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GamerGate Radio

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Polygon admits flaws in ESRB's solution to microtransactions Lich Lord of GamerGate 03/04/2018 (Sun) 15:13:33 Id: e40b5b No. 331639 [Reply]
Polygon: The ESRB’s new warning seems to hide loot boxes in plain sight https://archive.fo/wVxAg >Patricia Vance at first sounded a little confused by the pushback. Another reporter on the call Tuesday pointed out to Vance, the president of the Entertainment Software Rating Board, just how expansive the board’s new labeling of in-game purchases really was. Practically anything you see touted at E3 2017, The Game Awards, PlayStation Experience, it’s all carrying some kind of in-app purchase. >Vance suggested that there are post-release expansions that are not offered for sale from within a game. I know I scratched my head trying to think of one; it sounded like the others on the line were, too. I tried to repeat the question in a different way, pointing out that a current game — South Park: The Fractured But Whole — has chapter extensions and a season pass, literally available from within the game (a bus stop serves as the marketplace for that). None of that was objectionable before loot crates hit the scene last fall. And there are no loot crates in the South Park game. >Vance stuck to the message. A season pass and DLC offered from within the game gets the in-game purchases label, and the ESRB encourages all parents to set spending controls using tools on the platforms available. >“The new In-Game Purchases label will be applied to games with in-game offers to purchase digital goods or premiums with real world currency,” the ESRB said in a statement, “including but not limited to bonus levels, skins, surprise items (such as item packs, loot boxes, mystery awards), music, virtual coins and other forms of in-game currency, subscriptions, season passes and upgrades (eg. to disable ads).” >To me, it has the effect of obscuring, or normalizing (there’s a trendy word) the phenomenon of loot crates. If they’re just another in-game purchase, and gamers have tolerated them for years, what’s the BFD about this one, right? I’m not the only one who feels this way. >A ‘Missed Opportunity’ to educate consumers >”I think that’s absolutely the case,” said Rep. Chris Lee of Oahu, Hawaii, the state legislator behind a series of bills being considered by Hawaii’s assembly. They had hearings two weeks ago and the state’s House of Representatives and Senate are now considering each other’s proposals for a full vote in their chambers. “Nearly every major title has some form of in-game purchase. This label hides whether those purchases are a large downloadable piece of content or an endless loot box mechanic. So people have no idea, no way to find out until after they have purchased the game.” >Lee is right. Go through our Top 10 Games of 2017. All but one (Everything) contain some kind of in-game purchase that conforms to this new labeling standard. No one is accusing Nier: Automata, Persona 5 or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild of the kind of obnoxious behavior seen in Star Wars: Battlefront 2, or what caused Call of Duty: WWII to alter its rollout of real-money purchases. >In sports, my area of expertise, the last game I could find that had no in-game transactions was Rory McIlroy PGA Tour, which launched in mid-2015. The Golf Club 2, an unlicensed challenger, has some benign premium DLC to boost a player’s career. NBA Playgrounds, which I didn’t care for but which was at least praised for having, at launch, an old-school progression of unlocking the roster, has some extra characters for sale. Sure, EA Sports Ultimate Team has been around for nine years across now five titles, but MLB The Show, Pro Evolution Soccer and, especially, NBA 2K all have variants. And the “training points” for MLB The Show’s Road to the Show career mode, which I’ve likened to virtual PEDs, predate all of that. >Lee overreached a bit, in my view, when he invoked FIFA 18 as a game “built around loot box gambling, that continues to be rated for all ages, with zero meaningful disclosure that they contain in-game gambling.” Ultimate Team is contained to a single mode of play, many don’t prefer it, and you can easily get $60 worth of play out of all the other modes it offers.
>But I do respect Lee’s consistency of message, that there’s at least a class of microtransactions that deserve more attention. I still think he and his colleagues face a steep challenge, because it can still be argued they’re seeking to regulate content, and video game publishers won big against that effort in 2011 when the Supreme Court threw out a California law and found video games to be protected works of free expression. >For its part, the ESRB seems unwilling to call out loot boxes as any kind of special or distinctive transaction. It was pointed out to Vance that the ESRB has content descriptors for gambling (and “simulated gambling”). Not that I expected the ESRB — a creation of the Entertainment Software Association — to regulate them as such. The ESA has been clear since the Battlefront 2 controversy broke that it does not consider loot boxes to be gambling, as Lee and other regulators and lawmakers allege. >”I’m sure you’re all asking why we did not do something more specific to loot boxes,” Vance said. And, yeah, we were. She pointed to focus-group research that suggested parents weren’t familiar with the concept, and even those who were, weren’t actually informed about what a loot crate involves. >A more specific warning is needed >To my mind, that would suggest the necessity of a warning more specific than the ESRB is offering, rather than a blanket label that equates story extension DLC with a spin at the wheel for virtual items. The ESRB’s thrust is clear: Drive the focus toward parental controls that are available on consoles and other systems, which we’ve called a problem already solved. This isn’t surprising, and this approach was suggested to me by others within the industry a couple of weeks ago after the Hawaii legislation was introduced. >A public service campaign calling attention to the parental support a console provides — and has provided for years — is fine. What’s bothering everyone is this is an industry trend, and the only way that can effectively be regulated is if no one’s buying it. Good luck with that, especially on something as popular as The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or Call of Duty. >The ESRB may not be in a position where it can tell publishers what it can and can’t do — its purpose is to describe, not regulate. But it’s supposed to provide meaningful advisories to video game consumers, and this in-game purchases label really isn’t one. The reminder to use sub-accounts and set spending controls — and the fact such controls are available — is useful. >But the ESRB’s muddled approach seems to be preserving the option of loot crate systems in video games in hopes the popular opposition to them dies off soon. >”It’s a missed opportunity and perhaps even a step backward for the ESRB and the ESA,” Lee said. “They could have taken meaningful and proactive steps, but this seems to be doubling down on loot boxes and simulated gambling mechanics."

