/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

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First Pubic Hairs Anon 02/12/2021 (Fri) 22:14:13 No. 4090 [Reply] [Last]
Show me shotas with them wispies
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Shota x Loli Anonymous 06/16/2020 (Tue) 21:23:19 No. 644 [Reply] [Last]
Some youngsters having fun, but with more focus on the shota.
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Anal Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 12:54:57 No. 258 [Reply] [Last]
Boys getting penetrate
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Uncircumcised Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 05:51:13 No. 196 [Reply] [Last]
Boys are not circumcised
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That Ass Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 12:09:19 No. 74 [Reply] [Last]
Shota ass thread
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Underwear Anonymous 05/31/2020 (Sun) 02:56:10 No. 93 [Reply] [Last]
Boys Underwear thread
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Wet Shotas Thread Anon 01/16/2022 (Sun) 03:20:22 No. 8851 [Reply] [Last]
Post shotas in swimwear, beach, pool, shower etc.
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Spanking Anon 02/28/2025 (Fri) 21:47:32 No. 19886 [Reply]
Boys getting spanked, including the nude ones (big ass included)

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Erection Anonymous 06/14/2020 (Sun) 06:11:37 No. 565 [Reply] [Last]
Boys having a boner
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>>19560 For some reason this artist post their pics with far better resolution on Twitter (@Sho_Hoka)
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Loud House Shota Thread Anon 12/02/2024 (Mon) 06:18:19 No. 18782 [Reply]
Post your favorite Loud House Shota art. Boys and Teens.
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I would like to see more Lincoln and Lance porn.
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Clarence boys Shota Anon 05/17/2021 (Mon) 23:53:08 No. 5288 [Reply] [Last]
We don't have one. Better to start. Upload your favorite Clarence fan art.
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>>19892 Kek.
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Total commercialization of loli/shota-artists and community Anon 11/27/2024 (Wed) 17:21:07 No. 18725 [Reply] [Last]
My text will seem provocative, even radical. But this is a cry from the heart. It worries me that in the last few years, most loli/shota artists have become driven solely by monetizing their talent. Love, sincerity and passion have long been pushed aside by them. This is extremely destructive to the unity of the loli/shota-community. Many of us have more than once encountered the sad and disappointing situation when you write to your favorite artist about some interesting characters, but do not receive any response. They evaluate characters not in terms of their attractiveness and uniqueness, but in terms of profit and popularity. So many cute loli and shota unfairly remain in the shadows, but artists, following the hype, are churning out Naruto, Killua, Hilda, Bridget, Pomni and Luz by the thousands! And when you sincerely try to convey this to them, they react aggressively. Almost everyone is familiar with cases when a modest and kind artist, having acquired money and fame, turned into a greedy and arrogant one. The transformation (more correctly, deformation) of many of them reached the point that they completely lost the habit of drawing for pleasure and inspiration, because it is free and will not bring in income. They may not paint for months if they don't have orders. Their motivation to draw has become unlearned to come from incentives other than financial ones. Terrifying! It sounds like a nightmarish dystopia, but, alas, this is a frequent reality and a sad example of degradation. When you don't have money (and many of us are from poor countries, including me), artists don't even look at you. And when you are rich like Croesus, they greet you with curtsies and run after you almost at a skip. Those of us who are poor have become poor relatives to the rich, who dissociate themselves from him in every possible way. We, like the little match girl from Hans Christian Andersen's sad fairy tale, can only admire from afar. Another shocking revelation is that some of them are not loli and shotalovers, but came to drawing because it is a lucrative topic. "Money doesn't smell." They declare with cynical frankness that they hate what they draw and those they draw to, but they tolerate it because of the big money. "You're a broke, balding, fat, sweaty, old jerk who stinks of cum!" - a true loli/shota-bro will never say such words towards his brother. An excellent marker that allows you to determine whether this or that artist is bro or not is AI. Bro ardently supports AI, knowing what great happiness AI brings to brothers. But the non-bro, who is in the community only for mercantile reasons, begins to writhe from the AI like a vampire from a holy crucifix. They start screaming about “capitalism and evil corporations depriving them of income,” although they themselves, like Scrooge, recently humiliated the poor man who was naive to turn to them. I do not want to say that artists should selflessly sacrifice for the sake of society and devote themselves to serving it, fulfilling everyone's dreams, never taking a penny, completely forgetting and rejecting their own interests. I want artists to be well-fed and live in abundance, without worrying about tomorrow. I’m just for balance, when sincere creativity and creativity for the sake of earning money are shared equally, without a bias in one direction or another.

