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GamerGate Radio

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Brianna Wu's "achievement" Lich Lord of GamerGate 04/19/2018 (Thu) 23:33:07 Id: a5c026 No. 331717 [Reply]
Is John 'Brianna Wu' Flynt closer to winning the congress now that he got 3000 signatures to get in the ballot? Remember he wants to win congress so he can stop GamerGate and Donald Trump.
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Wu is against Nancy Pelosi, against SESTA/FOSTA, and pro-Net Neutrality. So not 100% bad. Too bad it's Wu, a non-SJW techie with similar political positions would have my support.
>>331717 >>331759 >one candidate >possibly the least suitable anti-GG personage for sustained media attention I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure he'll get fucked by PR pretty soon. Which should show random normalfags the nature of the tranny. >>331874 Something tells me that we and he have very different reasons for wanting those.
>>331879 I'm not sure about that. You don't have to be anti-SJW to despise Pelosi and co. and what they did to the Democratic party. But it helps. Many SJWs give them and Hillary Clinton a pass for everything just because of their gender.

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Thank You Bless You-Be Vigilant Anonymous 05/13/2018 (Sun) 06:44:02 Id: 5b408c No. 331883 [Reply]
Thank you Mr. President. WWG1WGA Strength in numbers. God be with you and all those who are wanting truth, justice to prevail. His truth is marching on! Be vigilant all.
My eyes have seen the glory of the tramplin at the zoo We washed ourselves in niggers blood and all the mongrels too We're taking down the zog machine jew by jew by jew The white man marches on!
>>>/qresearch/ is over there >>>/pol/ is over there you're welcome

Analyzing SJW - Learning how to make them expose their true natue Lich Lord of GamerGate 01/28/2018 (Sun) 03:58:57 Id: b84b71 No. 331546 [Reply]
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=gosezCiZQKs Intro is long so skip to 2:24 for a bit on social media that becomes relevant later (basically Social Media helps aggravate these personalities, as their fear of being judged by public opinion but crave approval) or 2:52 directly. "Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People" by Joe Navarro. It has a segment on Paranoid Personalities that applies to SJW perfectly (Opinionated, Argumentative, Prone to Hate). > They think their hyper sensitivity is a form of superior insight, so there's no room for debate with them. Logical, or even empirical proof, to them, is meaningless. Try to reason with them and you may be seen as a conspirator working against them, or worse, as an enemy. > Paranoid personalities select and distort facts and history, stringing together disparate events and ideas to fit their views and justify their actions. Other quotes from the video are a fucking mirror to what SJW do nowadays. A lot of the time we brush of SJW as simply being weak-minded and crazy. Likewise, normalfags only know them for being "dumb" rather than harmful. They see no connection between AntiFa and someone saying women being sexy is bad. They see no connection between someone who would mock or harass someone on social media for a "bad" opinion, and someone who would kill or cause serious harm for the same reason. In depth analysis of paranoid personalities (as the book calls it) might help us out. Not to fix them (even if reversing it is possible, it'd require more attention and care on an individual basis than we can offer), but to expose the raging paranoia and hate to everyone. Same reasoning behind OP Vulcan (learn how to debate, destroy their argument, and use their freak out to educate observers how SJW really are). Objectives: 1. Get a PDF of "Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People" by Joe Navarro and post it here. 2. Dig into the section on Paranoid Personalities. 3. Using information learned, create new methods of discussion/interaction with SJWs/Globalists/Marxists/etc. with the intent to expose their hateful and paranoid nature- stripping away their social mask. 4. Create infographs, memes, etc. to spread on social media with the intent of: A. Teaching others how to "spot" an SJW, how they escalate, how they react to certain stimuli. "This mentality is a threat to you" presented as "Look at this loser".