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A private internet Lich Lord of GamerGate 03/01/2018 (Thu) 07:15:16 Id: c5a0ad No. 331623 [Reply]
So with talks about SESTA/FOSTA going through despite warnings from everyone (Including the DoJ, and a number of politicians), some Anons are asking the question of "How will we build another internet?" That's what the purpose of this topic is for discussing.

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Main Fallout Designer & Executive leaving the sinking ship Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/15/2018 (Thu) 23:32:30 Id: fd9266 No. 331582 [Reply]
Vavra mentioned that Josh Sawyer, author of Fallout series, said that if they succeed he is leaving his job and will be founding a studio of his own.

Jim Sterling Did Nothing Wrong Leader 12/08/2015 (Tue) 01:51:43 Id: aab810 No. 308058 [Reply] [Last]
Why is Jim Sterling a name that gets dragged through the mud here? What is it with you faggots and your petty grudges against critics that hold a few different opinions from you? I like Jim Sterling's consumerist critique enough to excuse his feminist apologia. Vid related. It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform with none of the necessary criticism you don't want to hear because it makes you personally uncomfortable, as high art should at least be able to do. Fuck Bob Chipman though, that creep says something stupid and off-putting anytime he opens his mouth.
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>>308476 Feminists are obsessed with sexuality only in a context in which they can "subvert" their proclaimed patriarchal strawmen, usually from the comfort of highly supportive academic circlejerks and hollow media exposes. They do not "own" their sexuality- they willingly cede power to their supposed oppressors for the sake of more sophisticated and involuted complaints. A feminist work of art is not any proclamation of ownership, agency, or power, but a childish "take that!" against an institution feminists know will never dare turn on them.
Someone in this thread is going to either die alone surrounded by cats or get fucked by a Nigger.

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#ItsOkayToBeWhite Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/13/2018 (Tue) 11:46:28 Id: 4798cc No. 331576 [Reply]
First post… https://youtu.be/in4QiU__JcQ Hey guys I've been following this Social Justice thing for a while and I thought the 4chan #ItsOkayToBeWhite publicity stunt was so genius it deserved it's own anthem. Hope you dig it, cheers!
It was a good piece of agitprop that exposed some actual racists in positions of power, but people didn't follow through by collecting names, shaming, and pushing out to media.

