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Bocchi the Rock! Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 19:39:50 No. 1615
Anyone been watching this anime? It's actually kinda enjoyable. Basically the story is about an introvert who picks up the guitar after being upset that she never made friends in middle school and is dragged into a high school band by pure chance. Honestly, I think the anime has a lot of charm and I'm looking forward to seeing if a season 2 will ever be made or if I'll start the manga next week ater the final episode airs. What do you think about Bocchi the Rock anons? cute band story? shitty K-On rip off? You decide!
>>1615 Ive seen a ton of clips of it that seem funny and its probably going to be the next thing I watch. I am slightly worried that its one of those shows where only the clips were good and the rest is boring.
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I'm enjoying it, but ep 11 was pure fanservice.
>>1615 It has the same sort of comfy, nostalgic appeal that K-ON had for me, being someone who played in bands in high school. I like it. >>1628 Do zoomers really? Sounds like a great way to ruin shows for yourself.
>>1637 bands as in an actual band or do you mean like high school concert/symphonic band? Myself, I played trumpet for marching/symphonic band in highschool/middle school and it was a pain in the ass. It was nice to 'beat' others in the music competitions though considering I never practiced.
bocchi is a nigger
>>1727 how dare you
Is this seasonal shit? Is it Cute Girls Doing Cute Things or does it have an actual plot with stakes? Is it similar to K-on! or different? I hated K-on! and want something with the same premise but totally different execution and I can't tell if this is a meme series or not.
>>1798 Why not just watch the first episode and see for yourself?
>>1799 What, and waste a perfectly good half hour?
>>1802 It's not like you have anything better to do
>>1802 Just watch it fag muncher
>>1803 >>1834 I really prefer to get a recommendation on something before watching it. I guess I'll pass on this and see how it's remembered in a decade or so. Or maybe look up YouTube reviews. Not sure what the point of a discussion forum is if not for discussing things.
>>1835 Why ask questions you already know the answers too?
>>1835 seems like its just a slice of life band comedy with autistic introvert meme girl as the main draw
>>1615 Give me the run down on Bocchi, it seems like this is just another K-ON! and it's being shilled everywhere so I can only deduce that this is the new anime flavor of the month. Why is it so popular? I've never even heard of it until a month ago.
>>1935 watch some clips and make up your own mind.
>>1935 Everyone here is a shithead and refuses to elaborate or explain why you should watch anything, so I'll do it instead. I think we need to define what K-on! means to you. Both K-on! and Bocchi are seasonal moe blob yonkoma adaptations that take liberties to develop a plot. The story of the first season both revolve around forming a band and looking forward to playing a cultural festival. And in the broadest sense, they are both "cute girls doing cute things". But the major departure with Bocchi is how individual episodes are written. I would summarize the average K-on! episode as "the girls fuck around for 20 minutes and then stumble into success anyways to keep the plot going". They do absolutely nothing but procrastinate, and it seems more like the band thing is a gimmick for aesthetic reasons rather than an actual passion of anyone involved, including the main characters. Additionally, the protagonist starts from absolute 0, yet manages to play acceptable rather quickly. On the other hand, Bocchi has some skill due to autistically practicing by herself for years, but has no ability to play with others or adjust her own timing to match, which is a barrier. However, every episode entails her and the gang doing stuff to further their ambitions. They have jobs at a music club where they work. They rarely even hang out as a group because their time is spent working or practicing when they are free. Money is an issue. Publicity is an issue. They have to earn the right to play on stage. They have to actually convince others to show up. It's not the highest stakes or the biggest struggle, but I would characterize each episode of Bocchi as being about "trying to make a band succeed". K-on! is fundamentally not about being in a band on any substantive level. I think my biggest problem is that, yeah, a lot of Bocchi stuff has been done before. If you've seen K-on! and Watamote then it kinda feels like treading old ground. That said, I think Bocchi does it better than both of them. The animation is crisper (aside from one rotoscoped segment that could hide the CGI well) and more creative, and the main character shows actual growth. By the end of Watamote, Tomoko was still a smelly autist who doubled-down. By the end of K-on!, they're still procrastinating and using Mugi's wealth to fund their bullshit and have tea time. Bocchi actually learns and improves. Is it a major change? No, but she improves on both communication, social skills, and group performances over the course of the show, and that's more than I can say for most seasonal anime where nothing is learned and the characters are built to have the same gimmick forever. Also bassist is best girl.