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>>331871 >>331870 I wish to add: I don't think Cyrus is really even a dangerous personality. He acts more like an idealist-romantic type pushed too far, as if he really did think that the only way to save the world would be to destroy and remake it. Also, I love how Giovanni is the most badass of them, when everyone else was aiming way higher with their schemes.
>>331546 Reading it now. I must say, this guy writes like an absolute cuckold (although a cuckold may be as correct in his knowledge as any other man.) He uses "toxic" to refer to people unironically. It's also kiked in many ways. I would advise reading as little of the emotional appeal bullshit and just going straight to the practical parts, except that there really are no practical parts in it. Navarro jumps to conclusions, presumes, does the same "magical thinking" he so criticises, and evidently has no clue about how life works, despite having seen so many of these personality types. Holy cocks, there are so many stories here where it becomes self-evident that the only way to live is not to take shit like this and to rely first and foremost on one's own judgement. These cucks get nothing, but still give. That, I think, is almost as much of a problem as the so-called "dangerous personalities." Also, Navarro believes in da six hundred gorillion, (((antiracism))), and learned nothing from the Unabomber or Breivik except how to shoehorn sane people into his "muh paranoid" type. There is so much poz and useless emotional appeal that I don't even see a point in honestly reading it unless you're a useless normalfag and belong on cuckchan anyway. There's also a good few SJWs with a resemblance to the emotionally unstable, although that mostly applies more to lolcows and other such уроды.
>>331880 I'm not sure I understand why you think that Cyrus isn't a DP, he's antisocial at best, and a sociopath at worst. >>331888 >Holy cocks, there are so many stories here where it becomes self-evident that the only way to live is not to take shit like this and to rely first and foremost on one's own judgement. that's half the point of this book, to give the reader a resource to defend themselves from evil people. >Also, Navarro believes in da six hundred gorillion, (((antiracism))), and learned nothing from the Unabomber or Breivik except how to shoehorn sane people into his "muh paranoid" type. There is so much poz and useless emotional appeal that I don't even see a point in honestly reading it unless you're a useless normalfag and belong on cuckchan anyway. >sane people Did that strike a nerve? You took that awfully personally. Besides, you got me with your bait on (((muh holohoax))). You can't fucking fake industrial-scale suffering and torture, no way. The only remote credence to holocaust denial was that the actual number of practicing Jewish people that died. What we DO know, is that hundreds of millions of Europeans were put under a religious banner -regardless of actual practice- and murdered. By the way, haven't you forgotten that Hitler is the posterboy of SJWs? He's a failed artist who spends more time politicking than doing actual art, goes into actual politics, gets power, and turns everything upside down. Guilty until proven innocent was his M.O. which happens also be the M.O. of Social Justice Warriors. >random fucking Russian for no reason. Why? What the fuck are you playing at?

OP: Korean BBQ - Redpilling the west on S.Korea SJWs Veteran Leader 07/30/2016 (Sat) 18:06:00 Id: cd2df9 No. 326174 [Reply] [Last]
Discussion on new S.Korea events goes here: >>246229 I made this it's own thread as I feel as it's own OP the thread will fill up fast. If mods want to combine the two topics, please delete and repost this info in the S.Korea thread. Recent events in S.Korea have exploded. Now being the perfect time to show the rest of the world what SJWs do to a country, and what SJWs do when they don't get their way. Priority One: Red pill people on S.Korean SJWs and the terrorist actions and insanity of Megalia + Daughters of Megalia. Eliminate the DisInfo on No Shield being the Korean GG (it's not misogyny harassment either, and they're about letting certain companies get censored by the government because they were betrayed IMO it'll backfire, but that's discussion for the other thread. Aim For: People drawing conclusions that western SJWs could escalate to this level- or discredit western SJW by ideology proximity. Avoid: People thinking the S.Korea example is so extreme it'll "never happen over here" (by showing the opposite end of the scale, people can't see how they could get there)

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http://newmediacentral.net/how-social-justice-in-south-korea-has-ruined-gaming/ https://archive.is/GUeR4 twitter.com/NewMediaCentral/status/958835239513722880 https://archive.is/dgPuH How social justice in South Korea has ruined gaming Basically talks about all the shit we wanted to talk about S.Korea. Spread it around.
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Gookanon, are you still alive? Is the happening over yet? If so, how did it end? Have you been murdered by megalians?