Bioware & Anita Sarkeesian Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/13/2018 (Tue) 00:23:24 Id: cd000a No. 331575 [Reply]
I bet she's spreading more lies and social justice bullshit in Bioware headquarters. Maybe she wants more attention, more credit in special thanks (like Firewatch), and more victim bucks.

GG Wiki Gijinka Improvement Thread MikiSayaka33 08/30/2016 (Tue) 22:21:33 Id: 105e09 No. 327365 [Reply] [Last]
Meme: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/Oc-Age-Meme-Gerta-Wicks-622302054 GG Wiki-tan: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/GGwiki-Chan-613222903 Her teen form is because is to symbolize the fact that the wiki needs more info/pages/data to grow/ be complete. But the adult and toddler forms, would need some work and better changes. Judging from the feedback that I got for them. KiA: https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4thcin/mine_oc_age_meme_gerta_wicks/ So what would ya guys like for me to change?
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So, which one do you want me to take and improve/tweak even further?
To do later.

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Net Neutrality Aftermath - OP Chickasaw Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/15/2017 (Fri) 02:26:58 Id: 08f85d No. 331436 [Reply]
Net Neutrality is dead, but technically it's always been with us: https://archive.is/yAryk >In 1946, the Supreme Court decided the case of Marsh v. Alabama, in which a Jehovah’s Witness was arrested for trespassing because she was distributing religious literature in Chickasaw, Alabama, a town that was wholly owned by the Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation. Marsh argued that because the town’s roads and sidewalks were the only means by which she could exercise her freedom of speech—and because the town of Chickasaw had been open to public use in all other respects—the trespassing arrest violated her rights under the First Amendment. >In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Marsh’s favor. Justice Hugo Black decreed that private entities do not have the right to ban speech on their property if they happen to own a monopoly on the means by which speech can take place. Black also argued that the more that private entities open their property up to public use, the fewer rights they have to control or ban what people do on that property. >Given that Google, Twitter, Apple, Facebook, and other edge providers are publicly-accessible entities that have deliberately pushed for monopoly control over the Internet, it’s clear that Marsh v. Alabama prohibits them from censoring right-wingers. The statute also applies to ISPs, since they wield a monopoly over Internet access. All it would take to shut down online censorship is a halfway-decent lawyer arguing that these left-wing Big Tech companies are literally violating the Constitution. Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution, and ISPs would too if they throttle! < Spreading the word Using a tweet as an example (baring in mind you can also use GAB or Minds): twitter.com/MockNDrole/status/941464844196352000 > Don't be clickbait, briefly explain why Net Neutrality was unnecessary by one of the points mentioned in the archive- in fact, include it as well. > Tailor to your audience. Most of your followers Right Wing? Tell them how Google and Twitter are already breaking the constitution for silencing conservatives. Most of Your Audience like Net Neutrality? Explain how it's already in the Constitution! > If you focus on one point- include a screencap where in the post it says it- and highlight it in the archive. This gives you a new URL that'll highlight the same area and scroll down for whoever clicks on it, like so: https://archive.is/yAryk#selection-615.0-637.42 - include the original URL as well (https://archive.is/yAryk) > Include #NetNeutrality because it's trending,and those into it will see it when searching as well. > Post your tweet here to spread the info quicker via old-fashioned SignalBooster tactics. You can also write to your senator! (Literally search "How do I contact my senator" or "How do I contact the senator of [state] and you'll find it.)

