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GamerGate Radio

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#GamerGate FBI Investigation FOIA RELEASE Acid Man 12/06/2016 (Tue) 08:17:03 Id: 5602b7 No. 328980
So one of our Twitterfront peeps just got back a FOIA request he made about the FBI investigation into #GG. From the sound of it he got a couple CDs of redacted documents going all the way back to September 2014. https://twitter.com/livebeef https://twitter.com/whenindoubtdo Notable things so far: The bomb threat against Anita in Utah is hilariously bad and full of memes. Someone used the dox of a senior admin at Intel and tried to open a bank account with it. Apparently at least one person back on halfchan sent threats and got busted. Some underageb& admitted to sending someone 40-50 harassing phonecalls and got busted. Apparently /baph/ is mentioned by name? Sounds like it, anyway. Pics related to all of the above. They're going to do a full dump on KiA, and the information is working its way to Usher and Techraptor as we speak. Or in other words… IT'S HAPPENING!
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Looking at page 3. The [Intel chief diversity officer] met with [Anita Sarkeesian] (these are guesses - I do not have the originals) to discuss her work in "promoting diversity" (yeah right). Intel afterward pledged $300,000 to Sarkessian and pulled its ads from blogs that disagree with her. This fits with the rumors we've heard that Intel's diversity officer Rosalind Hudnell was the force behind Intel switching sides. IIRC, back in the day someone claimed to have a friend in a Intel VP who was unable to stop it and was forced out. Afterward, someone stole [probably Hudnell]'s identity and opened a bank account in her name and SSN. That is a real crime and something that the FBI should absolutely be looking into. This scared her into thinking that we were behind it. The $300,000 number is different from the $300 million number that has gone around. The $300 million is sourced to the New York Times and includes payouts to other organizations. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/07/technology/intel-budgets-300-million-for-diversity.html https://archive.is/F86Q9 The FBI's San Francisco office ran this part of the investigation.
Page 4 Somebody reported news reports about Intel and FF to the FBI and to Intel security manager Tim Garcia. One was by Ralph showing Intel content director Kim Pallister spreading aGG disinformation. http://theralphretort.com/intel-exposed-farttocontinue-reason-anitas-cashout-becomes-clearer-0120015/ https://archive.is/cMx7L The other was by Stuart K. Hayashi of FrontPage and probably looked like this: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/249903/intel-sponsors-anti-troop-anti-israel-radicals-stuart-k-hayashi https://archive.is/z12dp Tim Garcia profile. He no longer works for Intel. Can Usher or another real journo try to interview him? It would be interesting to know if he turned up any info that we haven't. https://www.sans.org/instructors/tim-garcia https://archive.is/wXz7w Kim Pallister's linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-pallister-296b83 https://archive.is/2XAVz Hayashi's social media: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stuart-K-Hayashi/76461011110 https://archive.is/FLu0i http://stuarthayashi.blogspot.com.au/ https://archive.is/JOOvh
Page 5 is blanked out. [Someone] informed [somebody] of [something]. Pages 6-14 On February 20, 2015 at 1:13:16 AM PST someone sent a suicide bomb threat through Feminist Frequency's contact form. San Francisco FBI believes we are responsible even though they have not identified anyone. FBI's Johanna Hladun pushes paper on the case but is not in charge of the investigation. Some media reports spell her name Hladunk. She works (worked?) in the San Diego office. https://www.dol.gov/ecab/decisions/2005/Aug/05-1218.htm Reminder that San Diego FBI met with Kate Edwards of IGDA before the Zoe Post. https://archive.is/JUnzY Questions are directed to two unidentified people, an assistant legal attache and a San Francisco special agent. It seems like San Francisco runs the case.
Pages 15-16 someone fought the bureaucracy to change their address
Pages 17-18 On February 28, 2015 a twitter account threatened to bomb PAX East. FBI told the event organizers that security was a matter for the local police, told them not to talk about the investigation to the media, and told them to let the FBI know if they were going to talk to another law enforcement agency. Good Interpretation: Let's keep the investigation under one roof so we share info and don't duplicate effort. Don't let the bad guys know that we are investigating them, let's hope they trip up so we can get them. Bad Interpretation: The FBI will not help you, the local police can not help you, and you are not allowed to talk about it to anyone. Investigation run through San Francisco field office.
taking a break, feel free to continue.
