Gamepass for everything. Nintendo censors the least. It happens, but 50-100 times less than Sony. I agreed Nintendo's anti-piracy, that doesn't argue with my position. Pirates aren't consumers. >They're the most pro-consumer of the "big 3" isn't saying much. It's like declaring that you're the only one in the trailer park who DOESN'T have STDs, meanwhile you still knocked up a handful of women who all hate each other. Maybe, but what does say much is they're the least bad but get the most shit here. Smart people look past what's said to why and why's console prejudice, not anti-consumer. This thread's that.
>>1061581 >computers emulating Switch decent are pricier than Switch by far. Not at all, I had a pc in 2017 that was like maybe 100 dollars more and that ran BotW with ease. You could get one back then for like 100 dollars less and it would run it unironically better than the switch.
>>1061592 I get where you're coming from, but I still think Nintendo is highly aggressive to a fault when it comes to their old consoles. Especially since they tried to scare Dolphin into stopping development, only to not follow through on the court case since they would be wiling to actually challenge them. >>1061588 >Bog standard DLC and microtransactions practices no different than anyone else Not really, Nintendo hasn't really added Microtransactions in the same way Sony or Microsoft have. They've allowed developers to put microtransactions in their games, but the first party games themselves don't have the same level of paid gacha as say the mobile gaming market. That being said you're absolutely right about the emulation, modding and lack of VC games.
>>1061592 >Maybe, but what does say much is they're the least bad but get the most shit here. I think they get the most shit here because people here have long just ignored PlayStation and Xbox. They're beneath notice.
>>1061595 That's true, especially considering that Microsoft has ran Xbox into the ground. Even Nintendo has been able to take the failures of the WiiU and turn them into something much more successful with the Switch. Microsoft still can't get out of the shadow of the Xbox One, and Phil Spencer is a terrible CEO.
>>1061574 They have their nintoddler install base to lap up their shit even if if bombs. They'll be fine.
>>1061593 You messed up. 99% emulate BotW on Wii U, not Switch, for performance reasons. You didn't know this. Anyone emulating Switch knows performance on many games is way worse. It's not "better hardware = smoother game," because you emulate Switch and game, not just Switch. It's really bad on some games.
>>1061600 Get one of those chinese retro handhelds.
>>1061600 Here's a hint: it means life.
>>1061604 The cube.
>>1061604 I don't know off the top of my head, but if you hate Nintendo and Steam Deck, see if there are any retro handhelds designed for Sega. I imagine something that looks a bit like a Sega Nomad, but with some joysticks and shoulder buttons. Does one of those exist? I don't know, but it should.
>>1061600 What do you hate about it?
>>1061598 The WiiU also had that and it was a terrible failure.
>>1061553 >Thread brigaded to death by snoys larping as tendies >>1061562 >I am lifelong Nintendo man. I play the Zeldo but don't like him now, or Metroid. He was good before, in Metroid Prime 4 he was stupid robot. I buy PS5 instead. I am real very real Nintendo man please hear my talking points and change your buy decision to PS5. Thank you. >>1061592 >Smart people look past what's said to why and why's console prejudice, not anti-consumer. This thread's that. Console wars was always a "make stuff up" circlejerk pretending nothingburgers are buy-threatening emergencies, but console wars are like culture wars. Everyone already chose what they do, noone's getting or not getting Switch 2 because of shitposters sperging. Vocal minorities of warring autists think they have influence but never affect my decisions, I usually ignore sperging to play my Switch games. That's actually fun.
>>1061614 Ah. so you're retarded. Nevermind
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What if participating in ANY industry's discussion is shilling, for ANYTHING? You faggots are delusional that market doesn't care what you're saying, you're a forefront for gamergate god damn it. Watch and learn about assholes participating in this very thread. They'll be selling olive oil and wine even if nuclear bombs fall. Some kind of delusional idea of consolewar happening in this place is both bizarre and remind me how fake the marketers making up illusion of lively discussion. Because nobody smart even owns a console, its a waste of money. And playing console in public? Playing MARIO in public? Maybe you also wear kids clothes and school backpack behind your back? And a TMNT baseball cap, with buggs bunny T-Shirt? Maybe you also order something atrocious as mint icecream, or strawberry jam flavored icecream with sprinkles instead of either chocolate or vanilla? I am joking of course, consoles are impractical anyway, regardless of choice. And you probably think "next zelda will be the only exclusive worth a shit on this". I don't even think "next zelda" is worth even an attention just as much as next god of war doesn't, its prime is outlived, we should be thankful for stuff like craftopia and palworld, because you would waste on zelda just as much as on that junk.
>>1061616 His bait was the clearest of all bait in this bait thread.
Any gaems announced?
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>>1061627 >Impossible to talk about on a videogames board To be fair, there is not much to talk about, since we don't know anything about hardware or it's game launch lineup. All we have is the name Switch 2, and and idea of how it will look, but not how well it will feel in one's hands. I guess we could talk about the thing to put the Switch 2 on a table, that looks like an improvement from the first console.
>>1061627 But >>1061537-anon is right. it does look like iphone ad. The hell there's to discuss? Japanese Tablet with Buttons 2. Sequel to Japanese Tablet with Buttons 1. Inspired by chinese big Tablet with Buttons, that was just PSP but with bigger screen running android.
>>1061613 >I usually ignore sperging to play my Switch games. That's actually fun. Understandable, but that's their intended effect, and how mentally ill vocal minorities colonize places, and those places resound opinions uncommon IRL. Everyone else is busy IRL, or like >>1061627, disengage from places swarmed by the mentally ill.
Speaking of the add, we could also compare the reveal add of the first Switch, vs Switch 2. In my opinion the first one has more personality and effort put into it, kids nowadays would probably spout something like soul vs soulless, but they also had to put the extra effort, both to introduce casuals to the idea of a hybrid consoles, and make the m forget the Wii U was even a thing. >Sega, Konami, NEC, Bamco, 3DO, and Atari Yeah, but those companies haven't had a console in decades, they don't need to protect a brand.
>>1061630 There's not much to discuss but the thread's not discussing the "not much" either. It's an unmitigated clusterfuck co-opted by the mentally ill to spam ragebait.
>>1061642 eh it's not usually this bad, this thread in particular set it off
>>1061642 Well you can talk with me. Is there anything in particular you would like to discuss about the reveal? Already mentioned the stand, and the add compared to the one for previous Switch.
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>>1061649 Since nobody brought it up, there seems to be a new button underneath the home button. What do you think this is? A new feature that they didn't announce yet?
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In fact here is something that even anti-Nintendo fags can latch on. The connector to the joycon. It looks so flimsy, if I were to have a Switch 2, I would be afraid of ever disconnecting the controller, out of fear that it would break off. I can already see the countless videos of people who just smashed the controller in the console, and broke the connector. If I were them, I would have placed two metal rods, that are a bit longer than the connector, that must first be inserted in the controller, before connection can take place, so even if you were to smash the controller, into the console, it would not break the connector. So something, like my shitty drawing, the two poles, don't actually do anything, they are just there to prevent the connector from bending or snapping. >>1061654 Y-you too... >>1061659 Maybe a record button, like the PS4 had? So that you can upload your epic gameplay moment on TikTok.
>>1061659 From the rumors it's supposed to be for some kind of Miiverse replacement.
Please don't spam the reports with nor post "ragebait" Thank you. Oh, and I'm not too excited for the console itself considering that they didn't even show off any software and are only doing this because all the hardware leaked at CES. If anything I'm disappointed since the leak that the ARMS/Mario Kart team that was supposed to be working on a new Custom Robo game is now looking less likely to be real due to 24 player Mario Kart 9 being announced
Edited last time by Mark on 01/16/2025 (Thu) 20:44:07.
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>>1061661 >Maybe a record button, like the PS4 had? Just fyi, you can already record gameplay bits on the current Switch by long-pressing the screenshot button on the left side of the controller/left joycon.
>>1061670 It's Nintendo. You know what software they'll release. A 3D Mario, a 2D Mario, some Zelda, some Kirby, and new F-Zero or Metroid Prime 4 never ever.
>>1061701 Maybe the new animal crossing is actually good.
>>1061704 Now that they know they can get away with less content/effort for the same prince like in New Horizons? Sadly, not happening
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>>1061659 It's the button you press to bring up Microsoft GamePass.
>>1061701 I think that's the saddest part. The Switch is perfect for DS-esque smaller titles. And fuck, most of the shit Nintendo put on the DS was amazing. But such an era can't exist with the inflated budgets of games. If they had a dozen or so studios churning out smaller games based on their IPs at least once per month, it'd be a great year in gaming. At the very least they could try to remake the 3ds/ds titles for the Switch. Kid Icarus with proper twin sticks alone would be a massive improvement.
>>1061701 Well Prime 4 will probably come out next year, I'm just hoping they'll do more IP revivals like they've been doing recently.
Wheres the stupid nigger that was MUH MUH MUH ANOTHER EBIN FILTRATION MUJ MUH SWITCH 2 NEVER EVER yesterday? I want to laugh at his fucking face
>>1061445 Lmao fucking stupid retard
>>1061547 Just link it up, You nigger https://youtu.be/Cb-srOfRqNc?si=LRgnbbHC4oaEw0nT <Inb4 JEWTUBE? OUTRAGEOUS! MY EYES! Suck My Cock, i'm running out of time to go to work
>>1061722 >time to go to work >at 4pm Are you a harlot?
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Shit was so boring it makes you wonder why so many children sperged out about it. The reveal that full backwards compatibility was off the table was icing on the crapcake. At this point the tech in it is outdated and it's probably weaker than your average phone these days. The only thing I could gleam from this is that cargo cult hype culture is a social cancer.