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Thanks! :) Kittykillkill283 05/05/2018 (Sat) 05:06:02 Id: 176789 No. 331818 [Reply]
Thank god I found this board. I'm so tired of men thinking that they are so amazing when they try to shield me. Sorry boys, you're #NotMyShield
>>331818 Seriously, go kill yourself you worthless piece of autistic garbage.

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Jason Schreier / Zoe Quinn Twitter fight Lich Lord of GamerGate 05/08/2018 (Tue) 03:47:05 Id: 6e91c7 No. 331834 [Reply]
I never thought I'd be sympathetic to Jason Schreier, but here we are. Maybe now he'll have a tiny bit of understanding of where we're coming from.
Jesus Christ, Zoe Quinn is still a thing? She's had about six and a half hours of her fifteen minutes of fame already.
>>331854 It gets even better. She's now salty against Candace Owens because she's in a political event with Donald Trump. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/zoe-quinn-chelsea-van-valkenburg-locke-valentine-unburntwitch-primeape-crashoverride.14263/page-444#post-3338379

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Revenge of the Saltmines Lich Lord of GamerGate 05/06/2018 (Sun) 21:48:27 Id: 1a7e37 No. 331831 [Reply]
After we get so many wins, getting bored of winning. They have came back for revenge! REVENGE OF THE SALTMINES The song dives into a college student suffering from Donald Trumpism, worst disease of it's kind. Donald Trump has won the presidential office and is taking names. Crybaby is left in a constant state of sadness, only aided on by her school classmastes. The only way to absorb the full meaning of my video is to… WATCH IT NOW! Just realized the title sounds like Revenge of the Sodomites, comment below if you think it does
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Syrup sucking socialists from Canada with 300 different gender pronouns Lunar Archivist 03/28/2018 (Wed) 02:38:42 Id: 13bb09 No. 331682 [Reply]
Yes, this dialogue is on an answering machine in "Far Cry 5". Full text follows and map to it below. HURK DRUBMAN, SR.: Hello, this is…goddammit, Junior, this thing even recording? HURK DRUBMAN, JR.: Yeah, it's on. You're doing a great job, daddy. HURK DRUBMAN, SR.: I know I'm doing great. You come from my goddamn gonads, son. I don't ever need your opinion on how I'm doing. Hello, I'm Hurk Drubman, Sr. I'm a veteran, small business owner, a loving father, and I'm running for State Senate. I care deeply for Montana, which is why I can no longer sit back while this state and this country are turned into Canada by godless, gunless hippies who will not rest until democracy is dead and we're all eating ketchup chips. These syrup sucking socialists sneak into our country with 300 different gender pronouns and take our high paying jobs in entertainment and hockey! They don't care about our way of life. They want to take our guns, spread their liberal agenda, and give our daughters free abortions. If elected, I'll put a stop to these maple leaf menaces to the north. I will make sure our healthcare is more expensive than ever. I'll remove the French courses from our schools. And I will require all Montanans who were born in Canada or share their politics to be deported or shipped to California. Finally, I'll push for more strict immigration laws and build a 700 foot tall ice wall on our border, which I'll slowly move one inch north every year until Canada is American again. Make no mistake: If you're Canadian or that dirty liberal judge Andy Walker who ruled against me and let my gold digging ex-wife steal my fortune in the divorce, your days are numbered. I'm Hurk Drubman, Sr. and I approved this goddamn message.
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And to think people were afraid that Far Cry 5 would be nothing but SJW propaganda. They also thought Far Cry 4 would be SJW propaganda, and them Amita turned out to be a bloodthirsty dictator. No doubt there will be more FUD when Far Cry 6 is inevitably announced.
>>331707 >>331686 This reads like they're mocking us, not supporting us. They probably want us to meme it or support it, to make our camp look ridiculous.
>>331682 >I will make sure our healthcare is more expensive than ever (((they))) just couldn't help them selves.

