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GamerGate Radio

GG Wiki Gijinka Improvement Thread MikiSayaka33 08/30/2016 (Tue) 22:21:33 Id: 105e09 No. 327365
Meme: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/Oc-Age-Meme-Gerta-Wicks-622302054 GG Wiki-tan: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/GGwiki-Chan-613222903 Her teen form is because is to symbolize the fact that the wiki needs more info/pages/data to grow/ be complete. But the adult and toddler forms, would need some work and better changes. Judging from the feedback that I got for them. KiA: https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4thcin/mine_oc_age_meme_gerta_wicks/ So what would ya guys like for me to change?
(38.59 KB 448x300 temp2.png)

The controller on her head could be changed to a big hair bow -styled as a controller. Here's my (poor) effort I just did in paintnet - just to give you an idea what I mean.
>>327374 > The controller on her head could be changed to a big hair bow -styled as a controller. How about making it a hat like those animal ear hats? 'cause some of the old pics look like Viv rageplanted a controller in her head and the doctors cannot risk surgery to remove it without the possibility of killing her
>>327378 The reason why I gave her the French hat, was because that's how the game controller appears like and her color scheme are the wiki's colors: purple, green, blue, red, and white (I know it's called a 'barret', but I'm haven't trouble spelling French words): http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=File:GGNewsLogo.png Started drawing the sketch/outline. Ya mean like those Disneyland hats or the way Blake (RWBY)'s "bow" is like (That'll mean I'll have to make the controller "bow" to match her hair.
Why does this even exist. You're just going to have people not want to associate with that wiki with this thing.
>>327383 This. The wiki doesn't need a terrible tan.
I know you mean well but please dont this hurts
>So what would ya guys like for me to change? Would you please get her a exorcism?   ,/\___/ヽ、
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I was under the impression that vivian was the wiki mascot
I hope ya guys aren't confusing the dream selfie for the GG wiki-tan, since that's not the GG wiki-tan (Why would I be dumb to use a DS for the gijinka? That would be too lazy.) But I do care about the GG wiki, since I know that we need a wiki-tan badly. I barely got feedback when I posted this up in DA, voat, and reddit, except git gud with drawing (If I knew I was gonna get feedback in 8chan, I should've came here earlier…Like before I drew her). How bad is the GG wiki-tan? I'm a bit miff that reddit and voat didn't say a thing when I posted something bad, I think it was buried under news of the latest pc/sjw stupidity.
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>>327393 is incredibly unappealing and has a very cluttered design both design-wise and color-wise. i recommend balling it up and hucking it in the trash and then iterating on the design again based on the core ideas behind it and stuff you liked/learned from the previous design. quite possibly multiple times till you get something good. (rome wasn't built in a day, etc. etc.) as an artist, one thing you have to learn is how to let go. some times you gotta grab your gun and take a thing out to the green pasture one last time. one good starting point would be to pick out a good color pallet.
>>327393 >we need a wiki-tan badly Do we? That's an actual question. We've already got Vivian, Gilda, Freya, and Danielle for the main ones. Why does the wiki need another one? As for how bad it is: Pretty bad. The colors all clash, its' overdesigned to hell on the hat, the leggings, accessories, even the the dress that has two things on top of it. It's like you just threw everything you could together in one to make something that looks like a 14 year old's amateur tumblr creation. And this is without getting into the general skill level shown with the art.
>>327393 >since I know that we need a wiki-tan badly No we need don't. Vivian and the deepfreeze sisters is plenty. All of these characters were drawn on imageboards, not fucking deviantart or tumblr, and half the reason was just an excuse for porn. The GG wiki is for information and editing: keep it there. This is MLP tier autism.
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>>327365 Kid, your art is shit. Get better, first off. Secondly, we don't need another tan. Danielle and Freya both encompasses archiving and digging. Third, the "tan" you are creating is overly designed and will never catch on because it wasn't created by GG, it was created by you and you alone. Please for the love of God, don't do this. It's seriously MLP tier cringe.
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I think this character is utterly useless but I like the easy challenge of improving shit that's even more amateur than me. feed my ego
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also better name?
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>>327365 First off: LOSE THE GLASSES It conjures bad images. Other than that, you do have potential, just don't be down by all the harsh criticism. Just take them as lessons to do better. >>327406 Disgusting. Keep going, I'm liking this challenge. Maybe make it a drawfag activity?
I've been thinking that I can go two routes, since I know I have to scrap everything. The I now know cluttered design was because I was thinking TOO hard of the wiki's main page and the editing, the colors, the horizontal lines, and I even add the updated controller to boot. I know we have to get the wiki out there, figure that a wiki-tan would go an extra mile to reach out (Since wikipedia, ED, and such already have some mascot for the extra mileage and representation). I know I needed help, when I finished drawing her. She didn't have much personality or hobby, plus, I did have a bad feeling that I needed imput from ya guys (I failed partially in reddit, though one guy did say it was Chris Chan level autism, besides git gud). What I like: I used the color schemes of the wiki. One personality characteristic is her high self-esteem (But I'm willing to change her personality to make it fit for the new wiki-tan, since I'm throwing everything in the trash). The name, I based it on the initials: G G W. (Willing to dump the name since I"m restarting). Both teen and adult version challenged me to draw something I'm familiar with drawing. What I like about the adult version: Challenge me a bit to go a bit out of my comfort zone. The Ipad. Boobs - Since I know that's the one of the laundry list of things that SJWs hate, especially if there's cleveage (But that's tricky to draw for me). Route 2, which of the already created tans is good to represent the wiki? I'd like to go for an underdog tan, like Freya or Gilda. But if we go this route, I'd rather that ya guys vote which is the best out of them all to represent the wiki (Test out all of them, Vivian, the Twins, and etc.), rather than my own personal feelings and thoughts get in the way.
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>>327409 I'm biased since I'm stealing your project here but at this point I'd just stop worrying and lay back. See if this can get hammered into something the community does like, and if it does, you'll have lots of material to study on what they liked better or not >>327408 I definitely like the idea of it being a drawfag activity. Hold on, I'll write a blurb in a bit
Sorry, I meant that the teen and adult versions challenge me to go to some unfamiliar turf and something I'm not used to drawing.
>>327411 I shouldn't be doing stuff when I'm half-awake.
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>>327408 here, spread it to any drawfags you know
Also, fixing her background (I shouldn't base an OC off of Aoba Suzukaze (New Game!) and having a bit of Baby Doll (Batman)'s issues and hang ups. Not good at that and asking for trouble).
>>327414 I'm willing to salvage her, but were to start? Personality-wise, I know she has to be a different from Vivian, Gilda, and the Twins. But I don't know were to start.
>>327415 you say you're half-awake, go to sleep then
>>327413 Hahaha, saved. >>327416 >go to sleep This is actually very good advice. A well-rested mind can give you fresh perspective on the problem at hand, OP.
>>327365 To be honest, you shouldn't really worry about making a -tan until the wiki is actually up to date. >>327402 Wow, mean
(6.74 KB 200x200 mad.jpg)