>>1061709 >The Switch is perfect for DS-esque smaller titles. It really isn't for several factors, ranging from how the Switch is literally "too big" of a system to how the system is "too powerful" for it's own good. Problems the Switch 2 doubles down on. The Switch and it's imitators, for all intents and purposes, make it will known to the word that their goal is to make "home gaming" portable. And while that sound like it's just being "convenience" (Like the earlier TurboExpress and Sega Nomad), the reality is that it results in developers of having a mindset now that portable games must ALSO have AAA production values and expectations since you'll be playing the same game, that would normally appear on a 60" television, on a screen that's one foot from your face and 6-8 inches in size. Gone are the days where sub-480p resolutions and high quality pixel art are acceptable. And if you think I'm exaggerating, developers like Raisin Man already pointed out this problem back in 2007 when comparing the DS to the PSP: https://archive.ph/RsAfo >And when it comes to doing stylus-only gameplay, was that something that you set out to do from the very first with this title, or was it something that developed as you realized you could do this? <TI: It certainly was what I envisioned from the beginning. In fact, when Nintendo first announced the specs of its unit, it was around the time that Sony was also announcing that they were bringing out the PSP. When I looked at the estimated specs of both, I knew which platform I wanted to work on. Basically what we see here today is the culmination of that vision that I have had since then. It has taken a while to get this far, of course. And I am sure that you, or people like you, might wonder, "If the visual is so important, then why choose DS over the PSP?" <The reason is because the PlayStation Portable is basically designed on the philosophy of having a console that you can take with you. They are basically just toning down what we see on home consoles such as the 360 or the PS3; whereas the DS was looking at a whole new method of input. Just as I said earlier, one of the key aspects of game design is the interactivity between the user's input and what happens on the screen, so I thought: here is a chance to do something totally original, using the strengths of this hardware. If I was going to make a game for PSP, I would be better off making a game for PS2, because they are essentially attempting to do the same thing. Same thing here. If a developer is making a game for the Switch, it's pretty much going to be the same game you'd expect to see produced on the NoGames5, the SexBox, and/or PC. It will not be some silly smaller JRPG like the pre-PS1 Final Fantasy titles, or crazy experiments like Elite Beat Agents and Pheonix Wright. Yes, you'll still see some of those coming out, but as entirely Indie productions, legacy series, or remakes of older games. Not entirely new projects by big name companies. And this has resulted in a situation, that the Switch is already very much steeped in, where no one is happy about the circumstance as you have smaller games that feel "cheap" in delivery and larger games not optimized for the system they're being played on. Let's put this in another light. Imagine if Nintendo treated Emio as being JUST as important of a title as the next full 3D Mario, Zelda, or Xenoblade. Or comparable to the like of Sega's Yakuza, Square's Dragon Quest, Activison's Call of Duty, and Ubishit's AssCreed. Would you find that acceptable for a "full HD system" that's capable of playing games like Neir: A Tomato, Doomsiders, and RE8?
>>1061730 >The reveal that full backwards compatibility was off the table was icing on the crapcake That was just their Get Out of Jail Free card in case some obscure kusoge doesn't work on Switch 2, or games that heavily relied on Infra Red and Bluetooth like Labo and maybe RingFit. The vast majority of games will most likely be backwards compatible.
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Now that I think about it... is "Switch 2" even really a new console at all, or is it just an upgraded Switch which may have a handful of exclusive games, but really the vast bulk of it's library would be Switch games running at higher resolution. And Nintendo's real next-gen system is still a few years off. Because wasn't that what they tried with the "New3DS", and it was a miserable failure. Releasing a "Switch Pro" as the Switch 2 and not making it clear that it's not their next gen system will piss off a lot of people in three years when they move on from Switch to a new next-gen product line.
>>1061738 Well form factor wasn't going to change all that much, since tehy kinda know what's comfortable to hold in people's hands and what isn't, we are past the N64 controller days. As for hardware, I guess it's like asking if the RTX 5090 is truly a new graphics card, or if it's just an upgraded RTX 2060, we haven't had some major hardware revolution in the past years, so the Switch 2, will just be a more powerful Switch, the same way a 5090 is a more powerful 2060.
>>1061730 >At this point the tech in it is outdated and it's probably weaker than your average phone these days. Something about diminishing returns in each generational jump and all that jazz. Complaining about the hardware being "outdated" gets rather silly at this point if the end results between platforms are virtually the same. And your average phone doesn't have thermal solutions to dissipate the heat so its pretty specs get completely hard-kneecapped in comparison.
>>1061738 The N3DS was not a new console, it was just a revision that technically happened to have an exclusive or two (similar to the DSi). Nobody had any illusions that it was their actual next generation platform. The Switch 2 is clearly intended to be their flagship for the next generation, and they'd be retarded not to be making large first party games exclusively for it.
>>1061736 >That was just their Get Out of Jail Free card in case some obscure kusoge doesn't work on Switch 2, or games that heavily relied on Infra Red and Bluetooth Possibly, but we don't know. Even then, I don't remember such asterisks being applied to Nintendo advertising the backwards compatibility of previous systems, such as: >Wii <Doesn't work with GC attachments or capabilities, like the LAN functionality and Game Boy Player >3DS/DSi <Not compatible with NDS games and features requiring the GBA port, like Guitar Hero: On Tour, transferring in Pokemon, or the rumble pack for Star Fox >Wii U <Not compatible with games requiring the GC controller ports, such as everything from Brawl to DDR >>1061744 >and they'd be retarded not to be making large first party games exclusively for it. Are you implying the possibility of another NG5 situation, where all of the "big" games are also released on the previous system but just lacking all the pretty new tech and graphical "upgrades".
>>1061745 >Even then, I don't remember such asterisks being applied to Nintendo advertising the backwards compatibility of previous systems You also have to bear in mind there are billions of Switch games present on the Eshop (including the "Hentai" AI shit) and therefore no way to test them all. But I would be surprised if even one or two games from my own huge library were having compatibility issues on the successor.
>>1061732 I've pretty much felt the same thing and have posted about it before but you described it far better than I ever have. Nintendo really does need a lower powered handheld platform to take the place of their Gameboy and the later DS line.
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Also what the fuck happened to people in this thread and the Nintendo Switch thread? Why are they so worried that people will get confused and not know that the Switch 2 is a new console that is the sequel to the first console? Because it has a 2? Because it looks similar to the original one? I know it's fun to make fun of normalfags and call them dumb cattle, yet they have no problem going to the cinema to watch sequels of movies they already saw without going "Avengers 2? But I already saw Avengers in the cinema a few years ago, why are they showing the same movie again?" They have no problems distinguishing graphic cards, without going "you are telling me the RTX 2060 differs from the 5090?? How could I possibly tell they are different?" or even with games, shockingly games know the existence of sequels, and will buy one, whether it has a 2 or a 3, like AssCreed 2 and 3, or if it has a subtitle like AssCreed Unity or Origins, even if the games look the same, people still manage to distinguish them. There were also anons talking about how the 360 was a bad name, or that putting 2 on the console was a bad move, at this point it sounds like the only thing that is good, is to always name your console something else, and make it look completely different(GameCube, Wii, Switch). The 360 and the One weren't bad names, in of themselves, but because they were attached to the XBox brand, Microsoft should have released the Xbox 360, but the OrangeSphere, and then the GalaxyQuest, and then the USquare or some shit like that. In fact, Nintendo should have released pic related, call it the Nintendo Bling Bang!, it has one screen in each controller, so people will know it's completely different from the Switch, but that also means they won't know it's backwards compatible with the Switch, or that it has anything to do with the Switch, but apparently this is waht people who live in LaLa land, think it's a good move, and not calling your console the Switch 2, because people don't understand the concept of sequels. /rant
>>1061670 >they didn't even show off any software and are only doing this because all the hardware leaked at CES. It does feel like they only did this because of the leaks, that did not feel like a proper console reveal.
>>1061749 >Why are they so worried that people will get confused and not know that the Switch 2 is a new console that is the sequel to the first console? It's more the joke of what's the point to the system if it's just going to be literally a "Switch Pro" in execution. >I know it's fun to make fun of normalfags and call them dumb cattle, yet they have no problem going to the cinema to watch sequels of movies they already saw without going "Avengers 2? Anon, when console games first started up, you had a lot of pissed off parent that refused to buy the SNES because they already had an NES. Not to mention how a big part of why Apple declined during the 90's was because of them having too many devices to the point that even Apple employees didn't quite understand what the actually difference was (And was one of the first things Steve fixed when he returned). >the One weren't bad names Stopped reading there, You're retarded.
>>1061749 grasping at straws because they feel insecure or threatened by the 2019 tablet replacing the 2014 tablet
>>1061757 >It's more the joke of what's the point to the system if it's just going to be literally a "Switch Pro" in execution. How would you make a sequel to the Switch then? Make it look completely different? Change the name entirely? Reinvent the hardware so it's not backwards compatible anymore? Release the Nintendo Bling Bang? >Stopped reading there You should have continued, I intentionally made up some even shittier names for the sequel of the original Xbox. I am also tired and should go to bed, as a result I made plenty of typos. It should have been "The 360 and the One weren't bad names, in of themselves, they were bad, because they were attached to the name 'Xbox', Microsoft shouldn't have released the Xbox 360, they should have released the OrangeSphere and then the GalaxyQuest, and then the USquare or some shit like that."
Anybody else think this seems like a really bad idea calling it The switch 2? I feel like that's going to be a problem for normies just like the Wii U. Then again the Wii was pretty much dead by the time Wii U was announced and switch is still pretty hot from what I understand so maybe that's all that matters. But I'm sure we're going to get a lot of complaints about idiots buying switch two games for their original switch and not understanding hardware differences just because of the name unless they do backwards compatibility stuff sort of like Sony did with the first PlayStation 5 games also working on PlayStation 4. Not to mention the number two on something seems like it's weaker than everything else that has a higher number like PlayStation 5 at least that was the thought back in the day when Xbox named their thing the Xbox 360 instead of the Xbox 2... I don't know maybe the name of something doesn't matter. Maybe everybody was just tired of the gimmicky Wii controls and bad graphics and that's why anything that held its name failed. I'm assuming there's been way less garbage software on the switch compared to the Wii? (And of course the DS)
>>1061757 >the One weren't bad names <Stopped reading there, You're retarded. He's double retarded. Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series join Wii U as the stupidest console names. PlayStation did it right. 2, 3, 4, 5. Obvious progression. Normalfags not into games don't know where the fuck an Xbox 360 is. 360's bigger than One, so after One, right? And One's the first? It's One, that starts a series. Where's Series? Is that all Xboxes? What normalfag not into games fucking knows? Terrible names, just conveying confusion.
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>>1061765 >Is that all Xboxes Yes.
>>1061765 Let's not derail the thread too but, but Xbox Series X/S is one of the funniest naming conventions I've seen. That and its total lack of games are probably why its sold so poorly. It's especially funny as there was an "Xbox One X". Not confusing at all, normalfags are totally going to understand the difference between the Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, and Xbox Series X.
>>1061761 >How would you make a sequel to the Switch then? Make it look completely different? Change the name entirely? Reinvent the hardware so it's not backwards compatible anymore? Release the Nintendo Bling Bang? Make the "Switch 2" it's own dedicated system, but reduced to be the same size as a PS Vita. Meanwhile go back to making a dedicated home console that does one thing and one thing only: PLAY VIDEO GAMES. But even then, don't really know what to do from there because the problem with modern gaming is that companies are so focused on pushing the "next cutting edge game" rather than actually refining games that exist, or even returning to past concepts that either weren't or couldn't be properly implemented in the past. So putting out a new more powerful console when power isn't an issue seems like a waste of time and money. Just look at how 75% of TotK was just a copy-pasta work from BotW, yet the game ran much worse regarding it's performance. >>1061765 >He's double retarded. Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series join Wii U as the stupidest console names. The 360 actually is a "cool name", alongside names like Jaguar, Dreamcast, Saturn, etc. That's the biggest reason why it's so remembered. And I actually sort of miss consoles having rather esoteric names attached to them rather the more conventual names we now have.