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>>331436 >>331437 > /pol/ Thread (may die, please archive if it stops bumping). Please cross post useful info here to there, and vice-versa. >>>/pol/11043319
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Also (if true) Net neutrality may have given the Clinton's unfettered reign to shut down any website deemed "propaganda". If she had won.
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Unverified "leak" on cuckchan for audio/AI marketing in vidya, BEYOND SLIMY IF TRUE Lich Lord of GamerGate 01/15/2018 (Mon) 02:03:05 Id: 820212 No. 331502 [Reply]
Still unconfirmed. It was reported to be a dead man's switch going off. https://imgur.com/a/rhFuj Imgur gallery that was posted http://archive.is/B0Y69 archive of cuckchan thread If you want to try and dig to see if its legit or fake, feel free to There's a lot of sketchy thinks that would detract from potential legitimacy, but there are aspects to it that are legitimate such as linking to peer-reviewed scientific journals that aren't necessarily common knowledge for comparisons to their "research"
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also another question, in the first slide, did they use a center alignment or a left alignment for the first line?
>>331530 It looks like left alignment to me
/pol/ thread is unlikely to be revived again, so here is the archive of it: https://archive.is/RyvsV

Twitter Post Purge: Kill or Break? Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/20/2017 (Wed) 21:28:41 Id: bae7c1 No. 331445 [Reply]
In light of the recent Twitter Purge bans/shadow bans, we need a plan >>331385 > Spread articles like: https://archive.is/Bibwn (Tweet: twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/943034821625991169) - The headline of this one sucks, but the body is good. > Spread videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mZs-1XLw0s > Spread information from the #TwitterPurge hashtag: twitter.com/search?q=%23TwitterPurge&src=tyah > Keep pointing out how Antifa and SJW threats are not banned. The more the bias is seen, the better. Include Twitter's stock code ($TWTR) as well to make shareholders shit themselves. > Find out if you are shadow banned: http://shadownban-checker.xho.bedita.net/ > If you get banned/shadowbanned, make a new account and keep RTing and spreading information they want to censor- why give them their perfect "safe-space" platform? They didn't leave us in peace, and would snuff out where we refuge if given the chance. Become Umman Manda (pic related). I'm not saying raid. But I am saying we should make them work hard for a change. > Spread alternatives (Mastadon, Gab.Ai, Minds, Bluehand, Wrongthink.net etc). Remember, we want to stop Twitter being the "main" social media hub. So spread around even the ones you don't like (as long as they function- any biases can be solved by dilution. Better than taking all the eggs from one basket, and putting them in another basket- along with the rotten ones). Include Twitter's stock code as well ($TWTR) to make shareholders shit themselves. > Ask companies you "like" (i.e. those you buy from or you think are big) if they have accounts on the alternatives (where applicable). Attack Twitter's wallet by getting big companies to jump ship, or at least have a foot in another one so as Twitter continues to decline they have more temptation to abandon it ("Well, we have an alternative already set up"). DisNod basically- maybe organize weekly targets? > Use alternatives more (post your accounts here if you need to connect with GG people). Being they are not SJW/Marxist either, it should be a better class of people to interact with as well.
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>>331448 Info on shares would be grand to dig into. Also, I whole heatedly support "normie purge"- since SJWs will be protected.
Twitter caught red-handed admitting they censor conservatives & Trump supporters >>331496 They want "shitty people" off their website. People of logic, people of fact, people pushing against bullshit. I started the OP as if breaking or killing Twitter are two different things. They are not. Twitter's purpose is to push narratives and reinforce MSM propaganda. If we break Twitter- it is no longer Twitter as we know it now, so it is dead and replaced by a better Twitter. If Twitter shuts down- it is dead. Get this info out however you can! Tag-jack (include unrelated popular trends), include the stock-code for Twitter ($TWTR), show it to people in real life- and most importantly- if you are banned from Twitter, make another account. They want shitty people to be gone? Overload them with it. Break their censorship block, and their safe-space. Only reason I'm here is thanks to an anon posting about fullchan on halfchan about a week or two after GG was banned from discussion. Censorship can be broken, and we know that normalfags are against SJW when properly motivated (i.e. when they've been lied to, or risk being under the boot). Don't run and hide to another place. Fuck Twitter up.