this art is dogshit. study proportions. head is a third the size of the body. the legs are freakishly short. the eyes take up way too much space. where's her nose? hands arent hands, theyr clumps did netscape set u up to this?
>>327424 Nope, I drew and submit it in reddit. He just spread the word, now I just need to tell him that I got a proper GG wiki-tan later on.
>>327423 I and a whole bunch of people are already doing that, but it's a long process to make the GG wiki up to date (I mean most of the Game Journo Pros don't have pages about them and we barely started on ExpoGate, for starters).
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>>327410 She looks French, oui? (If the shoes were different). As the other fags said - lose the glasses. Try deck shoes/skate pumps - like Reefs.
>327393 Before this conversation takes a turn have you considered asking the guy who runs the wiki if he is interested in adding a tan with the website?
Don't bother with a tan. Just update the wiki and leave it at that. If you want to draw stuff on your own time do so but don't expect anyone in a mile radius to want to attach it to the site. >>327433 Also this.
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>>327413 we gonna need a team of very dedicated drawfags to redesign her maybe get rid of all that excess fluff on the character she might look slightly less retarded hell that gilda chick was dogshit plain and was somehow redesigned to look presentable We have the technology we can rebuild her
>>327437 Ok, I'll talk to the admins of the wiki. Before any of us, including me, do anything further.
>>327446 Two responded, the first said no tan, because the wiki is somber. Though he's not stopping anyone if they want to make a tan for the wiki. The other said that it's fine just needs a WHOLE LOT of retooling. Since the wiki is somber, the tan should reflect it and not something like Gilda Mars. Plus, ditch the glasses.
>>327478 I mean the wiki-tan needs retooling.
(1.02 MB 2560x1440 vivian & pals 7.png)

