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GamerGate Radio

Jim Sterling Did Nothing Wrong Leader 12/08/2015 (Tue) 01:51:43 Id: aab810 No. 308058
Why is Jim Sterling a name that gets dragged through the mud here? What is it with you faggots and your petty grudges against critics that hold a few different opinions from you? I like Jim Sterling's consumerist critique enough to excuse his feminist apologia. Vid related. It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform with none of the necessary criticism you don't want to hear because it makes you personally uncomfortable, as high art should at least be able to do. Fuck Bob Chipman though, that creep says something stupid and off-putting anytime he opens his mouth.
Because when instead of large, faceless corporations he can fling as much shit as he pleases without having to fear any reprisals it happened to be his buddy-buddy "journalists" like Ms. Megaphone "I AM games journalism" Alexander attacking consumers - you know, that little demographic that fat hypocritical fuck brands himself as an "advocate" for - the big ol' firebrand who tells it like it is and always stands up for the little guy started singing to a tune of "why can't we be friends" while taking every opportunity he could to take potshots at anyone who called his buddies bad names. That's why. And criticism isn't necessary for art to exist. I mean, at all. You know what is, though? Shit like the Marquis de Sade's 120 Days of Sodom. Like Lautreamont's Les Chants de Maldoror. Like Francisco de Goya's Saturno devorando a un hijo. Like Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. Like Mike Diana's comics. Like Shinya Tsukamoto's Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Like Guideshi Hino's Mermaid in a Manhole. Shit that's absolutely fucked up and disturbing and outright disgusting. Not because I like it (which for the record, I don't), but because creative freedom is the main prerequisite for the development of artistic expression as a whole, not a bunch of moralizing fucktards like Sterling and his "journalist" and "critic" buddies dictating what's "Good and Christian" and what isn't.
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>>308059 /end thread
>It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform with none of the necessary criticism The "games as art" fags were a precursor to SJWs attempting to overtake gaming. So no, I don't want games to be considered art and I don't give a fuck what the greater public thinks about it. I just wanted to play vidya, damnit.
>>308063 Oh!? Did someone mention "games as art" hipsterism? I do believe it's time to re-post the "Banishment of Beauty" playlist; I.E. when pretentious twats actually mean when they say they want "games to be like art" they really mean is they want "games to be like MODERN art"; I.E. games become "No Fun!" message and agenda driven trash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGX0_0VL06U&index=1&list=PL619ED61282CD714E
>>308067 My vision of "games are art" is pretty simple. Every game is a masterfully crafted digital wonder. Well… Except crappy games made by lazy pieces of shit, of course they suck. Peoples are spending time refining lines of codes, models, textures, to bring the player a wonderful and fun experience Stating games are art should be a defense against their censorship, not an argument to pile drive shitty narratives into them.
>>308058 >Jim Sterling panders to my anti-corporatism, therefore your criticisms of him are invalid. Stop advertising here, Jim. I'm not watching anymore of your videos.
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>>308058 I Swear he gets fatter and father everything i see him,he's going to die of obesity related illness if he doesn't stop stuffing his face with any thing his hands can grab onto.
>>308058 he defended leigh alexander and all his sjw buttbuddies and actively shills their games. he is not a consumer advocate. stop trying to rewrite history here.
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See this thing here? It's what Jim is married to.
>>308070 The thing is in the video Fine Art, which to say, art that is beautiful, takes hard work, skill, and talent to execute; by contrast, Modern Art can be something that is completely zero-effort, such as some feminist free-bleeding all over a canvas for cheap shock-value or preaching some kind of contrived message about the artist's ernest struggle to not do any kind of real work due to the power of feminine privilege. What's the difference between Journey and Gone Home? They're both not traditional "games" with a failure or win condition, other than not progressing while wandering around and experiencing things, but Journey sounds kinda neat even if it isn't my kind of thing, while Gone Home sounds terrible: The difference is that Journey is there to be experienced "the journey IS the goal" while Gone Home is preaching a message. I play games because I enjoy experiencing games. I do not play games to be preached to.
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>>308084 She appears to have two chins and a ginormous forehead
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>>308058 >>308059 OP BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Jim Sterling was always a pretentious clickbaity faggot. What's really fucking baffling to me is how anyone ever respected him before GG.
>>308087 Dude, just…just no dude. No one should have standards so goddamn low that the Mole People would have to dig for them.
HUACfag, here. I despise Jim Sterling with every fiber of my being. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean he isn't right on a few points. Case in point, Nintendo's blatant disregard for customer service, and not having a clue about the concept of supply and demand (Amiibos). Even a broken watch manages to be right twice a day. Or, as Andrew Ryan put if, "Even in a book of lies you manage to find some truth.". Not to mention DCMAs filed by various companies and YouTube failing to protect their own users. That being said, it doesn't mean the fat, limey piece of shit is immune from criticism. His blatant hypocrisy throughout gamergate, and shitting on the First Amendment (unless freedom of speech is convenient for him), has made me lose all respect for him. If it were up to me, I would have challenged his faggot ass to a fight. Then after winning, I would have revoked his citizenship, and sent his fat ass back with his fellow useless, freedom-hating, good-for-nothing Krauts, Limeys, and Frogs, where the Muslims he supports in the name of multiculturalism can string him up by his own entrails while sandnigger children behead him. Thank God for Jim Sterling? Fuck that noise. Go back to Britbongistan, you fat fuck.
