/sm/ - Shotacon

Shota is love, shota is life

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8chan's fallback plan (external copy) 【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Cartoon Loli】【Anime Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Furry & Kemono】

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Laserbeambkk Anon 04/27/2022 (Wed) 00:02:57 No. 10090 [Reply]
Since the artist deleted a lot of their old art, we should compile it here.
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I remember these pieces had nude alts. Does anyone have them?
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Legs Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 11:49:27 No. 64 [Reply] [Last]
Boys shown their legs
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Shot on LOAD flatsims 05/01/2022 (Sun) 22:27:06 No. 10133 [Reply]
Just a reminder that LOAD (Lolicon Artist Directory) does have a Trap / Shota / Yaoi sections for helping you find some key artists for each. https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/2016/05/10/shota-yaoi-and-big-boobs-directories/ If you ever see great artists not covered on there let me know the names and i can add them.
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Since I already posted as well in the Trapshota and Straight Shota boards I guess I'll include a Yaoi directory in here. Maybe a little outdated but still a good thing to start with.
(77.71 KB 768x272 SHoYaoiDirectory-768x272.jpg)

Always willing to add what is missing or wanted.
(30.34 KB 279x400 Yaoi-dilf.jpg)

Wow i forgot the A in shota. DOH

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Legendary Shotas Anon 11/08/2020 (Sun) 14:32:09 No. 2972 [Reply]
Post the hottest shota characters that really stood out above all else. These two are probably my favorite little faggots.
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Is becoming more popular than his twin sister, to the point of becoming an icon in the yaoi fandom, and the subject of all kinds of lewd acts (gay sex, straight sex, incest, feminization, molestation, selfcest, etc) legendary enough for this thread?

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Mograyori (もぐら) Thread Anon 04/07/2022 (Thu) 00:28:30 No. 9822 [Reply] [Last]
Mograyori deleted his/her Twitter account yesterday, but I was able to save everything on his/her Pixiv account ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9777899 ) before anything could be removed as well, so now I'm reposting it here as a "backup". There's a mixture of SFW and NSFW art, with some manga as well. Enjoy.
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>>9853 >>9854 I just found the full manga. Here's a .zip with it. This is all I have from the artist. If anyone has art from the deleted Twitter account or other full manga please post them.
RIP もぐら先生
>>9910 also here is their last manga (from their BOOTH)

Sports uxu 08/11/2021 (Wed) 18:17:26 No. 6759 [Reply]
Shota athletes
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Jack-O Challenge Anon 08/29/2021 (Sun) 21:28:29 No. 7135 [Reply]
About time that a meme I can get behind appeared. Post boys doing this pose or similar ones.
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Inazuma Eleven Anon 11/30/2020 (Mon) 04:23:55 No. 3165 [Reply]
Because I cant post this anywhere else
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I have to admit that I don't have many lewds of this series, so have some SFW pics with erotic undertones.
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Ghetto Booty Thread Anonymous 06/06/2020 (Sat) 04:55:07 No. 283 [Reply] [Last]
Post big round shota butts only. The bigger and rounder, the better.
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Bringing the thread back from the grave with fat cats.
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🎃 Shotalloween 🎃 Anon 10/01/2021 (Fri) 20:00:23 No. 7613 [Reply] [Last]
Boys dressed as monsters, boys who are monsters, boys fucking and being fucked by monsters, post all forms of shota spookiness you have.
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Shota X Shota Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 00:28:47 No. 14 [Reply] [Last]
Post shotas enjoying each other.
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war-themed shotas Anon 06/25/2021 (Fri) 16:15:32 No. 5870 [Reply]
specific? yeah.
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The Doujin Corner Anonymous 06/12/2020 (Fri) 22:48:53 No. 531 [Reply]
Post shota doujin (not necessarily porn ones) that you liked and talk about why you liked them. I'll start with Sore wa Moroku, Utsukushikatta (It was fragile, yet beautiful), a doujin about a young photographer who adventures into an abandoned hotel looking for material for his upcoming expo, only to find a mysterious little boy who is attached to the building for strange reasons. This is one of the doujin that I'd wish didn't have porn, because the story and the love between the guy (Haruyasu-kun) and the boy (Nobu-kun) are so cute that seeing the lewd scenes almost feel wrong. Recommended solely for the story, although the lewd parts aren't bad either.
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Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 13:33:01 No. 7518 [Reply]
under-10 shotas
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>>7993 do you have the sweater one?
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>>8050 I'm not familiar with that pic, is it one of the first two images? (putting 3 random pics to fill the 5 pics limit because autism)
>>8053 it's similar to the 2nd one, i'll look for it tonight and post it here if i find it