>>1061749 >There were also anons talking about how the 360 was a bad name, or that putting 2 on the console was a bad move, at this point it sounds like the only thing that is good, is to always name your console something else, and make it look completely different(GameCube, Wii, Switch). Naming something completely different is good when it's an actually different device. In those cases, all of those were significantly different devices from what came before it. If it's succeeding the previous console, as in that its largely similar just more powerful with more features, simple numbering is fine (even if a bit boring). >>1061762 Nah, it's fine. A more creative name would have been nicer but it works for what it is. >>1061765 >normalfags not into games did not know what a 360 is I swear every time a new console releases, everyone's braincells die off at astonishing rates. Nigger, what platform did you think people were playing CoD, GTA, NBA, FIFA, Madden, and Halo on in the 2000s? The overpriced PS3 which only caught up by the end of the generation? The underpowered Wii with waggle? You honestly think that normalfags didn't know what a fucking Xbox 360 was? Are you dense?
>>1061765 >>1061775 To be fair Microsoft's naming conventions have been terrible, even the name Xbox... Wasn't great. but eventually like anything people got used to it. the whole "series" thing was really stupid and annoying. especially for anybody that's even on the periphery of video games. On a side note think the idea behind getting rid of games as physical media and not making disc drives or cartridge slots standard on next-gen consoles is a really great way to devalue video games as a product and make consumers who are already tired of high prices rebel against the concept of $70 plus dollar video games. People have already been trained to see downloaded titles as cheap and free to play. of course maybe the point is to turn everything into a live service type game with endless microtransactions... I don't see that as sustainable either. not every game can be fortnite, or cod.
>>1061765 >>1061770 >He's double retarded. Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series join Wii U as the stupidest console names. >PlayStation did it right. 2, 3, 4, 5. Obvious progression. >Normalfags not into games don't know where the fuck an Xbox 360 is. 360's bigger than One, so after One, right? And One's the first? It's One, that starts a series. Where's Series? Is that all Xboxes? What normalfag not into games fucking knows? Terrible names, just conveying confusion. <Let's not derail the thread too but, but Xbox Series X/S is one of the funniest naming conventions I've seen. That and its total lack of games are probably why its sold so poorly. <It's especially funny as there was an "Xbox One X". Not confusing at all, normalfags are totally going to understand the difference between the Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, and Xbox Series X. Economically, countable names are the best: clear what they are in their series, and how they relate to others in that series. >>1061775 I said normalfags NOT INTO GAMES didn't know WHERE the fuck an Xbox 360 is, not normalfags don't know what it is, ESL. But normalfags did know Wii better, Wii broke 100 million, no Xbox did. Sales aren't about power or Wii and Switch would have flopped. Not naming your console retarded sells more consoles. Microsoft outside Xbox, with Windows, even changed from 98, XP, and Vista to 7, 8, 10, and 11.
Can you guys put the console name stuff into its own thread? It's an interesting discussion, but not necessarily related to the Switch 2 itself.
>>1061788 What else is there really to discuss at this time though? It's just going to be the switch with a bigger screen different color scheme and higher specs and backwards compatibility. Probably the most boring thing they could have done but also the most intelligent at this point considering how bad the last couple of gimmicks they've tried haven't mounted too much (nobody needed a second screen on their controller and nobody really cared about the 3D on the 3DS it seems like)
>>1061788 Made the thread >>1061794
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>>1061722 <cuckchanner tries to disguise his lack of video encoding knowledge through bluster <?si=
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>>1061808 >>1061829 Should have posted this actually.
>>1061543 I do. This was over a decade ago, too. A lot of older consoles are getting cheaper, but I hope you know how to repair stuff since some of those capacitors might've corroded already (or some other part might've gotten old).
>>1061736 It was, but this thread's still swamped by aggressive pretense what will impact only the tiniest minority, will be normal, like broken compatibility, or Switch 2s bricking.
Picrel is allegedly what the Switch 2 specs will look like compared to Switch 1. Safe to assume these are legit considering everything else that was leaked about the console. https://archive.ph/6f9c8
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>>1061933 >128 bit cpu system that exists now?
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>>1061934 >>1061933 Oh shid guys, its an actual Nintendo 128.
>>1061933 >1536 CUDA Cores I think that is just a bit above a PS4, which is what I was expecting from the Switch 2, but it is certainly above a GTX 1060(only 1280 CUDA Cores), but with more VRAM which is always good. >>1061934 It's probably just marketing, especially since the hardware section of the 128-bit computing wiki page is so small. Also, even if your device had a Petabyte of RAM, that means 1024 terrabytes of RAM, you could still fit the addresses on a 64-bit processor. I mean, a 64 bit processor address 16 exabytes of memory, that's 16 times 1024 petabytes. We most likely won't need a 128-bit processor in the next few decades. I mean yes, you can make one, but for what purpose? With that said, it's just says that the bus width is 128 bits, not that the CPU is 128 bits, and that seems to be something in the GPU domain, like how the 3060 ti has 256 bit bus width.
>>1061938 >>1061940 And the bit thing was more of a marketing term than actual useful hardware spec information but when we were kids we believed it because you know 8-bit versus 16-bit meant better because that's how the commercials and the magazines explained it anyway. If I remember correctly though stuff like the PC engine was actually an 8-bit CPU but it's graphical capabilities were still closer to 16 bit. Also I remember hearing stuff like about the Nintendo 64 not actually being a real 64-bit system, same thing with the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 not actually being 128-bit consoles as they had been advertised in some places, otherwise I don't think we would be able to emulate them with 64-bit and 32-bit hardware like we have today
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>>1061659 >>1061661 What I want to know is why did they make it less colorful? It's more colorful than the initial grey Switch 1 but the Gill flavored Switch has been around for so long that I feel like that is the default Switch, and they even still reference that design with the S2. So why go this direction?
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>>1061984 I assume they will bring back the colored version later, after "we have listened to our fans, and have decided to bring back the original color palette" for some good press. As for why make the first version black, I think there is this dumb idea in all marketing departments, not just consoles, that there are only 5 acceptable colors, including black and white, that your device can have, or people will think it's a children's toy, so whatever colors, Samsung has for their phones, those are the only acceptable colors anyone can use.
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>>1061987 >or people will think it's a children's toy Mah boi a children's toy is what all true consoles should strive for!
>>1061992 No! It's a mature electronic for mature people like me, dad! Only boomers like transparent devices.
>>1061933 >>1061940 Switch 2 also has 12GB DDR5 RAM and I think PS4 Pro has 8GB DDR5 RAM.
>>1061933 So it's essentially a portable PS4 Pro, cool
>>1061996 I'm pretty sure it's shared RAM though, which means 4GB for the OS and functions like recording gameplay and 8GB for actual games. Not sure if it's also shared VRAM?
>>1061996 >>1061997 >>1061999 PS4 Pro shares RAM too.
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>>1061994 Every once in a while I look through my vidya folder and come across console concepts and I always just make myself depressed. Fucking shit ass gay iFuture bullshit we're stuck in I hate it.
>>1062002 retarded ergonomics, thank god you're not leading design
>>1062003 The exact ergonomics are negotiable but I'd rather have fun peripherals than what we have. At least the Wii tried even if 90% was just plastic snap on shells. Speaking of retarded ergonomics the PS5 controller doesn't feel good at all.
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>>1061938 Super Mario 128 may finally be real.
>>1062004 It'll get fun peripherals, they always do.
>>1062006 What fun peripherals did the Switch get? I mean LABO was kind of a fun concept for a toy but that's not exactly what I mean.
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>>1062007 In your controller context, these are fun.
>>1062008 I decided to also look some up myself because I thought I must have missed something. Apparently I sort of have. It's something at least.
>>1061997 Whether the Switch 2's specs are, I'm not worried either way. Like I expect a port of Elden Ring on the hybrid console for instance and it will look virtually indistinguishable from other platforms. And it's not like games will evolve much from that example and for the years to come either, so even the accusations of being an "already outdated" hardware won't stick as well.
>>1061997 It's a Playstation 4.5 due to the improved GPU as >>1061940 Says
>>1061934 That's the databus, it's not going to use 128-bit addressing. The only computers to ever actually do that were mainframes as far as I'm aware, 64-bit integers are so large (roughly 18.4 quintillion in decimal) there are few practical reasons to exceed them. It just makes calculations more computationally expensive.
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>>1062015 It already roflstomps the shitty PS4/Xbone Jaguar CPU, so it being ahead, but still behind PS5's CPU *only* due to portable efficiency due to being custom architecture is already a positive sign. I promise you the moment it is able to be overclocked we are going to see this thing fly, quite literally due to the fan going crazy lol. The GPU is promising too, having 1060, grazing 1070 levels of performance is going to be nutty as fuck compared to last gen, especially with Nintendium DLSS. I'm optimistic with hardware, software tho...hope you enjoy playtroonic games.
>>1062012 >Whether the Switch 2's specs are, I'm not worried either way. Like I expect a port of Elden Ring on the hybrid console for instance and it will look virtually indistinguishable from other platforms. And it's not like games will evolve much from that example and for the years to come either, so even the accusations of being an "already outdated" hardware won't stick as well. "Portable PS4.5" should run modern multiplatforms well, tough for Switch but not 2. I have them on PC but portability is nice. I wouldn't care if specs were PS2, hardware doesn't interest me. Great exclusives like Switch interest me, Nintendo's strong there so I expect them. We only know Mario Kart so far because CES forced a Switch 2 reveal, we'll learn more before April.
>>1062024 Doesn't the Switch 2 use a CPU with an integrated graphics card, while the PS4 has a dedicated GPU? If so, it's weird to just compare their CPUs.
>>1062015 What I meant is we already have impressive ports of PS4 games with the first Switch (Nier Automata, EDF4.1, Ace Combat 7, etc.) with relatively minor concessions, so the Switch 2 is obviously going to be a leap on that department and make the lines that separate between platforms even blurrier. Even a slow turtle like Nintendo was bound to catch up with the competition once we've reached a hard ceiling of what the games can feasibly do technology-wise. And I doubt many games will be requiring stronger hardware than the Switch 2 unless optimization shenanigans happen. It amuses me when the Ryu ga Gotoku and Ace Combat studios didn't even bother to test the Switch hardware and its capabilities until very recently, and only because they had no choice due of the current business situation in their home market.
>>1062029 Ps4 used an apu.
>>1062024 The ps4 had 8 cores so that's not an entirely fair comparison.
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>>1061987 >pic First glance I thought you posted the sony xperia
>>1062002 >WarioWare Bop-It is a thing that could technically exist We live in the worst timeline.
>>1062032 >And I doubt many games will be requiring stronger hardware than the Switch 2 unless optimization shenanigans happen. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some developers complaining about "Muh underpowered hardware" when they already admitted almost a year ago that they weren't even using the PS5 to it's fullest extent over the past several years.
>>1062064 The PS5 and Switch are not remotely comparable in power. The Switch is basically a smartphone from 2014.
>>1062014 That's great, Switch 2 at PS 4.5 power, for a portable, was more than I expected, I'm optimistic and waiting to see the launch lineup.
>>1061623 Mario Kart 9, from the looks of it. >>1062008 >8bitdo Could you really say the Switch "got" these since Nintendo didn't make them and you can use them on other consoles?