>>308113 The thing about Jim and Nintendo you need to remember is that, despite claiming to be a consumer advocate, Jim ONLY goes for easy targets that people already tend to think poorly of. The only reason Jim has the opinions he does on this subject is because a lot of other people already do.
>>308114 Agreed.
>>308058 Sterling is an intellectually-dishonest shitheel. For a moment, ignore the obvious - that he's personal friends with multiple name AGGros including Megaphone and Zoe Quinn, that he's married to a raging Anti-GGer and sociopath (who's cheated on him because of course she has), and that he pulled the "for it before against it" shit with how Gamergate panned out. Sterling is the same fuck who repeatedly made comments like "Feminists aren't going to take your games away" and then moved the fucking goalposts when it happened - first with the GTAV Target incident, then with DOAX3, which directly contradicted something he himself personally said. He fucking extols Anita for her success and calls her a situation gamers created, but he refers to DOAX3 as a publicity stunt when more and more Japanese devs are coming forward against these assholes. Whenever caught in these moments, he abandons his logic and goes right the fuck into full-fledged Social Justice apologist mode. This is to say nothing of how he is on Twitter, where he routinely tows the party line in a manner that's both shameful and depressing. Sterling isn't expressly awful. He can raise good points on occasion, and every now and then, bucks trends (he refused to condemn TotalBiscuit for example). But you're fucking insane if you think for a second he won't throw his own position under the bus because of Social Justice. He's done it before many times.
>>308084 Gary Larson's cartoons were never meant to come alive like this.
>>308118 > He fucking extols Anita for her success and calls her a situation gamers created I really hate this retarded lie that he spouts. Anita would've been successful regardless of how little or much we talked shit about her. All she needed was a few mean comments, which she got from her Kickstarter video on her youtube channel, which by the way was literally the only video in her entire channel that allowed free commenting. Journalists was on her side from the getgo, even before the "Harassment" and I'm almost fully certain that the exact same fucking thing would've happened even if /v/ had not given a shit about her, or anyone else for that matter. Because ultimately, it was always about journalists being eager to wank each other off in a contest of being progressive and seem enlightened. We've seen it again and again with GG, how they've claimed how much harassment GG does yet never proves this. So yeah, Sterling can go suck the dick of the guy that fucks his wife for all I care, I just hate the fact that he and others refuses to acknowledge what is so painfully obvious. As you say though, Sterling can make good points, just like anyone else, humans aren't black and white after all, but I fucking hate the dishonesty that types like him has, and how it's all about making yourself feel so good about yourself for being a "Good person". I'm so fucking tired of it, because it's ultimately harmful due to the fact that the truth tends to hurt and what you need to do to actually help people can hurt you and the people you help. Anyone that actually fucking cares about helping people should know this. You're not going to solve the goddamn problem if you ignore the very roots of it. But again, these people care more about feeling morally superior and think of themselves like "Good people".
>>308084 Gotta love those "Problematic glasses". Stereotypes exist for a reason and she sure as hell is helping keeping the SJW stereotype alive.
>>308084 How much do you have to fucking eat that your nostrils are fat jesus fuck
>>308099 I've never really "got" it. His career at DToid is embodied by how he'd deliberately give games a positive or negative review not based on his actual opinions, but on how much traffic he'd get from the outrage his reviews could create. While he's never openly admitted this, he has, with his general inconsistency on the Jimquisition, proven himself to only align himself to groups that will give him the most clicks or views he can get. It's intellectually dishonest at best and outright damaging to games journalism as a whole at its most extreme.
>>308134 Jim must spend time with his wife exercising.
>>308058 Jimbo Whales here is a 300kg pile of hypocrisy. Watch his shit with adb-wait, DON'T WATCH HIS SHIT
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>>308058 jim sterling is a rancid piece of shit, if I could wish for one person and only one in aGG to drop dead it would be zoe Quinn, for being an abusive lying hypocritical scumbag, but jim sterling is a close second.
