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Dub thread Anonymous 10/14/2021 (Thu) 05:19:54 No. 557
Are dub threads allowed? Doesn't have to be just English dubs. >What dubbed anime are you watching currently? >Favorite dub Voice Actor(s)? For me, I'm currently watching Demon Slayer and Fire Force, and I'm enjoying both. Also thinking about rewatching Inuyasha. As for my favorite VAs... Male: Yuri Lowenthal, Johny Y. Bosch, Liam O'Brien, Steve Blum, Crispan Freeman, Neil Kaplan. Female: Michelle Suzanne Ruff, Wendee Lee, Laura Bailey
Dubs are mostly shit, especially after 2014 where things basically became hopeless. Maybe 1 in every 200 anime is worth checking out a dub for. >>4060 Not the worst I've seen, his voice is okay (not great) for the role and tries to match the Japanese, but the acting is pretty eh.
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>>4066 Why enter a thread about a subject you dont like?
>>4067 Where do you think we are?
>>4067 Giving an opinion isn't a crime.
>>4067 Why can't you defend your shit taste.
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>>4067 Dubfanatics are objectively subhuman. You are a rat, to all non-dubretards.
GBC open gateway for "anime lover who hate 3DCG just because". I don't get casual autism. seem to me they HATE 3D because it look like string puppet. then look at comment here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-de9WMHlpLs suddenly they like it just because their 3D have higher frame rate >>4124 Same goes for people who hate dub >>4124 He isn't wrong, Subfanatic
>>4246 low frame rate cg looks terrible

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