The design needs simplifying for sure. You want something that's quick and easy to redraw while remaining recognisable even with a minimalist theme, and the blue hair with controller hat are plenty enough for that. you don't need three colours for the boots. You don't need a plushy keychain on the side. You don't need elaborate patterns on the skirt. >>327410 is a step in the right direction, but you can still simplify the shoes or shirt somewhat. And does she really need that dangling wristband?
>>327542 Already coming up with a simple sketch, I'm drawing it on my sketchbook. No, I don't need the plushy keychain. Someone suggested deck shoes/ reefs. The wristbands I don't know, if it's needed or not (Though it might clash with the solemn angle that people are suggesting that I going for).
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Can ya see the sketch? This is the first one that I came up with after I got my much needed input.
>>327560 Still new to using Fire Alpaca, waiting for the wiki higher ups to respond.
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>>327542 who's the idiot drawfag who used the wrong fucking gilda design
>>327560 as I mentioned, I think you'd do better to sit back and let this one march on its own that said, I think that's an improvement, although perhaps too formal now with the shirt and all; could easily even fall into danielle's niche. additionally, I'd argue actual letters as part of the design is a touch too detailed, but that's me
>>327563 Ok. Well, the letters were from the updated GG controller and the old design.
>>327564 I get where the letters are from, just feel they're a touch too complex. Then again I dislike open GG references in things, makes me cringe a bit, so eh. Bias.
>>327565 Well, I am a bit slow when it comes to doing designs. Since I spent time thinking about it and updating the wiki.
If you want to give her breasts that makers her an adult. Possibly the school librarian.
>>327567 Well, at least the sketch has me drawing a teen, but drawing adults has been difficult for me (At least I'm practicing). Because they look like animu- teens and the men look like skinny bishies (I get in more trouble trying to draw people with different body types).
Lolz. I need more practice and art tutorials (aka spend some time in /drc/.
At this point, I don't know if I should make the new wiki tan an adult or teen.
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>>327573 You could make her like the young adult who's just starting out. Danielle is already the professional, who has everything organized/archived - and to tie in with what you said at the top - that the new wiki-tan needs more info/data to grow - she could be the one who's new to the game, learning the skills. As suggested, her character could be keen and serious/sombre, or could be more keen and sprightly - like the one who tries hard with lots of energy/enthusiasm but sometimes messes things up due to inexperience. Everyone's got to start somewhere.
>>327576 I do like the idea of making her into an adult that's just starting out and having her be keen and sprightly. The additional stuff ya said ties in what I imagine the new tan to be, but the idea is improve.
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>>327631 Here's some sketches for some ideas, though I would like to see what ya guys can come up with (I know the proportions are bad, but these are just sample drawings).
hey lads how's it going
>>327686 Brainstorming and I got stuck.
My reasons for making the wiki-tan in haste was because no one has an idea that there's a new and imporve GG wiki, especially within our own ranks. So a tan would spread the information that there's a NEW GG wiki, plus, I don't like the idea of normies and neutrals going to wikipedia, Rational wiki, and other SJW wikis for Gamergate information.
Make her a federal agent, now we know the FBI used GG Wiki links.
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>>327829 Like this? I forgotten to put sunglasses on her, since MIB and the last FBI charries that I've seen sometimes wear them. Now I'm wondering if I should omit them entirely.
>327906 No need for sunglasses Is she wearing a suit?
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Here's one of my experimental sketches. Thinking about "Hey, Arnold." I'm trying to chill a bit and draw the wiki-tan in different clothes, hair styles, and see if I'll get some sort of inspiration.
>>327911 i like this one but the tits are too big we already have an oppai tan Danielle make her flat cause flat is justice
>>327912 Ok, flat it is then. I wasn't so sure earlier.
>>327910 Suppose to be wearing a suit.
>>327915 show some midriff >>327917 i saw it and immediately thought Hilary clinton
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Here. I'm not good at drawing cleavage, since I don't usually think about that stuff (Since I usually think "cover up"). Well, at least I'm trying to shrink the boobs, I don't want to give Danielle unintentional competition. Oops, I don't want outsiders to think we are drinking.
Even though I'm chilling a bit, I'm wondering besides the name change to the GG wiki-tan. Do ya guys want me to change her hair style?
>>327928 Try one of these i recommend the first one
I like the bow thing here >>327374 better than the berret find a way to incorporate in into the final design please
>>327957 They could be sisters - except #5. Agree on the first one yup.
(138.75 KB 1500x700 GG-wiki---tan-ribbons-sampl.png)