>>308058 >It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform with none of the necessary criticism you don't want to hear because it makes you personally uncomfortable, as high art should at least be able to do. It's the EXACT opposite of this. Most gamers didn't care whether or not games were seen as art, we considered them to be. The problem was, most of the people promoting games as art did so to excuse shitty games, as if they were oblivious to the fact that something being art doesn't make it inherently good. They're also omitting the fact that all the indie games they love which promote progressivism, communism, LGBT shit, etc. definitionally are NOT art, they're propaganda. When you add a specific political agenda (especially if it's government-mandated) it ceases to tell an artistic message and is instead simply propaganda. The biggest issue though that demonstrates people like yourself who use this as a defense never really believed what you claimed, because as soon as your unethical behavior started getting called out the defense instantly became "Big deal, who cares? It's game journalism. Video games don't matter." Beyond that, he's not right, he's been specifically proven to be completely and utterly full of shit. He pointed DOAX specifically as a series the feminists "weren't going to take away" from us, and here we are a short while later and that's exactly what happened. We see this with all of his buddies. Every single one of these middle-class socialist brats is secretly a corporate shill, usually for EA. -First you claim sexualization is somehow inherently bad, but only when it's of women. You assert male sexuality is "immature" that games have "matured" beyond the need to appeal sexually to their primary consumer base, all the while sexualization of male characters proceeds without even slowing down, and all the women who enjoy sexualization (basically every female cosplayer, consumer of women's magazines, or woman who has ever purchased lingerie or a push up bra) are left out in the cold told they simply don't exist. Despite D being the worldwide average, busty women are told they're "cartoony" or "unrealistic". -Sterling has personally pushed forward feminist double-standards which he has to be aware are horse shit to even make. For example in his whiny bitchfest about Quiet he asserts unlocking additional outfits for her makes her "literally a trophy" but each of those same outfits is available for Snake as well. He just conveniently omits this to make it about Quiet, which means not only is he pushing an agenda and protecting his friends but he's outright lying to the "consumers" he claims to advocate for to do so. We see this with every feminist "critique". Male characters die by the thousands in gory ways on our screens, but as soon as a woman is treated equally the game is dubbed misogynistic. -The cherry on the top though is that Sterling is little different from MovieBob. Sterling is a disgusting, greasy, morbidly obese twat with a high-pitched annoying voice whose entire schtick is being a self-important dictator who demands worship and admiration. He's all the worst traits of the most autistic TGWTG reviewers in one person.
All this implying! > implying Sterling didn't nod agreeing with Sessler when he advocated for doxxing of angry consumers > implying games are art just now, because the media is now pushing for this > implying games haven't been art since at least the 80s > implying all critique there is of art is ID politics critique > implying more abstract and deep philosophical critique, which has existed for a much longer time, isn't an incomparably more sophisticated form of critique than mere revisionist moral panics "critique" > implying you're not just looking for excuses to turn a blind eye to how much the guy bought into SJW nonsense
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>>308058 nice try Sterling, placing your video here for views here like we don't know?
>>308067 >when pretentious twats actually mean when they say they want "games to be like art" they really mean is they want "games to be like MODERN art" This. They just want to lower standards and make it so that "all art is good art" while we all know how much of modern art is complete shit - just so they can be called "visionary" developers and have a good excuse to have their friends and connections in media unethically shill for them despite there being better people with better works going incognito for believing quality will make them stand out from the rest.
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>>308118 >he's married to a raging Anti-GGer and sociopath (who's cheated on him because of course she has)
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>>308058 >It's like you want the greater public to appreciate gaming as an artform You seem to have some misconceptions about what we think, or have as goals Mr. Ghazi
>>308085 I completely agree. Hell, to me Modern Art shouldn't exist in the first place, their "rebellious" postulate only comes off as ego stroking. These peoples make art look bad.
>>308167 Jim claims they're in an "open relationship". Remember the last guy who made that claim? Chances are, Jim's not getting any, and that claim is him attempting to hang on to the last shreds of his dignity. (Y'know, instead of divorcing her ass.) >>308182 Don't even get me started on modern art.It's all pretty much nonsense made by lazy/crazy people. A single dot on a canvas, painting with shit or menstrual blood, that one "musical" group that consisted entirely of women barking and howling like dogs. I'm all for working out new forms of art, but there comes a point where "It's Art!" stops being an excuse.
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>>308194 Modern art
>>308197 Case in point cause goddamn. Would've liked to see that dragon honestly.
>>308194 If you expect his bitch to get any either, you are sorely mistaken. I mean, look at this and man the harpoon! >>308202 same
>>308223 Honestly, I'd be amazed if she was. I mean, I know black guys go for fatties all the time, but I'd think that face would be a deal breaker for 99% of anything straight with a dick.
>>308224 That is to say anything straight with a dick that likes fatties.
>>308131 >>308167 >>308194 >>308223 >So yeah, Sterling can go suck the dick of the guy that fucks his wife for all I care Actually, considering >>308084 Jim is probably the only person in all of humanity who I would respect -MORE- if he were a cuck/cluckholder who outsources his dick and pays a poor brown person to inseminate his arch-aGGro fat sow of a wife. >>308130 wew lad (pic related) >>308194 >that one "musical" group that consisted entirely of women barking and howling like dogs. Imagine this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79wrXi_5WSw "the videogame" This is what pretentious hipster trash like Jim mean when they say they want "videogames to be ART".
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>>308197 This is much better "art" than the dragon and the guy sucking himself off. >>308058 >>308058 The black gloves why does he wear them?
>>308238 I want this hentai, what is it?
>>308238 Kiss x sis OVA technically it isn't hentai but its as close to hentai as an ecchi show will allow.
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>>308084 She looks almost exactly like him
>>308266 Really says a lot about their egos don't it?
>>308067 I like modern art. Realism is boring.
>>308084 She also cucks him.
For me personally, it's not that he's 'bad', it's that he does what dozens of other people do, and the chances of finding one from those dozes that does what he does minus the twitter douchery is pretty high. It's like, not settling for a pizza place that does a decent pepperoni, but fucks up the cheese. It's not the gravest sin ever, but, if there's a pizza place right next door that gives me good pepperoni AND cheese, without implying I'm a serial molester just for standing next to a female patron in some degree of proximity, I'm going to go for that. Same goes for any website, too. People act like it's such a big commitment to drop somebody for something else nowadays, but, it just isn't anymore. There are literally hundreds of reviewers, websites, and bloggers on the net when it comes to vidya. I am missing absolutely nothing by swapping one out for the other, save maybe the condescending shot here and there because I disagree with one of their little buddies.