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The paths to profit off either lolicon or shōtacon are very few now. I'm talking Subscribestar & Unifans, that and one other Japanese platform I'm not remembering the name of, and that's literally it. So either everyone flocks to those for-profit subscription platforms, or failing those platforms, Shōtacon will either cease to exist (it's already been banned from 99.99999%+ of the internet) or Shōtacon artists will produce content for free. Those who don't produce content for free don't love Shōtacon anyway and are merely Shekel seeking opportunists. By the way, a bit off topic but this thread has images of Nanachi. Has Nanachi's gender/sex been revealed yet? At least his/her sex before being transformed unto a usagi-like creature. After all these years, Made in Abyss and its creator should have revealed Nanachi's (former) gender by now. I haven't kept up with the show or the manga, but it's been many years since I looked into it. If Nanachi"s gender still hasn't been revealed, not only is that ridiculous, there's no insensitive in me returning to the series.
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I remembered a couple more assholes (see screenshots). Tell me, would you pay these people? Do you think that those who pay are protected from ghosting/fraud and banal rudeness? There are thousands of dramas when people paid a lot of money to pseudo-artists, and then they were ignored for months, and sometimes they were left with nothing. Remember: those who treat the poor like this will treat the rich no better. These are deeply cynical, heartless businessmen, completely devoid of empathy and love. ALL THEY WANT IS YOUR MONEY. And the drawings are just a screen covering their main desire. >>19794 Sorry. I just posted this image as an example of HOW FAR the progress of neural networks has come. This is a new iteration of SDXL, called Illustrious-XL, freed from the lion's share of problems (glitchy hands and strange poses, for example). >>19797 Thank you for your post. It's not often that people write here who are able to comment on the situation on the merits, sensibly, without aggression and bias. Regarding the reduction of sites for publishing sholikon and earning money on it. Once upon a time, such a feast in terms of monetization and mass, as there was in the mid-2010s, was unthinkable. Sholicons huddled on tiny forums and imageboards with a couple of hundred people at best. And despite this, new content appeared in abundance. Creativity was even more active then than now. It's just that a considerable part of the content layer created in those days has not reached us. When the migration to Twitter began, which for some reason began to turn a blind eye to sholicon, the old-timers warned that such a holiday would not last long. But few listened to them; almost everyone believed in the illusion that sholicon was now in the legal field. The normies were furious and under their pressure the sites started deleting lolis and shotas. Sholicon is now returning to its origins, where there were no extra people (traders). Only those who came to sholicon to make money are moaning and complaining. No one and nothing can forbid real pedosexuals to love lolis and shotas; they will always draw the images that attract them, sharing their feelings with their brothers. Regarding Nanachi's gender. It hasn't been revealed yet. But Tsukushi said that Nanachi's gender was left a mystery on purpose so that everyone could choose it (the gender) according to their view of the character. I see Nanachi as a boy.
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I recently learned that Baraag.net (by the way, what kind of idiotic name is that for a platform about lolis and shotas?) is in crisis. From a platform that used to be a home for pedosexuals, it has long since turned into a club for pseudo-artists/hucksters, closing registration for ordinary people. I watch its collapse with glee.

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Shuanshuan from Nine Sols Anon 02/28/2025 (Fri) 21:16:47 No. 19885 [Reply]
Post nude photos of Shuanshuan engaging in poses, getting penetrated, etc.

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Male Chest Anon 02/14/2021 (Sun) 20:34:38 No. 4115 [Reply] [Last]
Bonus points for muscular or chubby shotas bonefags not welcomed
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Pokeboys Anon 06/12/2021 (Sat) 20:03:12 No. 5629 [Reply] [Last]
Just posting a bunch of cute Sun/Moon pics I found, but everyone is free to post anything Pokemon-related.
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Shotas with glasses Anon 09/25/2024 (Wed) 21:09:32 No. 18124 [Reply] [Last]
Those four-eyed cuties deserve some love too!
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