You guys are still here? Lich Lord of GamerGate 05/03/2018 (Thu) 19:49:00 Id: 97cb74 No. 331781 [Reply]
I thought you were supposed to get rid of all video game-related corruption. There's still plenty of shitty translations, hit pieces, and nepotism. Good job doing absolutely nothing in 4 years except annoying twitter users.
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> Anchored > Still the top post > SJWs still think #Gamergate is around
>>331825 Still the case as of posting this. 0pph territory. #Gamergate has moved on to bigger fish.
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>>331815 Anita's update after article. Found it via Tumblr. * She updates a lot more regularly these days! Ever since Tropes vs. Wom*n ended, the Feminist Frequency youtube channel has put out a whopping 80 videos… and no, you probably don’t remember nor care how long ago TvW ended, but oh well. It’s certainly a lot better than like 10 videos in four years. * The channel now runs a bunch of different shows. On the one hand, this makes it feel a lot more decentralized, and therefore likely less prone to being overwhelmed by Anita Sarkeesian’s massive ego. On the other hand, most of these shows are the same essential premise - the flagship is definitely The Freq Show, has pulled in by far the most views of any show on the channel, with one notable Black Panther Podcast exception. But the premise of The Freq Show seems to be basically “Anita rants about stuff to the camera, with severely clickbaity titles.” I’m not kidding about that - “7 Ways to Talk To Your Racist Uncle At Thanksgiving” and “One Weird Trick For Helping Women” are actual video titles. With the exception of the Star Trek Discovery recap podcast, all other shows seem to follow this same basic format. “Feminist Frequency Radio” is the same basic premise but with more people… and the weirdest nagging feeling that they might be ripping off the Honey Badger Brigade. “Feminist Answering Machine” is also the same premise but shorter, and with a different feminist each time. And so on. * When I said that The Freq Show was the flagship because it gets the most views, I meant that sometimes if they’re lucky it will get above 20,000 views. Realistically, however, the majority of their videos have around 2000-4000 views, especially in the past 4 months. The Freq Show has recently returned, and I have to say it’s about time the channel had a video with more than 7000 views under its belt - the months where they were taking a break and just doing Feminist Frequency Radio have been absolutely dire for the channel and its views. * In every single thumbnail apart from the one where she was deliberately play-acting a misogynist stereotype, Anita lookd bored and tired. Her desire to live again is most likely a desire to escape from this dead-end Youtube production line, which probably doesn’t even pay the bills anymore.

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For God, Country, POTUS and Q register notable events Lich Lord of GamerGate 05/03/2018 (Thu) 10:37:19 Id: 47aabd No. 331760 [Reply]
Because our children and grandchildren have to grow up in this country. There is nothing greater then saving our country! FlyAway doubters! We here support to Q we're for God for country and even for you…
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Are you sure you're on the right board, mate?

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VideoGame Violence Articles Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/22/2018 (Thu) 23:37:16 Id: 7bec48 No. 331603 [Reply]
In light of recent events (even Trump has said he's gonna look into violent video games & media), I think we need to make a database to spread. 1. Post a PDF or link to every report that proves videogames do not cause violence or make people crazy. Articles talking about the reports/papers/dissertations/etc should also be posted here (archived). With their official tweet as well if you can. 2. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows how many people under the age of a game's rating own the game. Same as the above. The intent is not to feed the enemy, but to show the parents are giving their kids material that is not appropriate for them. Blocks won't work if the parents seek out and get this material for their children. Secondary Goals 3. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows social media affects kids negatively. Same as above, and again, the internet is not to feed the enemy. SJWs and the hard-left rely on being able to appeal to young people so their politics are set as "normal" in their minds from a young age. Not to mention how social media ruins how people are supposed to socialize (to the point one of the Twitter founders says he regrets it). > We need to stop kids from seeing material that makes them violent! < Fine, lets stop them using Twitter to read CNN. 4. Post a PDF or link to every report that shows how kids are fucked up due to other factors outside of videogames. Drugged for being hyper-active, boys punished for being masculine and girls punished for being feminine, kids being isolated due to their peers being brought up to not associate with anyone different from their interests, a lack of job prospects, a lack of good boyfriends and girlfriends, a lack of good friends, exposure to specific subjects too early in school (identity, sex, etc), a lack of identity outside of what they consume- Basically answer the question: Why are the kids fucked up and miserable?