>>308058 Jim can fuck right off, he's pro-consummer when it suits him. But he is stil white knigthing the LWs. Sargon said everything that could be said about his fat ass
>>308319 There's nothing wrong with modern art as a concept. The PROBLEM is that it's drawn in a bunch of talentless hacks who put a dot on a canvas and throw a bunch of buzzwords at it hoping people will think it has depth when in reality it's just full of itself. Modern Art is to art what Walking Simulators are to games. Sometimes you'll get something good or even great (such as The Stanley Parable or that tree dragon) but usually you end up with mindless drek that thinks it's got something meaningful to say (Such as Gone Home or the howling ladies >>308229 posted).
>>308335 At least he's not Anthony Burch
>>308359 I'm not certain about that. Anthony may have been cucked, but his wife was at least a solid 3 out of 10. Jim's wife makes me envy the blind.
>>308343 >if there's a pizza place right next door that gives me good pepperoni AND cheese, without implying I'm a serial molester Well, you ARE interested in cheese pizza, aren't you?
>>308364 I have seen boogie's wife she is at least passable,Jim dropped the ball hard maybe she has some other qualities that interest him. Different strokes for different folks
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>>308084 barf.
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>>308159 It's not like people here won't click and it's not like the mods will do anything about it. It's almost as if this board serves to generate views for these idiots because this shit wouldn't fly on some other gaming boards. >>308058 Learn to webm or mirror. Hot damn. There are websites that even webm for you. http://webmenco.de/
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>>308167 Always glad to provide data, Anon. https://archive.is/yuMoH She's an aggressive Anti-GGer who openly bitches about how problematic white people are and uses the same terms of phrase you're all familiar with (calling anyone in GG "Garbage humans" for example). https://archive.is/UoFDg She's gone on record a few times for claiming that "SJWs have nothing to do with games journalism," and was one of the fucks responsible for claiming Anita's University Shooting Hoax was credible. https://archive.is/tJoT8 She's changed her twitter handler twice in the last year, but a lot of her dumber tweets remain and you can find ample evidence of her lunacy with little trouble. I've also included an image that basically nicely sums up her relationship with Jim (thanks, KiA)!
> Shit that's absolutely fucked up and disturbing and outright disgusting. Not because I like it (which for the record, I don't), but because creative freedom is the main prerequisite for the development of artistic expression as a whole, not a bunch of moralizing fucktards like Sterling and his "journalist" and "critic" buddies dictating what's "Good and Christian" and what isn't. LOL look at this faggot tellisng feminists they can't be fucked up and disgusting. Good and Christian? Go fuck yourself you closeted neckbeard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9lmvX00TLY you are a fucking manbaby who knows nothing about history, philosophy, art, anything. You just whine like a fucking manbitch you are because OMG WOMEN IN GAMES GTFO. You're an underage piece of shit who never touched a woman and feels incredibly frustrated because of that. 120 Days of Sodom went unpublished FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. The movie adaptation by Passolini was banned in many countries and is still banned in many countries, or released with an "Adult" rating (like porn movies). Saturn devouring his sons was a painting he fucking painted on the walls on his house when he was slowly going insane, it wasn't "published" and admired in public. Some fucking people even say that Tetsu is a metaphor for coming out of the closet and a repression of homosexual culture. You should look into that. You are a repressed piece of shit individual who knows nothing about art. It was us SJWs who promoted and encouraged these kind of movies and art, not goobergators like you. No one's taking your titties away, you mindless piece of wank. We're just pointing and laughing at your kitschy games and your incredible lack of taste. Dictating? What's the matter, did mommy tell you to clean up your room? Fucking waste of human of flesh.
>>308420 You seem upset. Also, you apparently should look into how to link posts. New to the chans, are we?
>>308441 > linking to OP instead of just directly replying to him like it's always been done ayyy hey oldfag are you here since last summer?
>>308442 >Self-identifies as SJW >Claims to be a chan oldfag Ya, sure thing, bud. But how about we get down to your claims then, shall we? >120 Days of Sodom went unpublished FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. So it has. I guess so were Justine (I'd love to hear your thoughts on that one, Mr. "SJW"), La Philisophia dans le boudoir, or Juliette. Oh, wait. >Saturn devouring his sons was a painting he fucking painted on the walls on his house when he was slowly going insane, it wasn't "published" and admired in public. Uh huh. And it's not like he made things like his Caprichos and Disasters of War before that, is it? >Some fucking people even say that Tetsu is a metaphor for coming out of the closet and a repression of homosexual culture. You should look into that. The fuck does that have to do with anything? But please, do tell in as much detail as you possibly can, just how problematic and misogynistic the drill penis scene is. I'd love to hear it. >It was us SJWs who promoted and encouraged these kind of movies and art, not goobergators like you. "It's us who encourage art by constantly screaming about what should go into it and what shouldn't". I'm sure you actually believe that.