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>>1062141 Yeah I could, like the Switch got games Nintendo didn't make. Nintendo did make these cool official controller themes.
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A lot of 8bitdo controllers are Nintendo themed and work on Switch.
>>1062147 The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller may be Nintendo's best, I use it for Switch and PC.
Did they add Hall Effect thumbsticks or what?
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>>1062156 8bitdo does Hall Effect thumbsticks, and GuliKit makes 100% fittable Hall Effect thumbsticks to drop into Nintendo-made Switch controls with no hassle.
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>>1062155 8BitDo Ultimate 2C shares Switch controller design and works with both too.
Are there any details on the screen resolution yet?
>>1062256 My guess is it's gonna be 1080p. It'd be stupid not to be at this point.
>>1061933 >128-bit bus with two memory chips Looks like a 64-bit bus to me, that would give us 51.2-68.264 GB/s of memory bandwidth depending on how fast the chips are. It would end up being slower or at best on par with the Steam Deck, which is not a bad thing considering what a power hog the Deck is with its actual 128-bit bus.
>>1062272 Steamdeck is only 900p, I could see Nintendo cheaping out and only putting in another 720p screen though and saying it's for "backwards compatibility reasons".
>>1062272 >My guess is it's gonna be 1080p. The leaks that got other specs right say 1080p.
>>1062161 I'm talking about the first party Joycons and Pro controller.
>>1061434 So what are the odds they're going to screw up and not even have a main line Mario title at lunch? (I could use something a lot closer to Mario Galaxy personally but I don't see that happening)
>>1061717 Prime 4's scheduled for 2025, could see a double drop on Switch/Switch 2 like Nintendo does with Zelda.
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>>1061434 I’m beginning to feel concern about the system
>>1062317 Counterpoint: any retard that treats it like that deserves what happens.
>>1062317 I even proposed a simple fix in >>1061661 you could even use plastic, instead of metal for the protective rods.
What will super mario bros look like in 2100?
>>1062305 Main line 3D Mario near launch has high odds. >>1061444 said "Nintendo's known to hold back finished games for timed releases, library near launch should excel." North American release differences between main line 3D Marios: 2157 days: Super Mario 64 to Super Mario Sunshine 1904 days: Super Mario Sunshine to Super Mario Galaxy 923 days: Super Mario Galaxy to Super Mario Galaxy 2 1279 days: Super Mario Galaxy 2 to Super Mario 3D World 1435 days: Super Mario 3D World to Super Mario Odyssey 2714 days: Super Mario Odyssey to Switch 2 launch Odyssey to Switch 2 gap's 76.3% over the mean, 1539.6 days. 25.8% over the longest gap, 64 to Sunshine. >>1062293 Nailing other specs while leaking 1080p is compelling for a 1080p Switch 2 screen. 1080p's great for backwards compatibility too as Switch 1 capped at 1080p docked. >>1062161 I don't play Switch 1 enough to need Hall Effect, I'd mod if I did. Sounds easy, online reviews report short install times of 10 minutes. >>1062147 >>1062149 >>1062169 Nostalgic. From 8bitdo's Switch controls, the Super NES throwback looks most ergonomic. My favorite Pro design from Nintendo is the Zelda. >>1062012 Practical. Switch 2's specs sound fine, I'm not worried either. 1's hardware's outdated, but 2 will run everything I'll play for years. Nintendo customers usually buy for exclusive games, but doesn't hurt having games from other platforms, that look virtually indistinguishable from those platforms, in handheld form.
>>1062333 (checking those Masonic trips) >>What will super Mario Bros look like in 2100 It'll probably look a lot like the recent movie only with an even worse looking version of peach probably (can't wait to see how they butcher Daisy, Rosalina and Pauline in the next one)
>>1062333 I worried after the movie made Peach butch, the games would, but she's been all girly girl in each game since. It's whitepilling that, as culture backlashes against and companies back off from woke, butch Peach in the movie was probably Peach's rock bottom.
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So now that they're releasing a new Switch and the old Switch will probably get a price drop in the future I've got a couple of questions. >What are the 20 best Switch games? >Which version of the old Switch is the bst, the standard or the handheld only one?
console-tan when?
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>>1062344 >Which version of the old Switch is the bst Nintendo Switch OLED. >What are the 20 best Switch games? That's taste with no right answer. This chart was popular half a year ago, but misses new releases, to name a few The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Super Mario Party, and Mario & Luigi: Brothership.
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>>1062344 I didn't play much on it, but here's the exclusives I liked: Astral Chain Bayonetta 2/3 Kirby Star Allies Zelda BOTW/TOTK Luigi's Mansion 3 Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Mario Odyssey >Which version of the old Switch is the bst OLED, bigger screen. If you settle for the original, make sure you don't buy the v1 model with shitty battery. You can tell these apart through either the serial number or the box art. >the handheld only one? DO NOT BUY THE SWITCH LITE I made the mistake of doing that and I could barely read the screen, some games they did not account for any type of scaling on text when on handheld mode only.
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>>1062344 >What are the 20 best Switch games? 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Ace Combat 7 Astral Chain Dark Souls Remastered Disgaea 4 Dragon Quest XI S Earth Defense Force 4.1 Fire Emblem Engage Katamari Reroll Mad Rat Dead Metal Gear Solid Collection Nier Automata Rabi-Ribi Shin Megami Tensei V (I enjoyed the OG release but apparently the Vengeance is the true definitive version) Slay the Spire Star Ocean the Second Story R Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Xmorph Defense Yomawari 3 Zelda Musou Hyrule All Stars DX As the other anon said, it's mainly tied to personal tastes and that's what I would recommend as relatively "safe picks" at least, but the amount of games on the platform is absurdly gigantic. My game library on Switch also ended up to be bigger than my decade-and-half-old Steam account at the current point. And if the BC is confirmed to provide performance boosts, that'll give an excuse to replay a bunch of games that had problems like Resident Evil 6, Serious Sam 3, Age of Calamity, Kingdom Come Deliverance (for the crashes), EDF World Brothers 2 amongst a few others. >Which version of the old Switch is the best, the standard or the handheld only one? OLED if you plan on playing portable and not exclusively docked, because things like the kickstand and the screen itself were big improvements. Otherwise the standard version.
>>1062349 >>1062353 No Unicorn Overlord?
>>1062354 I only talked about the ones I played anon. And I won't be playing a dogshit translation.
>>1062354 Haven't exactly played that one yet outside the JP demo, but it's promising. GrimGrimoire from Vanillaware is also on Switch, and that's a RTS I would recommend. Especially as it has extra content and a fast-forward button not present in the original PS2 version.
>>1062349 >I made the mistake of doing that and I could barely read the screen, some games they did not account for any type of scaling on text when on handheld mode only. Is that the only problem with the Lite model?
>>1062349 >DO NOT BUY THE SWITCH LITE >some games they did not account for any type of scaling on text when on handheld mode only Counterpoint, handheld play is the only good reason to own a Switch. Playing on a large screen, you're getting a worse experience than pretty much any other option including emulation. My only real gripe with the Lite is that the screen is second worse I've seen on a handheld after the original DS.
>>1062372 >Wait for the inevitable emulator and pirate all the games. That reminds me: how's the situation been since the simultaneous deaths of Yuzu and Ryujinx?
The Switch Lite screen is a 5.5 inch LCD, Switch is a 6.2 inch LCD, and OLED is a 7 inch OLED. Switch screen quality is OLED top, Switch middle, Lite bottom, but Lite has a bigger screen in better quality and higher resolution than 3DS, DS, GBA, GBC, and GB. If Lite was the only Switch, only Wii U would have a better screen than Lite. >>1061444 >I'm interested for rooting/piracy too, as Switch 2 runs Switch games, and should be able to emulate every Nintendo system before. Legion Go's cool but my PC's better, and struggles with some Switch emulation. Rather have games native. A "Nintendo back catalog pirate tablet" will be a good Switch 2 use when Switch 2's cracked open or modchipped. >>1061599 >Anyone emulating Switch knows performance on many games is way worse. It's not "better hardware = smoother game," because you emulate Switch and game, not just Switch. It's really bad on some games. I have Switch, Ryujinx, Yuzu, good hardware, and confirm. On Ryujinx games stutter when building shaders, screwing button timings, and some games hitting max frames on Switch thump along at 2/3 max frames on Yuzu and Ryujinx. Others don't even get in game. I can deal, but a 70-hour RPG, at 2/3 speed, ends up 105 hours, plus time from replays after crashes. Beats nothing, but isn't great, and exaggerated by PC supremacists. 2D games can run well. The smartest pirates jailbreak Switch. >>1062347 You mixed up that Mario Party with Jamboree. It has that one, it's missing Jamboree, since Jamboree released 3 months ago.
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>>1062370 Can't tell you if there are any downsides performance wise except for the fact you're always playing on 720p undocked mode. >>1062382 How is being able to see the text better and at a good distance from you, at higher resolution a worse experience? >>1062388 >Wait for the inevitable emulator and pirate all the games. Why was this deleted?
>>1062390 I reported it as Luciano who uses "inevitable" and "all" and repeats that specific phrase. Another post of his I reported a couple minutes later was deleted too, saying /pol/ is always right and everyone's turning against libtards. I'm still reporting his posts like >>1062387 in the GG thread, jannies didn't delete it yet. Don't repeat Luciano posts, it feeds the macaco.
>>1062356 >won't be playing a dogshit translation <but played the openly pozzed localization of 13 Sentinels and censored FE Engage Wew, you aren't very consistent anon.
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>>1062392 Alright. >>1062393 >but played the openly pozzed localization of 13 Sentinels and censored FE Engage You ok anon? You wanna re-read those IDs and get back to me?
>>1062389 >I have Switch, Ryujinx, Yuzu, good hardware, and confirm. On Ryujinx games stutter when building shaders, screwing button timings, and some games hitting max frames on Switch thump along at 2/3 max frames on Yuzu and Ryujinx. Others don't even get in game. I can deal, but a 70-hour RPG, at 2/3 speed, ends up 105 hours, plus time from replays after crashes. Beats nothing, but isn't great, and exaggerated by PC supremacists. 2D games can run well. The smartest pirates jailbreak Switch. That's because emulating runs the system, not just the game, as software, requiring more power than the dedicated hardware. A computer with 5 times Switch power, because of this. emulates many Switch games under Switch performance.
>>1062333 Exactly the same. Fuck the "hire this man" bullshit. Maybe by the end of the century Nintendo will support anti-aliasing on its hardware, but I doubt it.
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>>1062346 Given that it looks identical, wouldn't it just be a teenage version of this girl, still inside the ara body?
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>>1062410 I want her to be smug to Switch 1 while anon forces her to play graphically intensive games she can't handle like a tired submissive dog.
>>1062405 I emulated Another Crab's Treasure, emulated like shit, had to drop it. >>1062408 Lots of Switch games have antialiasing like ARMS, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Luigi's Mansion 3, Super Mario 3D World, Yoshi's Crafted World etc. Better they ignore trends than hire that man and ruin everything with "next gen" smeary vaseline.
