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GamerGate Radio

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Happy New Year! Acid Man 01/01/2018 (Mon) 07:51:54 Id: bad383 No. 331466
Well anons, its 2018! Once again the Christmas Stalingrad comes to an end, and #GamerGate is still here. Some Announcements! As you can see, we still have some decent activity going on, as the various factions and branches of #GG continue to pursue their goals. >EA is taking a beating over the Battlefront II lootbox controversy >Magic the Gathering is seeing a moderate sized eruption of a #GG-like phenomenon after permabanning one of their commentators for being a shitlord >Gawker is meddling around with an attempt to revive >Tencent is up to some shady shit >Our Wikipedia article still sucks and the bullshit going on over there continues to compromise the integrity of their entire site >and much more! 8chan continues to do well, with over 12000 UIDs among the first page of boards. A considerable recovery from the damage done by Josh and the 8chan site issues, so props to Codemoney for handling that. Hotwheels, our beloved former admin, literally found Jesus and became a religious man this year. I'm happy he's found a comfortable place in life there in the Philippines. There was a recent resurgence in aGG activity on Twitter a few days ago, attempting to push Twitter to ban #GG related accounts in their Great Wrongthink Purge. This failed, and nearly all of #GG who were still on Twitter yet remain, including yours truly somehow. And I have a present for you! A project is now underway called Project Alexandria. The goal of which is to REVIVE THE ORIGINAL GG WIKI! How this came about is a bit of a long story, but the long and short of it is that your paranoid board owner was attempting to preserve the Wiki back when it existed on gamergate.me, and was successful without ever realizing it. A local copy has been stored safely on my hard drive since 2015, and was recently rediscovered. I have teamed up with the eminently respectable host of Deepfreeze and purchased a domain name for it, and we're going to bring it back. Then we're going to merge all the new information from the defunct partial wiki attempt at thisisvideogames.com into it and open it up to GG supporters once again! So have a great new year everyone! There's plenty to look forward to, even some nice games coming out!
Happy new year, Acidfag and GG.
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I would indeed like to revive the GGWiki it's been far too empty for too long, if there's a historian or a now organized timeline of events, it would be a great start and a decent turn around to their false perception of our false silence no one in their ranks would expect us to return in full force now of all times
Now, on the lost sheep of Gamergate: I hope you are blessed. You know not what you do.
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Happy New Year GGfags.
Good times these days the only mentions of GG I hear, is when another games journo is revealed to be a sexual harasser… Good times
>>331466 John Kelly is at Braving Ruin's server His new name is Vazorium#4086 https://discordapp.com/invite/bHMhsxM
>the wiki I'm looking forward to that, as a newfag who only found out about GG in 2015 (not from the US), there's so much I want to know but I don't feel like I can trust any of those many random blog posts all over the web.

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