>>308447 >La Philisophia dans le boudoir Philosophie; I really mangled that one. That's what I get for trying to type fast in French.
>>308405 Thanks. That data also confirms the fall of Rab Florence, who fell to the unethical nature of games journalism, but is anti-GG. What a world…
>>308319 > implying realism is everything that existed before modern art Can't really show more ignorance than that anon.
>>308447 > he doesnt know that many SJWs are former halfchan mods, camwhores, EDitors or SA users Do you even history bro? > (I'd love to hear your thoughts on that one, Mr. "SJW") Well, you do realize that his books have been banned, censored or treated as trivial pornography before people that you accuse today of being assholes praised them and allowed them to exist, right? The so-called critics as you name them. You do realize that Napoleon arrested him at the time for doing writing those books, right? Examples of people who praised his work: Simone de Beauvoir or the Frankfurt school. Yes, THAT Frankfurt school. People have called him a precursor of Sigmund Freud, as well as many modern feminists. The only famous SJW figure that I know who hates him is Dworkin who was a stupid cunt that fought against pornography (almost zero modern feminists are against pornography) > Caprichos withdrawn from sales because he feared the inquisition > disasters of war revealed to the public many years after he died What is the point you are trying to make? That artists have struggled with art before harder than they ever do today? If Goya lived today, he would've been completely free to showcase whatever he wanted from his art. > But please, do tell in as much detail as you possibly can, just how problematic and misogynistic the drill penis scene is. I'd love to hear it. Misogynistic? Did you miss the part where she shoves a knife in his skull and then rapes him herself because she can? I mean yeah she died, that sucks. But it's only to show the toxic influence of the penis kek I like how you think you're trying to shock me or something. Transgressive cinema is an important influence for feminism, you fucking idiot. Do you even french new extremity? You probably only know that realistic rape scene from Irreversible that keeps being posted in /gif/ over at half-chan. That's nothing compared to the best of them, most of them involving female protagonists and directed by women as well as tackling issues of sexuality and violence. If you want to see some good gory, scary, shocking, SJW-approved shit, watch Dans ma peau, watch Baise-moi, watch Martyrs (this one is amazing). Self-mutilation, surrealism, rape, revenge porn, you fucking name it and it's there. Don't even get me started on indie comics. You work the impression that SJWs are some puritans that hate art, violence and sexuality. We don't, we love the shit out of that. What we hate is cliche bullshit, the kitsch that permeates modern western entertainment, the infantile way you express your sexuality and the representation of women. We hate the vanilla bullshit you push (HAHA GIRLS WITH BIG TITTIES FLOPPING, SO COOL), the pedestrian view of a woman's body and her abilities. The waifuism, the clingy need for maternal affection, the creepy and boring vibes of fat losers at a gaming convention. Why do you think Patricia Hernandez made a huge article about the porn scene in Source Film Maker, interviewed a studio that specializes in brutal rape porn, gave them a voice and a fair (even sligthly positive) coverage, talked about how COMPANIES are the ones trying to shut them down. I even seen SJWs argue that rape porn is good for some actual victims of rape, as a way to cope with the pain and actual experience. Of course, not every SJW agrees but that's just like with every other group out there. Look, what feminists want is to own up to their place in society and niche cultures and to own up to their sexuality. They want an environment where they ain't just booth babes, they ain't just a character with tits that serves no purpose in the story. Like with the recent DOAX scandal, I've seen hundreds and hundreds of posts from SJWs who didn't have a problem with the titties per se, but the fact that there's no male titilation. It's that fucking simple. Equality. What you get is what we should get as well.
>>308476 >Well, you do realize that his books have been banned, censored or treated as trivial pornography before people that you accuse today of being assholes praised them and allowed them to exist, right? The so-called critics as you name them. Yup. People very much like your own lovely self. I do imagine it you lot don't really hang around a great deal of mirrors, though. >If Goya lived today, he would've been completely free to showcase whatever he wanted from his art. Like La maja desnuda? Ya, you lovers of fine art would never have a problem whatsoever with a picture of a woman in any state of undress. >I like how you think you're trying to shock me or something. I like how you presume to know what I think. >You work the impression that SJWs are some puritans that hate art, violence and sexuality. Now ''where on God's green Earth" would I have gotten that impression from, I wonder?
>>308481 >Yup. People very much like your own lovely self. >I do imagine it you lot don't really hang around a great deal of mirrors, though. To expand on this: you seem to imagine you're the kind of people who raised old Donatien's work to a status of art. Guess what? You're not. You're exactly the kind of people who made him rot in jail for more than a decade for it.
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>>308481 >>308485 > you lovers of fine art would never have a problem whatsoever with a picture of a woman in any state of undress. ARE YOU LITERATELY. FUCKING. RETARDED? Did you even read what I said or is it too hard for your manchild brain to comprehend so many words? Or are you just afraid of having your image of what feminists supposed to be shattered by the actual realities of what SJWs actually are? This is what happens when you just absorb propaganda from breitbart and thundercuck instead of actually reading and informing yourself whenever you can. Do you even know who Marquis de Condorcet is? He was one of the few political figures during the french revolution who advocated for women's suffrage and against the death penalty, and was branded as a traitor, arrested and possibly even killed in prison. It's amazing how much historical and cultural revisionism goobergate faggots can carry. Throughout history it was jews, feminists and the underground movement liberating them and giving them equal rights and freedom of expression, and now they act like the regressive bullshit artists like Trump and Milo as being the ones for freedom. It's intellectual dishonesty at its fucking finest, as expected from a piece of shit lifeless gator.