>>1062401 Ah, my apologies.
>>1062415 Oh, I don't support any of that "artificial intelligence" bullshit like "future frame prediction" or "interpolated frames." I just mean AA as in "get rid of the fucking jaggy lines" like what AA used to be. That's all I ask, Nintendo.
>>1062418 I know, but lots of Switch games have antialiasing like ARMS, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Luigi's Mansion 3, Super Mario 3D World, Yoshi's Crafted World etc. It's just up to developers and not imposed by Switch.
Too much subtle console wars against Switch, and sometimes Switch 2, where a couple Switch antagonists exaggerate, make things up, or fake care over stuff in bad faith, while Switch people defend and correct. Switch 2's discussed little beyond bad faith. Instead of denying ("no I'm genuine lol") to go forever, can we get along? I don't shitpost forever on PS2, the 2001 Xbox, or your likes. I'm sorry if anyone has. I like Switch, I just wanted to read Switch 2 discussion. It's disappointing even Twitter/YouTube are more on rail and better faith. MK9, following the Top 5 seller in gaming history, announced to literally nothing here besides "that exists."
>>1062449 Nah, all consoleturds are gay. Switch dipshits like to pretend they're innocent does while being as vile and toxic as those they accuse, like posting on /leftypol/ predators. As an example, anybody who pointed out that the Jetson Orin Nano had a 75W TDP unviable for a handheld or docked power draw when those shitty rumors were circulating in 2021 got called the worst slurs on Earth.
>>1062449 I'm a PC only ubermensch Switch 2 is looking alright if you're a consolefag, I'd wait for piracy though.
>>1062390 >except for the fact you're always playing on 720p undocked mode. Anon, I have a 15 year old Compaq laptop with a near 16" screen with a max resolution of 1300x768 yet it has a better and clearer display than everything I've tried over the past several years that runs at a higher resolution (Included smartphones with 4k screens). If the image being displayed on a 5" screen looks like crap, it's not because of the image being rendered at 720p.
>>1062390 >How is being able to see the text better and at a good distance from you, at higher resolution a worse experience? It's not.
>>1062389 I have Switch OLED for that 7-inch panel, I prefer larger panels than Switch's 6.2 or Switch Lite's 5.5. I tried the others. OLED has perfect blacks, looks good in darkness, and clearly wins. Regular and Lite screens are the same quality, except one's bigger and one's smaller. They look good too, like normal LCDs, but not as good as OLED.
>>1062517 Ah so it's autism, should have just said so.
>>1062349 >>1062415 I played Luigi's Mansion 3 last Halloween, hope Switch 2 gets a 4.
>>1062533 Nintendo should just sell their own switch emulator. They could even sell it for close to the same price as an actual console and people would still probably go for it just to have a better experience. Then again maybe I'm misjudging the amount of people that actually care about improving graphics in these games maybe it's only just a small group of emulation hobbyists that would never bother buying an official emulator (then again Nintendo's technically been selling ROMs and emulators since before the Wii virtual console and that was probably fairly popular)
>>1062533 The 7px "steps" left of Link's leg are 19px tall. 19/7's 2.71 zoomed px for each unzoomed px. Right's 565px across, 565/2.71's 208. Switch is 1920px across in dock, 1280px across in hand, but unzoomed this is 208px across. It's a deceptive zoom/crop so Switch graphics appear to resolve worse across than the 256px of the Famicom Disk System, from 1983 and over 41 years old. This thread's these baits after baits, and if influenced by these Switch attacks you wind up dumber.
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>>1061487 >They added fucking Seth Rogen DK <Before the 8chan exodus everyone was shitposting that Adam Sandler would make into Super Smash Can't wait to see more crossovers with Pedowood.
>>1063116 Weren't people already saying they changed Peach to look more like the movie version?
>>1063116 It's classic DK from before Rare's DKC design, he came before movie. Miyamoto never liked Rare's design. >>1063118 I see no one saying this and in Mario Kart 9's trailer she looks more like the game version.
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>>1061535 That's the fucking + button you retard, notice the - on the other joycon.
>>1063123 Was explained in this post: >1061548 >Switch has the comfiest ergonomics for me docked as I have carpal tunnel, detached controllers don't flare it up. Right buttons are the dpad for 2D, I prefer them since I don't fat finger diagonals like normal dpads.
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>>1062335 >>1062389 >>1062532 Switch and screen sizes.
>>1063124 Left buttons are the D-Pad, not right.
>>1062389 >but Lite has a bigger screen in better quality and higher resolution than 3DS, DS, GBA, GBC, and GB Did you mean to say worse quality than these? The Switch Lite has the worst screen I've seen on a Nintendo handheld since the original DS.
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>>1063128 Glare, dust, film etc is unfair to the Lite screen, better comparison here. No one would deny Deck OLED and Switch OLED are better screens. Game Boy has the worst screen I've seen on a Nintendo handheld, it's a 4-color 10:9 dot matrix at 160 (w) x 144 (h) with visible pixel separation. Switch 2 should have a better screen than Lite, modern LCDs look better.
>>1063123 I was joking anon
>>1063125 What are the dimensions of the Switch 2 screen?
>>1063119 >Miyamoto never liked Rare's design. >Miyamoto's autism fucks up again.
>>1063133 Rare changed Miyamoto's design. I prefer Miyamoto's to Rare's, less edgy, but Rare's is fine.
>>1063133 Imagine if Miamoto holding a grudge over the DK design is what led to him meddling with Dinosaur Planet.
>>1062344 The oled, ethernet while docked and better display when not. Alternatively a v1 for jailbreaking.
>>1063139 You can play original Dinosaur Planet as Dinomod Enhanced because of leakers and modders. I prefer Star Fox Adventures but Dinomod is cool.
>>1062449 Why buy when piracy always becomes available sooner or later?
>>1063142 Why not buy? It's anon's money.
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>>1062346 >console-tan when? It is too late Sergei. It was always too late.
>>1063149 Since it's bigger, shouldn't she be like a Great Pyrenees in size or something?
>>1063206 She's not that much bigger though.
>>1063146 Keep the money and still get the games. Win-win. Why buy?
>>1063246 Emulation takes years to get off the ground which is years of games missed for worse compatibility, crashes, frames, and stutters like >>1062405. Once there's homebrew exploits and hardware mods, buying the console but pirating the games is smart.
>>1063149 Whatever happened to kekitopia?
>>1063142 >>1063246 As far as I'm aware, piracy on the Switch 1's hardware is limited to v1 models (because of the initial Tegra chip vulnerability which was later patched out on later models) or modded chips. I don't think there will be exploits on the Switch 2 like that, at least that easily. And as the other anon said, you shouldn't mind over how people spend their money. I personally decide whichever is the most convenient depending of the platform and being a buyfag is the easier way on the hybrid console.
>>1063249 He's actually making a game about an explosive female rabbit. >>>/fur/10887
>>1063302 There's also flash carts for the switch now, which don't require a hacked switch but that came out only last year. That all said. if one wants to pirate console games 'early' in general the best bet is to just buy the 1st version of a console and don't update it whatsoever until there's a homebrew exploit. Is this the most economical decision? Probably not especially if you want to play online, as most that play pirated games directly on console will have a spare console for online play 'just in case'.
>>1063313 >flash carts for the Switch Its embarrassing that the firmware hasn't been cracked yet for regular piracy on the device itself. Any console that connects to the internet and has native storage enough to store full games should not require flashcarts.
>>1063313 You don't need an unmodded Switch if you want to play online, you can with EmuNAND/incognito/Atmosphere without getting banned. >>1063317 There's opensource firmware patchers and custom firmware for regular piracy on the device itself. https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere
>>1063133 >>1063136 The problem is that Miyamoto is about 30 years too late to change it back. Most everyone remembers him from his Rare design and not the original and those who do remember his 8 bit sprite instead of his concept art.And what does this mean for future DKC games? Will everyone get a redesign? Is this a stealth indication that DKC is dead?
>>1062002 They didn't even utilize the touchscreen most of the time even with a game simultaneously developed for Wii U & Switch. Seems to be a trend for Nintendo: Add gimmicks, never use them. It always seems like a waste, but at least gyro-aiming became commonplace.
>>1063474 It’s always struck me as odd how Donkey Kong is treated in the Nintendo universe. Sure, there’s the historical tie-in with Mario—Jumpman and the original arcade game—but why is DK still seen as "Mario-adjacent" instead of standing out as his own entity? why don’t we see more Donkey Kong characters Mario kart? They’ve thrown in Waluigi (who wasn’t even a Miyamoto creation), I haven’t played Mario Kart religiously since the Nintendo 64 era, but even then, it seemed like DK’s representation was minimal. Has that changed? The last Mario Kart I played was the one on the Wii, and I remember being all about Rosalina. She felt like a refreshing addition, almost like a more elegant counter to Peach. That said, I haven’t touched the series in years, but if there’s a version on the Switch that shakes things up, I might be interested again. Mario Kart has so much potential to evolve into a broader Nintendo Kart or Smash Kart. They’ve dipped their toes into the idea with guest characters like Link and Isabelle, but why stop there? Imagine racing through tracks inspired by Metroid or Star Fox, or playing as Samus, Kirby, or even third-party guest stars like Sonic or Mega Man. It would be a guaranteed blockbuster. But no—Nintendo clings to the Mario Kart branding like it’s sacred. The same goes for Mario Party. Why haven’t they just made Smash Party already? Smash has already become the ultimate Nintendo crossover, so why not turn it into a full brand? A Smash Party game with minigames inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, and beyond could blow Mario Party out of the water. Nintendo has all the tools to dominate these spaces, but they seem stubbornly committed to playing it safe. when it comes to software concepts, they’re weirdly conservative. They could redefine the kart-racing and party-game genres, but instead, they’re content with minor iterations on the same old formulas.
>>1063481 I just wish they would make another good Mario game. Something classic feeling like a Mario World 2 kind of thing. Failing that a Mario Sunshine sequel. I don't want any more NSMB games nor do I care about (not)Rabids from the Moon and please no more superguides and toddler modes.