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Serious question how many of you guys came here expecting to see something acidman with his friends after they got their asses handed to the feds but instead saw this,i was looking forward to another sperg fest
>>328985 >FBI San Francisco Really tickles the imagination.
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Now i wonder how confused and mystified fbi guys are about gamergate,imageboards and the internet in general. Do they even know theres a catalog link or why people keep posting cartoon girls. i wonder if there is an Acidman version of these logs sounds fun to read the fbi guys reactions to 4 hour streams,overly long posts,shadow leadering and general shitposting
Pages 19-22 is a list of complaints collected by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) as of 3/14/2015. Operation Wellspring is also named. * A 10/31/2014 complaint reported threats of harm by [redacted] to journalists involved in the #Gamergate discussions on Twitter * A 11/13/2014 complaint reported death threats by [redacted] * A 12/04/2014 complaint reported harassment by [redacted] * Complaints reported online harassment, threats of swatting, and sending pizzas. * A few mentioned they also had fraudulent charges on their cards. * Some of the complaints reported that there were discussions on 8chan about; wanting to hack a gmail account, sending nazi propaganda to victims' neighbors and letters claiming the victim is a sex offender, receiving threats on twitter that the victim might be "violently silenced." Other threats include death threats, threats of rape, talks of hiring hit men and mailing explosives to victims. One said his father's account was "broken into" by hackers (no details provided). (does anyone remember any of this?) * One complainant says she has a lot more info on who runs the forum, the movement of the group, and various connections. She said a lot of the doxers and e-terrorists that were once scattered from the early days of 4chan have went to 8chan and on 8chan.co/baphomet, they brag about hurting people. * A complaint said the group has been harassing [redacted, at least 3 words] and he is documenting information for the FBI * One said [redacted] is supporting, if not spearheading, the group. He originally organized via 4chan, but now its 8chan terrorizing and harassing people. He said [redacted] and he resides at [redacted] and email address [redacted]. (possible IDs: Fredrick Brennan is too long, Fred Brennan too short. Oliver Campbell fits. Theodore Morgan and Ted Morgan-Majo fit, but not the full name. Slade is too short. It could be someone else.) * Another said that users of 8chan are part of Gamergate and 8chan's admin is [redacted but it has to be Hotwheels] * A couple complaints reported that 8chan.co is the center of Gamergate and also is a distributor of child pornography. (probably from Dan Olsen and friends) * One complainant reported that he had been threatened and harassed by hundreds of members of Anonymous and #Gamergate for writing about sexism in the video game community. He said Twitter handle [redacted] threaten to hack his personal accounts and said "I'm coming for you." * A student researcher was harassed and threatened online by Gamergate over a video survey he had posted. He stated the group has forced people out of the industry over the past couple of months. * A 10/31/14 complaint reported that an individual using the Twitter handle #WaggonGate finds personal addresses of people involved in the Gamergate discussion on Twitter. The individual then published the complainant's address on Twitter, saying to #GetRekt, insinuating that the complainant should be harmed. (This sounds like the Bill Waggoner Crew or someone impersonating them) * A complaint reported that #WaggonGate has a large list of other writers from websites who are all victims as well. On 12/05/2014, SSA [redacted] said San Francisco opened a case on Gamergate on 9/12/2014, because the group targeted [redacted for three lines] Their case ID is 9A-SF-5548056, and the case agent is [redacted] The writer found that IC3 had sent a couple of complaints to SA [redacted] on 10/15/2014 regarding the threats against [redacted] On 01/27/2015, the writer forwarded the complaints and a synopsis of them to SA [redacted] via email. A check of the IC3 complaint database revealed another complaint filed on 02/02/2015 (complaint number [redacted]) by an individual named [redacted for two lines] reported that she uses the #GamerGate on Twitter and has been dox'd and harassed. There were no other related complaints found on her and a [redacted]
>>328995 > i wonder how confused and mystified fbi guys are about gamergate,imageboards and the internet in general. page 420 SA [redacted] has reason to suspect that OP is a faggot. [redacted] clarified that traps are not gay. page 1337 SA [redacted] has advised the field office to study the game UAB to recognize signs of online pedophilia. [redacted] has been studying the game during all work hours. page 1488 SA [redacted] is now coming in to work wearing a hitler mustache and talking about cleansing the world of degenerates. The rest of the field office is worried, especially as [redacted] is Jewish. page 8423 It is my sad duty to report that former SA [redacted] crashed an airplane with no survivors.