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>>308488 > he thinks a neckbeard loser with a shirt with pin-ups is the same as a nude painting by a famous artist Spoken like a true basement dweller. Thanks for reading my posts where I made the difference by the way, enjoy being an ignorant fuck for as long as you still can.
>>308491 >He thinks shaming a scientist who put a probe on a fucking comet cry on public television over a tacky shirt is a step forward for humanity Whatever you say, mang. I suppose I could pepper my posts with as many personal insults as you - we all know that just makes one's argument appear stronger after all - but I think I'm good without it.
>cry on public television ''into crying on public television.
>>308496 you've lost the argument the moment you shifted the discussion to "b-but my shirt" instead of addressing the things that I've said. Matt Taylor is a little bitch STEMlord operative, an useful idiot in a sea full of them. He knew his place and he knew he did wrong, so he apologized. Keep crying harder over it manchildren. You won't get away with a few tears like he did, we'll have you begging and sobbing for the shit you pulled in the last years.
>>308501 I suppose this is the point where you loudly claim victory and walk away, then? Okay. Here's a little something to take with you on your way out, though. You're not the oppressed. You're not the underground. You're not the counterculture. You're the mainstream. You've fought monsters for long enough; the abyss has stared right back. And proof of that is that your bullshit little cult ideology has enough traction to ruin a person's biggest and astonishing accomplishment (more than any of you fucks will ever do in your entire humorless, miserable lives) because he happened to want to make a nice gesture for the female friend who gifted him that shirt. And by the way? You're never getting those $10 back.
>>308505 I don't have to proclaim victory because I'm constantly winning as we speak. I'm an SJW, the world loves me, the world abhors you and your little shitty dying clique. > And proof of that is that your bullshit little cult ideology has enough traction to ruin a person's biggest and astonishing accomplishment (more than any of you fucks will ever do in your entire humorless, miserable lives) because he happened to want to make a nice gesture for the female friend who gifted him that shirt. SO.MUCH.SALT. over it Astonishing accomplishment? STEMlord pls, no one gives a fuck about your obsession with space. Anita alone is more famous and influential and relevant than the entire team of scientists who sent a probe on that comet. Tell her she is miserable when she swims in all that money and fame. > And by the way? > You're never getting those $10 back. At least I don't monthly contribute to thundercuck and sargon's whinefests By the way? You're a dying breed. Enjoy your last shreds of pseudo-masculinity.
>>308510 Wow. Just… wow. I guess I don't need to be here at all, since you seem to be arguing with someone who only exists in your head and it's definitely not me. >I don't have to proclaim victory because I'm constantly winning as we speak. I'm an SJW, the world loves me, the world abhors you and your little shitty dying clique. But you're the counterculture, fighting The Man for the good of all. How do you reconcile that, again? Ah, yes, because 2+2 can equal 5 if The Party says so. Silly me. >STEMlord pls, I'm actually chuckling as I type this. "STEMlord"? Mijnheer, I majored in English. I consistently failed every single math test I had in school, from primary on. The fact I can respect the accomplishments of people who are actually doing something for the advancement of humanity instead of failing to deliver, on a $300,000 budget, videos like your average Youtuber puts out weekly for free hardly makes me "obsessed with space", I should think. >At least I don't monthly contribute to thundercuck and sargon's whinefests Neither do I. Never given any money to any e-celeb (nor paid to post in a forum either). Well, golly, is it just me or someone looks very silly right now? >You're a dying breed. Enjoy your last shreds of pseudo-masculinity. …Yeah, you're gonna have to help me out here. I have no fucking clue what's supposed to be my "breed" of "pseudo-masculinity".
>>308518 >But you're the counterculture, fighting The Man for the good of all. How do you reconcile that, again? The Man doesn't represent the world. The Man oppresses the world, while counterculture serves the majority and is loved by them Don't let yourself be fooled in thinking that the systemic oppression of white men equals with being an actual majority. You're getting cucked more and more and your times are over. And the revenge is going to be sweet. > I consistently failed every single math test I had in school, from primary on. It's nice to see goobergate failures wearing the badge of failing basic grade school mathematics. You're one of those who majored in English out of necessity, not because you ever had talent or anything of interest to say. > videos like your average Youtuber puts out weekly for fre. > doing it for free > Well, golly, is it just me or someone looks very silly right now? MAXIMUM FEDORA TIPPING I didn't pay for any e-celeb or forum either, I don't have to :^)
>>308524 >The Man doesn't represent the world. The Man oppresses the world, while counterculture serves the majority and is loved by them >counterculture >loved by the majority >It's nice to see goobergate failures wearing the badge of failing basic grade school mathematics. I know you people struggle with the difference between depiction and endorsement, but stating a fact does not equal "wearing a badge" for those of us who don't live on Planet Critical Theory. >You're one of those who majored in English out of necessity, not because you ever had talent or anything of interest to say. No, I majored in it because I wanted to. Sucking at (and generally disliking) math was a contributing factor in ruling out a STEM degree, sure, but hardly the only one. But you seem to know me better than I do, so hey, I guess I should probably defer to your superior knowledge.