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Happy New Year! Acid Man 01/01/2018 (Mon) 07:51:54 Id: bad383 No. 331466 [Reply]
Well anons, its 2018! Once again the Christmas Stalingrad comes to an end, and #GamerGate is still here. Some Announcements! As you can see, we still have some decent activity going on, as the various factions and branches of #GG continue to pursue their goals. >EA is taking a beating over the Battlefront II lootbox controversy >Magic the Gathering is seeing a moderate sized eruption of a #GG-like phenomenon after permabanning one of their commentators for being a shitlord >Gawker is meddling around with an attempt to revive >Tencent is up to some shady shit >Our Wikipedia article still sucks and the bullshit going on over there continues to compromise the integrity of their entire site >and much more!

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Good times these days the only mentions of GG I hear, is when another games journo is revealed to be a sexual harasser… Good times
>>331466 John Kelly is at Braving Ruin's server His new name is Vazorium#4086 https://discordapp.com/invite/bHMhsxM
>the wiki I'm looking forward to that, as a newfag who only found out about GG in 2015 (not from the US), there's so much I want to know but I don't feel like I can trust any of those many random blog posts all over the web.

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#GamerGate FBI Investigation FOIA RELEASE Acid Man 12/06/2016 (Tue) 08:17:03 Id: 5602b7 No. 328980 [Reply]
So one of our Twitterfront peeps just got back a FOIA request he made about the FBI investigation into #GG. From the sound of it he got a couple CDs of redacted documents going all the way back to September 2014. https://twitter.com/livebeef https://twitter.com/whenindoubtdo Notable things so far: The bomb threat against Anita in Utah is hilariously bad and full of memes. Someone used the dox of a senior admin at Intel and tried to open a bank account with it. Apparently at least one person back on halfchan sent threats and got busted. Some underageb& admitted to sending someone 40-50 harassing phonecalls and got busted.

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Voat received funding from an unknown source shortly after this anon's report was received by a US govt office.
TL;DR: Metafilter is deluded, cucked, and paranoid like usual.
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Let's not forget Brianna Wu / John Flynt wanted to re-open the FBI case against GamerGate if he's elected for congress.

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Tencent digging/infographic creation thread Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/29/2017 (Fri) 19:56:36 Id: d81691 No. 331455 [Reply]
Let's try to collate, combine and centralize any and all information we have on these slimebags, eventually leading to some OC and infographics we can dump on twitter, leddit and wherever whenever a product of their's is released, or just for general usage and redpilling. Here's a start from anon in the gg thread: http://archive.is/MvcUa Newest Tencent article on (((Wikipedia))). The most interesting parts in it are Controversy paragraph and third text paragraph. Controversy Copying claims >Many of Tencent's software and services are remarkably similar to those of competitors. >The founder and chairman, Huateng "Pony Ma" Ma, famously said, "[To] copy is not evil." A former CEO and President of SINA.com, Wang Zhidong, said, "Pony Ma is a notorious king of copying." >Jack Ma of Alibaba Group stated, "The problem with Tencent is the lack of innovation; all of their products are copies.

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Copy-pasted/mirrored from GG thread: >Back on topic, tencent isn't just investing into gaymen cash cows, they also have shekels into a bunch of other companies, including spotify https://archive.is/JmcYl <What sort of info are you looking for on tencent? They're a massive chinese company and have hands in nearly every single western videogame company. >according to China Daily, they surpassed Wells Fargo and became the world’s tenth biggest publicly traded company in terms of market value. >Riot games the makers of LoL is completely owned by Tencent >Tencent bought a majority stake worth $8.6 billion in Supercell, developers of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, two of the biggest mobile phone games in the world. >Back in 2013, Tencent bought a nearly 50% stake in Epic Games >the same year, Tencent participated in Activision Blizzard’s buyback from Vivendi. Tencent’s stake is $2.3 billion, giving them around 25% of the company which puts out Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Candy Crush. http://archive.is/nFa32