>>1954 Cool, so actual non-retarded plot progression and character development basically
>>1954 Who're you callin' a shithead?
watched the first two episodes, seems like it'll probably be a decent/good anime all things considered Bocchi has a good and skilled VA, her inner monologue and thought process is funny and very autistic, socially anxious and shy NEET-like (with music flavor instead of games/other shit as the focus), and the music seems pretty good so far, has a good OP. Animation and art quality seems alright (I assume the BD will upgrade it nicely when it comes), and Bocchi has a good design. The other characters seem fine enough to facilitate things and be a supporting cast, Bocchi appears to be the clear focus and she's already getting some character development, if gradual as she says, so that's nice. Decent first impression I'd say, I'll probably watch the rest of it today or something.
>>1954 >By the end of Watamote, Tomoko was still a smelly autist who doubled-down. That's truer to real life than anything Bocchi does.
>>2007 I think it depends. Personally, I had a very shy phase but learned to become more outgoing by doing hobbies and making friends that way. Bocchi is more relatable to me than Tomoko by a mile. Conversely, I know at least one person who is very much like Tomoko and marinates in their own piss and sweat cheese. Most loners are just asocial introverts. They need their alone time, but are perfectly capable of interacting in social settings for short periods and participating in hobbies. Small conventions are proof of this. The coolest guys there are mostly shut-ins who come out occasionally to show off their craft. Music is probably a little less like this, as many musicians are extrovert NEETs, but the occasional introvert isn't uncommon. In a sense, these are two different types of characters but the end result in social situations is the same. That said, I think Tomoko's behavior is more like the "introverted loner". Real Tomokos are far more antisocial and obnoxious than she is portrayed, and they certainly don't accumulate lesbian harems.
Why does anime cater to the loser crowd? And why is it so successful?
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Bocchi the "Rock"?
>>2232 I hate how much I like these muscular bocchis
>>2019 It depends on you applying false equivalences.
>>2325 Damn, you gonna say something about a strawman next?
Finished 8 episodes of it, it's been nice to watch thus far, I like the progression, music, and Bocchi.
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>>1615 I will try it anon
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>>2427 Goes to show that flavor of the month will always be just because of trendy people or normonet folks hyping it up. Anyone even remembers Attack on Titan? All the cultural significance of these series goes into the toilet once they run their course. Meanwhile you got people still making references to fucking Kaiji/Akagi/FKMT stuff despite the series never being a mainstream hit. Heck, I've seen more Golgo13 references than people knowing what the fuck Golgo13 is.
>>2232 more
>>2439 >anyone even remembers attack on titan Are you actually insane or just retarded?
>>2439 You're saying as if that's a bad thing. Most anime don't even get form treatment, and end up with limited fans who in turn lead to limited sales
>>2439 >Anyone even remembers Attack on Titan No, you’re right everyone forgot about it. It may have been one of the best selling manga and watched anime of all time but once its over nobody cares. >cultural significance the themesong has been memed to hell, it has memorable quotes. If youre talking explicitly about just references in manga/anime im sure theres some but Id argue references dont tell much of how impactful the work is. For instance, Hunter x Hunter is very popular but people only reference the extreme hair. Id say the actual impact of a work is how it affects the medium, the genre, or something big like how JoJo and many other works are inspired by Fist of the North Star or how a shit ton of harem manga use the same kind of formula Love Hina did years ago.

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