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>>308529 > I guess I should probably defer to your superior knowledge. That's what we've been trying to tell you all along
>>308510 >I don't have to proclaim victory because I'm constantly winning as we speak. I'm an SJW, the world loves me, the world abhors you and your little shitty dying clique. You and your kind are the reason Trump is going to be the next President. We're all going to suffer under him thanks to the backlash to the hate you created. Thanks SJWs! At least you'll have something real to whine about in a year and a half.
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>>308510 > I'm an SJW, the world loves me SJWs got some positions of power, that may be true. But c'mon, no need to humor us like that.
>>308541 > At least you'll have something real to whine about in a year and a half. I secretly actually want Trump to win because of that. Cuckservatives don't understand this simple fact of life. Modern politics are like a pendulum. We do our thing, sometimes we go overboard, and reactionary cucks feel angry and impotent about it. So they vote the most racist, disgusting, stupid piece of shit possible in the hopes of getting back to the status quo. Said president in question is always stupid and/or crazy. And will make a lot of mistakes. And we will be there, to point out, laugh at it, and grow our counter-culture strength. Then we go back in power, and we advance the progress ideology and the world gets all better for it. But I do feel that GoP ain't going to win shit. Which somewhat sucks, because our movement is stagnating a bit, but at least we can go and do our business undisturbed and shit on you reactionary fucks
>>308550 Meanwhile, the Overton Window will be tugged back to the right, and you and your ilk will be facing the same public censure you've been heaping on others for the last few years. I'd laugh, except I know full well us normal liberals will be caught up in it too, just like we're caught up when you attack anyone to the right of you. And we won't even have the pleasure of watching you get your skulls stomped in, because we'll be the ones on the front lines protesting his policies and putting ourselves in danger while you'll be sitting in your gated community complaining that there's too much cleavage in the video game you're playing. Our country doesn't need another Dubya, but you fucks are gonna give us one.
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>>308559 > uses terminology from libertarian/right-wing circles > "normal liberal" Nice try fedora-tipper. Go back to reading ayn rand
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>>308559 > uses terminology from libertarian/right-wing circles > "normal liberal" Nice try fedora-tipper. Go back to reading ayn rand doorstoppers
>>308561 >>308562 What terminology are you talking about? >smug frog reaction image >ad hom attacked Decided to drop the SJW mask and go full troll? I am disappoint.
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>>308570 > SJWs don't even post in chan boards! You're very cute. Do you tell yourself that and the same thing about video games when you go to sleep at night?
>>308491 That was his favorite shirt, made by one of his best (female) friends for his birthday. He wore it to what should've been the goddamn highliht of his life and a bunch of triggered SJWs raised enough of a bitchfit to force him to apologize, in tears no less, for wearing it. The ONLY reason you don't see SJWs aruing for censoring paintings and the like is because they lack the clout to get away with it. These are the same people who'll bitch for trigger warnings of pictures of pomegranate because they look kind of like gore.
>>308572 >no answer >just a smug frog What a shame. >>308574 >The ONLY reason you don't see SJWs aruing for censoring paintings and the like is because they lack the clout to get away with it. Oh, they do. Amazingly, they do it over the objections of the same minority groups they pretend to speak for: https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/style/2015/07/07/mfa-backs-down-over-kimono-event-response-protests/lv9NHcnpW0lsRE77d9hvkI/story.html https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/2015/07/18/counter-protesters-join-kimono-fray-mfa/ZgVWiT3yIZSlQgxCghAOFM/story.html
>>308524 >being an adult >thinking the word goober is funny >paying ten bucks to post on a sjw internet forum when the entire rest of the internet will regurgitate sjw propaganda to you for free You sure are fuckin' dumb. Normies get out.
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>>308550 > you reactionary fucks Self-awareness - 0. Wouldn't make a difference if most here were right-wingers though.
>>308576 >What a shame. I bet you didn't even play the game and just regurgitate memes like 90% of /v/, you fake geek sperglord! >>308574 > That was his favorite shirt Anyone who has THAT as his favorite shirt needs to slowly step away from society and rethink his life all over again. > He wore it to what should've been the goddamn highliht of his life Only an ultimate fedora autist would wear that shirt to the "highlight of his life". Trust me, women telling him to fuck off with that shirt WAS the highlight of his life, it was the only time a girl who wasn't his mommy ("best female friend") spoke with him. >>308583 > le meaningless dots image Shut the fuck up you dolts, most of you intentionally lied at questions like "Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races." kek
>>308585 >Anyone who has THAT as his favorite shirt needs to slowly step away from society and rethink his life all over again. Again, since reading comprehension is not one of your strong suites, that shirt was mad for him by his friend for his goddamn birthday! If a shirt with that background isn't your favorite shirt, then I can safely say you might be a sociopath.
>>308585 Also, because I missed this the first time, >Trust me, women telling him to fuck off with that shirt WAS the highlight of his life, it was the only time a girl who wasn't his mommy ("best female friend") spoke with him. Speaking as an aspie, you are a goddamn asshole dude.