So, use the ribbons like this? What design should I use.
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More sketch (Sithspit, I'm not sure if ya guys can see these notes clearly). Someone suggested cleavage, I'm still new in drawing stuff like that (Some of the sample drawings here gave her a bigger bust size). Two (or three) of the samples I drew inspiration from Rikku's FFX-2 design and Cidney (FFXV). Do ya like the bow/ribbon.
>>328082 Ya guys have to click and enlarge the pics. The bigger bust size is accidental, of course. Since flat it is.
>>328085 Don't post with a name on 8chan, it's primarily an anonymity centered website.
>>328094 Okay, thanks.
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(66.13 KB 600x900 GG wiki - tan 9 sample.png)

>>328107 New samples guys.
Hi, can ya see this? I accidentally click on something.
>>328147 the boobs are a nice touch sadly your art style hasn't changed much do you have a senpai to provide inspiration for you?
>>328194 Nope, I don't have a senpai to give me inspiration, guidance, and help. I usually go looking for tutorials in Youtube, Deviantart, and Tumblr. I even use "Manga for Dummies" and other self-help art books. I personally don't know how to do another style, except Peanuts and Powerpuff.
>>327563 Hey, did I give enough sample drawings? I rather give ideas for you guys to bounce off of, since I'll be taking a step back.
>>328298 I forgotten to add that my drawing style hasn't change much. Since it's usually like this, unless it's Peanuts or Powerpuff style.
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>>328299 I think you're making a bigger mistake if you're going to give up. As I look up more of your work, I'm actually seeing potential here. The thing is, these are still to rough and unrefined. You need to practice more and stick to a definite style of your own, even if you don't feel like you can improve any more. It's a lot like practicing a skill or training in a martial art: the more you do it, the more you will get better at it. And even if you can't tell the difference, others will see the improvements. So don't feel too bad with your current proficiency right now. Just keep on working to improve yourself. >Peanuts or Powerpuff style I happen to be actually good friends IRL with a certain popular or infamous artist (depending on which side you look at it) that you might have heard of, and he also started out like that. He then experimented on emulating many different styles and artists, until he settled on the art style that he is well known of today, which ironically was the style he started out with, only more polished and professional. And also, more importantly, he went through all this through all the negative criticism, bullying, and harassment, and improved himself. So don't take it so hard when you get mocked and yelled at, take it as lessons that you need to git gud. BTW, pics related to said artist's works–some of these are not publicly shared but I still kept copies archive to remind ourselves that we can continue to do better.
>>328305 Thanks, I'll hang in there and continue to submit ideas until one clicks with all of ya guys, then I'll add the colors - Since I color slowly was the reason why I was ONLY submitting line art earlier (The guys that were saying that I should step down confuse me a bit, didn't help that I'm still learning how to draw women, especially young adult women).
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(175.54 KB 1200x1600 GG Wiki Chan sketch 9 - Copy fin.png)

