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GG Wiki Gijinka Improvement Thread MikiSayaka33 08/30/2016 (Tue) 22:21:33 Id: 105e09 No. 327365
Meme: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/Oc-Age-Meme-Gerta-Wicks-622302054 GG Wiki-tan: http://xarti.deviantart.com/art/GGwiki-Chan-613222903 Her teen form is because is to symbolize the fact that the wiki needs more info/pages/data to grow/ be complete. But the adult and toddler forms, would need some work and better changes. Judging from the feedback that I got for them. KiA: https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4thcin/mine_oc_age_meme_gerta_wicks/ So what would ya guys like for me to change?
>>328147 the boobs are a nice touch sadly your art style hasn't changed much do you have a senpai to provide inspiration for you?
>>328194 Nope, I don't have a senpai to give me inspiration, guidance, and help. I usually go looking for tutorials in Youtube, Deviantart, and Tumblr. I even use "Manga for Dummies" and other self-help art books. I personally don't know how to do another style, except Peanuts and Powerpuff.
>>327563 Hey, did I give enough sample drawings? I rather give ideas for you guys to bounce off of, since I'll be taking a step back.
>>328298 I forgotten to add that my drawing style hasn't change much. Since it's usually like this, unless it's Peanuts or Powerpuff style.
(126.66 KB 800x584 Akuryo C.jpg)

(157.90 KB 800x1049 Sakura-color Final copy.jpg)

(282.80 KB 1000x1310 Powerpuff the movie copy.jpg)

>>328299 I think you're making a bigger mistake if you're going to give up. As I look up more of your work, I'm actually seeing potential here. The thing is, these are still to rough and unrefined. You need to practice more and stick to a definite style of your own, even if you don't feel like you can improve any more. It's a lot like practicing a skill or training in a martial art: the more you do it, the more you will get better at it. And even if you can't tell the difference, others will see the improvements. So don't feel too bad with your current proficiency right now. Just keep on working to improve yourself. >Peanuts or Powerpuff style I happen to be actually good friends IRL with a certain popular or infamous artist (depending on which side you look at it) that you might have heard of, and he also started out like that. He then experimented on emulating many different styles and artists, until he settled on the art style that he is well known of today, which ironically was the style he started out with, only more polished and professional. And also, more importantly, he went through all this through all the negative criticism, bullying, and harassment, and improved himself. So don't take it so hard when you get mocked and yelled at, take it as lessons that you need to git gud. BTW, pics related to said artist's works–some of these are not publicly shared but I still kept copies archive to remind ourselves that we can continue to do better.
>>328305 Thanks, I'll hang in there and continue to submit ideas until one clicks with all of ya guys, then I'll add the colors - Since I color slowly was the reason why I was ONLY submitting line art earlier (The guys that were saying that I should step down confuse me a bit, didn't help that I'm still learning how to draw women, especially young adult women).
(160.26 KB 1200x1600 GG Wiki Chan sketch 9.png)

(175.54 KB 1200x1600 GG Wiki Chan sketch 9 - Copy fin.png)

More sketch ideas, guys.
>>328373 I've been wondering, do ya guys want me to change the colors to the hair, clothes, and bow?
>>328373 Mini skirt and top Now she looks like a skanky whore >>328426 I think the colors are ok
>>328437 So, I'll get inspired by the samples I made before. Ditch the sport's bra and think of something that's slightly revealing without taking away from the librarian look.
>>328440 So were should I go for inspiration? So, I won't draw a skanky whore by accident.
(61.08 KB 600x450 anime libriaian.jpg)

>>328442 Use this as a guide make a cutie librarian but don't make her a slut
Necrobumper is back.
>>328445 >Not Ellen Baker Missed opportunity. >>328442 Here's a few samples for starters. You can always check out your favorite image board for more. Or maybe start a >>>/c/ for librarians?
>>328474 Thanks a bunches guys, this gives me a lot of ideas, I have a new sample that'll put up eventually.
(75.31 KB 900x600 GG-wiki---tan-10-finish.png)

Here's another sample, the vest on the dress is already sewn on to the dress and is part of it (It's based on one of my cousin's dresses).
>>328489 Makes me think of Show By Rock. Have you watched that show? Maybe you can get more inspiration from it. It's actually not bad at all, despite clearly being a glorified ad for Sanrio's mobile game and merchandise.
>>328499 Here's the OP for the new season. No seriously, there's some very familiar parallels with SBR's plot buried underneath the light pop music and fluffiness.
>>328500 No, I never heard of Show By Rock. Looks, like I need to give it a go.
>>328525 Putting the writing aside, what you're looking for doing research through watching animated shows like SBR is the character design and art direction.
(449.54 KB 4026x1776 GG Wiki-tan 11.jpg)

(562.18 KB 4248x3042 GG Wiki-tan 12.jpg)

(57.27 KB 990x714 GG Wiki-tan back.jpg)

>>328542 Here's some of my updated notes (and the back part of her vest), I still need to do more research.
>>328642 Looks a bit better than the last Keep it up dood
(1.26 MB 4542x6996 GG wiki-tan sample 4.jpg)

I'm wondering what I can glean from this idea, even though I'm not gonna use this outfit for the final piece. I'm thinking a bit about "Beyond Good and Evil."
(908.84 KB 3888x6996 GG Wiki-tan sample 3.jpg)

>>328840 Okay, it's back to work for me.
>>327404 That's actually pretty good.
(998.53 KB 4392x6996 GG wiki gijinka.jpg)

(905.42 KB 4224x6996 GG wiki gijinka 2.jpg)

Here's more samples.
(203.61 KB 1024x685 cirno_in_cop_car.jpg)

(155.40 KB 780x800 GG Wiki-tan sample 5.png)

Sorry, I got artist block and was gaming earlier. Some of these are from the librarian samples to give me ideas earlier. A) Patchouli's dress. B) Final Fantasy 3's scholar class idea. C) Anne Green (Or Ellen Baker) D) Yomiko E) I forgotten were I got this idea, maybe from old notes here. But I gave her a bit of tiny bit of cleavage. F) A simple version of Tear Grant (Tales of the Abyss)'s costume/ combined with my original anime-ish combo. (I don't know were I got this idea).
>>329807 Both C and D outfits look just right. Also, good on you for practicing. I'm noting some consistency in the faces. Will this be the fixed/finalized design of her appearance? Keep up the good work.
>>330042 I think the face, hair, bow, and body type are good to go. But the clothes, I don't know what to give her and I'm just going by what ya anons suggested and whenever I get hit with inspiration.
>>330042 I'm not sure about the wiki-tan's clothes, since I don't know which type of clothes ya guys want - Besides librarian-ish. But the rest is good to go.
(2.61 MB 1400x6521 nisio on character drawing.png)

Just leaving this here. Hope it helps.
(1.58 MB 5082x6996 GG wiki samples.jpg)

Here's a new sample. Sorry for the delays though.
So, which one do you want me to take and improve/tweak even further?
To do later.

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