>>1063501 After the Nintendo 64 I skipped pretty much the entire GameCube library, so by the time the we are rolled around I was more than ready for Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, I have always heard mixed things about sunshine so I have never really thought much about giving it a chance. The last 2D Mario game I really enjoyed was probably a toss-up between Yoshi's Island, Mario All-Stars, and super Mario Land. Nothing passed to those has actually felt like a real old school Mario game to me. >>1063510 The entire industry hates backwards compatibility and free emulation options because they want to be able to sell everybody the same crap over and over and over again just worse each time. Worst aesthetics, worse latency, worst writing,
>>1062335 >Main line 3D Mario near launch has high odds. >>1061444 said "Nintendo's known to hold back finished games for timed releases, library near launch should excel." North American release differences between main line 3D Marios, Odyssey to Switch 2 gap's 76.3% over the mean, 1539.6 days. 25.8% over the longest gap, 64 to Sunshine. Super Mario Odyssey for Switch was my favorite Mario game, a Mario for Switch 2 sells Switch 2 for me. >>1061736 >That was just their Get Out of Jail Free card in case some obscure kusoge doesn't work on Switch 2, or games that heavily relied on Infra Red and Bluetooth like Labo and maybe RingFit. The vast majority of games will most likely be backwards compatible. I'm certain every Switch game I have will be backwards compatible and I have many. Nintendo always did backwards compatibility for similar handhelds, like GBC with GB, GBA with GBC and GB, DS with GBA, GBC, and GB, and 3DS with DS. Switch 2 is a souped up Switch so the vast majority of Switch games will work. >>1063481 >Nintendo clings to the Mario Kart branding like it’s sacred The Mario Kart branding sold them 73 million copies of Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe and 37 million copies of Mario Kart Wii. It's a best selling brand, you don't fix what's not broken. >Mario Kart has so much potential to evolve into a broader Nintendo Kart or Smash Kart. It has, "spiritual Nintendo Kart or Smash Kart" is 8's Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Wii, and Zelda characters, and the tracks outside Mario. Those probably expand in 9.
>>1063515 Sunshine is great but it focuses as much or more on the water jet mechanics from FLUDD than the standard jumping you would expect from Mario. In a lot of ways it's kind of a proto (reverse) Splatoon campaign mode. There are still sections that play exactly like an updated N64 Mario. I really would give it chance.
>>1063527 >Luciano's bullshit All of that will be wrong for Switch 2 because it's been wrong for Switch. >>1063524 I forgot, there have been more Donkey Kong characters in Mario Kart than Donkey Kong, with Dixie Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Funky Kong, and Pauline. Funky Kong's used for top track times.
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>>1063527 Why do you have to sound so fucking snarky? You could hold the same opinion and be a cool, chill guy, not an autist with a stick jammed too far past his prostate. Ben Shapiro point-dexter ass attitude, fix it.
>>1063535 Luciano generally acts like an autist with a stick jammed up his prostate, he's an old troll from the OAG comment section, or an imitator. He trolls /v/ every day, the board owner wants us to report him.
>>1063535 >>1063538 Anons please, people posting with sticks directly attacking their prostate are chill and giddy, not angry schizos 3:
>>1063524 I'm 2D>3D and on Switch I liked Mario Wonder more than Mario Odyssey, seen Wonder called "Mario 4" as it lived up to Mario 3. On Switch I liked Yoshi's Crafted World too, since I liked Yoshi's Island. Yoshi's Island DS, Woolly World, and Crafted World are the only Yoshi platformers that lived up to it.
>>1063510 probably anything requiring the old joycons, like labo or IR stuff and the ring fit slide interface for ring
>>1063562 What did you think of Odyssey's Super Mario Bros. sections that projected 2D gameplay on 3D surfaces, like "A Traditional Festival!" from New Donk City? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GsTikSbro
>>1063571 Not that Anon, but several games have done that mechanic. From Lost In Shadow on the Wii to Sideways: New York on the PS3.
>>1063574 But no game hits the highs of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GsTikSbro and its festive celebration of Mario's history. I just noticed the address ends in bro.
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>>1063560 >sticks directly attacking their prostate GOD I WISH!
>>1062389 >>1063129 >No one would deny Deck OLED and Switch OLED are better screen That's the regular deck and regular Switch in those images.
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>>1063608 No. Switch Lite has the D-Pad, regular Switch doesn't.
>>1063131 Switch 2 screen's 7.9 inches. ArsTechnica compared dimensions after freeze framing the teaser trailer.
>>1063600 Oh, you. >>1063609 It's odd, isn't it? Even the Steam Deck has a D-pad, the button thing the base Switch 1 and 2 are going for reminds me of the C-buttons N64 controller. Nothing should remind anyone of the N64 controller.
>>1063609 They were confusing a comparison between the Lite/Original for Lite/OLED.
>>1063611 The cheapest model of Switch has a connected pad, but more expensive models have gaps, so gaps are intended as a premium feature. This may be why: >>1061548 >Switch has the comfiest ergonomics for me docked as I have carpal tunnel, detached controllers don't flare it up. Right buttons are the dpad for 2D, I prefer them since I don't fat finger diagonals like normal dpads.
>>1063613 Left buttons. That quote is confusing left and right.
What games would you want to see on Switch 2, /v/?
>>1063615 I donno star fox or Kid Icarus?
>>1063619 Sakurai made Kid Icarus: Uprising and he's working on a secret game project so a Kid Icarus: Uprising sequel could happen. Great 3DS rail shooter.
>>1063610 That's the screen size of a classic iPad mini, for reference. The new ones are bigger. Anyone with an older iPad mini can grab it and get a feel for how the Switch 2 will sit in their hands.
>>1063620 >he's working on a secret game project Probably Smash Bros Ultimate 2 or something then, but I admit I'd really like a KI:U 2 or something.
>>1063657 Or the Steam Deck since some of /v/ has one. Switch 2 screen's half an inch bigger, probably higher resolution (1080p), and should have better LCD quality than Switch, LCDs improved a lot since.
>>1063659 Smash Bros Ultimate 2's guaranteed for the Switch 2, every console had Smash Bros since N64. What popular reps or fan favorites might get in Smash Bros Ultimate 2 who didn't in Smash Bros?
>>1063663 I think they will almost certainly get Doomguy or Master Chief or maybe both. Phil Spencer would likely agree to that for free as long as Nintendo just asked. Besides that, maybe a rep from some gacha game, maybe Fate or Genshin Impact's MC. I'd say also a Kekmo Warriors rep would make perfect sense, but they're mostly historical characters so Sakurai would say no, which means they will add the newest original character, Ziluan (Dynasty Warriors Origins MC). DW:O and/or its sequel will almost certainly come to Switch 2 as well, so he fits very well.
>>1063663 Honestly, what can they do anymore to "change" the game? What if Switch 2 gets “Super Smash Bros. Infinite” which is just all the content of Ultimate (all characters, stages, music, Mii costumes, DLC content, etc.) for $70 inclusive with the promise a new character+stage+music combo available thereafter every 3-6 months for $4.99 a pop? Then there wouldn't even need to be any “sundowning” of the game or franchise. Just release a new character whenever they get it coded and balanced (or get the third party agreement for it). There’s whispering that Microsoft will release the MCC on Switch 2. Master Chief in Smash would be a selling point (for what would otherwise be pitched in the media as a "Deluxe" version of an "existing" game). Spyro, Crash, Rayman, Waluigi, Lara Croft, Earthworm Jim, Vyse… And then new assist trophies for $0.99 a pop. Q*Bert, Aika, Cool Spot, etc. I mean, hell, what's Mario Kart 9 going to be other than just Mario Kart 8 again, otherwise? All you can do is add more characters and tracks. Oh no, 24 player races! Big deal. More chances you'll literally never be first online.
>>1063663 >What popular reps or fan favorites might get in Smash Bros Ultimate 2 who didn't in Smash Bros? Alear Alucard Dixie Kong Echoes Zelda Final Fantasy character Geno Heihachi Mishima Lara Croft Mio Pauline Raven Beak Starter Pokemon Sylux Toad The Tarnished Waluigi
>>1063686 >>1063686 >Tarnished You mean Chosen Undead, Elden Ring was never on a Nintendo platform. Oh and your list is missing Dante and DOOM guy who are some of the most requested characters for Ultimate's DLC requests. I'd also say Shantae but her franchise is pretty much dead.
>>1063685 >Honestly, what can they do anymore to "change" the game? Abandond the attempt to be "competitive" and go back to being a fun platform fighter with a robust singleplayer mode on par with or excedding Brawl/Melee.
>>1063686 >Toad >Waluigi Would've happened already, they're not getting in Smash 6.
>>1063689 Melee's very competitive and has worse singleplayer than Ultimate.
>>1063686 >>1063688 I mean the Tarnished, I expect Elden Ring ported to Switch 2. I don't think Dante or DOOM guy make Ultimate 2 though DOOM guy would be cool. Shantae's possible if more Shantae's announced.
>>1063692 Honestly, if we get Tarnished or Leon Kennedy over Dante then I will be very disappointed.
>>1063688 >Shantae Shantae could work like Pokemon Trainer or Sheik/Zelda with transformations. >>1063692 >Shantae's possible if more Shantae's announced. Already was, Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution is coming in 2025.
>>1063692 A "Dark Souls-esque" representation character would at least be an interesting play style choice. Would Sakurai go so far as to NOT GIVE HIM A SHIELD, and instead force players to fat-roll out of the way of attacks (with some I-frames)? If the rumors are true and Microsoft brings Halo to Switch 2, Master Chief could be a gun-only character (with a tiny, short range melee attack for whacking people close up). But then that would run up against Dante or Doom Guy being a gun character. Then again, there are still countless fan favorite anime swordsmen to add, even if they could each have their own flavor of play (Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, Vyse from Skies of Arcadia, etc.).
>>1063663 >>1063685 Now that I think about it, Subspace Emissary 2 would make the game fly off the shelves even harder than it will. I think there's too many characters to make it any good though, so disappointment will be inevitable. >>1063685 Mario Kart 9 may borrow an idea from Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed where you can traverse water/air, but then you sort of can go through the air with the glider anyway? I don't know, I think it will be hard to change a lot but it will be improved. I just hope they fix online matchmaking, I played for one week with my trusty Luigi using whatever, won a bit, and then suddenly everyone was using Waluigi and Wario mostly in the catterpillar cars, what the fuck is this Also >Vyse Yeah right, not even SEGA cares about him anymore, his series is completely dead for now without even a hint of a remake. At best he will be in the next Sonic Racing game because Sumo seem to be SoA autists. The only person on the planet who genuinely cares about the series at this point is the Japanese guy who spent about 15 years drawing almost nothing but yaoi of Vyse (and often Gilder) and only gave up like 4 years ago to pivot to Rex and Zeke
>>1063713 Half of Subspace's draw was reveal cutscenes but Sakurai was smarter making reveals trailers. It's amazing marketing. Vyse won't be in.
>>1063715 Yeah obviously, neither him nor has-been (niche) characters like Earthworm Jim have any chance. Elma XCX is very likely though, as is the protagonist of the next Fire Emblem, Sakurai loves those series.
>>1063715 >Half of Subspace's draw was reveal cutscenes Strongly disagree. It's a basic Metroid style game but with tons and tons of characters everyone loves. Most of the most beloved entries in that genre have very little plot or story. They're all about gameplay.
>>1063694 >Already was, Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution is coming in 2025. Didn't know companies like WayForward still made GBA games, looks totally rad. More releases for retro systems, please.
