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GamerGate Radio

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Unverified "leak" on cuckchan for audio/AI marketing in vidya, BEYOND SLIMY IF TRUE Lich Lord of GamerGate 01/15/2018 (Mon) 02:03:05 Id: 820212 No. 331502
Still unconfirmed. It was reported to be a dead man's switch going off. https://imgur.com/a/rhFuj Imgur gallery that was posted http://archive.is/B0Y69 archive of cuckchan thread If you want to try and dig to see if its legit or fake, feel free to There's a lot of sketchy thinks that would detract from potential legitimacy, but there are aspects to it that are legitimate such as linking to peer-reviewed scientific journals that aren't necessarily common knowledge for comparisons to their "research"
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Please take note of notable or comprehensible and alarming slides so attentions can be drawn to a point of focus
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>>331505 For example >2nd image >journal for it is actually legit http://archive.is/0uWbh >its about audio manipulation of women during menstrual cycle (or some shit)
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>>331509 The last slide here might be useful for attempting to identify the company, I feel there's a lot of possibility with the >we are not associated with Udara online despite prevailing sentiment
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>>331511 Last of the images!
/pol/ thread (including full link so archives can be checked easier) https://8ch.net/pol/res/11150685.html Some fag posted this in the /v/ thread on this before it got nuked. Probably irrelevant but who knows: This is not new. There was a report on a German radio station (Deutschlandfunk) not too long ago about how the mobile games market is developing. One of the people they interviewed was a man who had funded a company based around increasing ad revenue and micro transaction profits. He explained that altering the exoerience of the player, my making him lose a match, and then displaying him a much nicer car in an ad could work wonders. At the same time, the gratification of sudden success after spending money could be used to connect not only success and spending money, but also success and a certain ad. If a player is displayed a certain ad after a victory for example, or his character is shown enjoying a product after a success, the player learns that spending money=success=product. The whole idea of creating a map of the place the user lives is actually kind of ingenious. They are using a one dimension input method to figure out a 3 dimensional space (which is bound to be non-perfect, but enough for their purposes). Whenever you move your phone collects data on how well it can reach the Wifi router. If they know how many places in your place exist with significant differences in wifi strength, then they know how large your place is and how much income you most likely have. If they know which room is your living room and you like to browse a store there, they can push for more ads when you are there. When you are in your bedroom they can push for food ads, and while you are on the toilet they can send reminders for a specific game. It's devilish, but genious.
>putting cameras in billboards
so, in the first shot of the slide show, it mentions data broker LCC, and before that it is censored it is probably the company's name, which suggests that the company that produced that slide show is both A: a data broker and B: an LCC(limited liability company) so, are you guys able to produce a list of data broker LLC companies? it'd be one of the few things that you'd actually be good for ever since you stopped listening to /pol/ aside from being a stepping stone to helping normies to decide to take the red pill t- /pol/
Has anyone verified that these are actually the files that result from decrypting the originally provided archive? The method provided in the original thread is unclear, and I can't find anyone who had any luck with it. I assume these screen shots are all what was provided in the thread itself.
>>331516 https://www.stopdatamining.me/opt-out-list/ Intelius.com Acxiom.com MyLife.com ZabaSearch.com Spoke.com BeenVerified.com PeekYou.com USSearch.com PeopleFinders.com PeopleLookup.com PeopleSmart.com PrivateEye.com WhitePages.com USA-People-Search.com Spokeo.com PublicRecordsNow.com DOBSearch.com Radaris.com The PDF that was on one of the slides was attached and its fucking legit
Some highlights from the /pol/ thread. >H.A.N.K. could be referring to this: https://web.archive.org/web/20180114230754/http://hankleads.com/ >8ch Secret Datamining Botnet Files: https://archive.org/details/8chSecretDataminingBotnetFiles
This is pretty fucking wild stuff right here.
http://archive.is/PAmzl Thread on /v/ past bump limit
>>331518 okay then; now do any of the websites listed in your link have a logo that looks comparable to the background of the first slide?
>>331518 also, it seems that epsilon data management and equifax are both limited liability companies so they are both worth looking into
>>331527 and also are data brokers
>>331528 i think
also another question, in the first slide, did they use a center alignment or a left alignment for the first line?
>>331530 It looks like left alignment to me
/pol/ thread is unlikely to be revived again, so here is the archive of it: https://archive.is/RyvsV

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