Back to reality now. Pages 23-30 are the Jace Connors investigation. Pages 23-25 are about a Youtuber who made an "Overt Threat" to someone under the jurisdiction of the Boston field office. The Youtuber was outed in a Buzzfeed article on 2/23/15. Here's a Buzzfeed article outing Jace dated 2/24/15. https://archive.is/qt3m6 Pages 26-28 are an email chain that took place on December 24 2015, otherwise redacted in full. Pages 29-30: on 2/17/2015 the FBI San Francisco field office requested Boston Field office / Portland ME RA to question [redacted] about the content of Youtube videos and tweets. Jace is from Maine so this is probably about him. http://flavorwire.com/506294/the-jace-connors-fiasco-shows-that-gamergate-is-beyond-satire https://archive.is/3esLT "20-year-old Maine resident Jan Rankowski"
Pages 31-32: Brianna Wu claimed someone had sent a bomb threat to PAX East. Someone forwarded this to the FBI with a suggestion that Wu be investigated, claiming "this is the first time I have genuinely feared for my life." Sounds trollish. Pages 33-35: On March 18 2015 the FBI interviewed someone in Seattle who writes about video games. This was MrRepzion. https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/806188192307281921 Pages 36-39: Email received 5/20/15: "Late last week her private cell was released on line. Since then she's been getting a steady stream of harassing phone calls. We've had two death threats come through among them, but this time with phone numbers attached." Pages 40-44: Someone received an emailed overt threat on 5/22/15 at 7:12:19
Pages 45-46: 4/08/15 someone filed a complaint [redacted] He was getting harassed online and via text. On 7/10/2015 [redacted] filed a complaint [redacted] said he is pro Gamergate, people who support it have received false bomb threats, and have been doxed. Page 47: On 3/30/15 someone got a USB stick of evidence from someone. Page 48: On 7/13/15 someone sent in emails of evidence. Page 49: 6/13/15 "harassment and threats on Twitter", "tweets from today in reaction to the fake tweets", redacted. Page 50: 6/13/15 strange voicemail, redacted
Pages 52-60: 7/2/15 someone sent FBI information about "two individuals who have made videos targeting [redacted]. These videos are from January and February." One of them was homeless. FBI responded requesting evidence of any actual threats! The writer sought prosecution under 844(e) which is about sending threats to arson, bomb, and kill. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/844 Can anyone identify this homeless guy who made threatening videos in January/February 2015? Pages 61-76: Email dated 7/10/15 someone called (probably Brianna Wu) between 10-11 AM and said he was coming to her house to kill her. FBI got Indiana state police involved. Indiana state police interviewed a Hancock County subject on 9/1/15, a juvenile who admitted "he has probably called her at least 40-50 times with threats." He said he was part of a chat group that asked him to threaten her. So who was this chat group?
Pages 77-79:: 9/21/15 notice of closure of the investigation. They still blame us for the threats. SA [redacted] reviewed over a dozen threats. San Francisco USAO and a Grand Jury got involved. Somebody sent a bomb threat that was traced to someone in Seattle (probably MrRepzion). "No additional subjects or actionable leads were developed as the result of the investigation." Regarding the threats against Brianna Wu, they cite the use of proxies as reason to abandon the investigation. Pages 80-83: Some 4chan NEET from San Jose threatened to shoot someone with a shotgun. Interviewed 10/30/2015. After reading the whole thing, Acid basically explained everything worth knowing in the OP. What is missing: * The Brazilian guy harassing Anita that GG tracked down * The people sending dead animals to Slade and Milo * srhbutts's late tax payments and old pedo stuff * Zoe and Dipshitz harassing themselves on one of the chans and photographing themselves doing it * Microsoft and the antitrust investigation * Wikipedos * The 8diamonds stuff about bitcoins and the White House * The deep natsec stuff in the Concordia drop * The academic connections through Berkman, HASTAC, MIT Media Lab * Lizard Squad and Junaid Hussein * Hepkitten who was active on day 1 and disappeared * joshallsussthis doxing people on day 1 * Teridax encouraging people to harass ZQ * OpGamergate * The DDOS against 8chan * People planting child porn on 8chan * The investigations by other government agencies
>>328980 >They're going to do a full dump on KiA Is there or will there be a full archive we can download and browse on our leisure offline? Would help a lot. >>328986 >Stuart K. Hayashi Hold up, wasn't he proGG and on twitter? I seem to remember interacting with him or someone with his name on the profile a few times until recently. Has he chimed in about being named in the FOIA?