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A couple of asides that come to mind in regards to Tencent: ^ On the mobile gaming front, they were responsible for the push for Nexon's properties to go mobile, like the failed Dungeon aNd Fighter Mobile (Dungeon Fighter Online in the west) game. * Related to the first, Tencent actually encourages the practice of gold farming, though this is a common feature when it comes to China-based online games. This is even in the face of stricter regulations on video games passed into laws, they're known to exploit loopholes.
Nintendo Deal With Tencent Paves Way for China Push https://archive.fo/koDA7 > For all its global popularity, Nintendo Co. has had relatively limited business in China. Now a deal with Tencent Holdings Ltd. has investors excited at the prospect that Nintendo’s Switch console and smartphone games could take off in one of the world’s biggest game markets. > Nintendo shares shot up by more than 7% to a nine-year high Tuesday as investors welcomed its deal to put one of China’s most popular videogames—Tencent’s “Honor of Kings”—on the Nintendo Switch this winter. The game is called “Arena of Valor” in Europe, and a U.S. launch under that name is set for later this year. > For the moment, the deal, disclosed last week in a Nintendo video posted online, doesn’t directly involve users in China because the Switch isn’t sold there. But it could be a precursor to further arrangements allowing Nintendo to sell the Switch and its mobile games in China, said people familiar with the thinking of Nintendo and Tencent executives. > “This is very positive in the longer term in getting Chinese publishers supporting the Switch,” said Macquarie Capital Securities analyst David Gibson. He said he expected Nintendo to introduce the Switch in China by March 2019. > China is the world’s largest smartphone game market, and “Honor of Kings,” first released two years ago, is one of its standout hits. Research firm App Annie said the game was the top-grossing app in China during the second quarter of this year, earning some $87 million a month on average on Apple Inc.’s iOS platform. > The game, a battle between five-player teams, has been so popular that this summer, Tencent imposed daily playing-time limits on players aged 18 and under and imposed a curfew for children 12 and under. It was introduced in Europe in August. > For 15 years starting in 2000, China blocked videogame console makers from its market, saying the consoles could hurt young people’s education. After it opened up in 2015, Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp. released their latest consoles. Nintendo held back, in part because consoles remain a niche product in a country where consumers are used to playing on smartphones and personal computers. Nintendo has sold a version of its 3DS handheld device in China, but it drew less traction than in the U.S. or Japan. > People familiar with Nintendo’s thinking said it has been looking for ways to expand in China and sees Tencent as a possible partner, although they cautioned that nothing is in place yet. They said Nintendo looked at selling its Wii U console in China but dropped the plan. > In addition to the Switch, which went on sale in March, Nintendo has moved into smartphone games globally since last year with titles such as “Super Mario Run.” If the company makes a big push in China, it would likely look for ways to make those games available to Chinese smartphone users, analysts said. > The Tencent-Nintendo deal also has implications beyond China because it suggests that Tencent is getting more aggressive about reaching customers beyond its home market. > “Tencent’s approach outside China has been to invest in gaming companies that augment its existing games and pipeline in China,” said Daniel Ahmad, an analyst at Niko Partners who follows the Chinese game market. “Now we’re seeing Tencent start to bring its own internal games to the West.” > Meanwhile, the addition of the Tencent game to Nintendo’s Switch lineup suggests rising third-party support for the console, a key factor for its long-term success, said Macquarie’s Mr. Gibson. > Sony’s PlayStation 4 has many more units sold because it has been on the market for nearly four years, but Mr. Ahmad of Niko Partners said the Switch’s smartphone-like aspects, such as portability and a built-in touch screen, attracted game makers such as Tencent that are used to smartphones. > Over Fence Co., a small game developer in Tokyo, said it found it easier to win attention when it introduced its puzzle game “Flip Wars” for the Switch because the field of software competitors isn’t as crowded compared to smartphones. It said it was preparing several more Switch titles.