>>1063705 Dante isn't really a gun character, he's more of a mix between the two. play the DMC series minus 2 pleb
All these discussion about John Halo and Doomslayer are nice and all, but the real character I want to see from Microsoft, one that has already appeared on the Switch and will most likely appear on the Switch 2 as well, is Dovakin, DRAGONBORN! FUS ROH DAH
>>1061618 >not wearing your SS-Untergruppenführeruniform while playing your Switch in public sitting on a bench next to your parked Maybach Zeppelin on a fine sunny day at the Silesian Reichsautobahn
>>1063718 >Half of Subspace's draw was reveal cutscenes but Sakurai was smarter making reveals trailers. It's amazing marketing. >with tons and tons of characters everyone loves Those characters and their reveal cutscenes are half the draw. They move Subspace from good to great, without them Sakurai did Metroid style better with Great Cave Offensive and Amazing Mirror. Try if all about Subspace gameplay.
>>1063716 Yours are very likely. Earthworm Jim isn't getting in Smash 6, Lloyd isn't either.
>>1063615 >What games would you want to see on Switch 2, /v/? New Mario, Mario Kart (revealed), Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash, Splatoon
>>1063615 >Xenoblade X 2 (or Xenoblade like X). X is my favourite by far and I want more like it >another Kid Icarus. I'd accept an Uprising remaster at this point >mainline 3D Mario, new Smash, Mario Kart >another Warriors crossover for Fire Emblem. Three Hopes and regular FE Warriors were pretty damn good, so I want more >Expand Dong (new game, not another rerelease) I also want an RPG like Golden Sun. I could even accept a remake/remaster, but it's not happening because they iirc flopped, so I want a new RPG that has nothing to do with franchises like Mario or Zelda, but especially Mario as I unfortunately find all his RPG-like games heavily overrated. That game can be turn-based, that's fine. Real time combat, also fine. Surprise me here.
>>1061701 >Metroid Prime 4 never ever. Please don't be this retarded.
>>1063719 That's pretty rich and comfy pixel art.
>>1063688 >>1063692 >>1063686 If they did anyone from Dark Souls I feel like it would be Solaire.
>>1063713 >the Japanese guy who spent about 15 years drawing almost nothing but yaoi of Vyse Why do you know that this exists. >>1063724 The sad thing about your emoticon face is that there technically is a non-zero chance of "Dovahkiin" being added to Smash, given the "popularity" of Skyrim. And the WORST part is that Shouts could actually be an interesting gameplay mechanic. Each one has a three-tier charge system that would augment play, too. Unrelenting Force would be regular B (of course). Whirlwind Fury would be side B (think Fox's, but stronger), Up B would be Cyclone (damage and upward movement). If we wanted to actually shake things up a bit, Down B could be Drain Vitality, which would apply a Lip's Stick-style damage drain to enemies close enough. And the final smash would be random between Durnehviir or Odahviing, where you call a dragon to help you fight. To top it off, every Shout would have a cooldown (like in the game, and based on what tier you used) to balance it out and force you to use a sword, magic, or be a sneaky archer with your A and A-aerial directionals until your B moves work again.
Didn't a publisher leak an april release date for the switch 2?
>>1063821 Before or after Nintendo confirmed it?
>>1063821 April 2nd is the date of the Direct, I doubt they're launching in the same month. I did read that they're releasing within the first six months of the fiscal year, but I'm not sure which fiscal year they're talking about (Japanese, US, or if they just meant the year in general).
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>>1063615 >What games would you want to see on Switch 2, /v/? The rest of From Software games as Switch 1 only has DaS1 (which I'm playing right now) Earth Defense Force 5 & 6 (Switch 1 has the other mainline titles + World Brothers 1 & 2) Granblue Fantasy Versus and Relink Judge Eyes and Lost Judgement Nioh 1 & 2 Lies of P A DJ Max title that isn't online-only unlike the PC port of Respect
>>1063600 >540x540
>>1064006 Not even 100 marines could break that stick.
I WANT 3D DOT GAME HEROES!! Aside from that, as >>1063950 said, I'd like the rest of the Souls series and an Elden Ring port, which should be possible since it also released on PS4.
>>1063615 >What games would you want to see on Switch 2, /v/? Golden Sun, Pikmin, Rhythm Heaven, Splatoon, Star Fox
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>>1064085 Actually fucking based, godspeed world wide web wankers.
>>1064074 >Switch 2 wants Bayonetta 4 A new Wario like Shake It A new Pokemon Metroid 6
>>1063615 Aside from new first party titles from Nintendo, I'm eager to see if some third party games that were not available on the Switch will come to the next console. I want to see games like Devil May Cry 5, Elden Ring, or the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 3 remake.
>>1061704 >New Animal Crossing >"Actually good" Not until they fucking shit-can the current director and team and tell them to fuck off for all eternity.
>>1063615 Other than the inevitable Splatoon 4, I can't think of much. Though I will say, I've seen a lot of folks think S4 is/will/would be a 2026 release and I think that's bullshit. I would hope for a 2025 release date, as either (my friend's words here) a "release day" title or maybe a little later on, such as into late August/early-mid September. >>1063663 >What reps would you like for Smash Bros. Ultimate 2? My list: >Shantae >Tails >Octoling Those would be my picks.
>>1064120 I honestly thought they'd have 4 inklings and 4 octolings as the character skins for Ultimate. What would an Octoling bring to the table that would warrant it even being an echo fighter?
>>1063879 The Switch was unveiled in October 2016 and released in March 2017. The Switch 2 was unveiled in January so may release in June.
>>1064139 When the S1 price drop tho?
>>1064142 Likely just when it stops being made and retailers clear stock. Also possible nintendo just buys back unsold units so the sw2 isn't alongside the sw1 on shelves.
>>1064129 Hmmmm... I'm not entirely sure. Any ideas?
>>1064120 >Shantae Yes. I've been waiting for this since Smash 4 was announced.
>>1064129 >>1064148 >>1064120 Octoling could use weapons from Splatoon 3 that Inkling doesn't, that would separate Octoling and Inkling. Splatoon 3 has 65 main weapons comprising 143 weapon kits as of version 9.0.0, plenty of choices.
>>1064142 After S2 release new, or near S2 release used as people sell S1 to upgrade to S2. eBay S1s are pretty low priced now, a new one sold today for only $200, and were relatively affordable since launch, as Nintendo realized most of their customers want games more than hardware.
None of this shit is Switch 2. There's a focused effort to derail, concern troll, and shit up this thread, don't grow that beast fighting every lie.
>>1062008 >>1062011 >>1062147 >>1062149 >>1062169 The Switch 2 already has accessories planned, like Satisfye's ZenGrip 2, with asymmetric ergonomic hand placement, dockable design, flotation for scratch prevention, a built-in vertical stand with charging support, port accessibility without obstructing airflow, secure storage for up to two game cartirdges, and non-slip rubberized grips for enhanced control.
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Besides Satisfye, Nacon's also unveiled an extensive range of accessories. Joy-Con wheel grips specifically designed for the upcoming Mario Kart game that feature four suction cups for stability, AC chargers, tempered glass screen protection kits, and soft and hard-shell carrying cases.
>>1063615 >What games would you want to see on Switch 2, /v/? Hollow Knight: Silksong, maybe its infamous delay is so Silksong releases in Nintendo Switch 2's launch lineup. >>1062335 Predicting Mario's shown in the Nintendo Direct for Nintendo Switch 2 on 4.2.2025.
>>1064142 >When the S1 price drop tho? It's amazing Nintendo got to this number of sales compared to the PS2 >in less time >in the age of smartphones >with no price cuts >and it being next to no use as a media device Once the S1 gets a price cut it's game over for Sony's claim to the best selling hardware of all time (until they magically find a few million more sales as they always do when Nintendo gets close). >>1064215 That looks pretty good. I don't like the coloured rings inside the joycons though. Hopefully there's a neutral option like the current white OLED model or the standard grey of the OG Switch release. As it is I'll have to replace my Nyko joycons for playing in portable mode. I don't just have a problem with the grips but with the tiny amount of travel the standard joycon sticks have.
>>1064172 Man, same. I was a part of the "#ShantaeForSmash" crowd for a long time. Then again, I guess I'm still a part of that crew to a degree. >>1064173 That makes legitimately good sense.
Please don't derail the thread, thank you.
>>1064263 >I was a part of the "#ShantaeForSmash" crowd for a long time. I remember those days. It looked so promising for Ultimate, too. :(
>>1064380 I miss those days, I wish I could bring them back.
Please don't be a idiot who buys cucksoles. Thank you.
>>1064120 >>1064172 >>1064263 >>1064380 Wasn't her first game on Gameboy Color? I always thought she could have a neat moveset.
>>1064495 Agreed! She would have such a fun moveset. And yeah, her debut was on the GBC back in 2002.
>>1064545 I want her to at least have a hip-sway hip-attack like Peach's butt-bump. Those fucking hips man...
>>1064557 This. This would be a pretty good attack. >>1064545 I remember that this dude built a decent idea for a moveset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx6s5HbHPX4
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>>1064557 An instakill like Hero's neutral b attack.
>>1064490 Cheaper to jailbreak one than a pc to emulate them properly.
The Italian retailer GamesandMovies initiated Nintendo Switch 2 pre-orders at what roughly converts to $379.77. If that's what Nintendo Switch 2 will cost, that's a lower price than people expected.
>>1065187 Except you already have a PC and you just need to download an emulator and a ROM. It physically cannot be cheaper.
>>1065299 The price of a computer that can emulate Switch is a lot more than the price of a Switch, and most people don't have one that powerful just because. That much computing power is only needed by few niche users. Ever see those Steam stats about the hardware the average Steam user has? Now, I do agree the average Steam user is dumber than the average person, especially than the average person here, but still. If I had a computer good enough to emulate Switch, all that extra power would only be used to emulate a couple of games, and I wouldn't use it for anything else. Might not be worth the money for some people.
>>1065356 >most people don't have one that powerful just because. Anon, this is /v/. Respect your audience. >all that extra power would only be used to emulate a couple of games, and I wouldn't use it for anything else. Why? You have hundreds of thousands of other games to play (and emulate).
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>>1064490 sorry I like videogames
>>1065356 >The price of a computer that can emulate Switch is a lot more than the price of a Switch What games are you going to be playing on the Switch that would require it in the first place?
>>1065368 Most of those other games run on toasters and don't require anything near the power to emulate Switch.
>>1065401 >He likes video games Weirdo
>>1065401 Are you Chinese?
>>1065527 >Are you Chinese? Anon, that's literally Earth Defense Force in Japanese
>>1065408 splatoon :)
>>1065539 What would you guys want from Splatoon 4?
>>1065540 Depth and breadth. Instead of "more of the same" gameplay. "Four way matches" wouldn't cut it. Totally different game styles, both single and multiplayer. The combination of gun styles and ink movement has a lot of potential for different types of game.
>>1065540 Let me think... >Dedicated servers >Better netcode >Better matchmaking >Vending machine that gives chunks or tickets in exchange for (tons of?) cash >Ability to spawn in “dummy” inklings with record/playback, multiple recording slots and the option to play random recordings. Have this in Recon Mode too (This one seems like wishful hoping tbh) That's the most I can think of without getting into greater detail.