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>>329003 Yeh I remember Hayashi too guy from Hawaii Numerous GG accounts have disappeared from twatter - some probably of their own accord, some maybe started again with a fresh account. Here's a thing: On twatter, when you hover over a person's avatar or @username you get a pop-up of their profile. I don't think you can disable this from your own account settings, but I've noticed that on various gg and sad puppy accounts, the hover doesn't work - their profile doesn't pop-up. AFAIK it's not due to browser/script either. This has been going on for at least 6 months, some accounts probably 12 months or more. Most accounts are fine, this only applies to a few (so far).
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>>329002 >The people sending dead animals to Slade and Milo Wasn't Milo sent a knife? (Or maybe it was a syringe?) Other ~ Lizzie's dox? Yeh I know separate thing - still happened though. Proper scare SPJ Airplay bomb threat/evacuation? Pic - get me a Tweeter account.
The FBI agents assigned to investigate gg at this point should be considered veterans too they've been with us this whole time,i wonder if they use some of our memes in their real life or memeout in the office? Did they start watching anime more often?get a better taste in video games as a result?look at the press more skeptically what with the whole clusterfuck of the 2016 election proves that dishonesty runs deep in all segments of mass media not just video game journalism. I wonder if they are reading this post right now
>>329011 Milo was sent a syringe.
>>329002 >* srhbutts's late tax payments and old pedo stuff I assume Nyberg's hosting of copyrighted Sony material (aka. Final Fantasy soundtracks) illegally distributed through paywalls might be more heavier offenses, but I guess that's more of an IRS thing than the FBI? >>329011 >The people sending dead animals to Slade and Milo I really, really find anything involving Roguestar as well as certain GG "personalities" in 2014 especially Margaret Gel really suspect. At the least, they're wannabe hanger-ons attempting to leaderfag, and worst they're controlled opposition poisoning the waters by spreading doubt and uncertainty over the sincerity and motivations of GG. >>329019 And a dead animal (possibly roadkill) stuffed in his mailbox. I recall Milo tweeting about how his househelp freaked out over it.
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Check the date - 19 March 2014 - way before GG. GDC 2014 awards were on that date - Sarky won an 'Ambassador For Gaming' award. Gone Home best newcomer/debut. Award winners - http://archive.is/Pk8RK 2 articles - both from September 2014 - on the investigation of the threat: http://archive.is/m6Zpo http://archive.fo/9nmcU
Were there two FOIA releases? I only saw the one from the Usher report and cannot find the "over 9000 bombs" page or some of the other things that people are talking about. http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/12/fbi-closed-gamergate-case-due-to-no-actionable-leads-evidence/18282/ https://ia601508.us.archive.org/28/items/13397040FILE1/1339704-0%20-%20FILE%202.PDF
>>329043 Answering my own question. There were two files. I was looking at File 2. https://archive.org/details/13397040FILE1 The "PDF Download" gives a zip of 3 PDFs. They are File 1, File 2, and File 2 repeated with an uppercase file extension. File 1 includes the "Montreal Massacre" threat on page 15, the "Over 9000" threat on page 16, and a third USU threat on page 20. Page 64 is where one letter writer blames the threats on goons. Page 67 is about Izzy Galvez. http://archive.is/BsA2u
Is it possible to make the poster name Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaire?
>>328987 >It seems like San Francisco runs the case. It's where those of blue hair congregate, isn't it?
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>>329068 unfortunately yes
>>329094 Oh look, it's a bunch of rich kids with laptops that cost more than my monthly wages pretending they're oppressed.
>>329094 Where's this image from? >inb4 no response because this board is dead
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>>329132 https://twitter.com/github/status/803684220417679360 its from githubs twitter page celebrating diversity!!!its not a very good bussiness model because if you go through their page you can see them having some kind of financial trouble
Voat received funding from an unknown source shortly after this anon's report was received by a US govt office.
TL;DR: Metafilter is deluded, cucked, and paranoid like usual.
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Let's not forget Brianna Wu / John Flynt wanted to re-open the FBI case against GamerGate if he's elected for congress.

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