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I replied to one of NicheGamer's tweets summarizing what's been posted here: https://archive.is/84c1p The quote here >>331608 is dynamite (from "My own research" onwards).
Not an article, but a summery. There's also a cutdown version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjAD7hE9B7Q Neither work on normalfags who don't play vidya, but working to expose who makes money from the outcry helps. I.e. what layers are pushing the charge, running to defense, or funneling the money they got from robbing the gold from dead jews in WW2 into protest groups.
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> The American Psychological Association helped to spread fake news about the link between media violence and aggression in children. You need to log in to download I think: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12108-017-9362-0 https://archive.is/Mu2w3 Excerpt comes from a Tweet. https://twitter.com/DegenRolf/status/985824530101866496

The Bully Hunters incident Lich Lord of GamerGate 04/15/2018 (Sun) 16:47:31 Id: f3d6e9 No. 331709 [Reply]
So you all must have heard by now of that fantastic trainwreck that was the entire "Bully Hunters" fiasco. Yeah that scam crap to sell headsets. I think we have enough info by now on it and this really needs to be in a thread, the dumpster fire burned down before it even began on April 12 at 7pm EST on Twitch.
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And here's the stream. https://we.tl/9pd6LNJDjZ
oh hey wait this thread already exists >>14628179
Thanks to PewDiePie making a video about Bully Hunters, it's a huge laughing stock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUfl8XW5K6E

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A letter from South Korea; THIS IS YOUR FUTURE Leader 08/09/2015 (Sun) 19:17:35 Id: 1fc849 No. 246229 [Reply] [Last]
Hello, the original gookfag here. It's been a while since I wrote this posts in the image. Here's some archives. I wrote some helpful posts in these thread so read them if you interest in Korean affair. https://archive.is/XOG8u https://archive.is/xqqy2 I make this thread to warn you. To warn you that this might really happen in your countries. I feel the happening is nigh. Especially in US. I'm a former political member and my family served the current ruling party since 70's. I know what i'm saying. There's some well-known rumor in South Korea among the politic scens in Korea since 60's. The rumor is that the South Korea is political & social experimental field for western investors. A test field for various social experiments. They say we got the fastest internet in the world because the rich westerners want to see side effects of sudden digital information days. They say we got a female president because they want to see side effects of fanatic social Neo-Feminism. There is no dominant evidence to back this rumor. But I want to make sure one thing. Every major social events and economic affairs in Korea happens in other countries as well after times. I've seen it all. And I think these Social Justice & Neo-Feminism is the next event they're experimenting in Korea. The experiment is over when we elected a female president and the introduction to the western country is nigh. Here's the story. South Korea's Social Justice and the big brother censorship pretty much escalated into sky high right after we elected the female president, Park in 2013. As you can see from the image, the censorship level of S.Korea is just insane. A self acclaimed 'Feminist' female president is in charge in Korea currently and we live in SJW dystopia right now. Countless batshit-insane laws about protect women and children has been implanted. Basically you go prison for at least 5 years and registered as child sex offender if you watch Japanese hentai. The new Korean anti-porn and the child protection law prohibits any of fictional porns about children. They all threated same as actual child rapists or even worse. You go prison if you see Hentai of any kind of porns that the actor or character 'Seem' to appears as underage. Because of this insane anti-porn law called '아청법', 15 years old mid-school girl registered as sex offender because she watched Yaoi novel on the internet. 70 years old grandma had to sell her own PC-cafe to pay penalty because a Japanese Hentai manga found one of her PC. She's now homeless and registered as sex offender.