>>1065540 Probably a redo on sub-weapons so they don't feel like a punishment or consolation prize when paired with a strong or weak weapon. I'm more open to specials being used that way but sub-weapons are something you use all the time. Line marker either costing way less ink or doing damage for crossing the lingering beam, for example.
>>1065540 Aside from being able to undress the inklings? I'm not sure.
>>1065540 >>1065543 >>1065564 >>1065568 >What would you guys want from Splatoon 4? New multiplayer modes, co-op story mode, expanded plaza, more players in matches like Mario Kart 9's 24 person races doublng Mario Kart 8's 12 person races,
During an interview with Danny Pena on YouTube, Phil Spencer said working with Nintendo has been a great experience for Xbox and that Microsoft's games will continue to show up on more and more platforms.
>>1065645 Adding more specifics, the insider eXtas1s claimed Microsoft's bringing Halo: The Master Chief Collection to the Switch 2, and believes Bethesda will port Fallout 4 and Starfield to the console.
>>1065645 >>1065646 What would you want from a sequel to one of Rare's IPs? How would Banjo-Threeie work, or Conker's Badder Fur Day?
>>1065648 I'd really really like Rare working another DKC game but I don't see that happening sadly. Bringing back Wizards & Warriors in a post Dark Souls industry might lead to something interesting. A new Battletoads that isn't Thundercats Roar! tier dogshit would be nice too.
>>1065648 That sounds good and all anon, but you are getting Sea of Thieves 2 and you will be happy.
Has anyone seen the alleged smash 6 leaks? I don't have the post on me but allegedly Waluigi and Sol Badguy are gonna get added. It's probably bullshit bu I wanted to know what you thought
>>1065755 >Has anyone seen the alleged smash 6 leaks? I don't have the post on me but allegedly Waluigi and Sol Badguy are gonna get added. It's probably bullshit I haven't seen these alleged Smash 6 leaks, what's the leak and where? >I wanted to know what you thought It's probably bullshit. Waluigi could get in though, and >>1065646 >insider eXtas1s claimed Microsoft's bringing Halo: The Master Chief Collection to the Switch 2 Maybe John Halo gets in.
>>1065755 >>1065757 Tracked the source of the rumor to a 4chan OP. >Working title is simply Super Smash Bros. 6 >Currently slated for Summer 2026 >ALL of the roster is back again, Sakurai wanted to do some cuts but Bandai Namco and Nintendo decided not to in the end >Some characters have had big changes to their moveset, Link has powers from TTOTK incorporated into his special moves, Samus has the Dash from Metroid Dread, Cloud has some of his special moves from the Remake games, etc. >Also Ganondorf is now his TOTK self, Ryu & Ken look like their SF6 versions, Bayonetta has her Bayo 3 design, Kazuma has his Tekken 8 design, Donkey Kong looks like the movie design >Art style is pretty similar to Ultimate but with improved lighting and more expressive characters and facial animations >Stage count has been cut down to 50-55 stages to focus on other things like bringing back Trophies >Trophies are back and have detailed descriptions, you get them for completing missions, doing Arcade mode and other random tasks >Adventure mode is like SSBU’s world map and Spirit fights but with Subspace Emissary story and cutscenes basically, apparently there’s over like an hour of cutscenes just like Brawl >The only newcomers for the base game are; >Waluigi >Toon Zelda >Noah & Mio >Armorouge/Ceruledge >Sol Badguy >Crash Bandicoot >Paper Mario will be DLC for day 1 buyers ala Piranha Plant.
>>1065759 >ALL of the roster is back again >Art style is pretty similar to Ultimate but with improved lighting and more expressive characters and facial animations >Adventure mode is like SSBU’s world map and Spirit fights >More third parties They haven't learned a damn thing!
>>1065530 But it might be a Chinanon
>>1065759 Smash leak sounds fake, not trusting a random anon on 4cuck
>>1065759 that's faker than a half yen coin
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>>1065818 >a half yen coin You mean a 50 Sen coin?
>>1065759 It's just a random post. Summer 2026 seems a bit too late for what I'm expecting, and I just don't see Sol coming, not when Nintendo could easily get someone people care about like MK Scorpion (or Raiden/Liu Kang) instead. I can believe in Smash 6 having stuff like character redesigns and moveset changes to many characters, but those weren't exactly hard to guess, Nintendo likes to use the latest designs and the companies they get the characters from also would benefit from that sort of thing.
>>1065839 oh... well then, faker than a half sen coin, those can't be, right?, also how long have those been out of circulation?, because they re out of circulation, right?
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>>1065870 >well then, faker than a half sen coin, those can't be, right? Those did exist, later replaced by the 5 Rin coin. >also how long have those been out of circulation?, because they re out of circulation, right? Yes, they are. The Rin and the Sen were retired in 1953, mostly due to the Yen hyper-inflating after the war.
>>1065901 oh wow, you learn something new every day, nice & thank you for your replies
>>1065759 >Non starter Pokemon >Toon Zelda >Sol Badguy no chance of happening
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>>1065527 >>1065801 Just someone who does enjoy Japanese imports
>>1065926 I could believe the Armarouge/Ceruledge thing since they're pretty popular in Japan as a duo and used a lot in various spinoffs and promotional media. Sol Badguy is what makes the leaks sound fake. Guilty gear took a nosedive in popularity in Japan with Strive and outside of FGC faggots the game isn't very popular. If you were going to put in any other fighting game character a Mortal Kombat character would make more sense since that's the last of the three big normalfaggot fighting games that's not represented. >>1065940 How was the Uma Musume Mario Party clone? Or did you just buy it for lulz?
>>1065926 Toon Zelda would have an Echoes of Wisdom moveset, allowing regular Zelda to retain her moves. I could see it adding flavor to the game. There are plenty of non-starter Pokémon. In fact, the only starters are from Gen 1. What are you talking about? My best friend, who loves Guilty Gear passionately (and hates the politics of Strive) doesn't believe Sol Badguy for a second. But he's a massive pessimist. >>1066008 Original GG is on Switch, though, alongside Strive. Is Minecraft really popular enough in Japan to have included Steve? Apparently. Is Halo popular in Japan; that's the real question. John Halo being added is the "obvious" choice if Switch 2 MCC is actually real, but can it otherwise be justified? Hell, didn't they try to get fucking James Bond in original Smash–simply because GoldenEye was so popular–before being forced to abandon it due to copyright? Clearly they tried since the motion-sensor bomb is 1:1 from GoldenEye.
>>1065940 >Densha da GO Have you played it? Do you have the Switch train controller for it?
>>1066036 Pretty sure the mcc is being swept under the rug, they basically killed any ambitions when people said no to paid battle passes.
>>1065901 Isn't that the Toyotomi mon on that coin? >>1066008 >Guilty gear took a nosedive in popularity in Japan with Strive and outside of FGC faggots the game isn't very popular. Did Strive really tank the series that badly? I figured most of the negative sentiments were just from us shitlords on imageboards and the like. That's good to here if so. Maybe there'll be a chance to turn the series around, or at least let it rest in peace.
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>>1066008 >How was the Uma Musume Mario Party clone? Or did you just buy it for lulz? It's just 4 mini-games (dodgeball, eating contest, basketball, racing with obstacles), plus a retro shooting title that can be unlocked pretty quick, with a story mode and nothing much beyond that. Unfortunately the post-release DLC character packs don't even add new story chapters for character interactions. It's mainly for people into the Uma Musume franchise with the extra incentive of the download code for the mobile game granting items especially the rainbow gem as it's otherwise not exactly worth the asking price of ~4800 yen. >>1066048 >Have you played it? Do you have the Switch train controller for it? Yes and I also own the brake controller from Yuiki imported from Japan a few years back https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B097SSK4NC For people unfamiliar with the franchise, it's definitively an arcade game where each stage consists of a series of stops on a line and you get a score depending of your proficiency (clearing within time, stopping exactly where you're supposed to, braking smoothly, dimming your lights on oncoming trains while not forgetting to put them back on, pressing X to signal you're paying attention to speed limits, etc.). While JP-only, the nature of the game makes it the language barrier rather low outside of some specific objectives but there are fan-guides online if you ever need some help. >>1066036 Speaking of the Guilty Gear Strive port on Switch, it does look pretty impressive from a technical point, showing once again that the hybrid console does have more power than what people (and third-party devs) usually credit it for https://youtu.be/mhsVRhgfq0s https://youtu.be/GW0mux0deT0?t=231 Which is why I'm fairly confident that visual differences between the Switch 2 and game versions of other platforms will become much harder to spot on in the future
I'm still regretful we never got something like this. I wish Nintendo would just do something fun every once in a while.
>>1066620 A limited edition of that would sell, but nobody wants to play Virtual Boy games.
>>1066623 Wario Land was a good VB game. The Nintendo Museum in Japan actually has a playable Virtual Boy station that's emulated on Switch, Nintendo streamed a Direct for the Nintendo Museum 5 months ago to 1.5M people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JApUMBscKOc
>>106662 While looking up the Nintendo Museum Direct I noticed, in the side videos, Nintendo had a roughly 10 minute Super Nintendo World Direct for Donkey Kong Country at Universal Studios Japan on 11.11.2024, which I missed. Most of the fun Nintendo does is their games but beside that, the Donkey Kong Country of Super Nintendo World looks like recent fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8OtALOr8JI
>>1066620 They put VB games on the 3DS eShop, you know.
Chances of the miiverse coming back? The wii u had so much fucking soul bros...
>>1065940 I'm not Japanese, what games are these? >>1066036 I want Toon Zelda with an Echoes of Wisdom moveset too. Minecraft Steve proves Toon Zelda with an Echoes of Wisdom moveset can work. >>1066625 Toadstool Cafe, the restaurant at Super Nintendo World, has soul. >>1067986 A little Miiverse is in Mario Maker 2 and Switch Splatoons, probably Miiverse won't but Splatoon 4 and Mario Maker 3 get Miiverses.
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>>1067986 I just want Mii creation to have Miitopia's design system as the fucking BASELINE of what's possible.
>>1067998 >I'm not Japanese, what games are these? Earth Defense Force 4.1 (don't think this one needs introduction, otherwise it's an arcade shooter with giant bugs by the hundreds and big alien robots) Densha de Go! Hashirou Yamanote Sen (explained above) Shin Hayarigami 1&2 (Horror detective VNs where you solve murder cases based on Japanese urban legends, with blueboards to complete, lot of choice prompts and many bad endings) Uma Musume Pretty Derby - Nekketsu Hachamecha dai Kansha-Sai (explained above) Yobarai Detective Miasma Breaker (action shooter featuring an office lady and her spirit animal buddies) I would say my Switch game library is ~90% made up of third-parties and no doubt bigger than my decade-and-half old Steam account.
>>1066623 Wario Land and Jack Bros are fantastic virtual boy games, and they play very well on a modded n3ds
>>1068126 That fat faggot just followed the same steps as his lover: MundaneMatt, peak fence-sitting decay. >>1068132 And the robot boxing was good too, hell bring Mario Clash too it's a nice time killer figuring out how its perspective works when throwing shit at enemies.

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