More sketch ideas, guys.
>>328373 I've been wondering, do ya guys want me to change the colors to the hair, clothes, and bow?
>>328373 Mini skirt and top Now she looks like a skanky whore >>328426 I think the colors are ok
>>328437 So, I'll get inspired by the samples I made before. Ditch the sport's bra and think of something that's slightly revealing without taking away from the librarian look.
>>328440 So were should I go for inspiration? So, I won't draw a skanky whore by accident.
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>>328442 Use this as a guide make a cutie librarian but don't make her a slut
Necrobumper is back.
>>328445 >Not Ellen Baker Missed opportunity. >>328442 Here's a few samples for starters. You can always check out your favorite image board for more. Or maybe start a >>>/c/ for librarians?
>>328474 Thanks a bunches guys, this gives me a lot of ideas, I have a new sample that'll put up eventually.
(75.31 KB 900x600 GG-wiki---tan-10-finish.png)

Here's another sample, the vest on the dress is already sewn on to the dress and is part of it (It's based on one of my cousin's dresses).
>>328489 Makes me think of Show By Rock. Have you watched that show? Maybe you can get more inspiration from it. It's actually not bad at all, despite clearly being a glorified ad for Sanrio's mobile game and merchandise.
>>328499 Here's the OP for the new season. No seriously, there's some very familiar parallels with SBR's plot buried underneath the light pop music and fluffiness.
>>328500 No, I never heard of Show By Rock. Looks, like I need to give it a go.
>>328525 Putting the writing aside, what you're looking for doing research through watching animated shows like SBR is the character design and art direction.
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>>328542 Here's some of my updated notes (and the back part of her vest), I still need to do more research.
>>328642 Looks a bit better than the last Keep it up dood
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I'm wondering what I can glean from this idea, even though I'm not gonna use this outfit for the final piece. I'm thinking a bit about "Beyond Good and Evil."
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>>328840 Okay, it's back to work for me.
>>327404 That's actually pretty good.
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Here's more samples.
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(155.40 KB 780x800 GG Wiki-tan sample 5.png)

Sorry, I got artist block and was gaming earlier. Some of these are from the librarian samples to give me ideas earlier. A) Patchouli's dress. B) Final Fantasy 3's scholar class idea. C) Anne Green (Or Ellen Baker) D) Yomiko E) I forgotten were I got this idea, maybe from old notes here. But I gave her a bit of tiny bit of cleavage. F) A simple version of Tear Grant (Tales of the Abyss)'s costume/ combined with my original anime-ish combo. (I don't know were I got this idea).
>>329807 Both C and D outfits look just right. Also, good on you for practicing. I'm noting some consistency in the faces. Will this be the fixed/finalized design of her appearance? Keep up the good work.
>>330042 I think the face, hair, bow, and body type are good to go. But the clothes, I don't know what to give her and I'm just going by what ya anons suggested and whenever I get hit with inspiration.
>>330042 I'm not sure about the wiki-tan's clothes, since I don't know which type of clothes ya guys want - Besides librarian-ish. But the rest is good to go.
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Just leaving this here. Hope it helps.
(1.58 MB 5082x6996 GG wiki samples.jpg)

Here's a new sample. Sorry for the delays though.
So, which one do you want me to take and improve/tweak even further?
To do later.

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