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#OpFakeNews President Elect 12/11/2016 (Sun) 07:38:18 Id: db9390 No. 329096 [Reply]
Brilliant Judo-strategy by half/pol/. We use the FakeNews meme against the real fake news and also promote the idea that no comment section = suspect story.
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Gee, the debunking sure is full-proof. Be sure to tag #FakeNews when sharing this. MSM hates their own meme was turned onto them.
Relevant for the FakeNews branding: >>329177 Why defame when you can outlaw?
thread repair bump

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Gawker may come back from the dead Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/12/2017 (Tue) 10:54:16 Id: 5b421d No. 331427 [Reply]
We need to have a frank discussion about new developments concerning Gawker. You may have been under the impression that Uni vision purchased Gawker last year, that was not technically true. Univision purchased Gizmodo Media Group a holding company with the shitty sites Gizmodo, Jezebel, Deadspin, Kotaku, Jalopnik, and Lifehacker; Gawker itself was not included. The Judge allowed Nick Denton to delay the sail of Gawker itself because GG had made it so toxic that it would have dragged down the value of the other assets if bundled. Well the actual Gawker site is now getting ready to be auctioned off along with the rights to sue Peter Thiel for his roll in helping Hogan achieve justice. Seriously the rights to sue someone is being auctioned. Anyhoo the nigger fucking faggot Nick Denton wants to bid for it, Peter Thiel himself wants to bid but some probably illegal bullshit is happening to block him and a bunch of former employees are on kikestarter wanting you to help them buy it for them because they want to work for themselves like a bunch of commie hippy fagots. Anyway after reading over kikestarters TOS it's clear that what they are trying to do is in clear violation. You cant use kikestarter to be mean or victimize anyone, gawker literally is all about that. And this campain states that they want to preserve all the old articles and shit. I was half way into writing the report pointing out specific instances of there bullshit like when they made fun of someone for having his dad die or a woman for having cancer. But like what would I achieve, if they get kicked from kikestarter they would just try to Streisand it and get even more victim bux from some other platform. Also I don't know if these hippies would be the worst owners. Someone's going to end up with the website. Presumably if Peter gets it he would shut it down but he may not want to pay the final asking price or he may not be allowed to even bid. Denton did a class act of fucking it up the first time maybe he could fail a second? Maybe these hippies will find out just how hard it is to play with the big boys. One of the most hilarious aspects of the kikestarter campaign is that if they get funded but don't win the bid for the site these jews wont refund any of the backers. They say they will just use the money to build a new site. I kinda want to see fools getting separated from their money. https://archive.fo/1hNYe - the kikestarter page Side kick is currently giving them an 88% chance of getting funded. So like, how do we play this. Do we ignore it, should we shill it to liberals to see them loose their money, should we try to shut it down reporting for TOS violations and smear it publicly? I know I'm fallible, kinda want to see if our hive mind can come to a consensus on the best course of action.
Post screencaps of Gawker's shit (Pro Pedophila, Beastiality, and "it's OK to post a sex tape of a 5 year old") into any hashtag involving SaveGawker''' https://archive.fo/pObRl Examples: https://archive.today/IH2hk (Did you ever get fucked up on nutmeg) https://archive.today/yTdTP (Gawker Hates Brands) https://archive.today/WgRdi (Gawker Hates Charlie Hebdo) https://archive.today/FN5yf (Gawker Hate the Red Cross) https://archive.today/zmq4J (Gawker Supports Bestiality) https://archive.today/6jfQk (Gawker Supports Celebrity Hacking) https://archive.today/EeFac (Gawker Supports Drugs) https://archive.today/ue2mC (Gawker Supports Incest) https://archive.today/i1Njv#selection-2975.0-2975.80 (Gawker Supports Pedos) https://archive.today/TAsUb (Gawker Supports Terrorism) https://archive.today/gElfx and https://archive.today/LognP (Gawker Thinks Coke are white supremacists because of how Gawker trolled them) https://archive.today/5N9lG (Gawker Loves Clickbait) Bonus points if yo can find any of these authors involved in attempting to revive the website.

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essay on Intersectionality AdeleRadul 12/13/2017 (Wed) 22:54:30 Id: 606bf2 No. 331432 [Reply]
analyzing logic of Intersectionality with a view to fucking up their shit. published pseudonymously on Medium. Archive link below. DIRECT LINK: https://medium.com/@adeleradul/ingroups-and-outgroups-in-intersectional-identity-politics-5afd2ff0957f ARCHIVE LINK: http://archive.is/MZTOX

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