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any good shota anime/manga Anon Anon 10/27/2021 (Wed) 19:58:02 No. 8046 [Reply]
looking for a anime or manga with some cute, sexy, handsome, pretty, delicious, yummy, shotas something like "love live" but with shotas or something like "kodomo no jikan"
>love live Ensemble stars, I guess. There are shota characters.
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(397.21 KB 777x1200 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun.jpg)

>>8046 I have a small list: Shota Oni: A little boy wants tries to be useful to his older neighbor to compensate him for an accident he caused when they were younger, but due to the boy's young age he often fails to do it. This manga is pure sugar. Gin no Kutsu: A slice of life about a 6yo who has two fathers, one of which dresses as a giant chicken and pretends to be the "mom" to avoid confusing him with the idea of having two dads. A really cute story with more realistic LGBT topics than the average manga. Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun: A story about a dumb girl who accidentally makes a contract with a smug shota ghost. A young exorcist joins them shortly after and together deal with the chaos in their school caused by other ghosts. The story is way sadder than it sounds. Kemono Jihen: A story about a young boy who has the ability to regenerate from almost any injury an 0 understanding of the world and other people. One day a mysterious guy convinces him to join his detective agency, conformed by two other boys, a clone of Bakugo from MHA without anger problems and a trap with ice powers. It's the typical battle shonen with twists here and there, and lots of scenes where shotas are completely naked ;^) Mairimashita! Iruma-kun: Iruma, young boy with horrible parents, is sold by his parents to a very powerful demon, who then decides to adopt him as his "grandson" and send him to a demon school. Since humans are considered a delicious treat in the demon world, Iruma needs be careful not reveal his secret, all while his misfortunes constantly bring everyone's attention towards him.
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>>8055 Continuing: Poco's Udon World: A 30yo guy returns to his hometown because he inherited a closed restaurant from his dead father, but once there he finds Poco, a strange tanuki boy living inside. The guy then decides to raise Poco while recalling his own past. There's a manga, although the story is more famous for its anime adaptation. The Boy Who Fell: A webcomic about how Nero, a fragile boy, is kidnapped by the king of demons for mysterious reasons and forced to fight in a complex and dangerous tournament where the winner will get any wish granted. The king gives Ren a banned weapon in order to make things a bit easier for him (since humans again are a delicious treat in the demon world), while Ren meets friends who help him to survive and train during his forced journey. Springtime of Yuu: A spin-off of The Boy Who Fell set in an alternative timeline where Yuu, one of the secondary characters in the original comic, is the MC and falls in love with Ren (who is never kidnapped by demons). Other characters from the main comic have different roles here, and the comic has a much more lighthearted tone than TBWF. [NSFW] Natura: A lewd coming of age comic drawn by Arianul (one of Lunaflame's aliases) about Yamia, a young cat-like boy from a tribe that has the ability to communicate telepathically and very liberal views on topics like nudity and sex. Despite being a porn comic, it has a great drawn quality (it has the best shota balls and butt I've seen in my life :3c ) complex lore with a set of symbols with different meanings. There are a couple of anime and cartoon I watch, but personally I prefer to read manga and comics, and the ones listed here are the ones I like that have shotas as the main characters.

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SFW Vol.3 Anon 04/13/2021 (Tue) 11:55:00 No. 4864 [Reply] [Last]
Post clean Shota pics
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