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Crunch time in SK for President Park Geun-hye - a parliamentary impeachment vote to be held on Dec 9. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-politics-idUSKBN13S03D Protests every weekend for the last 6 weeks too.
I'm Eurofag ISP wageslave who has tech level dealings with SEA state telcos (including SKB, CJ). This being an autosaging redpill thread, let me sperg about few things from that angle. >The porn witch hunt in SK is real, and so is VPN usage. It is a bit peculiar in that it is reminescent on western war on drugs - smoking pot is seemingly tolerated, yet people get suddenly busted all the time. If you're an avid torrent user, you can notice a trend with peer ips - download anime show and you'll see much higher % representation of korean peers in the client than you would if you download JAV/hentai (especially if it's loli-ish). This means SK torrenters specifically avoid risky porn stuff compared to asian average. >Choi Jin-sil Law, RRN and i-PIN is an interesting and ongoing story. Basically, SK indeed was always a bit ahead of the curve for some reason. Choin Jin itself was never that much in effect (ie you didn't really have to put in your name except 30 or so top sites 8 years ago). Instead, RRN - the SK equivalent of SSN was used. Few years later, they realized plastering SSN everywhere is fucking dumb idea due to amount of ID theft it resulted, and i-PIN (basically a state-approved, commercial provider of proxy-SSN) was adopted. Both RRN and i-PIN are still in wide use today. Meanwhile as shortcomings of RRN became apparent in SK, the rest of world covertly transitioned to more covert, if less stringent, method of ID surveilance - phone numbers, especially post-2012. Try to sign up for any popular service today, and 99% need a working phone number, unless you use some equivalent proxy which already tracks you, such as facebook account. You can still buy burner number for ~$1, the powers that be simply relying on that nobody bothers. But in SK? Good luck staying anonymous if a site wants i-PIN, going around that is much harder, short of being a dick and stealing somebody else's identity.

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Zoe Quinn mention on Adult Swim Lich Lord of GamerGate 02/09/2018 (Fri) 01:09:02 Id: 32eb59 No. 331565 [Reply]
Guess who appeared at Adult Swim last night? Does she fit in, or is Adult Swim turning to the dark side of the cuck?
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>>331565 You wouldn't mention Ada Lovelace in the same breath as those parasites unless you are going full retard.
How does the side with all the power, privilege, and connections manage to pass itself off as the victims?
>>331694 > How does the side with all the power, privilege, and connections manage to pass itself off as the victims? Professional PR and ownership of the media.

It happened again! How many anti-Gamers revealed to be sex criminals does that make? > “I cut a lot of corners, I’m a weird guy, and I put people off in a lot of ways, and I don’t mean to, but I never intend to make anyone ever feel uncomfortable and I need to get better. I didn’t realize. I would never intentionally want anyone to ever feel uncomfortable. Especially looking back at it, I realize that there’s definitely a lot of things I could have done differently.” That's understandable and possibly true. He should have thought of that before he chose the side that assumes the worst of everyone's behavior and automatically declares them guilty. > I was paid less than minimum wage for full time work, berated and belittled for hours over minor mistakes That's not harassment, that's typical industry business practices. Maybe they could start addressing that instead?

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GamerGate The San Francisco Playhouse Play Lich Lord of GamerGate 03/01/2018 (Thu) 19:12:15 Id: 2d9d42 No. 331624 [Reply]
So what are your thoughts about the San Francisco Play doing a theater play about what GamerGate didn't do? Who's behind it? And why are they brainwashing kids to become snowflakes to believe GamerGate harasses women?
>Before trolls, bots, and hacktivists They're bragging how ignorant they are in the opening line. Do they really think those groups weren't around before GG?

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