/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

Catalog Archive

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

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Shota-related platforms, communities and sites to give attention to! Anon 03/11/2021 (Thu) 18:57:44 No. 4523 [Reply] [Last]
This list is based on the original list posted on >>4412 and will be updated based on the suggestions given here. A previous version of this list, updated in June 2022, can be found on https://files.catbox.moe/5nshaa.txt 🖼️ Art Galleries 🖼️ The main sources of shota content along with lots of many other things. https://www.pixiv.net - The most popular art gallery in Japan. Requires an account to display NSFW and full res images. https://hiccears.com - It seems to have a big focus on shota content. Requires an account to display NSFW content. https://pawoo.net - Microblogging platform for Japanese artists based on Mastodon and hosted by Pixiv. Powered by Mastodon. https://baraag.net - Another Twitter-like platform based on Pleroma and mostly populated by Western artists. After months of only being available to registered users (more details at >>12658), Baraag is once again open to the general public. https://twitter.com - A lot of artists still like it even when Twitter mods purge loli/shota content from time to time. Is recommended to use niter.net to get images at full res. 🌐 Boorus 🌐 Curated repositories that have a large selection of shotas between their content. https://gelbooru.com - The biggest booru with free access to shota content once you enable it on its settings page. https://booru.allthefallen.moe - Loli and shota-centric booru with lots of Western art. https://tbib.org - The Big ImageBoard, it does automated imports from Pixiv and other sources. https://lolibooru.moe - Loli-centric booru with some loli x shota content.

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Edited last time by shotakot on 01/29/2023 (Sun) 22:52:33.
235 posts and 73 images omitted.
>>19878 imhentai.
>>19888 ...is in trouble!!! I don't remember someone saying you have to LOG IN in order to see shotacon here!

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Welcome to /sm/ - Shotacon! kot Board owner 05/22/2020 (Fri) 21:48:34 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
This is a board dedicated to the shotacon genre and its sub-genres (like straight shota). Please read the rules before posting and be nice with each other. Some suggestions: - Please include at least five images when starting a thread - Check the catalog before starting a thread to avoid duplicated topics - Keep requests (sauce, moar of this, etc) in a single thread This thread will also serve as a meta-thread where you can discuss, complain or send feedback about the board.
Edited last time by shotakot on 11/17/2020 (Tue) 03:23:04.
253 posts and 106 images omitted.
>>18900 Please ask him to come back.
Someone else into >bara also?

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Cartoon Shota/co/n Thread Anonymous 09/25/2020 (Fri) 01:00:55 No. 2444 [Reply] [Last]
Because western shotas need love too.
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What about these?
>>19974 Even Obscure shotas have feelings too…

Anon 09/17/2021 (Fri) 22:26:29 No. 7437 [Reply] [Last]
yummy yummy yummy little shota tummy
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Non-Human Shota Vol.2 Anon 11/04/2024 (Mon) 02:33:24 No. 18494 [Reply] [Last]
Post Yōkai, Elf, Furry, Angel, Devil, etc. SFW or NSFW
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With Adult Anonymous 05/31/2020 (Sun) 03:37:20 No. 113 [Reply] [Last]
Shota X Adult
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nortubel thread Anon 12/10/2024 (Tue) 10:49:19 No. 18857 [Reply]
"Get your little siblings to safety"
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is the game finished?
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SFW Vol.8 Anon 08/27/2024 (Tue) 14:13:59 No. 17885 [Reply] [Last]
Post clean Shota pics
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Shota Characters from Anime, Cartoon, Video Games, Manga, Comics etc. Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 12:38:46 No. 85 [Reply] [Last]
Kantarou Yodayama from Hakushon Daimaō (2020)
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>>19808 I still can't believe they supposed to be in middle school. All of them look like high schoolers in the anime. If they made them look younger, they would get 5x more fanart.
Chris from The King of Fighters.
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Peedee Fryman from Steven Universe

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Nude Screenshot Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 14:45:53 No. 43 [Reply] [Last]
Nudity certain scenes in anime, cartoon, manga etc.
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Tanlines Anon 01/18/2021 (Mon) 19:46:29 No. 3805 [Reply] [Last]
Post shotas with tanlines
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Screenshot Edits #2 Eoghan Montgomery 04/10/2024 (Wed) 21:51:02 No. 16956 [Reply] [Last]
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well. Rules 1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited. 2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request. 3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful. 4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed.
165 posts and 136 images omitted.
>>19953 Yeah, we need good editors back!
>>19957 >>19896 >>19945 We can good editors for that!
>>19958 You have no respect or appreciation for the editor, you keep making requests to satisfy your own desires, and you can't do it.

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Shota × Shota Vol.2 Anon 11/23/2021 (Tue) 00:56:17 No. 8328 [Reply] [Last]
Post shotas enjoying each other
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Boxer 06/01/2020 (Mon) 05:18:49 No. 163 [Reply] [Last]
Boys wears boxer briefs
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Fundoshi Anon 06/09/2022 (Thu) 07:21:07 No. 10651 [Reply] [Last]
Possibly the most erotic traditional attire in history. This is a thread for shotas wearing this piece of cloth that barely manages to cover their private parts.
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