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GamerGate Radio

Jim Sterling Did Nothing Wrong Leader 12/08/2015 (Tue) 01:51:43 Id: aab810 No. 308058
Why is Jim Sterling a name that gets dragged through the mud here? What is it with you faggots and your petty grudges against critics that hold a few different opinions from you? I like Jim Sterling's consumerist critique enough to excuse his feminist apologia. Vid related. It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform with none of the necessary criticism you don't want to hear because it makes you personally uncomfortable, as high art should at least be able to do. Fuck Bob Chipman though, that creep says something stupid and off-putting anytime he opens his mouth.
>>308561 >>308562 What terminology are you talking about? >smug frog reaction image >ad hom attacked Decided to drop the SJW mask and go full troll? I am disappoint.
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>>308570 > SJWs don't even post in chan boards! You're very cute. Do you tell yourself that and the same thing about video games when you go to sleep at night?
>>308491 That was his favorite shirt, made by one of his best (female) friends for his birthday. He wore it to what should've been the goddamn highliht of his life and a bunch of triggered SJWs raised enough of a bitchfit to force him to apologize, in tears no less, for wearing it. The ONLY reason you don't see SJWs aruing for censoring paintings and the like is because they lack the clout to get away with it. These are the same people who'll bitch for trigger warnings of pictures of pomegranate because they look kind of like gore.
>>308572 >no answer >just a smug frog What a shame. >>308574 >The ONLY reason you don't see SJWs aruing for censoring paintings and the like is because they lack the clout to get away with it. Oh, they do. Amazingly, they do it over the objections of the same minority groups they pretend to speak for: https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/style/2015/07/07/mfa-backs-down-over-kimono-event-response-protests/lv9NHcnpW0lsRE77d9hvkI/story.html https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/2015/07/18/counter-protesters-join-kimono-fray-mfa/ZgVWiT3yIZSlQgxCghAOFM/story.html
>>308524 >being an adult >thinking the word goober is funny >paying ten bucks to post on a sjw internet forum when the entire rest of the internet will regurgitate sjw propaganda to you for free You sure are fuckin' dumb. Normies get out.
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>>308550 > you reactionary fucks Self-awareness - 0. Wouldn't make a difference if most here were right-wingers though.
>>308576 >What a shame. I bet you didn't even play the game and just regurgitate memes like 90% of /v/, you fake geek sperglord! >>308574 > That was his favorite shirt Anyone who has THAT as his favorite shirt needs to slowly step away from society and rethink his life all over again. > He wore it to what should've been the goddamn highliht of his life Only an ultimate fedora autist would wear that shirt to the "highlight of his life". Trust me, women telling him to fuck off with that shirt WAS the highlight of his life, it was the only time a girl who wasn't his mommy ("best female friend") spoke with him. >>308583 > le meaningless dots image Shut the fuck up you dolts, most of you intentionally lied at questions like "Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races." kek
>>308585 >Anyone who has THAT as his favorite shirt needs to slowly step away from society and rethink his life all over again. Again, since reading comprehension is not one of your strong suites, that shirt was mad for him by his friend for his goddamn birthday! If a shirt with that background isn't your favorite shirt, then I can safely say you might be a sociopath.
>>308585 Also, because I missed this the first time, >Trust me, women telling him to fuck off with that shirt WAS the highlight of his life, it was the only time a girl who wasn't his mommy ("best female friend") spoke with him. Speaking as an aspie, you are a goddamn asshole dude.
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>>308585 And you call others disgusting human beings.
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>>308587 >>308586 > If a shirt with that background isn't your favorite shirt, then I can safely say you might be a sociopath. > Speaking as an aspie > mfw
>>308598 Aspies are people who tend to be tremendous assholes without even realizing it. If an aspie is calling you a goddamn asshole, that should tell you something about yourself. Also, I do hope you never get a handmade gift. Clearly, you wouldn't really appreciate it. Cause you really are a goddamned asshole.
>>308598 Shouldn't you be checking your neurotypical privilege instead of laughing, Mr. SJW?
>>308585 A shame, you've abandoned coherent arguments entirely and went full troll. I shouldn't be surprised. When you scratch the moralistic surface of any SJW, you find a bully underneath. >>308604 You forget the golden rule of SJWs and other fascists: It's OK when they do it.