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>>308585 And you call others disgusting human beings.
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>>308587 >>308586 > If a shirt with that background isn't your favorite shirt, then I can safely say you might be a sociopath. > Speaking as an aspie > mfw
>>308598 Aspies are people who tend to be tremendous assholes without even realizing it. If an aspie is calling you a goddamn asshole, that should tell you something about yourself. Also, I do hope you never get a handmade gift. Clearly, you wouldn't really appreciate it. Cause you really are a goddamned asshole.
>>308598 Shouldn't you be checking your neurotypical privilege instead of laughing, Mr. SJW?
>>308585 A shame, you've abandoned coherent arguments entirely and went full troll. I shouldn't be surprised. When you scratch the moralistic surface of any SJW, you find a bully underneath. >>308604 You forget the golden rule of SJWs and other fascists: It's OK when they do it.
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>>308585 >Shut the fuck up you dolts >muh anything saying the contrary doesn't count. Tmblrina confirmed. Next you're going to say facts are offensive. You may disagree with the results or the method, or the credibility or whatever, the data collected there is still more than your sole opinion on the matter. 3/10 made me post at least.
>>308615 >you've abandoned coherent arguments When did he make any?
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>>308585 >(15)
>>308113 How do you feel about britfags who want to escape their shithole of a country, Seriously I hate my country. Fucking Jim doesn't understand how lucky his fat ass is to have the money to move to a country that can arrest you for shit you write on twitter.
>>308113 Fuck off, I don't want him back. Makes me cringe every time I hear him talk, he sounds like a non-british person doing a purposefully insulting impression of a british person.
>>308487 >It's amazing how much historical and cultural revisionism goobergate faggots can carry. Throughout history it was jews, feminists and the underground movement liberating them and giving them equal rights and freedom of expression, and now they act like the regressive bullshit artists like Trump and Milo as being the ones for freedom. It's intellectual dishonesty at its fucking finest, as expected from a piece of shit lifeless gator. People intrested in STEM liberated people, not races, cultures or ideologies. Combustion engine, penicilin, refrigerator or the radio have done more liberation to humans then any political movement. If you want to do something good for humanity, join stem fields…
>>308550 >I secretly actually want Trump to win because of that. What a surprise that /pol/ wants Donald Trump to win. :^) >Modern politics are like a pendulum. Reminder that Richard Nixon is to the left of every U.S. President after Carter; U.S. social insurance has been nothing but chipped away at (with the exception of a handful of reforms contained within the morass of the PPACA), industries have done nothing but consolidate unabated, the financial system has done nothing except become more fragile and an increasing percentage of the U.S. economy, real wages have stagnated, prices for education and healthcare continue to balloon, Gitmo remains open, U.S. foreign policy is as militaristic as ever and it is currently in year 14 of a war in Afghanistan, and all of the "grand bargain" plans floating around the Beltway (which will come up during the next Clinton administration) include further cuts to social insurance and the introduction of regressive taxes to pay for decades of debt. Reminder that this chipping away at social insurance has not been contained to the U.S., and has been forced upon virtually every EU member for decades by both "conservative" and "left-wing" governments. The pendulum has been swinging in only one direction and it's not left.
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>>308130 Holy shit, you're right.
>>308585 > "Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races." kek Kike here, go back to /pol/
>>308661 You will be welcome here, then. >>308662 Too bad. He has to go back.
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It threads like these that make me feel great. it's so rare, it's like watching Snow in Las Vegas. never Have I seen on alleged SJW get so butt pained to post here.
I think this thread is a good example how completely insane these people progressive "warriors" really are.
>>308058 No, sucking his dick doesn't cure cancer, he is unnecessary at this point, there are countless alternatives and user reviews around now. No point supporting that cancer cuck and his sjw wife.
>>308487 >Do you even know who Marquis de Condorcet is? He was one of the few political figures during the french revolution who advocated for women's suffrage and against the death penalty, and was branded as a traitor, arrested and possibly even killed in prison. Wait. Are you seriously arguing that a french nobleman was killed in the french revolution because he advocated women's rights, and NOT BECAUSE HE WAS A FRENCH ARISTOCRAT? Are you a fucking idiot? And you want to preach about historical revisionism? GET FUCKED, FOUR EYES!
>>308501 So what happens when these "useful idiot" STEMlords stop producing things for you parasites? Would you be able to sustain your opulent lifestyle? Would you survive, even on the most basic level?
>>308501 >Keep crying harder over it manchildren. You won't get away with a few tears like he did, we'll have you begging and sobbing for the shit you pulled in the last years. lol you are a psychopath. Typical SJW.
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>>308084 Yeah, but to what else could he be married? Not too many options for the land-man.
>>308476 Feminists are obsessed with sexuality only in a context in which they can "subvert" their proclaimed patriarchal strawmen, usually from the comfort of highly supportive academic circlejerks and hollow media exposes. They do not "own" their sexuality- they willingly cede power to their supposed oppressors for the sake of more sophisticated and involuted complaints. A feminist work of art is not any proclamation of ownership, agency, or power, but a childish "take that!" against an institution feminists know will never dare turn on them.
Someone in this thread is going to either die alone surrounded by cats or get fucked by a Nigger.

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