/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

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Balls Anon 03/08/2021 (Mon) 03:22:48 No. 4464 [Reply]
Cute balls go wild

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kinda strange topic for a thread. most shota porn pics show their balls in full display
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Shota Tier List Anonymous 08/23/2020 (Sun) 22:23:10 No. 2016 [Reply]
Let's see how's the taste in shotas of this board. https://tiermaker.com/create/shota-tropes-traits-379484
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>>7587 What about shota2 cucking shota1 and shota1's dad because shota1 was a bully?
>>7592 Shota2 rapes shota1 to assert dominance until he becomes his boyfriend/cumslut, then both proceed to fuck shota1's parents.
>>7564 > I think you have a "little brother" complex, judging by your preferences for defenseless and "pure" shotas who want to be like their "big bro/sensei/sempai/etc". That's ok, I have it too. Okay, you got me ;-) BTW, got any favorite characters in this category?

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Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 14:54:09 No. 7464 [Reply]
shotas and teddy bears

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The first link was meant to be the Photon Clash one. My mistake. Oh my god this doujin looks so good. https://ec.toranoana.jp/joshi_r/ec/item/040030758272/

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Caked up Shota butts Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 14:51:57 No. 6781 [Reply]
Shotas with nice, thicc, wobbly, fat, bubble booties
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I miss when Blackwhiplashes art was more edgy and explicitly shota, shame she deleted all her old artwork
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The only thing about Blackwhiplash is that their stuff is extremely shitposty and a bit edgy and it feels like Shadman made it even down to the artstyle and dialogue, so it takes me out of it.

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Wallpapers Anon 11/30/2020 (Mon) 04:35:54 No. 3168 [Reply]
Both desktop and mobile papes are fine.
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The most adorable pics you have Anon 08/16/2021 (Mon) 05:26:39 No. 6876 [Reply]
Images that make your blood pressure rise just looking at how ridiculously sweet they are. Similar to the SFW general, except that this thread is for those pics that never fail to make you say "so cute!". NSFW pics are allowed if they are extremely cute.
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>>6908 You should check out the manga Shota Oni, it's about an older and younger pair of boys that aren't siblings but have that type of relationship. It's very cute and is a comfy read. I also forgot to add here >>6886 that any image of cute toddler shotas makes my heart melt. I especially love when they're at that age where they're so short and they have their chubby little arms and legs, small hands and plump bellies. They deserve so many hugs and kisses.
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>>6917 Just finished reading Shota Oni (at least its translated chapters). The little boy is sugar incarnate due to how sweet he is. >any image of cute toddler shotas makes my heart melt Same, specially when there's an older shota taking care of them. I prefer them to look like the ones in your 3rd and 4th pics rather than those "moeblobs" that are so common in chibi toddler art. Their smooth bellies almost invite me to kiss and tickle them.

Cumming Through Clothes Anon 07/29/2021 (Thu) 00:45:09 No. 6473 [Reply]
This may be a bit of a niche fetish, but someone with a hand shoved in their underwear and cumming through the fabric is hawt as hell. Anyone got anymore?
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I think these are all I have.

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Link Thread Anonymous 10/30/2020 (Fri) 00:27:54 No. 2802 [Reply]
A thread for everyone's favorite vidya hero. Starting with a couple of good doujins I saved almost 10 years ago.
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>>6066 Oh that second one is real nice >Link will never sit on your face and bully you for being a kid-loving faggot
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Toon Link needs more love.
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Fake??? Legal. Ageless. Shota! Annoyed893 07/13/2021 (Tue) 23:24:58 No. 6230 [Reply]
I’m obsessed with shotas like Pride/Selim Bradley From “Full Metal Alchemist” They’re technically shotas, but chronologically much older than you expect a shota to be. Other shotas like this that I’ve encountered… From "Ouran Highschool Host Club" Mitsukuni "Honey" He’s 17 years old. Looks like an adorable shota, and likes cute things. From “Aoi Destruccion” Samejima Aoi He’s 38 years old and is the father of the protagonist. Looks like a little kid. From “Torako, Anmari Kowashicha Dame da yo” In chapter 13. Mashiro, is 35 years old. The older brother of the protagonist. Looks like a freaking adorable shota. From “Crazy for Daddy” Protagonist is 28 years old and a father. Looks like a shota. Is also the uke and his son the seme. From "Damare Kono Yaro Bukkorosu/Shut Up, You Bastard! I'm Gonna Kill You!" Looks like a regular rape yaoi, but at the end turns out the shota is actually 30 years old. I loved that twist so much that I want to find a deeper story more focus on character development, where an adult who is a shota (or looks like a shota?) gets mistaken for a younger boy and pretends to be one for whatever reason. I just find that exciting. From “Sheep House, by Kijima Hyougo” Yaoi. The protagonist has a certificated that proves he is an adult from a long-lived race. He looks like a shota. From “Utako Onee-san to Babubabu Darling no Amaama Icha Love Sex, by Mituhime Moka” Hentai, straigth. The shota is 20 years old, but doesn’t look pass 12.

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>>6230 The only one that comes to mind is Kuga Yuma, from World Trigger, he's a 15yo trapped in his 11-12yo body, although most would still consider 15yo as shota, but it's something. There is also Fushi from the currently airing anime To Your Eternity, he's an immortal being that change appearance, but most of time it's them form of a young boy, and in the beginning of the story acts very childish, surprisingly enough there is ZERO porn of him in that form. The only other one I remember is this boy from a hentai doujinshi (I can't remember the name of it though), where he gets abducted and raped by another man, but in the end it results that the boy is actually a man too.
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The one you can't remember the name of. Sound exactly like "Damare Kono Yaro Bukkorosu/Shut Up, You Bastard! I'm Gonna Kill You!"
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>forgetting about toilet shota and his crazy twin brother Unacceptable, simply unacceptable. Not only Hanako and Tsukasa are around 60yo ghosts, but they're cute and silly as fuck despite their dark pasts and from a manga full of cute boys.

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Cuddling! (SFW) 581RU 12/15/2020 (Tue) 02:07:02 No. 3357 [Reply]
While I do find enjoyment in the NSFW side of shota, I much prefer the more innocent, cutesy stuff like cuddling. So I thought I'd make a thread about it. All manners of physical affection such as snuggles, headpats, and hugz here, as long as it's clean and non-lewd. Girls allowed! :3
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SFW Vol.2 Anonymous 08/07/2020 (Fri) 13:17:33 No. 1634 [Reply] [Last]
Post clean Shota pics
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>>4836 Who's the artist for 2 & 4?

NOEYEBROW Anon 03/27/2021 (Sat) 20:39:32 No. 4665 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to one of the best shotacon artists in japan
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BOYS IN PANTIES Anonymous 02/27/2021 (Sat) 10:32:48 No. 4356 [Reply]
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Is is gay to like yaoi? Anon 11/10/2020 (Tue) 14:30:22 No. 2988 [Reply]
I'm a heterosexual. I have no interest in men, nor do I watch gay IRL porn. But I love yaoi hentai. What about you guys?
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>I'm a heterosexual. I have no interest in men, nor do I watch gay IRL porn. But I love yaoi hentai. I diagnose you with woman
>>3084 (just a joke, no bully)

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