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>>308585 >Shut the fuck up you dolts >muh anything saying the contrary doesn't count. Tmblrina confirmed. Next you're going to say facts are offensive. You may disagree with the results or the method, or the credibility or whatever, the data collected there is still more than your sole opinion on the matter. 3/10 made me post at least.
>>308615 >you've abandoned coherent arguments When did he make any?
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>>308585 >(15)
>>308113 How do you feel about britfags who want to escape their shithole of a country, Seriously I hate my country. Fucking Jim doesn't understand how lucky his fat ass is to have the money to move to a country that can arrest you for shit you write on twitter.
>>308113 Fuck off, I don't want him back. Makes me cringe every time I hear him talk, he sounds like a non-british person doing a purposefully insulting impression of a british person.
>>308487 >It's amazing how much historical and cultural revisionism goobergate faggots can carry. Throughout history it was jews, feminists and the underground movement liberating them and giving them equal rights and freedom of expression, and now they act like the regressive bullshit artists like Trump and Milo as being the ones for freedom. It's intellectual dishonesty at its fucking finest, as expected from a piece of shit lifeless gator. People intrested in STEM liberated people, not races, cultures or ideologies. Combustion engine, penicilin, refrigerator or the radio have done more liberation to humans then any political movement. If you want to do something good for humanity, join stem fields…
>>308550 >I secretly actually want Trump to win because of that. What a surprise that /pol/ wants Donald Trump to win. :^) >Modern politics are like a pendulum. Reminder that Richard Nixon is to the left of every U.S. President after Carter; U.S. social insurance has been nothing but chipped away at (with the exception of a handful of reforms contained within the morass of the PPACA), industries have done nothing but consolidate unabated, the financial system has done nothing except become more fragile and an increasing percentage of the U.S. economy, real wages have stagnated, prices for education and healthcare continue to balloon, Gitmo remains open, U.S. foreign policy is as militaristic as ever and it is currently in year 14 of a war in Afghanistan, and all of the "grand bargain" plans floating around the Beltway (which will come up during the next Clinton administration) include further cuts to social insurance and the introduction of regressive taxes to pay for decades of debt. Reminder that this chipping away at social insurance has not been contained to the U.S., and has been forced upon virtually every EU member for decades by both "conservative" and "left-wing" governments. The pendulum has been swinging in only one direction and it's not left.
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>>308130 Holy shit, you're right.
>>308585 > "Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races." kek Kike here, go back to /pol/
>>308661 You will be welcome here, then. >>308662 Too bad. He has to go back.
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It threads like these that make me feel great. it's so rare, it's like watching Snow in Las Vegas. never Have I seen on alleged SJW get so butt pained to post here.
I think this thread is a good example how completely insane these people progressive "warriors" really are.
>>308058 No, sucking his dick doesn't cure cancer, he is unnecessary at this point, there are countless alternatives and user reviews around now. No point supporting that cancer cuck and his sjw wife.
>>308487 >Do you even know who Marquis de Condorcet is? He was one of the few political figures during the french revolution who advocated for women's suffrage and against the death penalty, and was branded as a traitor, arrested and possibly even killed in prison. Wait. Are you seriously arguing that a french nobleman was killed in the french revolution because he advocated women's rights, and NOT BECAUSE HE WAS A FRENCH ARISTOCRAT? Are you a fucking idiot? And you want to preach about historical revisionism? GET FUCKED, FOUR EYES!
>>308501 So what happens when these "useful idiot" STEMlords stop producing things for you parasites? Would you be able to sustain your opulent lifestyle? Would you survive, even on the most basic level?
>>308501 >Keep crying harder over it manchildren. You won't get away with a few tears like he did, we'll have you begging and sobbing for the shit you pulled in the last years. lol you are a psychopath. Typical SJW.
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>>308084 Yeah, but to what else could he be married? Not too many options for the land-man.
>>308476 Feminists are obsessed with sexuality only in a context in which they can "subvert" their proclaimed patriarchal strawmen, usually from the comfort of highly supportive academic circlejerks and hollow media exposes. They do not "own" their sexuality- they willingly cede power to their supposed oppressors for the sake of more sophisticated and involuted complaints. A feminist work of art is not any proclamation of ownership, agency, or power, but a childish "take that!" against an institution feminists know will never dare turn on them.
Someone in this thread is going to either die alone surrounded by cats or get fucked by a Nigger.

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